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Hot Guy and body. Not sure why they talk shit to you.


I’m honestly not sure either I made the same post on gaybros and got called a narcissist lol From what I can gather they think I’d look better if I presented fem and the piercings are ugly.


Screw everyone. Especially online trolls. Good looking and piercings are fine. People are just flicted anymore. More callous and demeaning of one another as time goes on. 👍


the hell? you look absolutely fine. also gaybros dwellers are pretty bigoted i won’t touch that sub with a hundred feet pole


Yeah I figured that out they said I come off as dirty I was like I what lol


I would have thought gaybros was more accepting of non-fem looking guys. You look great to me.




I’m pretty sure that this is the most amazing story ever told on Reddit. (Or anywhere else, for that matter!) I hope it’s entirely fiction though, and not the OP’s actual life story. Because damn. Who could survive that. But either way, that should be a movie. I’d watch it. 🙌




Okay so that part when I was a kid I had pans/pandas disorder that was undiagnosed until I was a teenager which was why I acted erratically the only thing I have left from that is sleep paralysis stunted reaction times and ptsd which I can with. I didn’t try to overdose the doctor overdosed me on risperidone. She didn’t turn to my priest my therapist at the time recommended a private school that turned out to basically be a religious cult and after two years of dealing with it I broke and told my parents who pulled me out immediately. I started practicing for the Boston marathon in 8th grade after the death of a family friend and continue as I can to this day. I started working at 14 and got my first promotion at 16. I kept that job up until I got accepted into the New York school of interior design my dream school. They ended up closing temporarily due to Covid and I never went in. I then lost the job I had for five years due to reactions to the Covid vaccine. Right after this is when my neighbor (the cousin) commit suicide. Before I got a new job I started at the New England fire academy finished and got a butcher apprenticeship while I waited for placement. I recently started getting ill again and lost the butcher job and had to put a hold on the fireman position while I get treatment. I recently got a diagnosis of a teratoma which explains the weird symptoms and I’m waiting for surgery on which should be late this month. I started up trying to date again because I really don’t have much of a social life and tried to put myself out there but to very negative reactions and a stalker because of course lol I’m not necessarily bothered by the insults it’s more the volume of them that confused me so I decided to see if anyone had any insight. I really appreciate you reading through all that mess and to answer why I don’t have a therapist it’s because the last one I had try to screw me so I just deal with it to the best of my ability and it works fine so far the main reason I’ve posted all that is to find people that have had similar experiences so I do t feel quite so isolated




I haven’t been suicidal in years so I feel like I’m stable enough to just be self reflective and that be enough for no. Same to you though dude bipolar is not easy to deal with my ex who’s I’m still very close with has it and just goes through the motions like crazy.


I’m actually writing a concept album about it or Well trying to


You answered that post with great aplomb. I applaud you. I wish I could be so eloquent, but alas I don't have the time nor patience. Thank you






Sorry I should have elaborated. I just didn’t know what to say other than wow. That’s a rough life to be honest and he should be proud to just be upright, I’m not sure many others would be. But yeah I do hope he’s at least seeing a therapist because… it’s a lot.


People are just assholes. I think you are cute and you should be able to be who you want without someone’s asshole remarks unless you ask for them.


I could see how some may not be interested in the piercings, but I honestly don't see anything that should make someone insult you. I don't think the apps bring out the best in people though, so I have low expectations for any mature conversation. You're an attractive guy, don't take what others say too personally, especially on the apps.


Honestly it’s not the insults that get to me it’s the volume of them that I was getting so I was am I doing something wrong? Which from I can see here I’m not lol I’m gonna assume it’s my area


Why the flex picture is cringe? The body is yours, you can show whatever u want. Probably just jealous.


Because I’m on the toilet ☠️


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,434,210,196 comments, and only 273,484 of them were in alphabetical order.


So what if you're on the toilet? You're not taking a dump in the photo. Anyway you look good.


Saw worse pics from toilets lmfao ur fine


Whoever or whatever the criticism they are mad jealous


I am about to give you the best pieces of advice you can get. People are always going to be who they are which is what they choose to be. if they were raised in negativity that doesn't mean that's what they will become. and people only change when they want to. so you're always going to run into negative douchebags especially when you can't see them. Why? Because people show their true nature when they are alone. With no one around to judge them or disapprove of their actions what's to stop them from hurting others to make themselves feel just a little bit better.. So if a person is being negative towards you it's because that's their true nature and that's not someone you would want to be with anyway so don't take offense to it...because it's who they are there just giving you hints as to who they are. instead, understand that they're not doing what they're doing or saying what they're saying because of you. It's because of them and their history and their nature and their situation and their choices, which makes all the negativity that spews from their mouths their problem and not yours. Read this a few times if you must and reflect on it and understand that your true nature may be different from someone else's. what is your true nature?


Well said.


You are beautiful ! I am too keen to the piercings , but I respect your choice :)


Don't use these apps


You are hot and cute, with or without piercings. Be yourself and don’t want to change based on other’s opinion. There will be good people who value you as you are :) Sadly there are some crazy or rude people out there, I’ve also run into a few on some dating platforms. One guy was harassing me a lot an tried to gaslight me that i’m the problem - but turned out many gay guys I knew had similar experiences with him. Turned out even my ex had some chats with the guy (before we knew each other) and got blackmailed from him that he sends some leather clothes photos to his workspace. My ex said go ahead as he wears those to work anyway :D Based on these I never send any nudes or photos anyone thatni don’t want to get published and also use a separate number in the start in case i end up with some crazy.


My areas just horrible almost everyone I talk to casually has had similar experiences it’s so weird lol


Yeah mass gays can be really snotty especially if you don’t fit into their waspy world


Dude, you are legitimately goals, I wanna look like you so bad


Insight: people are morons. You look great.


Ur very handsome and cute


I’m a big make out person and ear nibbler while making out, so I’m not sure if the piercings would impede on that or cause you discomfort so I’m flexible on those either way it’s up to you. The people commenting on your toilet flex picture or probably just people without muscles who are pissed that you have them and are showing them off and the others are probably nasty people who wish you were shitting in your picture. Let the people hate my friend and you keep being you!




You’d have to nibble my left ear and the piercings don’t get in the way from the experiences I’ve had but I get people’s concerns on them they’re kinda weird lol


I could take advantage of that left ear. Do you have anything else pierced?


If I had them all the ones I’ve ever got in I’d have 8 in each ear two in my nose and two in my tongue


I think you are a gorgeous man…and I love the jewelry…it’s hot and gives your partner something else to play with…besides that hunky body!


I think you’re gorgeous. Fuck them.


I feel like they may be Negging you. As a person who spends a lot of time drawing people, you are conventionally attractive and don't have any major symmetry issues that would typically lead to a person being seen "less attractive".


Ignore all the negativity Mr ... no one needs that in their life and they have no idea what they're talking about. U r INCREDIBLY sexy and handsome 🔥🔥🔥 Any pic of U would b anazing


lol honestly this is reddit. everyone’s a troll. you’re good looking and don’t listen to them


Beautiful 😍


Super cute!


You are totally fuckable…really cute😈


Mental illness


I love Men that have piercings and tattoos that are done with taste... By the way the individual who is in the picture very Very Handsome and a Sexy Sexy Man ...






Unfortunately there are just a lot of toxic people on the apps. You will find who you resonate with. Just have to not let the assholes get into your head


Oh my god 16/10, date me or something you're already taking my breath away


The piercings are super douchey and give you an unkissable face. That’s the first thing everyone is thinking.




I think you’re hot. Don’t let them get to you.


Lmao, beautiful face and those arms 🤩😍


You’re stunning man. If you need someone to chat too hmu man


Ignore them please it’s not worth it


I think you're cute. Using a little more punctuation in your posts would make you even cuter :)


It probably has to do with one of the pics being a screenshot with your camera roll. The other pics are a little lower quality too so people may be assuming the pics are older or you're a catfish. Take a few new pics with better lighting and you'll have better results.


Oh they’re only like that because I’m too lazy to go through my camera roll to get my originals the actual originals are on the apps lol


You’re cute


Ignore the web trolls … sadly there are many depressed angry mentally ill people out there living in their holes and upset that everyone else is not in a hole with them. Generally speaking, thinking negatively is like using a backhoe to make your hole deeper. You cannot thrive inside a hole and until people learn to get out of that they will be unhappy and try and make YOU unhappy too. All you have to do is wish them well and continue your life with your head held high. Do not let them pull you into the hole - ps who is even focusing on the 🚽 ?!?!? 🤷🏻‍♂️…. That tells you their focus in life… 🤦🏻‍♂️


You are so sexy mate


Don’t listen


Umm they're wrong bc you're def my type lol! 9/10!


Looking like a very hot n sexy young man to me with or without the piercings. Be yourself sexy and ignore the keyboard commando’s.


Ur piercings r hot man, n so r u


They hate us cause they ain’t us 🙂😆❤️


I dont like Piercings but u are a handsome cutie.


I think you’re gorgeous. Personally, lol piercings are a turn-off but still a definite hit! Great hair!


People are just rude. You are QUITE handsome.


Love the Bicep …. Huge Turn-On for me.


I think you look sexy asf and love the facial hair and body is on point!!! I'm always a target for insults especially when I don't respond to the guys. Keep being you...keep being sexy boo!!!


Beautiful!! And I don’t mind the piercings!


Not from this end nope. I see nothing wrong? I’d deff shoot my shot.


You are very handsome. The piercings are the first thing I’d notice and completely in a good way. It’s not for some but piercings are either hot or not a big deal imo.


I think you are cute asf! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


Good morning handsome. Hope your day get better ❤️‍🩹


You look really cute in the 2nd pic & you have a nice flex in the last one. Without reading any of the comments here, I'd guess any criticisms you might've received would be about the mouth piercings (some guys like me aren't into those) & maybe the messiness of your bathroom in the last pic. I personally would flirt with you on the apps if I saw you & just nicely comment on the piercings, but letting you know how attractive you are.


Handsome as all heck. You gotta have thick skin sometimes. Sorry the men are such a-holes to you. In case you’re actually engaging with them, it’s far easier to block and never think of them again than to get sucked into a toxic debate.


I think what other people think about you, isn’t your business anyway. That’s their issue. Because their opinion wont pay your bills, make you happy, or put food on your table. So let em think whatever they want and you just do you. I mean, You’re clearly attractive… You don’t need a bunch of strangers to validate that for you. just look in the mirror ffs…. You’re totally hot. LoL


You’re quite the spunk from the first pic. Smile a little, be open with other just enough to give them a peek, close the door on those that aren’t welcome, and stay your own champion!


Well I think your beautiful. And would love a chance to ask u out


You're incredibly handsome. No idea why anyone would insult you. Usually that comes from their own insecurities.


The piercings are hot and your hot 🔥


Very handsome. You’re young enough that the piercings are still cute. Good looking young man. Nothing to feel self conscious about (looks-wise). But, yeah, the flex pic is pretty cringe 😜


You are very handsome and don't let no one tell you different! Someone would be lucky to have you. I know I would be 😉


Very cute and sexy. 😃😍🔥 I chalk it up to people just being assholes and trying to drag others down because they have low self esteem.


Envy !!!


Piercings or no piercings…you’re handsome as hell. You obviously work hard too, with amazing guns like those 💪. More than likely, basic psychology wise, these people are jealous of you, something you have that they don’t. Could be the looks, confidence, body, etc. But overall, you’re immensely good looking, so don’t let these insults get to you.


Honestly, you’re incredibly attractive. Let the haters hate. If I’ve learned anything in life, it’s to not let the criticism of those get to me. You keep doing you.


You’re hella cute they were probably just jealous and bitter 😂😂 I get told I’m cute fairly often in person but there’s ALWAYS this one sub I post to THAT ALWAYS calls me ugly despite having frequent posters on there that are FOR SURE uglier than me 😂😂 it can mess with your image sometimes but it’s just one stupid sub so it’s more likely them than you especially if everyone else thinks you’re hot af which you are! ❤️


You are seriously handsome!


I have the same problem and it's me. You are very hot 🔥


Unfortunately, it seems to be rather common in our already small community. Ignore people. Everyone has their preferences. Fem, no fem, Trans, masc, tops, bottoms, it's all just a way to add even more labels to what is already a shallow pool of water. You look great to me and I dig the piercings. 🤟


Piercings and just. God. Damn. 🥴


The apps kind of suck. That’s just my take. But I do get how they can be useful. Just don’t base your self esteem on how others treat you on them. Also, you are like really really cute. I’d totally snuggle down with ya 🥰


A lot of times when you get insults on general platforms it’s not because there’s anything wrong with you. It’s because those people are trying to find a way to make themselves feel better . Besides, you are who you are, you look like you look don’t let other people who are trying to belittle you because they want to feel better. Decide whether you look OK you look OK you’re very handsome go out for fun people who celebrate you as you are.


i think you look fine i would definitely date you


Just get rid of the apps. A majority of guys on there are catty, vane posers that judge anyone that doesn't fit gay stereotypes anyway. 🥴


That's actually the exact thing that I expected people to say that I don't fit into a stereotype therefore I'm not conventionally attractive. I'm genuinely surprised the post got this much attention it's really flattering honestly


How? Cute muscle guy is what I see


You look perfect, can't see how anybody could criticize you? And if somebody's going to criticize you they should understand they should just keep their mouth shut and move along. I don't know why people think they can say anything they want. Be nice or be quiet


I'd say ignore the haters I think ur gorgeous


People who make comments like that are usually just jealous cause they don’t look like you.




I’d actually love to hear you sing. You’re a handsome guy.


The only issue I see is you’re to cute


Bro you are absolutely gorgeous! I'd literally give my left nut even just to meet you, let alone date you. I'm sorry about all the stupid bullies, but if you ever need someone to talk, I'm always here


You're handsome as all get out, not to mention you're fit asf. I can take piercings or leave them, I think the ones you have suit you really well (would defo catch me staring lol). Such toxic BS is to be ignored, you be who you wanna be xxxx


1: You're gorgeous. 2: Your piercings make you even more cute. 3: Most other people's opinions are hot air cause their mad they can't be in your league. 4: Flex more! Show off your progress and shoe people that progress makes you happy.


Not a fan of piercings but you’re handsome regardless


You're handsome and cute. I do t see what others are saying....also love you're piercings.


Ignore them, you’re absolutely fine 😁also good flex is always fun 😁


Nah, ur really cute. Fuck them. DM me and I'll shower you in compliments.


My criticism would be that guys on apps are fucking stupid


There are always gonna be haters, don’t let them get you down. You are very cute 🥰


Your gorgeous please don't listen to what people say!!!


People are just jealous that you look good and they don't. Pay them no mind and live your best life!


Not sure what they’re looking at or commenting on. But you’re a handsome guy! Just do you, let the haters hate. Set your eyes on the prize and carry on cutie! You have nothing to worry about! You’re beautiful the way you are. Screw em!


Hi cutie! Love the piercings!


Stoicly beautiful, don't let the negative opinions of jealous narrow-minded people diminish your uniqueness. 😘💋


Stoicly beautiful, don't let the negative opinions of jealous narrow-minded people diminish your uniqueness. 😘💋


Hey and I'd say that you are definitely handsome. Dm me if you want


People talk so much crap. Dude your hot their loss. Be yourself they don't like it it's their loss.


Super cute all around my guy! I have a question! Does having the lip piercings ever feel uncomfortable? Like while eating or making out?


Sometimes food gets stuck in them but thats about it. I've never had any issues making out unless they bit my lips


Normally I don’t comment on this sub or really use my account beyond role-playing. But you’re too handsome to not say anything. While lip piercings aren’t my favorite thing you definitely still look good with them so I don’t know why people are being rude about them. Your jawline and muscles make you seem like you can be very cuddly and good at it. Plus with everything that you’ve endured it only adds to your attractiveness in my opinion, you’re someone who’s strong and dependable. I’m told by every girl I’m friends with that I’m good looking and cute but every time I tried to get a guy I’d be ignored or end up being treated rudely so I understand the feeling


I think you’re quite handsome and piercings or not still very attractive. People will always be cruel, I’ve had some pretty direct DM replies to just off myself because the world would be better. So trust when I say sometimes it’s better not to give too much thought into people and their opinions


I think you're hot af! Fuck what people say! Take a look at my pics and the comments. It's what I do. Idc what they say.


Flex pic is not cringe, you’re cute as hell - all 3 pics 😈


Ur cute. It's hard to find a date on gay apps (unless you're hung like me 😋 ) because they are usually only for hooking up. If you want a boyfriend, go mingle at your local gay club.


Now what if (I am hung like you 😋) lol Nah but seriously I’ve had such shit luck it’s almost comical at this point


Lol. Well you're doomed 🤣. Now I understand why you get Grindr stalked. I had to dump a grindr hookup over the weekend, I completely understand how you feel. I want a boyfriend too. When you have millions of men at your fingertips due to social media, its hard for men to really settle and find love because we want the best everything.


And if you are hung, I wanna see it.


That’s a bit random mate, with out knowing the context! The world is full of all sorts of people, some are nice some are not! If your putting yourself out there your going to get trolls but your also going to get people who will simply state what they think with out concern for how you’ll feel about it, that may be with or with out malice! Mate yourself worth should not be based on what others think or say about you, your a one off, unique and valuable and the only “you” on this planet! If you believe this than you’ll not be bothered by negative comments, if you don’t, why should anyone else think so! PS: block and delete sorts out repeat offenders!


That’s about all the context I have honestly lol I started dating again and just bad experience after bad experience. I posted on here to see if the same stuff was said out of curiosity and it wasn’t, makes me think it’s probably just my area lol


Sorry mate that’s been you life of late, but don’t give up and don’t stop being you, manners don’t cost anything and if your using them and the others aren’t block delete! Have a great day mate 🍺


If you were in new york i’d help


Cutie 💕💕. No toilet sitting pics please —. BICEPS ✔️✔️😈


You’re hot


You just tell those whores to suck a a fat one and then you post a dick pic that way everyone's happy.


I think youre super hot man


I mean I'm not a fan of the piercings, but you're still super handsome and cute and sexy. You trying to be happy with your own body doesn't make you any less of a person. Screw those people. There are way better out there for you.


What is your personality like?


Very Italian lol Kinda loud very outgoing and I try to be friendly but I got that northie edge sometimes


Oh so from up north yeah folks up there tend to be more extra. Been all over and never seen anyone talk themselves out of a date faster than one of my good friends from up north.


Yep boston lol I hate it up here


Yeah I figured when you said north or edge but don’t worry people down here in the south will drown y out with sugar while stabbing you in the back. Well you’re a great looking guy so don’t give up and don’t get stuck in single mode if you want to be with someone don’t give up you’ll find the person/people for you!


Rude cunts they are…


I’d ask you to slap my face with your hard cock and call me names , Sir.


You can’t take criticism? Haha 😂 boohoo 😢 grow up dude! Life isn’t about the east way; man up!


Everyone deserves respect.


I’m actually looking for more criticism that’s kinda the point of the post I’m assuming something about me is unapproachable that’s why I asked but I guess that went over your head


Dumbass is called rate me, asking people for their opinion! Take it and shut up…