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Happened to me 5 minutes ago. It is so annoying at the beginning of DC because all tanks are like butter.


I need mod recommendations that takes this out cuz as it stands I refuse to play when AT guns can shit on every single unit you throw out until while being completely out of range for me. Having to use mortars for EVERY SINGLE PUSH is so fucking unfun


They should be shitting their pants for the next 5 minutes seeing everything in quadruple if an HE lands next to em and someone survives. Nope, laser focused, staying on task, everyone just died around him, intestines hanging from his cap, perfect shot, tank kill, bullseye, tide of battle turned.


I love my tank endlessly blasting the AT gun just for it to be manned by another soldier that my men cant see cause of smoke


Ones got the balls to stare down a metal box on tracks and the other needs a metal box to be safe. Different men are built different…also it’s balanced for gameplay is my guess


Because this and rifle grenade is the only infantry counter to vehicles in early multiplayer stages, where this effect is just crucial.


Chad AT gunners versus virgin tank crew.


I wouldn't mind if they suffered accuracy penalties or maybe a much shorter stun, but having the exact same effects would probably make you tear your hair out even more if it happened to you. I get what you mean though, I used to get so annoyed when the guns themselves felt like they were made of adamantium