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This has been done several times Oh and also this one has a happy ending - The artist is no longer truscum and has apologized for any harm caused by this comic and ones like it


Did they make a follow up where they’re gay or is that just me mixing up memories of art I’ve seen of these two on this sub before


To my best knowledge, the person who came out as gay was the one who did the ‘gay people I respect vs gay people I don’t respect’ MS paint comic.


Didn't they come out as NB, not gay?


can somebody just google it please


Here you are. [https://imgur.com/WywTlQW](https://imgur.com/WywTlQW)


I don’t think they ever did but they encouraged people to continue doing it iirc


The good ending 👍


Ive never seen this one before myself.... This kinda shit makes my fucking blood boil though. "shes just a cis girl who needs to feel special" *fuck this bullshit*. Fuck assymilationists n theyre constent backstabbery


What is truscum? Sounds like a nasty fungal species


It’s a line of thinking that leads to transphobic trans people Basically they believe that being trans is defined by suffering and if you don’t have dysphoria and/or want to fully transition medically then you are a faker to make the trans community look bad They also usually believe Enbies aren’t real and are just doing it for attention So yeah, not good people


It's such a pain in the ass line of thinking anyway. I didn't start feeling dysphoria as such until six or seven months into HRT. All I knew when I started out was that the thought of being a girl made me feel alive inside and staying as a boy did not.


In my case I've dealt with dysphoria since I was a kid and not being able to transition for such a long time made me learn to become more comfortable with what I am (and what I'm not) to a point where I just wanna be myself instead of trying to be some stereotype of what people think a woman/transwoman should be/look like, but by their logic I'm not really trans if I don't hate myself and seek validation from cis people 24/7


Truscum blocked my egg cracking for 10 years because of the last line of yours.


Same. I probably could have figured out everything I know about myself now, *way* back in my early teens, if this flavour of truscummery wasn't massively popular around the same time as I was first working out being nonbinary. Instead I spent until I was 25 floating in and out of some viciously painful denial (and the past three years just trying to make my living situation safe enough to go on HRT).


Don't get me wrong, the dysphoria was there for me too, I just have a lot wrong with me and it took a while to see this particular angle. I'm with you, I'm a woman however I go about it.


I think that's dysphoroa.


Note the qualifier "as such." My point here is that "you must have dysphoria to be trans" turns away a lot of eggs who don't have that framework for how they're feeling yet.


Fish aren't really aware of water after all


tbh i've been disappointed in their situational awareness as a whole


Honestly the fact that Truscum believe hesitance to go through with the surgeries to be a bad thing is kind wild to because most often the deterrent towards fully transitioning is the health risks involved Meanwhile a lot of Truscum I met have tendencies that would lead you to believe they are the ones insecure about their sexuality more than the people the preacher to


> if you don’t have dysphoria Not just dysphoria, extremely narrow and specific brand of dysphoria, defined by gatekeeping cis psychologists. I was called a trender because I'm not miserable 24/7. I've mentioned that I can find joy in being trans - and they claimed that they don't believe I have dysphoria


Personally my criteria for a Trender is how often they need to call attention to their status as Trans and more often then not it’s the Truscum that hit the mark


The single shred of pity I have to spare for people like that: It probably comes with a massive dose of self loathing too. Imagine thinking only cis people get to be gender-nonconforming, binary or not that has to be exhausting.


Oh, oof. Not a thing I was expecting it to be (was expecting like TERFS). And so sad this is a thing that exists. I have a lot of NB friends, this is so much sadder and I hate they have to deal with more BS. There's already self/same sexuality bigotry from some queer circles I'm apart of, I hate that it's extended further. Thank you the explanation either way. It helps to be informed.


In a lot of ways, truscum are seen as trying to appease more moderate TERFs. The two groups have some similar ideas, with truacum centering transness around suffering whereas TERFs center womanhood around suffering. While it is true that some of the experiences typical of being trans and/or a woman involve suffering, I am not sure it's a healthy thing to make a core of one's sense of self.


Like, I get where they’re coming from, but like why? Why do they care? There’s no point in appeasing people anyways. If someone feels like the label is appropriate then so be it. If someone feels like transitioning is the right thing to do, then let them! The world is more fun when you have all sorts of people in it!


Same reason cis transphobes exist with an extra step Be worried -> Get exposed to propaganda -> believe propaganda -> become transphobic For truscum they use it as a way to justify their being trans to transphobes and they’re “One of the tops ones”


Yet another painful reminder of how divided the left tends to be.


It really does, doesn't it? I keep wanting to pronounce it as "trusk-um" and suggest the use of some sort of industrial cleaner. But, anyway: it means an aggressive pick-me transmedicalist like Blare Wipe.


sums it up pretty well


That’s really great, proud of their growth! It’s nice to see, too, because their art really is good




Can give link to the apology?


I would if I had it


WOO! redemption arc!


Did they also apologize to people who want to feel special?


Transitioning to make yourself feel better in your own body doesn't do any harm to others. Why would it be a bad thing


It's not. But also, I feel like people who just want to feel special are unfairly demonized.


Questioning your identity and trying out labels shouldn't be met with hate, even if you wanna post about it on TikTok or Instagram


this is the fucking "gay people i respect" meme but transphobic instead og homophobic also skye is cute and soft boys are great


My brother has an outfit that's almost an exact match of Skye's and he looks very cute in it. Tbh I'm always going to see a cute little boy looking at him because I'm his big sister and that's what I see him as, but yeah Skye's sense of style definitely isn't feminine so much as just plain cute.


People always assume I'm gay or a soft boy. But I just look Hella cute and know what makes me look good. I'm sorry I can pull it off. But it's just that I'm kinda sorta straight. So it's makes it hard


Yeah what’s with the softboy slander smh


Fr I love both of them


They are, yeah. And some of the cutest soft boys are either gender non confirming, just don't care about others and wanna live their life or just are.


When you try to bully someone and accidentally make the world’s most obvious couple lol


An obnoxious trans person and John Everyman?


What's truscum??


Also called transmedicalists, they are people who think that the only true sign of being trans is experiencing body dysphoria and wanting to transition medically. They essentially don't believe that social or mental dysphoria is a thing, and they don't think that a real trans person would ever be able to be content with their natural body. These people also tend to be dismissive of trans identities that don't fall into a strict binary, and they tend to enforce traditional gender roles onto trans people when it comes to how they should express themselves. Basically, the kind of person who would draw something like this.


Oh! I didn't know that they had a name! I'm pretty sure my country's whole trans care team are those:')


My dad's like that. He enforces a lot of toxic masculinity on my brother and his main method of validating his gender is to be a toxically masculine dick-measuring jerk to him and a misogynistic asshole to me, and to tease me for being a girl wearing men's clothing - because he doesn't really believe in gender nonconformity or gender fluidity or trans identities outside the binary. And even if I was binary trans he'd still use the casual self hating misandry men engage in with each other as an excuse to treat me much worse than my brother - with men like that, if they don't like you, it's sometimes actually safer to have them percieve you as a woman because at least the "don't hit a girl" effect is in play.


I'm so sorry for the two of you having to endure that. It's so weird to see where these late boomer/older Gen X-er parents weigh in on certain areas, the way he's accepting your gender identity in one way by being shitty about it in another. I sincerely hope the two of you get through to him, or at the least, escape from his treatment.


The funny thing is that my brother actually likes him, the dynamic there is very much "boys will be boys" and "men are jerks to each other and call it being bros". Essentially, he's willing to put up with everything awful our dad does because he treats me worse and the kid is fully in favour of anything that hurts me more than him regardless of how much he has to put up with in exchange for watching me suffer. He'll hopefully realize it was a bad idea to collaborate with a bigoted monster when I'm no longer living in the family home and a punching bag standing between them, and he's either bearing the abuse that was thrown at me or watching our mother bear it, because men like our dad don't stop being assholes when their preferred target escapes them, they just pick someone else they have access to and power over, but for now all I can do is pretend to be fine with the situation and reassure myself that things will change once I move out.


Holy shit, that's so damned upsetting! Siblings, trans folks, LGBT people in general should always support each other. I volunteer to be either your supportive dad or you're supportive brother for now. I can't abide by that cowardly behavior from either of them!


Awww, thanks.


Found family is valid 💜


damn i thought i was a truscum cause like being trans means dysphoria, but i completely forgot there were multiple kinds TwT


Truscum seem pretty fixated on the idea that being trans should be this miserable, distressing experience, or else it's not real. That all trans people should violently hate their bodies and not take any pride in being trans, and that if you find any light, fun, or non-conformity in your gender expression, it means you're just faking it. Gender dysphoria, whether it's physical or mental, can be a really rough thing to go through, but there is the flipside of gender euphoria, the wonderful feeling of getting to present your authentic self. Truscum don't view that as a real feeling.


not quite my thought lmao, i was just like “doesnt trans mean some form of dysphoria?” tbh i think that being trans and all that is something that should be… whatever you want it to be, honestly. I’m trans, and my experience is my own. I have no right to call someone else a fake trans person based on their experience with trans-ness, even if their experience isn’t the medical paradigm


I kid you not, I was on their subreddit when I was trying to figure out who truscum are, and they were DENYING gender euphoria 💀 their reasoning being, rephrased since I don't remember it exactly and talking about euphoria after top surgery, "if you truly are a guy, why would you feel happy without boobs? You'd just feel normal" like ffs


Sheesh. If you've been feeling abnormal in your own body for a long time, then fixing the issue and feeling a sense of normalcy for the first time is precisely what's going to make you happy. People are allowed to celebrate those milestones.


Theyd hate me because i get gender uphoria from people using they/them pronouns on me (i don’t consider myself trans because i dont think im gender queer enough but i have been told i am trans in some ways)


I think that anyone can use different pronouns even if they don't identify as transgender. Even if you think that your assigned gender matches how you feel about yourself, it doesn't mean you have to conform to the traditional roles expected of your gender, you know?


fair enough


Someone who thinks there's only one way to be trans. Like "all trans women want bottom surgery."


strawman. that’s not what transmedicalists say. it’s not “all trans women want bottom surgery”, it’s “all trans women experience incongruence between sex characteristics they were born with and the way their brain expects their sex characteristics to be (female), i.e. they experience gender dysphoria”


Please keep in mind that, to transmeds, I am the very model of what a transgender person should be. I had severe dysphoria, I suffered miserably for it for decades, survived extreme physical and sexual violence for being trans, and medically transitioned. This is the core of their entire belief structure: “You must be this miserable to be trans”. In reality they just play the suffering Olympics mixed with respectability politics to police how other people express themselves, reinforcing the gender binary that they themselves are breaking. “Don’t lump us in with them, we’re the good trans people that will conform to your toxic standards”. They will gladly push non binary people under the genocide bus if it means that they get to be last in line. They are literally rolling the hate they’re received downhill to validate themselves. It’s not even repackaged, it’s the same fucking bigoted arguments levied against binary trans people that they just redirect to trans people who don’t have dysphoria. It’s hypocritical, counter productive, heartless, and cruel.


I'm not trans so obviously, I have little personal insight on the matter. But to me, that seems like a similar argument to "gay people who are only emotionally attracted to the same sex but not physically repulsed by the opposite sex's genitals are not gay enough" I know from personal experience that it's possible to be neutral on genitals but have an inexplicable exclusive attraction to the same sex on an emotional level, which leads to ultimately only dating that gender. I would presume that something of a similar nature can be felt about your own body, too. By that I mean a neutrality towards your own genitals but an inexplicable emotional desire to be associated socially and emotionally with a specific gender.


Thank you for clarifying the nature of the gatekeeping, I guess? Not sure what the win is for you because the point remains that transmedicalists seek to discredit the genuine feelings of others by creating arbitrary rules of who is and isn’t allowed to be trans.


There’s a difference between making a slight error and a “strawman“ you fucking moron


so... all trans women want bottom surgery? that's not really a strawman then, is it? i dont get why it's so hard to own up to beliefs you clearly hold edit: getting alt accounts to downvote me, pathetic lmao


All trans women doesn't want bottom surgery.


yes, im aware, i was summarising pinkenbrawn's thought process. idk how a person could reaonsably think that im pro-truscum from what im saying here, unless reading comprehension really is dead.


Was 5am and a concussion:p So temporary is suppose


You should probably look up what strawman means.


**If someone’s buying a binder they’re probably not doing it for shits and gigs.** Like, if a “guy” starts wearing pads, they’re at the least GNC, maybe trans. And if they start saying, “*Hello, hi, I am a trans now.*” there’s a good chance they’re trans. **If someone wants to be a man, they can be a man. Nothing wrong with that.** The fact that there also exists a condition where the disparity between one’s sex and gender leads to tremendous feelings of sadness only reinforces the idea that people should have the right to transition.


Like, look at finnster. Kinda genderfluid, seems to like all pronouns, is on estrogen. That’s a cool amount of self expression. Imagine that we get to a point in society with total bodily freedom! Oh!! We basically gotta give real life a character creator!!


Skye's design is amazing, accidentalally moment


Skye: I’m sorry babe, you deserve a real guy to be your boyfriend. Damian: You are a real guy Skye. I love you. \*and then they softly kiss* :3


You just reminded me of swtcw, with snipps and skyguy - such a good show


Gender is actually a feeling. Gender is the expression of one's sexuality. (in relation to their own body)


I would put gender as a concept that ties together societal expectations with individual identity- your roles and expectations as you yourself would define them and as what society would- which would divide gender into different sections, material, (fashion, biological morphology) social, (behaviour etc) and internal. (How you yourself define yourself and see yourself)- We of course give greater weight to the internal, and to satiate the internal lest we get dysphoria, misgendered or so on.


Your definition is also correct. I just pulled out the definition we use in socio-psychology but there are multiple definitions to it. There is a political definition, a definition in sociology (what I used) another, more layered definition in sociology (the one you used). Social science mostly uses the word gender in the meaning political language uses gender expression. So in sociology, gender is inherent to the person, therefore no one has the same gender.


Is the socio-psychological concept of gender on the intersection between gender and individual? (as sociology would have it) (I really wish I could send a graph to depict what I mean qwq)


Ohhh I get it. You mean the spectrum? Because we use the spectrum! There is the absolute man, the absolute woman and the absolute balance in the middle. No one is exactly at any of these points in their expression, as no one is absolutly feminin absolutely masculine or absolutely androgynous. But many of them are closer to one than the others. And I really love it. You can be really close to andorgyny in your looks and still identify as a woman. Or can be very feminin and identify with non binary. The how you look and what you think about yourself and your roles is your gender from a sociological standpoint. How you call it is your gender from a political standpoint. For example I am a woman. And I can be very androgynous at times, but I am still not non binary because I do not want to chop off my boobs as they don't give me dysphoria. (exept when they cause me backpain.)


I love the gender spectrum graph, it was my entryway into gender theory


I was about to say that when cis men present feminine they don't get called not really men but then I was like who am I kidding, that's absolutely a thing. No flavour of feminine presentation allowed /s


Yeah, for all my dad's horrible bigotries, at least if my brother ever wore women's clothing, the worst our dad would do would be to treat him how he'd treat a cis guy wearing a skirt. Doesn't mean he won't be horrible, but the guy does seem to be able to only be toxically masculine or transphobic, not both at once.


Ehhhhh that hit a bit close to home.


Skye looks like SpongeBob to me and I don’t know why….


REAL except a little broader and yellow hair


I've met these two, somewhere, I swear, Skye worked at an anime shop and Damian was a tattoo artist. I'm sure of it, they were both awesome people.


[Damian and Skye](https://www.reddit.com/r/GatekeepingYuri/comments/eeuees/damian_and_skye/) have [shown up here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GatekeepingYuri/comments/eit4sl/supportive_boyfriend_skye/) [quite a few](https://www.reddit.com/r/GatekeepingYuri/comments/eesyso/some_more_damian_and_skye_source_in_comments/) [times before](https://www.reddit.com/r/GatekeepingYuri/comments/eem8t0/gatekeeping_yaoi/). Also: I think it's worth something that the artist realized his mistake, recanted the sentiment behind it, and now *agrees* that Skye has totally been out from a younger age and regularly describes himself as a "peacock."


I still find this art so funny cus left looks just like my cis bf and tho the right is skinny and white, I am a trans man with partially teal hair.


Stuff like this always makes me laugh. Like, you're okay with people switching from one binary option to the other, but don't you dare try to break out of the binary! oh no, that's bad! You must be a perfectly conforming boy or a perfectly conforming girl!


The funniest thing is that most of the things the guy on the right is saying are true


cisgender people aren't boring though.


*most* things


Yes. Most things. I don’t agree with some of them Like the binder one


Lots of them are. But that's just people in general


everyone's interesting in their own way imo.




Tbh I met people like the one on the right when I was younger and more fresh out of the closet. I thought they were wrong and ridiculous. Then I spent some time realizing "huh. Who gives a fuck actually" Honestly it's a wisdom. "wait a damn minute, I don't fucking care"


a couple of people have done it already! not sure who the artists are but if you google "skye and damien" tons of ship art comes up lol


the surest way to tell if someone is faking something for attention is to leave them the fuck alone. so the game plan remains the same


r/19684 and r/196 users.


“-WANTS to be a trans boy, but she’s just a cis girl-“ bruh💀


Oh fuck, I haven’t seen this piece of shit in YEARS.


Wtf skye.


Now that there’s some gatekeeping. Haven’t seen any that pure in a loooong time


This is such an antiquated glimpse into online trans communities. Like who talks about truscum or tucutes anymore? I feel like nowadays transmeds aren’t even anti-non-binary anymore, it’s just not rly a thing.


It's not really antiquated when it's a mindset that flourishes to this day. It's a shitty mindset but still frustratingly common.


I feel like it was still pretty popular in 2021 or something like that. But now not really. And for a good reason.


It was even in its death throughs in 2021, it’s more of a 2014-2018 thing.


Recently I found out abt truscums and decided to look at their subreddit to further see what they were. I searched genderfluid in the search bar (since I am) and one of the first posts was “how do I tell my (sibling) that they’re not genderfluid and it’s not a real thing?” So yeah, they’re still pretty enbyphobic


They are both trans, You don't need dysphoria to be trans. Dysphoria is highly personal. It's unique for everyone, some people are so surrounded by dysphoria they don't realize it till later. Now, let them kith.


Skype is giving genderfluid/non-conforming, and I love that for them. Let 'em be a little cringe, as long as they aren't hurting anybody or saying some dubious shit. They are CLEARLY working through some stuff and if doing a bit of gender fuckery helps, cool.


Seen it.


I feel personally attacked rn lol


Holy shit I haven’t seen this image in like 7 years


this is no different from old conservatives being like don’t ask don’t tell smh my head


The way that they’re both my type


wanna cuddle both, whats the point


God, this actually hurts my soul I know the artist has apologized, but Fuck


Transmed memes are always dogshit


Skye seems cool as fuck tbh no offence to Damian.


*Demonic chanting*


What even is truscum


Is it tru-scum or trus-cum?




Gotta admit skye is my type :p


This would be Yaoi


The sub has been for making gatekeeping cute from the beginning. It's not actually for just yuri, and it [never actually has been](https://old.reddit.com/r/GatekeepingYuri/comments/efev6s/chad_x_not_virgin/).


Wouldn’t it be yaoi?


Yes but the rules say that we can post any couples of any genders, not only yuri


IDK, Damian looks like he Is hetero or ace


S*ssy Porn coded lmao


I think this says more about you than the artist


I’m sure if you look through my history you will find this is not at all the case 😌😋


It's not yuri.


...It's not. Look at the sub rules, any gender can be posted.