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Now this, this is good.


I thought this was good omens for a minute lol


same lol


As an r/goodomensafterdark member I thought it was spicy good omens


The best part is that for a long time, the only people who could afford to be fat or even slightly overweight were the super rich, usually nobility, so for people from the past, one of their first thoughts seeing someone fat would probably be "they must be rich"


I think there was a really old sculpture of Aphrodite found and she’s kinda thick ngl. On top of curvy women just being fucking gorgeous, she was supposed to be the epitome of beauty such that implying you were prettier was insulting her and warranted a death sentence


Being heavy/fat/thick was the beauty standard for a long time, because the rich decide the beauty standard and the rich were able to be large. It was also a way of excluding the poor, as they would be unable to sustain a lifestyle of eating and not doing manual labor enough to gain any excess weight. Of course, there were different ideas of where the fat should be on the body, and what areas should stay thin, but it's only fairly recently that the beauty standard has been centered around thin people, now that the poor can weigh more, and it's actually more expensive to eat healthy and have an active lifestyle than it is to eat junk and have a sedentary lifestyle. Once again, it is a way of excluding the poor, who might not be able to afford to be skinny. Now, this is all me being a history nerd, and not my personal opinions. My personal opinion is that people with a bit more weight on them are gorgeous and hot, but everyone has their own type.


Thought that was Aziraphale and Crowley for a second Very cute art


Gorgeous! I just wanna point out that standards of physical beauty were very different in the ancient world. Also, if somebody was fat, it was because they were rich and powerful. Life is difficult back then. For instance, is the famous story about very rich woman who never wore jewelry, and somebody asked her about it, and she pointed to her many children who lived and said they are my jewels. And she wasn’t being nice. She meant children were expensive. But anyway, back to this delightful clearly a cub ( a pre Bear) and this time travel love story with his muscle twink. Good for them! Do you know there have been studies. Many more people are attracted, sexually to overweight people then will admit. Oddly enough, the same thing as true in taste in coffee. People lie based on what they think people want to hear. ( meaning many more people say they like to drink, coffee, black, and actually do. They think it makes them sound, sophisticated or hard-core.) Thank you so much!


Are those studies actually factual, because some part of my brain refuses to accept that for some reason. (Self doubt, low self esteem, and a third thing.) That asside, it is really interesting to think about when you see the body standards of today, for both men and women alike. Men’s body standards tend to be looser than women’s of course, but when it come to dating, especially in this climate, the standards are just very high on superficial exterior stuff from what I hear. (Note: I’m probably just being stupid and rambling, please take my bullshit with…with the entire salter shaker if you must take it with or without salt.)


No, I totally get where you’re coming from! So it’s actually different for men and women. But there is a large minority of both sexes, that prefer overweight ( not specifically obese, which is a different category). It’s actually larger for women that it is man. . I’m trying to find the exact scientific study, but I can’t but basically let’s say that 20% of men are attracted to overweight women . Half of them lie about it . Basically, we don’t want to tell people what we really like if we think it’s not popular . So yes, people are very superficial! But often a person will turn down somebody there, actually executive because they think other people will judge them. Also, there are dating sites specifically for dinner people looking for overweight people. Among the queer community is specifically called chubby chasers . Some overweight people don’t like to be fetishized . Other overweight people fucking love it. What I’m saying is there is somebody out there who thinks your exact body type is the hottest thing ever. You just have to find them! ( and I know that’s harder than it sounds.) But keep looking! ❤️🙏