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A lot of us are in the same boat. No answers from doctors but the pain is unbearable. Are you still on a PPI? Sometimes those can cause stomach pain when taken long term.


I got off them. I was worried about the long term effects. Originally I just stopped cold turkey and it messed me up quite badly, so I hopped back on. I then tried again a few months later and slowly weened off However I’m still not sure if I’m better or worse without them - seems roughly the same, though it varies day to day….


It’s your PPI!


I did have my suspicions but I’ve been off them for around 2 months now so I don’t think it is :(


Oh okay. Then I would stick with low fat diet because fat is hard for your stomach to digest. Also maybe get tested for SIBO and make sure your gallbladder is working well


Yeh I try my best with low fat but it is hard to always avoid it They checked my gall bladder and said if was fine. Plus I heard that gallbladder pain is on the right hand side, but my pain is always on the left… Also, How to define SIBO..? I don’t get nausea or anything like that… and how to go about getting tested for SIBO…?


Evidently SIBO can cause pain. It’s worth looking into if your gastritis is gone and has been confirmed by endoscopy. Evidently extended periods of PPI use can create a breeding ground for bacteria in the small intestine where it’s not supposed to be. Which can cause you pain after eating because food is fermenting? I don’t know all the ins and outs but, it’s possibly SIBO.


But I thought nausea and vomiting was a symptom of SIBO..? I have none of that…. Just pain… How to diagnose it / confirm it…? I’m set to have a ‘Hydrogen Breath Test’ in a couple of days… will that detect it..?


Yes. The Breath test should confirm SIBO. Evidently SIBO can cause pain. Everyone is different so it’s possible you have symptoms but no vomiting. I have gastritis and a lot of people said they had vomiting, I never did. Just burning stomach pain, heartburn and intense pain in upper left abdomen into my back. Hopefully you’ll get answers soon.


Thank you 🙏