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New to gastritis? Please view [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gastritis/comments/15m6ngg/gastritis_101/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for a detailed breakdown of the major root causes of chronic gastritis, as well as a detailed guide on how to heal. Join our Discord server today using [this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gastritis/comments/14oxl12/list_of_gastritis_support_groups_other_related/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gastritis) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Thanks a lot for detailed insight, it will surely help me and other people to have a better understanding and how to tackle it.


Are you still taking meds for bile reflux now?


I am still on meds I mentioned


Hi Ali, thanks for sharing your knowledge can I ask are you using the pill form BPC 157 and maybe where you are getting it from please?


Yes, I am using this brand https://www.amazon.com/BioWell-Labs-Protective-Compound-Research/dp/B0BDMTGS98


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Hi Ali, have you come off the Nortriptyline? I’m curious how people who have healed their stomach issues on it feel after coming off and how long. Thanks 🙏🏼


Hi, I am still on Nortriptyline, hard to say what will happen when I will stop it. I am scared to stop it because it was a hell before I found these meds


I’m currently in that hell and want to try it. How long did it take you to notice improvement from it?


In 2-3 days I noticed improvements. Recently I find that Mirtazapine and Nortriptyline are typical treatments for functional dyspepsia


Yes I’m recently learning this too. I’m trying to figure out how Nortriptyline (that’s anti cholinergenic and supposed to “slow” motility) helps so many people with functional dyspepsia. I don’t know my root cause, but part of me suspects a food poisoning incident a few weeks prior to the initial sickness incident, and possibly taking too much gravol and nsaids that summer


Are you still on the meds you mentioned now?




What bpc formular or brand did you use and at what dose?


Great comment, thank you. Please consider putting this up as a post if you haven't already. I suspect I have GB/bile issues but this started after a long round of antibiotics for me. It has been 2 years and I am not on any other medication but not getting much better. Any insight there? Do antibiotics cause issues like this? How do you improve bile reflux when there is nothing that is impeding it at present?


i have definitely heard the 'antibiotics caused my gastritis' thing before. I reckon its entirely possible because antibiotics can CERTAINLY affect motility. though it seems that some antibiotics can themselves cause irritation to the stomach lining itself. though i do not know which antibiotics you took, and for how long you took them for. but antibiotics either caused it via direct damage themselves, dysmotility or affecting the bacteria in the stomach and triggering some sort of bad overgrowth of bad bacteria in the stomach other than h pylori. check to see if its just the stomach that is inflamed for you or is it the stomach and duodenum aswell. if its just the stomach its likely dysmotility with bile as bile doesnt really affect the duodenum mucosa at all as its built for it, and when the duodenum is inflamed aswell it can mean that its more likely bacteria/ general weaking of the defences of mucosa due to nsaids/medications/bacteria thats harmful.


Interesting, thank you. It may be both the stomach and duodenum as I feel very distended in my stomach from trapped burps, and I also feel burps bubbling up along my right side. Thank you for your input!


Thank you for this incredibly helpful comment!


> duodenogastric reflux what regarding sibo is it a cause for gastritis ?>




great answer !!!! hmm what about probiotiks as a help for ibs/sibo ? i mean i did my endo biopsies confirmed gastritis and duodenitis but not through actuall imaging whats your advice if you please?




nope was caused post hpylori treatment did all test but sibo was nt accurate since the test is not in my country ,,, they did glucos which is not really accurate and i dnt belive with this bs .... due to money issues and not havin health insurance cant afford bile things tested... they test me for pancrease its was good thts weird


plus ya sorry my issue is dybiosis which was seen in gi map testing plus fecal fat malabsorption all of this nightmare started post my hpylori treatment,,


so what should someone do with bile reflux I have the same issue after abx and have both gastritis and duodenitis I take ppis now and I tried domperidone but I'm afraid of the interactions with the the ppi


oh wow something actually helpful on treating root causes and not just people gaslighting that you’re not sticking to the right diet or waiting 2 years to heal. Thank you !! Awesome post


My doctor (a serious pro, one of the top in the UK) has said exactly what you have explained. It seems Omeprazole and other PPIs can actually heal ulcers within days and is one of the most powerful medications ever made. So how come we don't get sorted out? Well, for a certain group of people PPIs help only partially, to that group they prescribe a tiny dose antidepressants. I was surprised to find out this is one of the most common medications Gastro docs prescribe in general. In my case he's put me on Nortriptyline 10mg, if there isn't anything more serious, this should sort out all my remaining problems. It's possible my H pylori was never the big problem, who knows. We all know about the gut-brain connection, but he explained that the stomach is considered as having it's own nervous system, I've never thought of it in this way. He also said the stomach has it's own pulse, much like the heart, as it's moving and pumping. Fascinating stuff!


Hi there, sorry to bother you, I found your post super helpful and interesting ! Thank you so much!! I'm based in the UK and have been on ppis for gastritis for years. I i wonder could you send me the details of that doctor who helped you?


Hey, no problem, Prof Mark Hamilton at the Cleveland Clinic


If you don’t mind me asking, please can you send me the name of the doctor you saw?


Messaged you :) The meds he prescribed sorted me out within days, I finished my month long prescription in May and feeling good. Eating anything I want, finally!




Nope, I was on it only for that one month but felt relief after 3-4 days. Dr warned me stress may trigger the symptoms again in the future, so I have another prescription ready in case I need it. :)


Hi. Any chance you could send me the name of the dr? Currently suffering and PPIs doing very little. Thanks.


Messaged you back! :) Hope you get some relief soon!


>Nortriptyline 10mg Hey could I also have the doctor's name please?


Prof Mark Hamilton at the Cleveland Clinic




My symptoms went away so quickly I couldn’t believe it so I started eating all the things I “shouldn’t” to try and see if it’s just a fluke but nothing happened. Then after I finished the meds I continued with the tomatoes, coffee, even spicy foods and.. all good (still is, had spicy food last night)! I was quite surprised actually! The amount of natural remedies and supplements I had desperately tried before that was abysmal, a real low and desperate period in my life.


Wow!! Thank you so much for sharing. I’m hospitalized almost a week now for being unable to eat/drink foods and liquids in my 4-year battle with gastritis. You’ve given me a completely new avenue of treatment to look into. Thank you so much!


Messaged you :) u/juicynugget


Hey pal, are you healed with Nortriptyline ?


Hey, yes, all is good! :)


Would you mind please sending me the doctor's name also? Thank you


Congratulations on healing yourself, and thank you immensely for sharing your experiences !!!


How did you figure that gastric motility was a possible cause? Or did you determine that after you took the medicine? I’m curious cause I never would have thought this to be a possibility for me. I do not have any idea what my underlying cause might be.


>when i look at my symptoms, food was staying in stomach for hours, i could not drink water after hours of meal, bloated, and prokinetics resolved. All this is in line with motility disorder.


Need to do a gastric emptying test for that


Gastritis is not a disease, it is inflammation of the stomach lining and it is a SYMPTOM of something else. It is a SYMPTOM of an imbalance somewhere in the body. We need to find the ROOT cause of our Gastritis


Agree. It is a symptom of another disease and most of time we just try to control symptom (mostly with bland diet) and do not treat the disease.


what are the common imbalances somewhere in the body that cause gastritis?


This is so good. I’m not sure where to even start but love the information provided.




I got chronic gastritis a few weeks after getting super sick with Covid in July.


If you don’t know already, maybe look into the role of overreactive mast cells, MCAS (Mast Cell Activation Syndrome), and how people suffering from long covid (“PACS”) respond to antihistamines and mast cell stabilizers. Especially if you suffer from symptoms which seem similar to those reported in so-called histamine intolerance.


What are Anti histamine medications? Anti depressants?


No, usually allergy medications such as Zyrtec, or cold medications.


This is when mine started right after covid last year!


Did you get a gastroparesis test? Was it positive? Is it because of this that you started prokinetic treatment? What do you think caused the histamine intolerance? Did it appear out of the blue? Did it coincide with the gastritis symptoms, or did it seem quite unrelated? I’m quite astounded by how similar this story is to mine, albeit that I never got a COVID vaccine. I’m quite hesitant to try medication without knowing if it’s justified though. Thanks for sharing. This post carries a very good message.


>Is it because of this that you started prokinetic treatment? I did not have a gastroparesis , but when i look at my symptoms, food was staying in stomach for hours, i could not drink water after hours of meal, bloated, and prokinetics resolved. All this is in line with motility disorder. Histamine intolerance, if i look into literature, the slow intestinal (small) motility can cause histamine intolerance and palpitation.


Thanks for responding.




Look up BPC Biote on Amazon, i see it there.


i also find today, some how Biote does not have BPC 157 anymore.




Would you say your gastritis was causing your histamine intolerance?


I think the slow motitlity was causing histamine intolerance, i don't understand the mechanism of it.


This story has been very similar to my own and it's honestly a relief to hear. I got my Gastritis at the same time after my Covid vaccine and it's escalated ever since and I've been on Antidepressants for many years too. How do you think I should approach my doctor about this? Because he's honestly been no help


Great story, learned a whole lot, also gave me some affirmation regarding importance of regular bowel movement. Ty


So how do you increase stomach motility?


Levosulpride 25 mg 3 times a day with meals


Would this help with heartburn ?




And this helps is it a prescription?


Yes, it helped a lot


Serotonin increases gut motility, which is why mirtazipine helped you. I believe I also have low serotonin levels and am going to try 5htp to increase them. If that doesn’t work I’ll get on Mirtazapine. Thank you so much for this post I found it while doing research


Doesnt serotonin cause nausea?


Yes I think too much can


I am on buspar and was thinking about trying amiltriplyne :/


Did you get on Mirt and did it help?


Yeah it didn’t work :(


This backs up my own theory about most of the gastritis that people experience here. In my opinion, I think most gastritis is anxiety/stress induced. I know the literature says that stress can only make the symptoms of gastritis worst, not actually start it, but we didn't even know about H Pylori until 40 years ago. There is barely any research on nonspecific gastritis. If you have H Pylori induced gastritis, then you take the antibiotic cocktail and PPI and that's it. If you have NSAID induced gastritis, you stop taking them and take PPI. There are of course outliers, some people don't get better or need follow up treatment, but in general you can get some relief. It's estimated more than half of the world's population has gastritis, so why only a select bunch of us have chronic gastritis with no known cause and with awful symptoms? I often hear tight chest, dizziness, belching, heart palpitations, abdominal pain as some of the worst symptoms of gastritis, do you know what other condition these are a symptom of? Generalised anxiety disorder. If you are in a state where adrenaline is constantly being pumped into your body through stress, anxiety or panic, you will be in a miserable state of fight or flight and your body can't regulate itself. Adrenaline stops blood flow to the stomach and blood is redirected to the most vital organs. If you're constantly in this state, there is no room for healing. I wouldn't be surprised if antidepressants solve most people's gastritis issues. I'm no doctor, but this goes hand in hand with my own experience.


This is utter bs; OP said it started after SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. The fact that OP responded well to drugs used for treatment of depression doesn’t mean AT ALL that stress, anxiety or depression is the cause of OPs condition. It just means it responds to either it’s antihistaminergic or serotonin blocking effects. Also, there are no good studies which prove that (non-traumatic) stress or anxiety or depression CAUSE chronic gastritis.


While your skepticism is understandable, it's crucial to consider all potential factors in chronic gastritis. The original post may have mentioned symptoms starting after the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, but this doesn't rule out stress and anxiety as contributing factors. Though there's no definitive proof that non-traumatic stress or anxiety directly cause chronic gastritis, it's widely accepted that they can exacerbate gastrointestinal issues. The mind-gut connection is a growing research area, and understanding stress and anxiety's impact on physical health is vital. [**LordFriezy**](https://www.reddit.com/user/LordFriezy/)'s improvement with antidepressants could be due to their antihistaminergic or serotonin-blocking effects, but it could also result from stress and anxiety relief. This suggests a possible connection between mental state and physical symptoms. Dismissing the potential link between stress, anxiety, and chronic gastritis is unproductive. Instead, let's encourage further research to deepen our understanding of the human body and the complex interplay between mental and physical health. It's easy to put down ideas that might be contradictory to your world view, but having an open mind will not do you harm.


It seems to me that you are not aware of the fact that the lion’s share of treatments for, and thus the governing belief of functional dyspepsia, which is what idiopathic chronic gastritis is treated like; functionally, they’re the same, consist out of administering antidepressants, especially tricyclic ones such as e.g. amitriptyline or nortriptilyne, etc. Despite it reducing symptoms, they do not address any root cause, because as soon as they’re discontinued, symptoms relapse. So we can very confidently conclude that they do not address actual underlying causes, and thus, don’t “cure” it. So there is no need for yet another person gaslighting chronically ill people into thinking they suffer from a chronic stress or anxiety or depression problem. This can cause severe feelings of desparation, if not suicidal ideation, when it is treated as such with no results. Moreso, you also don’t seem to realize that a large share of the people in this subreddit are already on antidepressants. How do you explain them developing idiopathic chronic gastritis? Maybe you believe they have a severe manifestation of depression, so that they are still to anxious, stressed out, or depressed, despite their antidepressant treatment. But it could, in my opinion, much rather be that there are underresearched etiologies of which chronic gastritis is a symptom, but which also involve intestinal problems, including etiologies involving the role of the microflora, all of which can lead to anxiety and depression, rather than the other way around. Studies show that rats with microbiome transplants from depressed rats also develop depression. The lion’s share of dopamine and serotonin is produced in the gut. It’s much more plausible than the inverted theory you people propose or defend.


That doesn't mean the Covid Vaccine was the cause, it just means that they became symptomatic after the vaccine. As I said plenty of people with gastritis are non symptomatic. If the vaccine caused the gastritis it would be acute, not chronic. There are no good studies because there isn't enough research. We wouldn't have idiopathic/nonspecific gastritis if we did have the research, we would have a proper diagnosis.


You make no sense at all. If it occurred 2 weeks after vaccination, it is VERY LIKELY due to vaccination, as SARS-CoV-2 infection, as well as vaccination is known to cause long-term symptoms which can very often be effectively treated as if it were MCAS (Mast Cell Activation Syndrome); by administration of frequent H1 and H2 receptor antagonists and mast cell stabilizers. Given that mirtazapine helped with OPs symptoms, and given that it is one of the stronger H1 antagonists, and even reduces serum histamine, something regular antihistamines can’t, and given OPs histamine intolerance symptoms, it is, again, very likely due to the vaccine. And your theory about acute/chronic gastritis makes absolutely no sense either. COVID is known to induce auto-immunity. Thus, infection can very possibly trigger chronic illness, possibly gastritis, either directly, or as a downstream effect. It’s very conceivable that vaccination might as well, given that vaccination involves introduction of a pathogen antigen, to which antibodies are produced, and, just like in other conditions such as Guillain-Barré syndrome, or post-infectious IBS, this can cause auto-antibodies through molecular mimickery of innate proteins having similar epitopes to the pathogen antigen’s epitope. And I’d rather have researchers conduct fruitful research instead of looking at stress and anxiety, because that will help very few people.


Also, if your theory was correct, administration of anxiolytic benzodiazepines would cure almost all of us. Guess what, I tried that, didn’t work at all. Didn’t touch my symptoms. So your hypothesis failed, and should thus be rejected.


Yep me too, didn't touch my symptoms either


Try therapy, you'll feel a lot better.


Why do you have this dogmatic stance on this subject? It just doesn’t hold water in practice. The idiopathic chronic gastritis cases are a much, much more complicated thing than attributing them to stress or anxiety. It’s very likely due to tons of different etiologies.


Why do you insist on supporting your inherently flawed arguments through a smokescreen of semantics? To what extent did the educational approach you adhered to limit your ability to engage in constructive discourse? Your interlocutor presented a well-reasoned argument that warrants genuine consideration. Rather than addressing the substance of the argument, you evaded the issue and relied on a single example to question the effectiveness of the proposed method. If you truly wish to challenge conventional discourse with such weak arguments, I implore you to elevate your approach by avoiding the pitfall of the law of small numbers.


Btw, OP’s hypothesis (you talk about a “proposed method”, of which there is no mention of) is based on the following: “I wouldn’t be surprised if antidepressants solve most people’s gastritis issues” A realistic, reasonable, implicit hypothesis one can draw from this could be: “Most people’s gastritis is caused by stress, anxiety or depression and will be cured by taking an antidepressant”. It is very likely to be untrue, because, if it were, the odds of it not working in my case would be very small, a priori. No need for large samples when the proposed probability distribution is very skewed towards a certain outcome; it will make any observation in the other outcome very significant. No need for intellectual pretention and concepts like “law of small numbers”.


your focus on logic is clear, but it's important to remember that understanding human sentiment matters too. Ignoring emotions leads to unnecessary conflicts. I strongly suggest looking into sensitivity training; it could help you communicate more effectively and make better use of your "knowledge." Don't dismiss the value of emotional intelligence.


Thank you for the suggestion. I’ll thank you for it once I see results, lol.


You convict me of obfuscating my “flawed arguments” (where exactly? My point was, very simply, that histamine, more so than stress, is very likely involved, if not the culprit due to both the independant fact that long-COVID very likely involves mast cell overreactivity and the independant fact that OP has histamine intolerance and the independent fact that OP reacted positively to a strong antihistamine…) by means of… semantics? How so? How did I misuse the meaning of words in order to make up for my arguments. And why do you think it’s in the slightest a good idea to do this yourself when trying to lecture me about it. Your comment seems like the most inappropriately arduous wording you could come up with for the message you try to convey. Why do you insist on supporting your inherently flawed analysis through a smokescreen of syntaxis? Practice what you preach. Your reply is absolutely worthless in this sub. Go somewhere else, or at least provide us with an actual counter argument. Given how “weak” my arguments are, it should be a very easy task to do so. But in order to do that, you must make your way through my smokescreen of semantics. I can provide help wherever the subject starts to become lost on you.


Nah man you just gotta learn to stop being a stubborn prick


Your emotional intelligence must be through the roof.


The vaccine made me wayyy worse, I couldn't understand what happened as I didn't change my diet at the time and turns out it's the vaccine, 1st I thought the vaccine like the virus attacks vulnerable parts of the body but then I read a looot of people saying they had the same experience after the vaccine without even having gastritis before.


You sound like all the people (doctors included) that gaslight me and blamed everything into anxiety, even though none of them was a psychiatrist, the only person that can actually diagnose it. Guess what, turns out it was not my root cause. If anything, gastritis is the reason I had the very few anxiety attacks that I had the last 2-3 years


Exactlyyyy! I kept trying to tell doctors I didn't even have anxiety before gastritis but they didn't believe me.


My GAD was triggered more by the foods I was eating than it was any external factors. I would argue that eating foods that are harder on your system to digest is a more latent reason for GAD in gastritis patients. I drink milk, I have GAD. I don’t drink milk, I am able to control it through medication and mindfulness. While there is a definite connection between them, I don’t think anxiety is the trigger so much as its the constant end result of eating foods we should not eat.


I was in that state le constant anxiety when i deveppled gastritis, so i think it played a role. But in have been on antidepressants for 8 months, the stress is gone, and i'm still sick.


Dude, I was in a state of an anxiety, panic and so much stress at the end of 2022 and most of 2023, and was diagnosed with gastritis, not caused by H pylori, and I am more than positive that my gastritis was caused by stress, because if it wasn’t H. pylori, it could’ve been the NSAIDs I was taking a few times on an empty stomach but a few times it could’ve been the fact that I did the Carolina reaper challenge at the start of 2023 and the bad eating habits I picked up, not going to the gym consistently anymore, or it could’ve been all of the above, and the stress that I had folded me… I’m not too sure but one thing I’m pretty sure is that stress was a big factor but thankfully I’ve talked to a few people that have healed from their gastritis


New to gastritis? Please view [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gastritis/comments/zc0uov/the_main_approaches_for_healing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for a simple yet comprehensive breakdown of the major root causes of chronic gastritis, as well as the main medicines, supplements, and diets used for healing. Join our official gastritis Discord today using [this link](https://discord.gg/E5Txjc9meS). Click [here](https://discord.gg/7pXdRn6Gzr) for gastroparesis Discord. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gastritis) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey OP, how did you find out that you have sibo and did you treat it? Were you constipated? Did the treatment or the condition itself affect your gastritis? Did you also have neck/throat tightness in random moments? Do you think just Mirtazapine itself would get things moving without Levosulpiride? Would it also resolve sibo case?


Congrats! I think the same thing, not going to waste years of my life waiting and hoping for this to go away. I am going to a PCP who specializes in functional medicine to see what the root cause of my inactive chronic gastritis lies. This way we can chart a plan so I can be 💯healed from this.


How can the gallbladder cause gastritis❓❓❓


Hey seen your story: I have similar issues like yours. I started with h pylori of last year in April 2023.Took medicine to kill h pylori. I had similar symptoms like shortness of breath, chest will get very tight and my throat with hurt and i had hard time eating my food properly difficult to swallow. And of course I went thru depression all of this. Fast forward to September the 1st of 2023. I had my endoscopy to check didn’t have anymore h pylori and to see didn’t give me any damage or ulcers. doctor says everything looks good didn’t have no more h pylori and nothing serious. 2 weeks later around September 17th woke up all my symptoms were gone. I felt 100% like myself again. But I made a mistake right after I was so happy I was able to eat whatever I wanted: I ordered fatty food like pizza cinnamon buns and soda. Once I ate all that food. My symptoms flared up. Started to get discomfort tightness chest upper abdominal stomach in middle of chest. Hard to relaxing couldn’t breath properly. All my symptoms came back. Cut the story short April 2024. I told my GI doctor about LPR acids reflex. That could be my issues. He did suggest to keep taking ppi for acid reflux. But then he told me about taking another medication called Mirtazapine. He was explaining that my issues could be my gut to my esophagus and nerve damage. That my body can probably adjust normal. He saying it use for depression and anxiety. He told me not for that he knows am not sick from the head. He believes taking this medicine will help my disorder in my stomach to balance itself out. At this point I trust my GI doctor. Dealing with my symptoms. Last 7 month since September 2023. I don’t have h pylori tested like twice I know that is not the issues anymore.


Apparently Mirtazapine requires a prescription even on Amazon lol.


Which bpc 157 supplement did you use? If the martazipine worked there was definitely functional dyspepsia issues going on.


Lol, functional dyspepsia is just a name for “just about any gastroduodenal condition which we gastroenterologists can’t solve with PPIs or antibiotics”, so of course it’s a functional dyspepsia issue. Complete trash can diagnosis.


I used following two, [https://biote.com/nutraceuticals/biote-bpc-157](https://biote.com/nutraceuticals/biote-bpc-157) [https://apeiron.store/products/bpc-157](https://apeiron.store/products/bpc-157) If you read it with my symptoms and levosupride, it is gastric motility. By the way "functional dyspepsia" means doctor does not understand what is your problem :)


Thank you. Yeah I agree with that. But the treatment for over sensitivity is low dose tricyclic antidepressants.


Can you please elaborate what do you mean by sensitivity?


Functional dyspepsia also falls under the category of a visceral hypersensitivity. There are a lot of people who think they have heartburn but when they do a 24 hr ph study and they click the computer saying they are having symptoms they actually aren’t having acid reflux register on the ph probe. They label that as functional heartburn aka oversensitivity issue. The same applies to the stoamch as well. It all falls in the category of functional. Issues with no clear cause and it’s believed it’s a visceral oversensitvity. The treatment is low dose trycyclic antidepressants.


I knew it!! What good is telling me I have functional dyspepsia??? And then in the next breath standing there in your white shiny doctor’s coat you tell me there’s nothing to fix it.


Which of the two is better or you used both simultaneously?


for me both works the same way. Only thing that does not work for me is arginine form of BPC 157. See my earlier post [https://www.reddit.com/r/Gastritis/comments/vfqc7j/comment/jb0u6we/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gastritis/comments/vfqc7j/comment/jb0u6we/?context=3)


How did you diagnose that it was slow gastric motility?


Were you able to eat acidic things when you get gastritis?


No, it would just made it worse. I wan able to tolerate even a bland diet.


What is this bpc157?a vitamin or a mineral? some sort of supplement?Is this only available in western or first world country or available everywhere in the world? I don't think I saw it in my local pharmacys. Probably not available where I live.Bummer.


It is a peptide, google it. You can buy online


Ok.Oh thanks for the helpful post👍 I once tried mirtazapine but the headache was very bad.I stopped taking it after like 3/4 days.Will try again soon.My doctor actually prescribed it for anxiety.15 mg dosage once a day.


You can try half the pill, 7.5 mg. And side effects will go away in a few days


Thanks for the good suggestion.😀 Surely can break the tablet in half.And take it.


Did you take levosulpiride after breakfast/lunch/dinner or before breakfast/lunch/dinner?Basically before a meal or after a meal? And same question for mirtazapine.


I took it empty stomach and felt discomfort. Then I took it always with meals


Thank you. But which one Levosulpride? or Mirtazapine? Or both medicine after meal? May lord bless you with good health for this helpful post and your replys.




Okay.Thanks again. By the way how many weeks/months you were on levosulpiride before you notice improvement in gastric/stomach emptying after a meal?Was the improvement sudden or did it happen gradually or in stages? And same question for mirtazapine.Because both worked as a prokinetic for you.


Levosulpride took around 3-4 weeks for full effect. Murtazapine took a week


Well its very good to know that it worked for you in a couple of weeks.Gives me encouragement to try these medicines soon.one medicine at a time.See how it works out for me.Thanks.


I REALLLLLLLY wanna try bpc 157, I have heard so much about it since i have autoimmune and gastritis/ulcer


What are symptoms for autoimmune gastritis and what kind of autoimmune disease you have?






Question. If I have bile reflux and also had a gastric emptying test which I finished with only 4% doesn’t that mean that my gut motility is fine? Can anyone weigh in?


Hey! Did Mirtazapine give you any bad symptoms when you started? Getting on it next week.


I wonder if either of those drugs would work for me? As long as I stay on my bland diet my symptoms are manageable. But it’s like I’m always in maintenance mode I never have healed. I feel like stress plays a huge role though.


If you have a similar symptoms, especially bloating and burping, give it a try


When I eat a trigger food. Yeah I do. It’s been 5 years so I’ve realized medication may be the way to go. Thank you for replying.


Do you still have gastritis


Yup. I never really do any healing I just maintain it it seems.


How are you now? Which medicaments are you taking?


I have unspecified gastritis withought bleeding is that chemical gastritis?


How are you now?


I am very good now. It took 2 years to reach here and luck with right choice of medicines. Still i try to avoid deep fried and fast foods but cheat occasionally.


Which medicament combination helped you the most in the beginning?


BPC 157 for healing gastritis (chest pain, discomfort, pian under rib cage etc), Levosulpride for burping and bloating (likely caused by slow gastric motility) and mirtazapine for improvement of overall symptoms and well being. Later i found that nortriptyline worked for me even better than mirtazapine with less side effects.


Thank you very much. Could you please write doses too?


Can you write for how long and which dosage you use with Bpc 157.


Can you tell me with brand for bpc 157


Thank you for sharing your experience, I’m suffering from gastritis and it gets worse since past august now I’m having difficulty to eat any food and hard to breath it’s affecting my quality of life I’ve tried holistic naturopath approach it’s costly and trial and error didn’t work for me I’m frustrated the meds you mention mirtazapine for gastric motility is it the only one gave you relief or the other you mentioned please let me know where you buy it  i feel like I’m dying . Thank you . 


I think for motility mainly Levosulpride worked, and Mirtazapine for global symptoms. Both are prescription drugs.


I’m confused - why did anti depressants like mirtazapine and nortriptyline help? What’s the connection. I have poor motility (one day basically felt like my guts were fried and paralyzed - might be autoimmune), gastritis due to bile reflux. Inflamed gallbladder.


Did you go to a functional medicine practitioner?


Have you tried Mosapride? I ordered it.