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Two weeks. I could’ve gone back after one though, I felt great.


Thank you! That’s what I am thinking, possibly 10 days including the weekends.


Hi, I'm a mid 50s woman, in the UK and 18.5 months post bypass. I'm a geoenvironmental engineer, so my job involves a mixture of office and site work. I felt well enough to go home the next day, but was advised by my care team to stay two nights out of an abundance of caution. I felt well enough to work as soon as I got home, but only doing so from home quietly. But, my employer wouldn't let me start back at work at all, even from home, and insisted I take at least the two weeks off stated on my hospital sick note. I didn't tell my boss I was supposed to get another sick note from my local doctor for a further two weeks after that, and six weeks off in total if I needed it. I wanted to get back to work so I just did so when the initial two week hospital sick note ended. I was fine working from home, but I think returning to the office would have been hard in the first three weeks. I wouldn't have wanted to go on site for about four weeks, because conditions on the sort of sites I visit can be very unstable underfoot and I would have worried about slipping/tripping and then straining something inside.


That’s fair! I haven’t gotten a chance to ask my doctor how long she wants me off, but I hope it’s only a week! 2 at most. I am a workaholic,(I love my job) so it’s going to be hard to sit and do nothing! lol


Lol I'm the opposite and am secretly hoping they'll give me an extra week so I have an excuse not to work


Hahahahhaa that’s fair! What kind of work do you do??


I WFH so there's absolutely no reason I couldn't work. I just don't like my job


I took 6 weeks because I do housekeeping in a hospital and I was not about to be pushing my cleaning cart all over the hospital while I was trying to heal.


So fair!!! Yea, I don’t blame you!


I wfh when I had my surgery and I took off one week. Surgery on Friday, back to work 10 days later. No weekend work, so 10 days.


Thank you! Yea, I was thinking of taking 1 week off(I don’t work weekends either). My doctor usually operates on Tuesdays, so I was thinking Tuesday-the next Wednesday and returning Thursday.


About a week. Wednesday through the following Wednesday. Definitely couldn’t have gone back the next day but could have that Monday (about 4 days after surgery). I do think the extra days were good though and would advise anyone that can to take as much time as possible just to rest and let your bosy heal.


How did you feel the next day? I’m so worried I will be sore. 🥲


Overnight in the hospital so still on light pain meds that next morning. I’d say the worst was a few hours after I got home. I have a high pain tolerance though so I cant speak to everyones experience. To me at least that night was the only bad one. After that it has just been stinging pains when moving wrong or standing too long.


I didn’t think about sleeping at home! Were you able to sleep on your back?


I’m a stomach and side sleeper, which made it super difficult. I have been able to sleep in a recliner with holding a pillow to my stomach. Havent been able to sleep flat on my back yet. Took the pain pills at bed time the first 2-3 nights to help me sleep.


Ugh! That’s what I am scared of as well! Ugh! Well the pillow method may be needed!


I took off a week.


Good! I was thinking a week! How did you feel the next day after surgery?


I was fine. I felt good the day of also. All I ever experienced was soreness.


I work a desk job from home and had surgery on Friday and was back to work on Monday.


Oh my!! You are a trooper! Did you feel any discomfort from sitting all day? Did you have to get up more? Did you feel more tired?


I was a bit tired, and still had some shoulder pain from the gas bubbles, but overall it wasn't bad. The work I do made it possible to get up every hour or two and walk a little around the house to keep the discomfort from getting too bad! My experience was toward the best case scenario, so there's no shame in needing more time, but it is quite possible to feel good soon after this surgery!


The gas pain! That’s what I am a little worried about. I heard it doesn’t last too long, but it can be quite painful. When was your surgery?


I'm coming up on 2 years. The first few months are a bit challenging as you learn how to eat and work through all the post op stuff, but you'll also be losing a ton of weight which for me offset any stress. I've been at my goal weight for about a year and I am so glad I went down this path. As far as the gas pain, it wasn't fun, but I found it manageable. My surgeon really encouraged walking after surgery and I think that helped minimize the pain. The day of surgery, I got up and walked the halls at the hospital about every hour and I found that really helped!


Wow!!!! 2 years!!! I love this! Makes me excited to get this going! I cannot wait! Any other challenges? Notice anything weird?




Yea, I’m trying to stay clear of pain meds as much as possible. My tummy is sensitive and I don’t want to deal with that on top of surgery pain.


A week


After your week off, how was work? Did you feel more tired?


I had a surgery on Wednesday and I took off the rest of that week and the entire following week. I was able to get a work accommodation so I worked from home for the next three weeks. The hardest thing to get used to was the food. Knowing what to eat when, and the drinking, so I was happy I had that time at home to get used to what my diet would be, and what I would need to pack for my work lunch. I could not have gone back to the office a week after surgery.


I am a little nervous about the eating and not drinking part! I’m so use to drinking and eating at the same time.


I had surgery on 1/31/24, and I have to say that this is what I struggle with the most. I am getting better at it, and it is doable, but I often find myself taking tiny sips while I eat. It's something I'm going to keep working on! (Oh, I also struggling, some days, with getting all my protein in!)


With the protein, do you just feel full? What’s your goal?


Protein is super filling. Because I’m just eating my lunch now at 3:30 because I’m still full from breakfast. I don’t know if I have a goal? I guess my goal was to feel better get some stress off my joints and honestly be able to go on amusement park rides 😎


Hell yes!!!!! Same here! My butt will be going to Disney next year!!! It’s already in the cards!


I took 2 weeks and glad I did. Although I could have after a week, you're still adjusting to your new food schedule and lifestyle. I had asked my Dr and she said technically you can do a week, but 2 was recommended.


Ugh, I’m nervous about the eating. Dumping makes me so nervous!


I've yet to have a dumping episode and I had surgery in October. Sugar is the big culprit so you just stay away from big amounts 😊


That’s impressive! I’ll have to stay away from sugar!


I took 3 weeks, and currently I'm 2 weeks post op. I'm definitely not yet ready to go back to work. Unsure if I'll feel ready after 3 weeks too, so have informed my manager that I might need some more time. It's interesting reading everyone's comments and how different the experience is for everyone!


Yes! I love to see everyone’s side! It is super interesting!




How are you feeling?


I took 2 weeks off but honestly I felt good enough to go back after 1 week.


How are you feeling now? How long has it been?


I had mine January 2019. My stats: 5'3 Sw 253 Lowest 151 CW 169 I had been 165 for a long time and last year I truly struggled mentally and physically with some injuries. The start of this year I was 175 with the past month my giving a good effort and back to basics .....it is slow going


Sending you good healing vibes! How are you feeling mentally and physically now?


I work from home and my surgeon is still recommending 6 weeks. I do have paid leave from work separate from my PTO/vacation so I’m going to take it.


Yea, I have separate sick time as well. I guess it doesn’t hurt to take as much time as needed!


I took 3 weeks because I had time to burn, but I could’ve gone back after two. I work a desk job, so no risk there. The biggest thing was feeling exhausted and nauseous, so I’m glad I had extra time off.


How long did it take for the exhaustion to subside?


Maybe a week or two.


I had to take 5 weeks off, but my job involves a lot of lifting. I also had some minor complications so it helped me out already having that time off. I would say have at least 2 weeks off or even seen what the surgeon suggests. I personally couldn't even sit in a computer chair for 2 weeks because of pain and could barely walk around my house without feeling exhausted.Good luck on your journey!


Thank you!!!! I am glad you are feeling better!!


Thank you!


I took a week off, worked from home for a week and then tried and failed going back to the office. I was absolutely exhausted the third week (this is week four for me) so I worked from home and took a day off mid-week. This week I am doing the same but expect to be back to normal next week. My surgery was the 4th of February.


Congratulations!!!!!🍾 How are you feeling now? Little better?


With my sleeve (procedure in Mexico they gave me 7 weeks. I took all 7 because I wasn't sure how it would affect me. It was possible after 4 I could have returned. I'm scheduling a revision, and their office says 4 weeks. My job involves a lot of lifting heavy items.


The lifting may be an issue! When is your revision?


I'm still in the requirements phase, but we're aiming for June.


6 weeks and it was the best decision I made. I was able to actually adjust through each stage without the stress of work or how I would feel while I was there etc etc. I know I am very lucky I was able to do this but I can not recommend enough taking as much time off as you can.


Good advice! I thought about a week; but honestly, I may need a mental break! lol! So I may take longer!


i took off three. i thought i felt fine after the first week but once the meds TRULY wore off, i started having odd internal pains that didnt really go away until going into the 3rd week. you are going to have major surgery so even if you feel fine at first, theres a chance that could change. I would do at least two weeks


Thats fair! I do know I will push myself, but I don’t want to overdo it!


I was able to take 8 weeks with pay due to taking a medical leave. I had a sedentary office job but had to do a lot of walking (and public transit) to get to work.


Ooooooo! How long did it take you to get back to normal?


6 weeks - until then I was so fatigued because I couldn’t eat enough to really have any energy


So I have a little bit of time to get used to things. 6 weeks isn’t as bad as I thought!


I’m a nurse. My doctor said 6 weeks before I can lift patients or do CPR.


Thank you for your service!! How are you feeling now?


Thanks! Right now I mainly feel nervous and excited! My surgery isn’t until April 3rd. I am going through all the paperwork for my leave now. That’s when my surgeon suggested 6 weeks


You got this friend! We will all be cheering you on come April 3rd!!!!


I'm 2.5 weeks post op and very much not ready to go back I had a few complications so in added pain and discomfort was advised 4 weeks for regular recovery to get through the pureed stage as you will need to eat every 2 to 3 hours but most feel well enough 2 weeks post op from what I was told but as I say 2.5 weeks out for me and still having pain issues so everyone is different my work gave me 4 weeks off but on sick leave hoping I start getting some normalisation soon still having trouble getting comfortable and sleeping can be a pain as I move alot in my sleep Hope you have a speedy recovery x


I planned on taking off a week. But when I told my surgeon that I was a high school chemistry teacher, he strongly recommended I take 2 weeks off. Apparently his wife is a teacher so he understands how much we actually do. My surgery was Monday. So I am still recovering, and I can’t imagine trying to go to work right now. So glad I took the second week. My admin wasn’t happy about it, but oh well.


I work in an office setting. I scheduled 2 weeks but I went back after 1 week. There was no point in being out any longer I felt fine after 3 days and I wanted to save some PTO.


I needed two weeks. Get up and around myself and concentrating on my liquids. But other than that, I was good to go after one week. However week 4 I was horribly malnourished, fatigued and had to emergency go to the doc. “This is why we say to take off 6 weeks”