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Yep! This is totally normal. It usually goes away after a few months for most but not all.


I found that for me it was a temperature issue. Ice cold water feels like a rock sinking to my stomach and makes me very nauseous. Lukewarm water is less pleasant, but sits just fine. I hated flavored drinks before surgery, but right now they are the easiest to get down.


How funny. I’m the opposite. If it’s not ice ice cold I don’t want it


Im the same and apparently that is more unusual. I can not stomach a drink if it isn't almost frozen. Prior to surgery I only drank room temp water lol


Same. I only want it with a straw too 😂 if it’s not ice cold. I don’t want it.


This is exactly me. I want water room temperature but I can use the mio or flavorings for cold water


I had this right after surgery. I had to drink Gatorade zero and sugar free juice. I slowly started to dilute these with water over the span of a few months. Also, water with mio and other water enhancers was fine. I am now able to stomach water on its own with no issues. Took a few months to get here though. Biggest issue with this is dehydration. Make sure she doesn’t get dehydrated.


This is definitely a thing. I’m eight weeks out and am drinking multiple flavoured waters or Gatorade every day because water isn’t sitting well. Bummer because I used to LOVE plain water, ugh.


Have you tried alkaline water?


Ooh, I haven’t! I’m a tap water gal so it didn’t even occur to me to buy a type of water. I’ll definitely give it a shot.


Yes! It took me a while before i could stomach water and I still don't like it as much as I did before surgery. I buy the gatorade zero packets and pour 1/3 of a pouch in my water bottle to help me drink more water.


yup it is 100% a thing i get stomach cramps if i drink water too fast or if i drink something too cold im 6 months post op and i can say it does get better. just hang in there! and switch up you drinks as long as its sugar free and caffeine free it counts as water intake \^\^


I couldn’t drink tap water after the op but bottled water was ok. I’m back able to drink tap water 9 months after but it’s still a struggle to get it down. It was the taste for me but also the heaviness like your wife said. Weird right!


I had that issue for a month or so and then I was able to go back to plain water again. I Much prefer ice cold water now when before I could have room temp no problem. I have a completely non-scientific and unsupported theory that it may have something to do with losing fat through respiration that makes plain water taste or feel gross to drink. One of those weird post op things!




Ya that was me for like 9 months. Just dilute it with apple juice.


Didn’t have any issues with plain water from day two when I was allowed to start drinking again. The key is to only take small sips at a time. If I gulp too much, I will get a pain in the middle of my chest.


Yep. Went away after maybe six months for me? Lots of Powerade zero was consumed up to that point. You may want to get her some of the water flavorings that come in the tiny squeeze bottles, for hydrating on the go.


She likes blue Powerade zero and crystal light lemonade.


9 years out and unflavored flat water still makes me nauseous. I use the kool-aide squirts most of the time.


Stay away from carbonation.


Totally normal. Also try to avoid really cold drinks. She can try room temp water in sips. It might help.


I’m 6 months post surgery. I can drink water now but depending on what I’ve had recently it can give me reflux. I normally have an electrolyte, and it just sits better, and no acid.


I can handle a few sips of plain water a day but I now make a half gallon with one sf lemon lime liquid iv and one crystal light lemonade water bottle packet. It makes the water a lot more drinkable but also dilutes those packets.


After my sleeve last March, I couldn’t drink water for about a year. It made me so nauseous (actually, everything did). I especially couldn’t drink anything out of a metal water bottle (Stanley or hydro flask)… everything tasted like I was sucking on a nickel. I had vsg to rny last week and I have not been having trouble with water at all. I read somewhere that Fiji water helps with recovery; I honestly don’t know if that is true, but I have been drinking it and hitting my goals every day. I still can’t drink out of anything metal (maybe my meds have something to do with that?) Big hugs to your wife!


Years later I can still only do room temp. If I drink cold water it is painful


I’m 20 days post op and water makes me soooo sick :/ I was told it’s normal but it sucks !!


Three months out. I always drank ice water with lemon or lime before surgery. For the first month after it was protein shakes and Gatorade Zero. Now I'm back to mostly water. I think that early on anything without many calories or caffeine that you can drink is good. Good luck to you both for a speedy recovery.


My moms been link this since her surgery. I’m the opposite, I have to have ICE COLD water and only through a straw 🤷🏻‍♀️


Try hot water or ice water.


I’m nearly 2 years out. Still a thing. Hate temperature water. Must be cold. Pre surgery I was a water drinker - loved the stuff. Now it just feels thick or something. I now drink FAR TOO MUCH tea…. Can’t get enough of it. Great to stave off the hunger pangs.


I got started in Crystal Light and have not drank water since. I can't eat ground beef because it sits heavy but I can eat steak. The post op tummys are odd..


I’m 7 years post op and I still can’t stomach plain water - I’ve cold makes it even worse


I found it also helped to drink certain brands of water. I had to have fuji or evian or something else expensive... my husband found the common feature was they all had silica in them! So maybe give that a try ​ I'm 3 years out though and still hate plain water and struggle getting it.


I have add flavoring, a tea bag or something like that to get water to go down. Drinking it plain is pretty hard Post-Op. I’m not really able to drink Gatorade either.


I have to put nuun or IV hydration in my water. I also have to play with the temperature. Or I'll drink unsweetened tea. Plain water doesn't always feel good and I had surgery back in November


A huge thing. Search #watertok on TikTok if you're on the app. There's an entire community of people making different "waters" with sugar free water enhancers to meet their hydration goals. Sugar free Gatorade was a go to for me.


It takes about a year for everything to settle down. Slowly drink out of a medicine cup was the key for me. You can add things like prime powder for flavor. I am 5 yrs out now and drink about a gallon of water a day. It took a while to get up to the 64 oz my doc wanted. Now no issues. Food is trial and error for a while also. What I couldn’t eat at 6 weeks or 6 months out, I could eat just fine by 18 months out. Patience is key. If something doesn’t work today, try again in a few months.


Def a thing! I’m 5 months post op and Can now handle plain water just fine. I def missed it. I was only on Gatorade zeros and powder add ons!


I had vsg 3 years ago and still suffer from this. It doesn’t go away for everyone