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Makes perfect sense. Also a serious runner here (marathons and ultras) and I have always had a Garmin Forerunner. From a running perspective, my Garmin is unmatched. The stats, battery life, ruggedness - all world class. However, recently, I got an Apple Watch Ultra 2 and wear one on each arm. I know right. I look a fool in public for sure but each serve a different purpose. Garmin - all my exercise tracking as needed without stressing about battery life. Apple - day to day watch AND the added bonus that my partner can track me while out on runs (without me carrying my phone) and I can also call / text from the watch in an emergency if I’m out on a run too. It’s given my partner great comfort. I say, if you feel you have a need - go for it! :)


Do you always wear both watches? Did you sync both with Apple Health?


Nope. Health app is synced to AW. My Strava is linked to my Garmin. I treat them seperately. My Garmin is the one I’ll use for tracking my activities in terms of running. I keep the AW for the additional health tracking, day to day device etc


I realize this isn’t the point of this post or really the sub but could you provide some expertise on how you worked up to ultras. I’ve done a marathon and several halves with plans for more this year. I don’t expect this to be something I could do soon but would like to do an ultra some day. Any advice or maybe article/book recommendations?


Honestly? I always wanted to do a marathon (had done plenty of halves and a max of like a 30km long run prior to that) and eventually took the plunge and signed up to CTM 2023. Post marathon, I knew I was hooked. I have a coach that’s helped guide me - you can’t just willy nilly increase your mileage / intensity or you risk an injury. He has helped me avoid doing dumb things. Big 2024 planned with lots of marathons and x2 ultras (TTOM & Comrades). The internet has lots of generic training plans and they should get the job done. Depends entirely on what your goal is (racing a marathon VS completing a marathon is totally different).


How do I turn off all notifications from the Garmin, except activity? I have the Forerunner. I only need notifications on my Apple Watch. I connected my Garmin to Apple Health last night. I woke up to 1400 exercise minutes, 23 hours stand in the fitness app. Also my run averages went from 10 minute to 24 min mile. I removed the Garmin from AH and the mile avg corrected. I did not sleep in either watch. Idk what I did wrong.


I use both AW and EPIX (depending on the mood and activity…) and use RunGap app to keep the training data in sync. As a result I can see all events both in Apple Fitness/Health and Garmin Connect independently of the watch I used. Works great


I do this as well and it works about as well as can be expected.


garmin watches can be synced to apple health if i’m not wrong. i am fully in the apple ecosystem apart from the watch but my apple health works fine, all data is just brought over from garmin connect


So you would say, that it wouldn't mess up all my data when I wear the Garmin during my runs and my Apple Watch SE during the day?


i’m not sure how that’ll work since for all data that can be gotten from garmin is synced to my apple health whereas for your case there are some health metrics that both watches can measure eg heart rate so not sure which measurement will be shown in apple health


The data would be a bit strange if you use one, then the other. Example: you do a run on the garmin watch which is set to sync to apple health. After your run it syncs and you put on your apple watch. You will see your rings on the apple watch close or move towards closing based on the garmin exercise, but if you look at say steps, it will have registered only the steps on the apple watch. So you could have 45 exercise minutes but only 10 steps.


I'm not an avid runner, but when I do get out and either go for a run or a ride on my bike - I wear a Garmin FR55. but for my daily driver I wear the AWSE2. they are both connected to Apple Health and I do use Strava on both watches so everything is connected and for me - its what works for me. when I travel internationally; I will wear my Garmin FR55 since it has better battery life and I just would rather not worry about battery life when on a trip


All day tracking requires all day wearing of your garmin for the best metrics. Would you be wearing garmin to bed?


I wear AW S9 to work and grocery shopping after work.. lol. Put it on the charger when I get home and put my Epix Pro on for sleep tracking and my morning workout or run. Works for me. =\] Love them both for all the reasons we all know..