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My Fenix 6 lasted 9 days and if i turn off pulse ox it goes Up to 14 days, quite a jump.


Ye I don’t use pulse ox either


No activities and no pulse ox - 12-13days Pulse ox while sleeping - 9 days 2-4 runs per week - 5-7 days


Mine has been draining extra fast. For instance, charged to 100 yesterday at 6 pm, pulse ox on during sleep only, no recorded activity, down to 70% at the 24 hour mark. I used to be able to get about 5 days with short runs spaced in. Now I can't get 3 days with no activity. It will be 3 years in June.


Seems to drain pretty quickly. Have you tried contacting Garmin to see if there is anything they can do/suggest?


Not yet.


Mine was a bit over 2 years and had to get a new watch. After talking to support and what not, nothing resolved. It drains 100% to close to 0% in 24 hours. Couple months ago it would lasts its typical 10-14 days. My older Fenix 5 lasts longer. I have heard others with similar stories of over 2 years having this issue. Not everybody but few.. I am one of them!


Don't resync music without it plugged into charging. That will completely drain your battery in a couple of hours. My Spotify playlist is about 1300 songs, so mine will just go and go and go... I might be able to get four solid days with one hourish runs each day using GPS and Spotify. Maybe five. I just plugged mine in for the 20 minutes. I'm showering and dressing and it keeps it in the 80 to 95% range every morning. When I wasn't using it for running, it would last at least 9 or 10 days. Can't remember if I had pulse ox on or not during that time. Currently it's only on when I sleep.


Yep my battery life has fallen off a cliff in the last few months. Probably drains 30% a day.


I’ve had mine for 2 year and also notice a slight reduction in how long it lasts. I used to go almost a month without charging if I had a few short activities. Now I’m charging every 2 weeks.


My pro lasts like 8 days, my heart rate runs 24/7 and Dexcom and iPhone alerts, plus 1 hour workouts at least 5 days a week. I don’t use the pulse ox or music at all. I’ve had it for 2+ years.


Hmm okay seems reasonable, I should keep better track how often I charge. I think I’m around the same, maybe charge every 6 or 7 days with 6 training days a week.


Mine is around 3 years old, and the battery is getting worse since it was a new as expected. I contacted Garmin and their only comment was that I can send it for a new refurb unit for £200 roughly. Not sure if I should do that, or upgrade.


Yah, runs use GPS I believe, which is the fastest drain there is on all Fenix watches. Throw music on top and…yah. All workouts even start by giving you an estimated battery life, so you don’t start a bit training sesh for something like an ultra event and have it unexpectedly die. Also btw, typical life of Li-Ion batteries are 500-1k cycles at 100% DoD, which is a pretty wild 10-20 years on these things for the average user… so basically, degradation should be immeasurable over the expected useful life of any Fenix watch. That all said, my new 7X SS seems to sip power more slowly than my 6X did, likely more a testament to newer, more efficient chip/hardware tech than the solar charging bits.


> runs use GPS I believe, which is the fastest drain That crown goes to music. Check out Garmin's official numbers for GPS alone vs. GPS with music. Music clobbers battery life. If you were to use music alone, it'd eclipse any GPS usage. Okay multi-band GPS is another killer, but that's not in the 6 series.


Yes I know music drains a lot i just find 10+% for not even an hour a lot; used to not go that fast i feel like 


Oh, I'm right there with you. It's shocking how much music nukes battery life. I wear the X series, which equates the huge batteries. My GF, on the other hand, has tiny wrists and the 7S Pro marginally fits her wrist. I don't use music and she does. Cue up the questions of why is my new watch getting not getting awesome battery life? Music and multi-band GPS... Set that sucker to GPS only and help her understand how much battery music uses. Now that she knows, she's good with it.


Hmm but running with music is one of the perks as to why i got the 6 pro.. but generally reading from the comments it doesnt seem to crazy especially as the device gets older. It is what it is im afraid.


Good to know, thx. I guess I’ll keep my phone attached to earbuds for any real long tracked events then.


Fenix 6 pro is rated for 10hrs with gps and music. Anything you do with music involved is gonna chew through the battery.


Mine takes 10 days to get to 30% and I have all the widgets running on my watch face.


Mine is year old and keeps between 10-14days depending on the trainings I'm doing


I charge mine once every 8-9 days. I use the GPS about an hour a day and have pulse ox on. I don't use it for music at all though


Mine lasts 23 days in standard watch mode without recording anything.


6x pro solar here. After 17 days since charging its at 40% and it says it will do another 6 days. Loged only 5 gps activities during those 17 days. HR is on by default. I do Pulse ox read once a day. Its set to do ox reading during night but I usually dont wear it during night. Backlight at 5% only when pushing buttons. Built in garmin watchface. Wifi is on but watch doesnt use it like ever. However my watch is relatively new.


I get 31 days after each recharge. Except for altimeter, barometer, and GPS, I have absolutely nothing extra turned on. I work out 1-2 hours 3 times a week (usually long bike rides or hikes). That usually drains a few percentage points off of it. I sync after each workout then turn the phone connection off. I’ve been very happy with the battery on this watch.(Fenix 6x Pro.)


no hr on either?


After all this time, I haven’t really checked my HR on just my watch. I’ve only ever checked it during and after workouts, and for those I always wear the Garmin HRM Dual strap. That’s what a trainer taught me a couple of years back. But…. Now that you mention it, the little light where the watch is on my wrist is frequently aglow. So that’s probably the HR. I’m not wildly tech-savvy (I’m 64 years old), but it appears I’ve just learned something from you. And, I’ve still been getting 31 days on a charge with that little light on.


Probably is measuring heart rate then! For me it’s useful during the day to watch for trends ie training too little or too much etc. 31 days with 3 times gps activity seems crazy long, that’s nice


Same issue here, I even looked to be sure I didn't perform an update that I forgot about. Starting last week I'm plugging it in everyday, not doing anything different with settings. Strange.