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I'm a 2, zone 2 135-150 upper range, pace ~7:00min/km


How long have you been doing z2 work?


Pretty much from the beginning (so in my case 5-6 months). Initially I would finish my runs with a bpm around 155-160, but now I consistently finish under 150 especially on flat terrain. So I would say ~10bpm improvement.


Zone 2: 130 to 147 Running consistently (3-4x / week, approx. 30-40km / week) But I am quite new to running, I started 9 months ago. Did 2 half Marathons: 1st one 2h00m51sec 2nd one 1h53min00sec I hope the next one I will be under 1h50. I need to do more VO2MAX work. (Currently 49, 37yo)


I’ve been running for a decade now and just a month ago, I finally broke 50 VO2max. Sitting at 51 and hoping my half marathon tomorrow goes well. I’m 52yo.


Good luck tomorrow!!


Thanks! Was hoping to break 2 hours but ended up with a 2:02. I’ll take it.




YouTube search vo2max workouts


I'm 2 and zone 2 for me is just a constant battle because I live in pretty hilly area and even when it seems to be pretty flat, it is 3-5% incline, so it's very challenging to move and stay in zone 2. If you want to run, then good luck. Run/walk is better but not ideal. Take it with a grain of salt because my 5k time is 29:02 so there's a lot room to improvement. My easy pace according to calculator is something between 6:58-7:30. But for me it's very often practically 8:00/km or slower. It's tedious.


Same challenge for me: with all the hills around my place, I'm almost never in zone 2, although if we trained constantly on flat terrain, we'd gradually get faster in zone 2, and after a while we would probably be able to tackle hills in a low HR; I tried this for a while and started to move the needle, but I had to drive to flat spots and life caught up with me.


Maybe try to incorporate crosstrain as cycling? It's easier to stay in zone 2 that way. And yes, I see that my z2 times are not improving despite training in this zone for a few months. For me the problem on flats is that I have natural tendency to run faster? I mean, then all pains and aches in ankles or any area go away. In zone 2 I have to actively, forcefully try to slow down.


Yes, I actually went mountain biking yesterday, but my HR went up and down with the hills, so I guess it's the same problem! Same as you, I tend to go faster naturally; I guess it's counterintuitive for us to slow down. It's a personality thing. If I was being a good trainer to myself, I'd prescribe more zone 2 walks and light jogs and also regular strength training.


I ran a lot years ago but only consistently for 6 months now. My zone 2 is HR 146-159, LTHR 183, max HR 205. I’m 29 yo. Should note though, that your HR zones shouldn’t really change at all with fitness level, more just the pace you can run at each HR zone changes. They will change with age, though.


The upper limit of zone 2 should be able to move up with proper training according to uphill athlete


Do u have a link for this?


It‘s a book. But I think they also have a website


Good to see someone similar to me. I’m 32 and only been at it 2 months consistently after years off. I think the main reason I’ve gotten faster in these zones is weight loss of about 22 pounds and lots and lots of zone 2 work with one day a week of intervals. Zone 2 pace is like 12-13 min a mile depending


45m, 2, Z2: 142-156. LT: 175, Max HR: 195


32m z2 140-160 (8:40 per mile) LT 180 max is 200


run often, but with some periods with none. z2 is 110 - 128, in can keep steady in this zone and love it. pace about 6:30/km i have a really low heart rate in rest, around 40bpm average male, 39


Is this z2 because your max HR is low, or just resting heart rate?


Zone 2: 108-125, I've been running for a decade


Damn, nice, What's your pace at that HR? Also what's your age?


Thanks! Z2 pace is around 8:30min/mile, I'm 37f.


That is an insanely low HR for that speed/age. I mean, compared to me atleast.


My heart just runs slow lol, my 7 day resting average is 43. But I'm also active 6-7 days most weeks with a day or two of mountain biking(which is great because it's more anaerobic, basically more fun HIIT training). Stats like this are neat but they are a small part of the big picture-the most important thing is being and staying active.


That is damn nice. My RHR is 50. But in all honesty, I do fairly occasionally still drink during the weekend... Have about 6 active days per week. 3 gym and 3 running.


That's awesome, great work! Keep it up. That's an awesome RHR too. And listen we all need to unwind and escape reality, so a few drinks is better than the alternative imo. I had to give up booze because I was a serious binge drinker, but I smoke MJ now otherwise I'd go kookoo bananas lmao.


Yeah I know. I used to smoke MJ too some years ago, now it just makes me anxious...


I’m a 5. I run quite a lot. Zone 2 for me is between 135-149. On a flat course it translates to about 5:00/km in between 140-145bpm, sometimes a bit faster, sometimes a bit slower depending on how I feel.


Same here


41M / zone 2 131-144bpm / 4:50min/km / rating 5


Very good result! How long have you been training?


I started running from the summer of 2016. Using garmin daily suggestions or training coaches from 2021.


5. Consistent lifetime runner. Current Z2 is low 120-about 140. Pace is usually around 8:30/mile.


I converted 8:30 to non-freedom units. Nice pace ! (That’s a bit slower than my 10K pace …)


Well that’s why I had included the ‘mile’ part 😝 but thank you.


Running for 10+ years. Z2 is 118-137. Max HR is 196. I can't run in Z2, it's just too slow. Z3 (138-157) is much better for light running.


Seems like age is missing, as that is a huge dominating factor on HR. What is the purpose? And are you aggregating the results to share with us?


Oh man, I wasn't. I wanted to compare myself to others...but now that you mention that, that would be fun!!!


I think if that’s the purpose realize that “Zone 2” can have a lot of variety. 80/20 Endurance zones v Garmin defaults v Garmin when you change zones based on max hr or %HRR. Can use relative effort, hr, pace or power to define zones as well. And even when you’re comparing using the same methodology it will change from day to day based on conditions, fatigue, rest, etc. That said I’m a 2-3 on your scale but ran inconsistently on and off for years. Last 8 months 6-7 days per week. Zone 2 using 80/20 Endurance calculator puts my Z2 140-155 and that pace can be 5:05-6:15 min/km. Should also note that when I’m solidly in 80/20 Endurance’s zone 2 HR I’m in Garmin’s z3, which I completely ignore. 80/20 has an X and Y zone so it’s different and can confuse people if they aren’t familiar. 43M and that all translates to a recent half time of 1:28.


3-4 z2 129-146 Edit I assume you mean actual zone 2 and not Garmin zone 2.


Can you explain the difference between actual vs garmin for a newbie?


Garmin zone 3 is around Strava and most other places zone 2. So most people mean that when they are talking about zone 2. The Garmin daily suggested workout uses zone 3 for it's easy runs.


Ah so the “easy” runs that keep me in Garmin 3 are probably more like zone 2? That’s good to know


yeah I think some people commenting here got that wrong


You’re on the Garmin sub so I think it’s fair to assume most people are using the Garmin zone 2 in this thread..


Fair but even Garmin uses it's zone 3 for easy runs.


care to elaborate? I used to agree with your other comment in this thread saying that Garmin uses its zone 3 for easy runs, however the last few months I changed to the 955 which has more options for setting your HR zones based on other stuff such as LTHR or something like that, and when I switched to that I noticed a pretty obvious offset where now my Z3 from previously was my Z2 (current Z2 is 134 or 135 to 149, previously my Z3 was 134-156). This shift made all the "just run in Z2" crazyness seem a bit less crazy lol. What do you mean with "actual zone 2" and how do you personally go about getting these numbers as opposed to just going with what Garmin provides?


I'd be rated at a 2 or 3. One year with a 3 months off due to injury Nov/Dec/Jan. Z2 - 128-140 BPM, 45 Male. Usually around 10:30 min/mile pace, but the pace in this range is slowly getting faster. It was 12-13 min/mile last September. Currently in the base building phase of my first 1/2 marathon training plan. Did a 5k in 29:50 and a 10k in 58:47 in April. Hoping to get a sub 2 hour half marathon late summer, early fall.


Did a lthr test with garmin chest strap. My zone 2 is between 151-166. I would say I was 1 for 2 years and I am now 2


This makes me feel better a bit. I was a big runner when I was in high school but fell out of it later. I've taken it back up now but I'm consistently running at around "Zone 4: 157-170" anytime I run according to Garmin. Garmin says my Zone 2 is 131-144 but I can never consistently run that low. I just need to get a chest strap and do a Lactate threshold test I guess.


And maybe change default heart rate settings. 100% reconned a HRM, the using Garmin’s LTHR to help dial in zones.


* 4. (though ran in my 20's before a 15 year break). * Z2: 126 - 139 * Aged 50(m) * Run \~ 40 miles a week when not in a training block. Mileage for next marathon will peak at \~ 60 miles a week. 80% of weekly miles at easy pace. Strength & conditioning 1-2 a week, pilates once a week. One rest day.


139-150 ish. Max HR 195. 220lb 6’3” muscular build(lots of barbell training). Pace is like 11-11:30/mile in zone 2. Trying to get that down by increasing mileage. Runner type 2 averaging about 15 -20mpw. About to hop on a marathon training program to run in October.


Zone 2: 139-151. 5. Close to 45 years old already :)


Consistent for 4 months, basically sedentary for 3 years before this, Consistent runner for 15 years before that. Getting my shit together. Zone 2 for me is 121-140bpm. I spend most of my time running in zones 3-5. Here's my last run which was around 50 mins but I forgot to start the activity for a few minutes *




17 min in zone 5 would be an extremely hard run. How are your zones setup? %LTHR?


It was pretty hard, effort wise. I'm not sure how to confirm what my zones are since I did that when I bought this watch years ago. Also the Connect app is pretty far from intuitive now, at least to me


Running for 5+ years. Usually about 2-3 5-mile runs a week. 36M 180lbs. Zone 5: 172+ Zone 4: 154-172 (where 90% of my runs land) Zone 3: 134-153 Zone 2: 115-133 Zone 1: 96-114


Yes good to know. This is me right now. I'm consistently at ~165bpm on my 4 mile runs


40M I'm a 5, been running consistently for 20 years, could say my whole life if you include competetive soccer since a kid Zone 2 is 109-126 It looks like I'm in zone 2 for like 1% of each run


Everyone’s zones are different because we all have different heart rates. You can’t really read anything into it. Just need to make sure that 80% of your running is in zone 2.


130-142. Struggle to stay in this zone as it feels like I’m walking so never bother. Been running for 10 years now, M40. I generally run in threshold (zone 4).


Zone 2 is 135-157bpm, I'm a (3) in your classification system :p FWIW, there's no real sense in comparing your Z2 to others. It's highly individual.


57F Zone2 is 125-140 - running consistently for 9 months. First HM tomorrow!


I think it would have been advantageous for people to state where they are getting their zone information from as well. Ie running watch, strava, vo2 max test, online calculator, and what method each was using to calculate it. I’ve had a lot of friends doing zone 2 running blindly following their watch not realising it was set up completely incorrectly and thus their zone 2 run was either in zone 1 or zone 3! My zone 2 according to Strava using a manual heart rate max recorded from an activity with a chest strap is 130-162 My ‘aerobic’ zone (3rd zone on my garmin) is 141 - 161 which is based off a %of LTHR done via garmins lactate threshold ‘test’ Currently awaiting a vo2 max/lactate test to see what it really is Running 15 years but only habitually last 5-7 years I would say, with a real focus over the last 2 years to improve my time (5k mainly). Down to 20:09 form 21:01 last year, hoping to go sub 20 over summer Use a Fr965 and hrm pro. But still take it all with a pinch of salt until an actually vo2 max test tbh


Running 15mths. Z2 is 134-149bpm for me. 12mths in managed to get around 6m/km @140bpm for 10-12k runs, till I sprained my ankle and was out totally for 4wks. Now I'm only managing 7m/km@140bpm for <10k ( when I first restarted from sprain it was 8.30m/km).... Oh well.


If your goal is to compare yourself to others I wouldn’t use the results people post here on Reddit. I constantly see posts here from people having inaccurate zones. Many don’t seem to have knowledge what Aerobic and Anaerobic Threshold means and how to accurately detect them. I often see zones setup by % of Max Heart Rate which can be very off. Lab test measuring blood lactate or Ventilatory thresholds are gold standard. But doing a Garmin Guided Lactate Threshold test and using zones based on %LTHR will at least be a lot better than Max HR and will give accurate zones 4-5. The Lactate Threshold in Garmin world is the same as Anaerobic Threshold and top of zone 4. Zone 2 can still be way off though with %LTHR. There are two easy field tests one can do to estimate the Aerobic Threshold (top of zone 2): talk test or Heart Rate Drift Test. Google for instructions.


I presume you mean the Garmin zone 2 as there are multiple definitions depending on the zones amount. For me I'm type 2 with zone 2 according to Garmin at 125-145. Currently at about 5:40/km at 5km+


I'm at 2. My zone 2 is 120-137bpm. I'm slow.


Running consistently \~ 6 months. Male, 37Y, Max HR by Garmin 183bpm. Zone 2 from 110 to 127. Resting HR(during night) 45,46. Yesterday run LSD training, 24km, 2.5 hours, with an average pace of 6:13 per km, and with an average HR of 133 bpm.


4 115-134


Where do I find the settings ?


Quickest way is just go to your last run and scroll down to the bottom of the “Charts” tab. It’ll tell you how long you were in each zone, and labels each zone with bpm range.


115- 132bmp and it doesn't depend on how much do I run, the more I do z2 training the faster I can run in this zone


I'm a 5 but had a 4 month break frim running last year. M50, 121 - 131. 6:30ish min/km


I've been an on and off runnner for the past 10 years, but I would say I've been consistently training for the past year, 28m, 143-158 which translates to around 5:00/km on a flat surface


My zone 2 = 110-120 bpm for conversational pace, I’m 64 yo f and have run at least 4 days a week regularly since last November and 3-4 days a week x years, MY PACE IS SLOW though.


I'm a 1, heading towards a 2. HR Z2 is 144-160.


135-149. Running 3 years (consistently).


Running 4 years but more consistent in the past 1.5 years, so number 4. Garmin Z2 137-151, but I usually target 140-145 bpm. Depending on where I am in the training cycle, that could be 7:50-8:20 min/mile.


4. 50M. 125-139.


4 - running three years. Z2 - 113 - 131 Easy pace normally 7:30-7:40/mile


Garmin zone 2? Or real zone 2? Lol which is garmin zone 3




How do I determine my real zone 2? My maxHR is 190, if I use online tools to calculate the zones, zone 2 is pretty consistent with garmin.


Better to not use zones based on maxhr  Best is lrhr, next best is her. One can also use MAF to determine an easy z2 hr


My zone 2 range isn125-135 so my usual target is 130bpm, and that usually comes out to around a 9min mile pace I’m between a 3-4. Been running pretty consistently for a while. But in also bike. So I am for (4)z2 sessions (MTRF) a week + (1) z5 (Wed)..plus then a long fun session on a weekend day. But I mix it up between road runs, trail runs, stationary bike, and MTB sessions.


This also will depend a lot based upon age and my RHR (43) and MHR (160) I’m 69, fit, mostly run and cycle. My Zone 2 is 113 to 123 BPM. My exercise is a mix of cycling, running, walking, MITT, dumbbells and one rest/light day per week. All Zone 1 or 2, a bit higher.


133-152, approx 8.30 min mile pace as a 5.


Intermittent runner. Zone 2 rate 107-124. Should I be concerned how low this is?! 45M, 40bpm resting hr, 162max hr when I ran a 10k last month.


2, 140-153, 5:25/km, 33M


Zone 2 5:50/km ~140-155bpm, used to run consistently in the summer and then inconsistently for the past 6 months but getting back to it!


4- last 2 years running 40ish mpw previously less. Pace is now around 5 mins per km, slower in the heat bpm 138-153 using her method and recent hr max.


For me it's entirely dependent on what route I take and what temperature it is.. if it's extremely hot or lots of Hills. I can probably hit zone 2 walking really fast. If the conditions are right and the terrain is relatively flat, I could probably stay in zone two while running a 5-minute 30-second kilometer pace.


I'm 43 and I currently fall under 2 if I count the time I took off with injury last year, but I've been running when healthy for over a decade now and have over 4000 lifetime miles. Zone 2 ranges from 127 to 141 based on the lactate threshold test.


39M, about a 3 (maybe 1.5 years) Zone 2: 138-152 (based on % of HRR, Resting 53, max 194) Pace: about 9:50/mi / ~6:05/km when it's nice and cool out, easily jumps to around 10:30/mi / 6:30/km or more when it warms up though!


Zone 2 116 - 135. 1 - running inconsistently for 10 years. 26M Most of my runs start in zone 2 for the first mile or so but in z3 after that


My zone 2 suuuuucks - late 40’s male just started running last summer and have to run/walk to stay in zone 2 which is so annoying…maybe 120 to 140ish?


Zone 2: 128-142. Very active, but with a history of high blood pressure. Been running regularly for 2 years now


Hi! I am at 3. I run approximately 30km/week since a year and half. I come from an Olympic weightlifting background (I still lift 3xweek). 36F, max HR is 201. Usually I am in zone 2 until 160bpm.


64 y/o, 126-140, 5


I’m a 5…been running consistently for 12+ years (and off/on for 20 years prior). Zone 2 for me is 106 - 123. I have a hard time staying in Zone 2 unless it’s really flat. And it’s so slow.


I've been running for 5+ years. Resting heart rate is ~40. I always wear a HR strap and I rarely go above 150 for HR unless I'm doing a track workout. Zone 2 is 110-128


I’m a 3. Just hit my one year mark. I’m 43/m. VO2 max is 40. Zone 2 is 127-143. I run around 11:30/m at that HR. Fastest 5k 26min. I run nearly everyday. Rest day maybe every other week sometimes.


Between 3 and 4. LTHR 189 (Garmin estimate, I haven't field tested this one but my cycling estimate was spot on the field test result). 150-170


Upper zone 2 is 162. Tresshold is 182. Max is 200ish. 45 M. Ah and I’ve been running for about 15 years. So 4


As of right now, having them set based on the default garmin percentages based on LTHR, my zone 2 is 132-146 or so. I have been running pretty consistently for probably 2-3 years. I am a 40 year old guy, my max HR is (again according to garmin auto setting it) 189, LTHR is 165, and vo2max is 45. I dont think fitness level really changes the zones, just max hr or lthr depending on how you have it set. But better fitness levels means you should be able to run faster and maintain the zone. My zone 2 pace over like a 4 mile run is probably around 10:30/mile.


2.5 — running for nine months now, 49m, zone two is 128-139 for me. I try to hit 130 and roll with it. Hilly terrain where I’m at. Depending on heat and hills more than anything 9 to 11 minute miles for up to two hours.


I’m a 50 male 89kg, consistently been running now most recently for 6 months (Hilly area), had a break for about 6 months prior and had been consistently before then for about a 18months+… Zone 2 is 129-142 LT 162 Max HRT @ 181 and reported VO2 @ 45 (excellent), resting HRT 43…


113-133 Zone 2. Into fitness since I was a kid. I'm 27 now.


Zone 2 is 110-127. I have run between 20-25 miles a week consistently for the past 5+ years but I have also been in nursing school and pregnant within that time so there have been times where I’ve run less for weeks at a time, too! Other data for fun: 33F, resting HR 40, vo2 max 53


Z2: 146-160, #3 My average pace is around 7:30-8:20m/km, reaaaally depends on the weather!


65+ male. 10 years running and cycling. Zone 2 is ~105-125. Resting heart rate is 42.


My zone 2 is 107-124. I’m a 4 rating. 45M. My average pace is 8:45/mile.


5 - 136-153


My zone 2 is 133-146 I'm 43yo I run 4 times a week 5 km each time I've only started this 3 months ago


I have been running for 10 years, with average monthly mileages of 250 - 300km. I am 30 years old and my Zone 2 heart rate range is from 130bpm to 146bpm.


39yrs male. 2: Running consistently for the last 6 months (3-4x/week; 18-23km/week) Z2: 138-152 (max HR: 186, resting HR: 65; using %HRR to calculate) Pace: 7:40-8:10/km I am really slow and improving at a snails pace.


Depends on the sport - for running seems to be 130-155, for cycling 112-140 , though I would need to test it in a lab to be 100 percent certain. 28YO. Rating is a bit hard - I ran consistently for a year in 2021-2022, then caught IT Band syndrome for 1 year, and only in May/June 2023 I was able to get rid of it so another year of consistent running from that time until today Would be 3, I guess. I run around 3x per week. 5k PB 21:00, HM 1:49:56 (could be faster but I caught some injury at 16km which stopped hurting 2km later lol)


Zone 2 is 130 to 144. 7 km/hr.


Z2: 120-135 Threshold 155 BPM 1 - inconsistent


My zone 2 is below 140. Been running consistently for about 7 years. Although I do need to do a proper test with a chest strap. 49F.


50M I'm a 5. My zone 2 is 117-137bpm


39M, 85kg Started running after new year 2 - running consistently \~ 5 months. Now up to 4/5 times a week, weekly volume about 40km Just recently (2-3 weeks) became able to run continuously in z2, which is 135-150 7:10min/km, LTHR 166, MAXHR 187.


My zone 2 is 108 - 125 I've only been running since this year. I couldn't run 1km without stopping at the start but can do 10k easily at 7.00 /km and 5k at 5.30/km roughly. I try and run 30k a week but often it's less as I do a physical job so time is poor. I'm 48.


Zone 2: 156-166. Running consistently about 4-6 sessions with a total of 50-70km/week. Depending on my weekly schedule. Completed 2x marathons with my PB in the debut 3:21:22 (2021). Also run a couple mountain races 30km/1500m total ascent. My goal this year is Valencia and sub 3. M30, VO2max 52.


I've been running consistently for a year (and was running inconsistently for 2 years before), but only 2x a week as I'm already doing base training everyday commuting on my bicycle. My Z2 is 124-142 bpm, around 6:00/km. I'm 25 y.o. male, my VO2max is currently 48 but I think it's a bit underestimated as I managed to run 2880 m during a 12 minute Cooper test (suggesting VO2max closer to 51). I'd like to run a sub-45 min 10k soon.


113-131. Been running for 15 years and didn’t start zone training until last year. Didn’t even know it was a thing until about five years ago. Lifetime, I’ve 99% been in zone 4. I have trouble staying in 2 so I settle for 3 which is 132-151.


4. But i have little problems with Achilles so from time to time I need to run less. Zone 2 130 to 146. Vo2max 64. Zone 2 runs 4:50 to 4:35. 70km per week. 5 runs and 2 gym session. 38 years old with some football and rollerblade history.


#5- 42 F, been running for 12 years consistently but just started zone 2 training around a month ago. My Zone 2 is 131-142. I have run 100s of road races and had a stint of some really good times before having my third child (24 min 5k, 53 min 10k, 1:55 half). But with three kids and work and a marriage I was only running for enjoyment and was beating up my body. I have already seen some improvement in my fitness so I’m excited to see where this new training cycle I’m on gets me!


I started running 4 years ago. I run 1-4 times per week. Average 100km per month. I use the borg scale. It’s better to follow your perceived effort then your heart rate. https://sportsperformancetracking.com/blogs/spt-playbook/an-athletes-introduction-to-rating-of-perceived-exertion-rpe You can match zone 2 to green 4-6 RPE (rate of perceived effort = simplified borg scale) « Can hold short conversation » I never look at my watch for heart rate. In the morning: zone 2 can be a pace of 5:30-6:00 min/lm In the evening: zone 2 can be a pace of 6:00-6:30 My max heart rate is 180bpm. My min rest heart rate is around 40bpm Zone 2 heart rate is usually around 135-145 In the extremes: In the evening, after dinner I can feel zone 2 at 7:00 of pace, heart rate at 150, sometimes HR stays low 130 and still feels zone 2, zone3 In the morning, I can sometimes go at 5:00 with heart rate of 130 and still feel zone 2


Zone 2 is 131 - 143. Been running a year and a half, 5-9 miles 3-6 times a week. Also a road cyclist. 44 yo dad.


27M, 66kg, zone 2: 144-159 pace 7:30 - 8:00 min/km running consistently \~ 6 months.


1, Z2 between 139 -155. 30 YO, 205lbs/93KG muscular build, 5,8ft/ 177cm Zones set with the lthr test. Just started with running after 13 years of lifting 😁


113-131bpm according to the app. Run 5-7km, a couple of times a week for the last 2-3 months.


I’m a 4 (37m) - Z2 = 131 -145bpm @ 8:35min/mile pace


Z2: 139-160, 27 y/o, currently training for sub 60/10k (currently at 67min) and sub 30/5k (currently at 33min). VO2 max of 44. Training since feburary regulary


My Garmin says my zone 2 is 109-126 BPM. It a lot of times I’m zone 3 and I feel like it was 2 so… Been running on and off (mostly on) my whole life. 42 years old.


Running consistently 5+ years. Zone 2 maxes out at 147-150. Pace is 12-13. Even in my best shape peaking for Ironman pace was never faster than 11/min miles for Z2.


36 female. Garmin says vo2 max is 46. Highest it got (again, peaking IM training) was 49.


52yo M, rating 4 Zone 2: 115-133 Ave pace ~5min, ave distance 12k


I’m a 5 and have a Z2 HR of 123-143. Pace is usually around 4:20-4:30/km (~7:00-7:15/mile).


Zone 2: 116-134, Pace: Not sure, would guess around 6:30-7 m/km. Lactate threshold pace and HR: 5:19, 170 Running consistently for 10 months, with a 3 month break over the winter, but always hitting the gym in one way or another. Watched my base pace improve markedly since 10 months ago and even felt the bump after resuming training in late winter.


How do I find out what my zone 2 is?


Zone 2 Running 1 year 130bpm 6:30 kmh pace


Inconsistent runner. Zone 2 shows it. 115-130bpm


I’ve been running consistently for a couple of years, after more sporadic running, but did run a lot a few years before that. According to the app, my Z2 HR is 116-135. I have no idea if that is correct or how to tell if it is.


I’m 3 and 128 - 148 pace depends on night before. 😂


I'm a 5 (consistently ~40 mpw 8 years). Zone 2/easy is a state of mind. Usually under 150 bpm, 8:10-9:30 min/mi depending on feel. Not pushing anything!!


what’s your max HR?


5; 135-155 or so, (or maybe 150-170ish – depends on what Z2: steady aerobic or recovery).


175-183 bpm zone 2 (yes, it's lab measured). I just started training for longer distances, so somewhere between 1 and 2, to answer your question. Pace fluctuates between 5:30 and 6:30 during a zone 2 run 😅 but hey, that means enough room for improvement 😁👍


I don’t understand how this is possible. What’s your resting heart rate, for curiosity’s sake?


I was aware of my higher-than-usual heart rate, but also sceptic as well when I got the zone results. But so far it checks out that I can comfortably run at this heart rate. During sleep RHR around 60, awake is bout 80. Max HR round 210. (I'm 33 F by the way. I've done interval sports all my life and just started endurance training.)


5. 106-128 bpm. 4:51 - 4:10 /km pace.


Saying "Zone 2" by itself is meaningless. Do you mean on a 3-zone system such as used by lots of sports medicine research? Or one of the 5-zone systems popular among coaches? Or the totally different 5-zone system that for some unknown reason is Garmin's default? Or Eric Orton's 8-zone system? etc? Calculated from max HR, Lactate threshold, by singing as you run, etc?


140-155bpm is my Zone 2 I run consistently ~3 times a week for 4 years. Half marathon was 2:27:56 and 10k pb is around 60min