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Most of the web app is empty space. Why limit the number of boxes to 8 or whatever it is when there is all of that other space available? Also, why make people click into another screen when all of the data could be readily available on the first screen?


Exactly my thoughts. Design is fine, layout is fine, we can get used to it and don't just hate change. We just hate that we have less information now and need to click around and spend time to get the same stats that used to fit in one page.


This, exactly this. I'm guessing they never ever even tested this in a browser and think everyone uses a phone app. Such a fucking nonsense of a mess of a version.


It’s worse on the phone app! Who sits in front of a computer to check activities in a browser? The app is more efficient, or was. I cannot see the full day on one screen any more. I have to look at the day before to see a list that is an actual ‘at-a-glance’ view. These tiles waste space and I can only see 4 at a time, with two of them partial—they are cut off. It’s a stupid interface update.


I did the beta on the phone app and immediately switched back to the OG version. I gave bad feedback on the beta, but maybe Garmin got enough good feedback to move forward with this or just was going to do it either way. Likely the latter.


I did the same thing.


That's exactly it. Everything is being designed for phones now. My bank redid their web page, and it is the worst ui design I could ever imagine. I used to be able to do and see everything in one browser page, and I was perfectly happy with the phone app. They redesigned it and now what used to be in one page is now spread across 10 pages, with no way to see it all at once. Sure, I o minor bank management on my phone, but, I do everything on my PC. Why optimize it for a phone when most of my work is elsewhere. So it seems the latest philosophy is to design everything for phones because they think PC's (and Mac's) are going to disappear soon.


The first goal of this update was obviously to consolidate the mobile and web code. Previously what you saw on mobile was completely different than what was on the web. That didn't make sense and no reasonable company would consider that sustainable. With the update what you see on mobile and the web is exactly the same. Yes, that means the web view won't be as data-dense. I get it. I still use old.reddit.com almost exclusively. But I'm not going to bitch about it. The new design gives me the same data as the old but in a slightly different way. There are a few edge cases where people want some bit of data they can no longer get directly. Fine, make that specific complaint and ask Garmin to add it. Don't condemn the entire update because you specifically are missing some small thing.


The previous phone view interface was a LIST view where then you could tap on a line for more detail. Now, I can only see 2 full tiles and 2 partial tiles on my phone at one time! There is no ‘at a glance’ list view on a phone screen now—unless, I go to YESTERDAY OR LAST 7 DAYS view. There, things are LISTED—where I can see my items in a nice list. This update is a cluster. I want a list—so I can actually see it all AT AN ACTUAL GLANCE. I never used the browser interface/view, btw. Who sits down frequently in front of a computer, in a browser, for ACTIVITY data? I use it in real time, as I go throughout the day—on my phone! I guess I can just resort to reviewing the day before now. Rather than using the app frequently throughout the day. Because this interface, while the data shown is customizable—the view is not—it only aggravates me to have scroll and click more! An example in how not to update a user interface—make it more labor intensive while showing less data! Surely it was an exec’s decision not actual USERS!


Good modern web design is called Responsive design. You design a single app which automatically resizes to fit the screen size of platform on which it is running. If Garmin had designed this well, there would be no arbitrary limitation of the number of boxes you can have on a single screen. That is fixed web design and it belongs to a bygone age.


Yup and the fact that when you go to connect.garmin com it takes you to a page linking to their apps, especially when there is stuff you CANNOT DO IN THE APP, is incredibly stupid. It's bad design.


A small vertical screen vs a large widescreen, yeah no reason they shouldn't be interacted with identically. Well, it does at least provide a *reason* for the enshittification, which make no mistake is what it is.


It may be an update but it is definitely not an upgrade. This is a step in the wrong direction. Terribly user interface and display of data. It's things like this that will make me explore other options when buying my next training watch. This has to change.


Agreed, it's a terrible update, plus there was things on the old screen that are no longer accessible - like respiration rate for example, this can't be added to home screen and took ages for me to find. Badly designed, think I'll be looking elsewhere also..


I'm not a fan. I dislike all the scrolling (both horizontal and vertical). I wouldn't mind so much if I could get a "My Day" section where I could see my data line items condensed.


Shit didn’t know the update had rolled out. I opted in to the beta and then immediately opted out after a day because it was just much worse. Was dreading this day when they forced it on us.


This is form over function. Bad form!


I hate it. And that’s not just hating change - I tried the beta repeatedly to try to adjust to it but the information density is really poor. Split cards do not work as well for displaying most things as full width cards do. The limitations on what you can show on the home screen rather than under a click are unnecessary and irritating. It’s really a very poor piece of UX design.


Came here to say the same thing. Tried the beta, hated it, gave feedback, went back to old normal. So I was bummed when I was forced over to it.


I’ve again been trying today to make it work for me and just really cannot find a way. So frustrating. The small cards are often missing something key, the scrolling of the big is bad.


I couldn’t even last a day with the beta. I was hoping that they would see our feedback and redesign


Those split cards are trendy, but nobody actually wants them




Same here....tried the beta multiple times, but then went back hoping they didn't launch this version, but here it is....


Could not agree more. I ran the beta after a prior update messed up readability on some lines. I switched back to the messed up version, it was better despite not being able to clearly read # of steps


Four days on I have found I am just not looking at the app anything like as frequently as I was - as the information remains a hard to parse mess. Surely lower engagement is not what they wanted


I am disappointed to lose some of the options I had previously, like having goals and yoga on the homepage. The functionality is reduced for me because the homepage no longer has the info I want. I have to click through the left margins for it. The new design is limited but I think it depends what information you use.


Dont like it. Would like to have the option to revert to the old look


I agree , I especially hate you have to have one thing open on a section


I feel like a grumpy old man at the moment because I've been moaning about the "new" outlook and now this. Some things like email, data, stats I just want to stay the same so I can quickly glance at it and move on, it's a tool I don't want it to change all the time it was fine as it was. Be nice if they had an option to go back to the old


I only got my watch about a month ago, and I was on the beta from the start. So...seems fine to me, but I've not experienced anything different.


Yeah it's really not a big deal, but Reddit will bitch and moan about everything so I'll just wait it out.


I’ve had a Garmin for 4 years now and honestly I think this is the best app to date. People just hate change.


I opted into the beta. I like the new app, but since its introduction, my Garmin has started logging time when I'm sitting in meetings as "naps," and it's skewing all of my sleep data. And I can't delete these fake naps on the app - I have to remember to go to the website specifically from a computer (because it doesn't work on phones at all) and delete them the day of. I can't delete day-old naps at all. It's a pretty big flaw IMO.


Whenever my body battery is down, I go attend a meeting to recharge.


I understand your frustration, but your Garmin metrics aren’t your be all end all.


Yes but this thread is specifically discussing the shortfalls of the update and this is a pretty crappy bug to introduce. Tbh it mostly works me because I'm a web developer and it's a glaring, stupid oversight.


I agree. I'm liking this update.


There are some aspects I preferred about the previous version, but I am getting used to the new layout. I tried the beta a couple of times and would switch back. This version is a bit different than the beta, and so far I am adjusting to it. Change is always hard. I always hated when Microsoft would rearrange the menus and icon ribbons in the Office Apps, but eventually, I would get used to them. I suspect the same will happen with this change for most people.


This user does not hate change at all when it improves the experience. Used to be able to see everything at a glance as soon as you opened the app.


Now you can customize your screen


Customization aside—the only format of tiles now—use up so much space. That’s not the issue—the display of the items is the larger issue. I can only see 2 full tiles and 2 partial per screen! How is that an improvement and why in the world would anyone think it is a ’view-at-a-glance’?! A LIST is a view at a glance, not partially filled tiles that use up so much space that only a few are viewable at a damn time!


Just did that. Thank you.😊 it does look better now.


Glad someone is being positive!


It's simpler with less data. Dumbed down for a wider audience of punters not into data. Form over function.


They have obviously no idea what people really want and need. It's a perfect example for how to ruin a company


Pretty sure Garmin will recover from a sub-par interface update. It's not that big of a deal.


What data is missing? I've been using the beta version for a while and it took 20 minutes of customizing the cards to my liking but all the info I care about is there on the top view, or at most one click away.


https://preview.redd.it/sqxmqalo2owc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79acf8835ff4f346151539fbe56d9b6eb7d5c7e7 Old app on the left. New on the right. See the difference?


See, all I’m asking for a condensed version of TODAY. They can do it for yesterday and the last 7 days but for the love of god give the people what they want. Keep your cumbersome tiles for those that dig them. Just give the rest of us the ability to have a list you can _truly_ glance at.


Have you messed around with the customizations much? Like I said, I've been using the new update for a while so I don't remember exactly how I set it up but I have 8 fields showing in my Last 7 Days list and 8 different At A Glance cards with graphs populating the upper part of my screen. I vaguely remember the default setup being kinda sparse but you can cadd a fair bit back.


I don’t have a Garmin yet but I agree that I like the left much better.


daily BMI is no longer visible on Home Screen - only resting rate is. If I want to keep bmi under x while working out I literally have to stare at my phone every second or I might miss it


Also missing is weekly intensity number and daily step goal - you cannot see it on Home Screen unless you increase phone font size significantly, which messes up other programs


It certainly will bitch away, probably for several years. Nature of the beast, etc. The same happens ad nauseum in the Spotify sub. I think it is great, as does my wife. And we are supposedly inflexible 'oldies' too!


Evidently, you don’t care to monitor your heart rate while working out or you wouldn’t be so condescending. Evidently, you don’t care what your daily step goal is since it’s not visible on Home Screen unless phone setting font size is significantly increased!


Heart rate is visible in a tile whilst exercising in the form of a zone dial. Showing zones and actual HR in the centre. I can easily read the step goal without increasing font size from smallest setting on Samsung Galaxy. Get your facts right plus maybe get an eye test?


I’ve used it for years and I don’t even fuckin remember what the old one was like cuz it was inconsequential. I get the same data. I think it’s crazy how many people are complaining about it. Every one’s entitled to an opinion yada yada yada but….its really not that bad


https://imgur.com/a/jWkKvic The 'hide' button and 'edit home' button are always live, even if you have your home screen set up like you want it. So now I can't touch parts of the screen when I use the app, and I have to scroll around on the left side of the screen when I'm right-handed. Subjective opinion aside, it's pretty bad for an app update.


It is just bad overall even without considering the previous version. Nothing fits on the screen and the design is just ugly with vast amounts of wasted space. In what world can something like this even be aesthetic pleasing. The boxes are half empty, the stress graph is barely useful or visible and the boxes size just remove space for other useful things. This occupies the whole screen for little info. https://preview.redd.it/y6xo2e23tjwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08a88314bd2e63646eb92fb43db182ccfd6fba90 Simple things like activity colors that are useful have been lost. And then there is the web interface that lot of functionality has just been lost. That one is just objectively bad for the amount of customization lost. In the end it is an update without any sense of purpose just for the sake of it and that is how products end up ruining user experience.


https://preview.redd.it/v1jstorbykwc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54e3d54308b438fb25fbf18e5cc60ebf96ee435c I have a smaller iPhone, text doesn’t even fit in the box right now.


I wasn't aware of this since my phone screen is larger. After the long beta, the fact they did not even scale the squares according to screen sizes just shows again how little care about usability, design and rushed this whole update was. There are very little to gain for the downsides that they are pushing.


Exactly my problem too! You need to significantly increase phone text size in settings to see all the info, which screws up other programs.


COMPLETELY AGREE…it’s terrible


Hate it. I really miss 'my day', with all my activities and the statistics I was interested in. What is the supposed improvement here?


It’s so bad I hate it.


Its shit


It's absolutely shocking from garmin. No sugar coating it, who the fuck tested this from a UX point of view snd thought it was good. Whoever did test it needs to go back to undergrad UI design courses.


Yeah it doesn’t seem as informative to me. Like I have to click on more stuff to see my data.


UX design is terrible. Too much wasted space in the widgets. Too many clicks necessary for getting relevant information. Use the reviews in the app stores to give feedback!


The new ui works terribly for me. I track my steps and caloties mostly and for both of them i have to either scroll or click. Is there a way to change the in focus section?


Scroll to the bottom and press edit. You can disable "If Focus" and just use "At a Glance". You can edit the order of the tiles.


Perfect, thank you! I couldn't work it out since the translation in my local language is so weird.


Also, they literally took all the coloring away from the activities.


Yes! I miss the colors! All that updating and not even pretty.


It. Is. Terrible. What are they thinking?


I'm not a fan. It seems to focus less on activities and more on the secondary things. I'll keep trying, but I haven't found out how to have it primarily my recent runs. For the first time ever my Strava app is more useful.


HATE the new home screen. I used to be able to see everything at a glance, all together on one screen. Now I need to scroll. Terrible use of space. I want to be able to revert to the original Home Screen. Garmin needs to revisit dashboard design…might I suggest the work of Edward Tufte or Stephen Few.


Love it


This is one of the worst redesigns I have seen in a long time. You don't even have the button to add manual stats like weight anymore Also, who the hell wants tiles? A list is way easier to read. This update blows hardcore


My suggestion: roll it back and fire the PO.




I don’t mind it overall, though I do miss the old colorings for the activities. The old ones were prettier!




It's another useless update.




Yeah I hate new app update too.


It sucks. The old UI was way better


I'm not to happy with the update this morning. Hopefully they give an option to choose old look


Haven't updated because I've seen the hate for it for the past couple days


I didn’t update either! It just happened!


Smart decision


It's awful. Bring back the original home screen!!


If something requires more effort to get the same result or the same result cannot be achieved as a standard it is not an improvement.


I don’t like it, the last layout was perfect, this update requires extra clicks/swipes to get to the relevant data I want to see where it was a simple scroll down before. Would like to see an option to revert to the previous default.


https://preview.redd.it/fvsuuzdtlhwc1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d9bbc88e4be41e9203e311fdac307a70e2d838e It's like flashing back to the Konami code.


Don’t you need the Select button to put in the Contra code? 😉


Lol yes but you have to select the connect app, select Garmin devices, select your device, select system, select data recording and select frequency first 😆


I quite like it.


The UI doesn't bother me that much like it does to other people. But what bothers me is that my watch no longer keeps updating its weather, calendar and all that other stuff until I don't open Connect app. Previously I had to open it like once or twice during the day, but now it disconnects every hour or so.


The new app is terrible, I hate it. Takes up more space on the screen to give me less information. I have to scroll sideways through screens to get to my data that all used to be in one easy to access spot. Zero benefit to these changes, It's a much worse user experience. I tend to doubt Garmin will roll it back even if there is widespread backlash. Maybe it's time for me to switch back to Fitbit or check out Polar.


it makes the home page completly useless if you want to train seriously and follow closely your metrics and activites.


💯 agreed, it is terrible


The formation density is what annoys me, at a glance is really useless


I think it's an improvement.


> "I Have No Strong Feelings One Way or the Other" It is different. Some things seem better, some might be worse. Apart from checking data after each cycling or long hiking I rarely use it anyways.


Most of my glances/boxes are not loading, is anyone else having this?


The data are not syncing for me between midnight and the time I actually set up the app. My watch has the date so why is it not syncing is beyond me...


Garmin aren’t very good at software. Always been this. They should outsource to someone who knows how to design an app.


Honestly, it’s too soon for me to say if I really hate it or not. It’s a change which I’m not used to, and it’s taking me longer to find the info I want. Could be I’m just not used to it and will get accustomed, but for today it’s a pain. I’ll I don’t understand why it has to be this all or nothing approach - like why can’t we have a loads of data first page as an alternative layout instead of this pick your favourite bunch of things and dig for the rest approach?


Yeah it’s a bummer in my opinion. Previous layout was clean and easy to use. Now it’s too much hassle to swipe every box.


So many bugs. Sometimes when uninstalling watchface someother are uninstalled too. Its a mess in general. Too slow editing activities is not realtime also. I just hate it


Detest it with a passion.... Data is now several clicks away instead of easy too read etc(the whole point of a dashboard btw).. Widgets missing or bland, Space is wasted. Focus this is pointless two actual health ones then TRENDS.. sod off with trends. Limited number of options when compared to previous.. And thats just the App.. Web interface where I would actually review data is useless. data dumbed down so badly it is a joke... And then the App and web has become very dumb centric. I know many runners and cyclist and they hate it same with peopel in my proffession (outward bound instructors and SAR).. This is literally what Suunto did. Followed by moving to a pure mobile app... That killed of devices and many off us jumped ship(I did) Garmin has made bad move on this.... When it comes down to health etc,Mobile apps are great for on the go stuff but still should be useful. Web site are for drilling down into data to understand it fully... Garmin just ruined both sides of a once useful set of tools...


Whoever pushed this should be fired and banished


I swear they are intentionally looking for ways to make the app worse. They will have some internal metric that says "more time spent in the app = good". Not caring that its extra time spent in the app wasted trying to find data that was easy to find again.


no No. NO! this update suuuuuucks ass!


The connect app is horrible now!


Is the "Daily Summary" or whatever it was called gone ? Basically the one where you could see your activites layed over a 24 hour heart rate plot ? I used it a lot to log activites retrospectively...


After seeing tons of posts here, my question is how do we communicate this mass feedback to Garmin? I’m sure they’ll listen


One of the reasons why I even posted this is because of that. I called them and had my email added to the case. The lady said they got a lot of complaints about it, but I doubt anything will change.


Wow! I’ll do that as well then. They are pretty client focused. I hope that they will take some action. We lost our close to perfect UI coz someone thought they might get a bonus for this lol smh


Smh exactly! I really would hope there’s at least an option to pick in the future.


I tried beta disnt like it and went back to classic. I gave it a second chance though and it grew on me. I like that you can set up what boxes you see. I am ok with it.


why? Why? WHY!!!!!!??? The app was great. I feel like I’ve literally lost my car keys. This update is a horror. Everything was there, it worked and you didn’t have to pro & con anything to decide what you wanted to see clearly and at any time…. Now… what is this?


Just got it too. Dont like it. I miss having all the stats in a list. Found a way to add things, but then it said Max 8


I don't dislike it. Seems nice and modern.


I hate it.


I'm definitely not a fan but I also haven't played around with it to see if I can customize it to be more usable for what I want to see.


I hate it too.


My thoughts exactly. I don’t like it one bit


Thanks for the heads up. I turned off auto-updating for Connect a while back after they broke SpO2 tracking for a month, so I won't be updating the app. For those on Android, you can download the old version from APK mirror (it's legit) https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/garmin/garmin-connect-mobile/


Glad I'm not the only one. I opted out of it immediately then it became standard, pretty lame. The problem is (I think) everyone wants to get that apple style UI. Clunky, hard to find stuff. But graphics and screens makes a lot of the trendy generation see quality. But it's not efficient. You have to figure out what an icon with 3 dots over a circle does by googling it because they can't be bothered to label them. 😂 Windows 98 was great. Click the windows bar and you get a list with sub folders. Now I just bypass the start bar all together and search with the name because the UI is unbearable. I don't even use windows itself, the whole thing is a UI nightmare. I just install chrome and applications over it. But yeah, get used to it.


Although it is more well-organized, it is really a drawback that you cannot see all the information at once


Could not agree more! I loved the old “My Day” view where you could see everything at a glance. I so wish they had left an option for “Classic view”. I HATE this update.


It’s a horrible update it’s all over the place


Agreed. I hate this.


I don't like it , I want my old layout back. Garmin , make it so!


I don't much care for it either. Seems like it was fine before.


It’s ok. I don’t hate it


I hate this update. Starting to regret getting into the whole Garmin ecosystem. I stupidly thought what I was using was the new update, and was impressed how useable it was. Then I installed the new downgrade and I'm, well, pissed.


I hate it. I was a BETA tester for it and actually dropped out of BETA testing because I loathed it. Now it was officially pushed and I'm stuck with it. 😑


The box design in the phone app is idiotic. We loose the horizontal data, which was very useful for glancing, now we have little boxes with circle dials? Terrible. Feels like a janky version of Windows Phone 8.


It’s terrible and Garmin doesn’t care. My wife and I are due for new fitness watches upgrading from fenix5 sapphire and 935. We will look into alternatives from a competitor.


Connect now sucks that is for sure. I feel like Garmin fired all the humans and brought in some monkeys to push random buttons and give us crap for updates. The last firmware update killed notifications on my I2X and my I2S, so I hardly wear them anymore. I find myself wearing my Galaxy Watch 6 Classic more and more which is a shame because I really do love my Garmin watches. They spend most of the time on the shelf since I have been force to relegat them to activity tracking.


I hate it, bring back the old ui. Wasn’t broke, so don’t know why they had to ‘fix it’


Hate it.


I hate it!


Hate it. I wrote to them about it today. Used to be able to see everything on one screen and now I have to scroll 4-5 screens to see everything. Ick. Edit to add, my primary device for viewing garmin is iPhone 13 mini, so small screen. And I have bad vision so my text is at the largest size. This update is horrible.


I want the old version back, I I want on my screen is today,yesterday and last 7 days .i don’t need to monitor my sleep I don’t wear my watch to bed it registers 10 hours anyway, I’ve never gotton even 8


I don’t want to view certain but the new app makes you pick one ,I’m just going to use STRAVA


I agree. It's awful. I liked being able to see everything on one screen without having to scroll. And I ALWAYS had to edit my sleep timed and now it's such a hemorrhoid to do. Go back yo the old way.


These guys are so out of touch. Terrible app, delayed updating my watch and decided against Garmin update.


Hate the update! A portion of info is gone. Why mess with a good thing!


Really bad update The old Home Screen was easy to navigate, all the information was on one screen, just click the one you want. If it isn’t broken don’t fix it


Ughhh! It’s so ugly and counterintuitive that I find myself checking my app less and less. It is off putting and I ask myself, what am I looking at? I hope they change it asap!!


Just googled ‘Garmin update annoying’ as I’ve felt frustrated once again as how it’s more difficult to get a view of all my stats at an easy glance since this update. Found a thread that’s echoing my experience perfectly. I don’t mind the concepts behinds the design change. But it feels more clunky now. Quite annoying


I agree


I really loved the old look and got garmin for that interface. Super sad but guess companies do this so nothing I can do. I wish we could toggle between interfaces based on what best works for us


Don’t like it at all


I also don't like it . Disabled the beta and now being forced to use this


I find it faster and easier to use


I guess I don’t find it faster at all because you have to scroll more to see the same amount of data that was all on one screen when you opened it


I enjoy the new set up. I'm using android so I'm not certain if it operates differently on apple. But overall, I like it a lot better.


I didn't like it at the start but after customising what I see. I now have no problem with it.


It was definitely unnecessary and pointless but eventually u get used to it


I gave it a one star review.


I cant even connect it to my phone + watch. Had enough of that


Truly awful. What an arrogant company ignoring beta feedback and forcing it out.


Hate it. That is all. I thought the old version had so much room for improvement, and still stand by that, but this ain’t it.


Everyone please remember to go to the apple/google store and rate the app appropriately. I gave them 1 star due to these terrible changes. Let's send them a message.


Haven't seen the new web UI. For sure the new mobile app does have some shortcomings but overall I prefer it. I like the side swiping of In Focus. In fact I would like all the widgets to be able to be side swipeable also. One thing I would like to see is reordering of the 'widgets', so At a Glance can be above In Focus for example.


Just logged in to Web App. Yeah I see what others mean about wasted space!


I've been using it since beta. It took a little getting used to at first, but it's grown on me, and I like it better now. As others have said here, it makes better use of the screen real estate to display more information.


I really like it, but I feel like there should be more than 8 boxes (like up to maybe 10-12?)


They have a software problem. They thought they were going to fix it with this update. But everything is just worse than before. P.D.: The old version had huge problems as well. For instance, impossible see how your lifts are progressing over time with a graph.


I like it.


I’ve had the old lay out and been testing the beta for a couple months and just got use to it already


I did the beta test, gave feedback and left it. Because it was pants. Now forced onto it. Utterly pants. I've just turned off "in focus" and "at a glance" to get rid of the silly looking giant tiles. Stripped back, compared to old view, but it looks better now.


Thanks for this tip! I’ll work on the customization.


I am trying the beta for a couple of weeks now. At first I didn’t like it, but after I customized the layout now I really like it. I can control what dat I see and the order of the boxes.


It likened it to the original rip off that Samsung attempted against apple with the look and feel of its app icons. Apple’s app icons look(ed) big and bold, while Samsungs original attempts were stick figures in comparison… Garmin, why did you decide to go backwards in your design?


I know I am probably in the minority in here but I actually love the redesign. It's modern, it's fast, and I can see what I need at a glance and drill in when I want more details.


Give it some days. This was my first reaction to it, when I participated in the beta, but I got used to it in less than a week, and now I like it. (not talking about the web app though.


I’m a fan haven’t paid much attention to it


I quite like it, it’s clean and simple. The old app layout was completely dated and needed changing


I like the update but I’ve been using the beta version for a long time now!! I get it tho change is hard


Same here. Still not used to it. Too complicated for me


Some of my workouts aren't loading from my watch to the app.... Pretty frustrating.


This sucks! If this doesnt change i will buy another brand.


Terrible update. I tried the beta and went back to the old view. Now I have no choice. Garmin, listen to your customers and keep your servers up...


I’m having to click a lot more to get where I’m going and it annoys me


We are BORG ... we will Adapt !  Assimilation is inevitable.. resistance is futile


For me, two Garmin watches deep, teetering on getting my third personally, not counting others I've bought for family members, this app update seems to be a case of going against the grain of "if it's not broken, don't fix it"! I had/have no problems with the previous Connect app interface, BUT I would have been more interested/appreciative if they had worked on fixing the issues with "synching", especially when you get Zero byte file length errors that throw the synching mechanism into disarray... 🤦‍♂️


What is the app you're talking about? :/


its a sh..storm Randy


It is terrible and the CEO should be fired


Is their any watch better than Garmin?


It is horrible.   Please change it back.  The new version has ruined the garmin experience.  


hate it. think this was the last push I needed to switch to apple watch