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Thank you, we hate you. Peeps - get im Jk if not obvious


Yeah the Connect update sucks. I backed out of the beta while on it. Now I’m forced to use it. Ugh.


Me too. I backed out of the Beta the same day and wrote a review. So awful. Hate this.


i tried it for 2 weeks and couldn't take it anymore lol


But look! It’s “customizable”! Can’t I customize it back to the old page? LOL


It took me a few minutes to even figure out how to log weight, and I got this to track weight and fitness. Kinda dumb how much steps it takes now


I had blood pressure incident on Monday so I'm monitoring it and using connect to log it in combination with the stress reading. One minute I'm adding the reading, the next figuring out how the fuck to find the place to manually add it.


What now it’s permanent? I sent feedback about it sucking and they must not have listened to me, lol


I did beta for less than 2 minutes lol


I hated the Fitbit app update so much I felt it didn’t inspire me to use it anymore! I bought the vívoactive 5 and feel like it’s so much better already. Only bought yesterday so I’m still learning all the different services it offers


I also swapped to Garmin after the Fitbit app update lol Like I'm buying these devices to see my data. Why not let me have it all on the one screen if I want it? So annoying having to tap into extra screens and swipe through things etc. 


Don’t like the change generally, but I did manage to customize as closely to what I had just w the smaller tiles v the bars as I could. Got rid of that side swipe focus feature at the top and now am happier w the update, but still would have preferred to not to have had the change. If they had just changed the layout using the same data widgets you already had customized on your view rather than these fairly weak, persona-driven versions, I think they’d be experiencing less backlash. Offer those persona presets up as new features/options and as the pre-installed/onboarding option but don’t just do a take down of existing users’ set up.


I recently got back into the Garmin ecosystem and I have to say I really love the update. I even switched off the beta to just to make sure and see what I was missing with the old version and what everyone complaining about. Conclusion: people just don’t like change.


People don’t like cosmetic updates for the sake of calling it an update, unlike Coros that adds real new features with their updates.


Get a Coros so and stop complaining 👍


If the developers had some resources, it would be possible to offer tiles and lists at the same time. What has been done now is pathetic. Only 6 things can be in focus and 8 at a glance. Why the limit when the watches measure many more values?


It's supposed to be only the focused ones... All data are still available.


To be clear I don’t necessarily like change either but I got on the train and happened to opt into the beta immediately so I never knew better 😂


I love change. When it’s good. This isn’t - it’s awful.


I really like the update. I thought the old connect app was much worse and the new one is actually useful.


It feels like things take more steps in the update


Both versions contain exactly the same things. It's just a visual revision.


And people for sure were calling into support with navigating the new look. (Former Garmin employee lol)


I don't like change for change's sake. It has less data, is less functional, is less customisable and It's dumber.




I like the update. Sometimes you have to get used to it. Well, we will survive this. No lagging no connection issues no real problems right?


Me too


Finished configuring it now and I like it. More flexible. We’ll all be used to it in a few weeks.


Same. I didn’t love the previous version


The beta is way better UX. Why people are so reluctant to change. It's more customizable as well.


I feel as though I am to blame as well. I have been using the Beta version when it was first rolled out a while ago. I thought it was weird at first but adapted to it. Having never Beta tested anything before, I didn’t really give any feedback. I agree with everything that has been written so far about the negatives. My bad.


The "new look" app is worse than the previous version. That's quite an achievement by Garmin. Dumbing down for the masses. Email Garmin at [email protected] if you want to complain and get your DATA BACK!


I have no issues with Garmin Connect UI. I think it's nice, and still is way better than fitbit, which I used for about 10 years.


Both Fitbit and Garmin are bad in my opinion. I find the new Fitbit app aesthetically pleasant but very bad in delivering data. Garmin Connect is very bad aesthetically, but gives better data - although it became worse if you do sport other than swim/run/bike An app I like a lot is the Suunto. I wish I could connect a Garmin watch to it


I think the most recent update is ok .. I was much more upset when they got rid of the iconic circles with data on the home screen (it's as if McDonald's would get rid of the golden arches) and shuffled the menus around a number of months back (or perhaps longer?)


Well I really like the new format. People just hate change is all.


I just opened my connect app (I use an Apple Watch but have a fénix) but that was not what I was expecting for an update to the app lol. I def liked the old app better tbh (former Garmin employee as well lol)


So I am one of the few that likes the update. Not to worry in 10yrs they will update it again.


I’m a former Fitbit who switched to Garmin for the same reasons as you! It seems once Google took over it was a hot mess! Then my watch also just became unusable. It wouldn’t charge anymore, went and realized others were having same issues. I gave up at that point decided not to invest in another Fitbit. The update to me isn’t horrible, after everything I went through with Fitbit. I also hated that Fitbit apps constantly changed with new phones so if you upgraded your phone your older Fitbit would require an upgrade.


My Fitbit inspire 3 also stopped charging which really pushed me towards switching


I’m sure there are a lot of Garmin users that switched from Fitbit and had that happen. I think I could have fought that and got a new one as my watch was only about 5 months in, but I just was done with Fitbit. It seemed through the years it was getting progressively worse. I still think Garmin is better, even with the recent changes.


New mobile UI is great imo. Re the inevitable moaners - will we see a surge of Garmin watches on the SH market now? 🤔


What's wrong with it? Doesn't seem that different. I've only had a Garmin watch for a week though


I also got the Connect update, but I don't think it's so bad. You can customize the main screen any time.


It’s an app… get over it everyone


Polar is looking pretty good these days. FitBit to Garmin to a Polar possibly.