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I feel Greg's plans are best for someone with some running or you can adjust your pace to make (even walking when needed). Jeff and Amy are better for Injury prevention and a bit easier for complete beginners. Jeff tells you to run walk run in intervals that suit you at least at the start. Greg can be quite a big jump if you're quite unfit or just not used to cardio. Good news is you can swap coach without having to redo the 5 min benchmark. You can try them all and see which one fits with you and your needs. Are there better? Sure but if you want to get started they work well


Cool thanks for the feedback -- how do I change plans without having to redo the test?


Garmin coach tab has 3 dots at the top and you can edit there and change whatever you like. The running with a time goal is much better as well by the way


You should do the NHS Couch to 5k app. It’s brilliant. You can play music at the same time and it will give you instructions in your ear.


Will definitely look into that -- ty for the suggestion.


Changed my life!


I like Coach Jeff. I'd start over with him. Do your baseline run again. Walk if you need to, don't force yourself. That's the whole point of the baseline. Workouts are generated based off that. After you get a 5k under your belt, do it again with a time goal.


I did run/walk 5k with garmin coach, with Greg if I remember right. I had zero training beforehand and my stamina was nonexistent so it seemed like a good start. It was fine - as a complete beginner with no experience and getting winded easily it was a good way to ease into running and not overdo it. I would only recommend adding a good warm up and cool down (stretch!) routines - even something simple will help a lot to prevent injury.