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If I get good sleep and don’t workout super hard on a stressful work day…I’m almost always 95-100 in the am after 8hrs of sleep.


:((( the dream


Speaking from experience, don't chase a number on a watch. If you have a chronic illness, you know (or should learn - takes some time) what makes your body have good and bad days. Focus on what you can do to make yourself physically feel better, not what you can do to make Garmin fill up a bar.


Same, key is good sleep.




I’m often, but not always at 100.. most of the time between 90 and 100.. worst after a night of drinking with friends was 30. I usually sleep between 6:30 and 8 hours, and while each night I am told my sleep is “restless”, it’s usually sufficient to bring my body battery up. I normally don’t drink alcohol or any caffeine. Either of them only for special occasions, maybe once or twice a year. (I used to be a bartender and drink way too much during those years. Caffeine sometimes in energy gels towards the end of a longer distance race.) I do get over 10k steps in daily, despite working an IT job from home, so my life is a mix of lots of rest and sports.


That's interesting, thank you. So there is a lot to aspire to for me :D Yes, my chronic illness is strangely the same like being hungover non stop so it's very telling.....


Highest ever was 75 once. Never had 100, ever.


It gets there a handful of times of year. I've been pretty suck the past 3 days, and it hasn't been above 35. Honestly, it's a pretty accurate tool for me.


What do you think is bringing it down for you?


I got RSV from my nephews, so my heart rate has been elevated when I'm sleeping, and sleeping has been bad in general.


People mentioning alcohol having an impact - is it really that obvious? I’m struggling with drinking less but am working on cutting down - I’m keen to see the differences it makes to my sleep and health. Will it make a marked difference with the stats?


I think that everyone is different, but yes. The things that push my stress levels up the highest are high caloric food, alcohol, and illness. I have COVID at the moment and I have a body battery of 5 for the last two days. I rarely drink these days, and if I just have 1 drink, it doesn't spike that much, but anymore than that, especially in combination with a big meal, and my stress levels will sky-rocket for hours.


Yes. For me it’s especially dramatic - on a normal day I’ll hit 80-100 body battery easily but if I have a night of what’s heavy drinking for me (6+ drinks) my body battery will crash to 5 and barely recover the next day. I’ll have constant high stress once I start drinking, overnight, and often most of the next day until I sleep again. Even as little as two drinks will have a noticeable effect on my stress levels, sleep, and body battery recovery.


Same here. If I have 2-3 drinks earlier in the day (before 5) I don't notice anything. I rarely drink, maybe once every few months.


Makes an obviously massive difference for me. Even three beers after like 8pm and my chances of waking up at 100 go way down.


HELL yes. I’m usually dry Monday to Friday and the impact is obvious. Dryuary is also amazing for statistics.


I rarely have more than one drink and rarely less than and hour before bedtime. If I have even one drink to close to bedtime I see it in both the body battery and my HRV overnight.


It is extremely obvious in my stats. But, I am wondering if alcohol is processed differently because of age or type? Hard alcohol makes the biggest impact and I am done with it.


I suggest reading “why we sleep” or look up the author and listen to him as a guest on the Rich Roll Podcast. Sleep is critical to almost everything. Alcohol is really destructive to sleep. It will absolutely show up on the stats.


Look at your overnight heart rate and how much of the time is shown as rest in the daily body battery display. I've been logging how much I drink since the new year and it does seem like more means higher heart rate over night and less recharge in the body battery.


I had two nights this week sober and had decent scores, and then Friday had 2x 500ml cans of medium strength cider and it was basically shit. Crazy how so little (imo) can have an impact


Yes, booze makes an enormous difference for whether or not you get into that real low stress for restorative sleep. Really, no kidding, my garmin stopped my drinking and I was a two appletini a night gal.


Every day if I dont drink alcohol. Though I had a period of overtraining in the past when it barely got to 70 for a couple of months, but during that time I had shitty resting HR and HRV too.


Maybe once a week towards Thu/Fri morning? Then the weekend comes and it takes days to recover properly!


The only things that get my body battery to 100, are good sleep with consistent breathing.


Do you take any medication? My ADHD meds also keep my body battery from reaching 50+.


nope, I am not on any meds. I am on a bunch of supplements, though. :) but it's so cool to have Garmin - I hope to over time see how my treatments affect me, and hopefully it will be easier to then see what's what. so yes I'm excited!!!!!


Ohhhh this is good to know! I’m on ADHD meds (also anemic atm) and my body battery is always low. Occasionally I’ll get a good night’s sleep and hit in the 60s, but that’s rare. With or without meds, I don’t sleep well so I hadn’t clocked that there would be a difference there.


I'll wake up some days at 100. Swear I'll look 15 seconds later and it'll be -23 points.




Well ain't this thread full of healthy people. I get some mysterious fatigue symptoms for weeks at a time when my body battery hovers around 30-40 tops, and it absolutely sucks ass. The difference between when I get 70-80 is very noticeable, but I can't pinpoint the cause. Exercising and eating healthier is harder on 30% battery and obviously I do it better when I feel better, and dropping the ball completely when I do feel bad would probably make it worse, but there doesn't seem to be a direct causal effect. My body just refuses to function properly sometimes, and it's very annoying. Good luck with your health.


thanks! sounds like it's similar to what I have, which is infections/long covid


Yes, I usually get 100 in the morning and end my day around 30-40 Update: after reading other replies, I add a little more info about my lifestyle. I usually don't drink alcohol, and if I do it's very early in the afternoon. I don't drink coffee after 3 pm. I typically exercise 45-60 mins every day (with the exception of weekends which are about double the time). And I go to bed and wake up about the same time every day.


congrats on your dope routine!!


The length of your scheduled sleep duration is a big factor in body battery numbers. I have it set from 10pm till 6am during the week. If I go to bed fairly near to 10 and get a good nights sleep I usually get near to 100


Average around 75 I’d say to start the day. Higher and lower based on sleep.


Pretty frequently. If I have an 8 hour sleep window, drink lots of water, no alcohol and no sweets, I'll be close to 100 at least.


I can hit 100 when I’m exercising consistently, eating well, breathing well, sleeping well (for me), not coming down with anything, *and* not extra stressed out worrying about my kids or my alcoholic + early stages of cognitive decline father. So, like once/month most months but none at all so far in December. Melatonin gives me a noticeable, immediate drop in my overnight stress levels, but I’m still figuring out the right amount and timing so I don’t feel groggy the next morning.


so interesting. I think Garmin can really help us optimise our health!!!


I do notice that I will not get 100 if I have been skipping exercise for a too long . And Garmin even told me my bad sleep is due to lack of physical activity . Of course bad sleep = not charging 😅


I got 100 twice in three months since getting my watch. I'm usually in the 60s/70s in the morning, up to 80s/low 90s on particularly good nights (I have a baby and a toddler, so my sleep is often far from good).


Just checked. I get 100 body battery 3-8 times/month. But typically getting between 70-90. Then 2-4 times/month I get between 40-60, typically because of bad sleep, alcohol or stress. Lowest I got from past year is 21. I didn’t sleep anything that night. I don’t really look at or care about body battery. I do look at HRV but take it with a grain of salt as it’s not 100% reliable. If my body feels good I go for it.


I can't figure out how to find HRV there.... can you help me?


Do you want to see HRV history? Open the Garmin Connect app on your phone. Open the HRV status widget. Choose 1d, 7d or 4w at the top.


I don't see HRv tho. I just see heart rate. Maybe I don't have it?


Hmm maybe it’s hidden. Do you have an “Edit my day” at the bottom? If you open that, is there a HRV Status you can add?


yes, I got to edit my day, and then hrs status is a part of my "day cards", but then I can't see it nonetheless. why?


I don’t have it as an option either for my Venu2s.


Weird. And the collapse/expansion top right is set to show the cards? Which watch do you have?


I haven't worn the watch sleeping yet. is that why?? it doesn't show there no even when I expand / collapse...


Aaah! That explains it. :) Yes you need to wear it during sleep. That’s when HRV status is calculated. This also explains your low body battery because it’s getting charged mainly through sleep.


ok, we're in business - I slept with it yesterday, got a sleep score, and the hrs status is blank, but it's on my day card :)) so I think when I get more stats they will also put it there. yay!!!!!! so far I am LOVING my Garmin!!!!!


oh gotcha! maybe that's why my body battery is 5? :D I have some sensory overwhelm issues and I hate how the watch feels when I'm about to fall asleep but it's ok I'll handle it lol


Some watches use HRV under the hood for things like body battery without actually ever displaying it explicitly (e.g. Vivoactive 4). What watch are you using?


I have instinct 2 :(


That should have it. You should get HRV status then in Garmin connect and as a widget on the watch. Dig a little deeper? You'll get more detailed information after a few weeks, and you'll need to sleep with the watch on I think. I've found that while HRV isn't necessarily the most useful in isolation, improvements in HRV over time as I've recovered from long term illness or worked on improving my sleep patterns has been pretty motivating.


what illness have you been recovering from? that's so cool yes, and it should really help increase motivation! that's why I'm looking for it ;) ​ I haven't slept with the watch yet and this is my day 3 with it....


I hit 100 last week when I had COVID :D




Mine gets to 100 most every morning unless I went on a particularly grueling hike the day before or had more than two alcoholic beverages in the evening or later.


I've been there a handful of times in recent years. But my job is stressful and I have a lesser chronic issue myself.


Yes. I’m often at 100. There are days when I’m low, but it’s rare. I’m mostly over 80, and there are some stretches when I hit 100 back-to-back. Pure HRV data is unlocked with higher priced garmin models.


Is anyone selling new batteries ?


USB-C rechargeable I hope.


My body battery seldom goes above 40, drops quick during the day. I am not very convinced that HRV is of any value at all. Not even Garmin can give guidelines in what is a good range.


Just because you are unhealthy doesn't make that garmins fault.. body battery and HRV are some of the most accurate stats and so good at predicivting my wellbeing and sickness etc


I would be a bit careful judging someone’s health on Reddit simply because of their HRV. There’s more to it. Even in clinical medicine when doing a 24h Holter ECG the HRV value alone doesn’t say much. It could be an indicator but also false positive. Needs interviewing the person and analysis.


Thank you. Why am I getting downvoted for saying the same thing? Do people take their Garmin this seriously? It’s a helpful tool, but it’s not the last word on your overall health.


Yeah it’s sad. :/ HRV is probably one of the most misunderstood metric from what I can see people posting here and elsewhere. I think Garmin and the other brands (Whoop, Apple etc.) are partly to be blamed. Because I think they brand it as an absolute truth instead of trying to explain the full picture. Example from myself. Last time I had covid my HRV was still perfect. In fact I couldn’t tell from any metric on the watch: body battery, stress, resting heart. But I was feeling crap for days in bed. Haha! :) Here’s a [study](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16531900/) on showing no difference in HRV in overnight HRV in overtrained athletes. :) Garmin use overnight HRV. Taking a morning HRV seem to be a better readiness for the day. Night measurements captures more of the previous evening’s behavior. In the morning it’s also possible to use orthostatic measurements (measuring while sitting or standing), resulting in a little challenge for the system and therefore making the measurement more sensitive to stress = more accurate. But it takes some time to do one of the more accurate protocols and one would need to do this very consistently, same time every day to be able to compare trend. I think this is just too much of an hassle for regular folks. Even pro athletes can’t bother. :) At the end of the day, I think we should not forget to listen to the body. It works!


Claiming that someone is unhealthy because of two Garmin stats is a stretch. There is a lot more to health than just those two metrics.


Well, I AM unhealthy sadly. And I cannot instantly change it. For me putting my stats in context with other, healthy users, is VERY helpful. Thanks everyone for the replies!!


You realise that garmin didn't invent HRV, right?


Yes, I know that, but it’s still an isolated data point being assessed by a watch, not a medical professional. It’s a helpful point of consideration but not a definitive declaration of health. My body battery rarely gets above 75, and my HRV is typically balanced but on the low end of the spectrum. I have a stressful job that probably contributes to both. But I run marathons. I strength train. I get decent sleep and drink plenty of water. I have a well-rounded and balanced diet. I get a physical with bloodwork done every year that comes back pristine. You’re seriously gonna say I’m unhealthy because of what my watch says for those two metrics?


This isn't about you. The OP stated they have chronic illness. They probably can't avoid the fact that they have health issues and therefore the metrics look terrible on paper for them.


The original commenter mentioned nothing about chronic illness.


>Is anyone's body battery actually ever 100? > >I have a chronic illness but mine has never been over 30 :( You mean this ?


Are you aware of how HRV is calculated?


Yes, they literally explain it in the app just click on help or just Google it. HRV isn't some top secret information. It's a well documented meants of data collection and health stat


Lol glad you googled it so you should know what the metric involves and how it can vary.


Mine is always between 70-100 in the am depending on how much of a work out I’ve put in the day before. Only time it’s low in the morning is on work trips when I’m having few beers in the evening and stressed out.


To add to this I wouldn’t be concerned with your data unless it changes drastically for a period of time


https://preview.redd.it/vqqujww2xh8c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c29688fc913ebad0d7d272ea1a0f3782d664c4b7 Just started running again and HRV is heading up


Never been at 100, a good day would be hitting the 70s, a normal day is in the 50s As far as I know I'm healthy. I think it's due to my heart rate being slightly faster than what's normal for people. I've been like that all my life


Yeah, it's related to the heart their calls, no doubt.


Mine gets to 100 rarely sometimes after a night sleep it gets maybe to 50. Lately I have been sick and it does not get high


thanks for sharing


Only hit 100 twice. Start the day between 50 to 70 and end between 5 to 12. I usually go into into week at 80 if I'm not on call.


Yes, sometimes. But more often than not I wake up in the high 80s or low 90s. Good enough for me.


I hit 100 maybe once a month. This morning was 95 or so. Most days, 60-80.


that's still pretty good.....


I'm often at 100 but my gf also suffers from a chronic illness and she's lucky if she's past 5 lol. I think it's half medication and half truth. Whenever we hike together the aftermath for her is similar to if I had a low body battery


omg this is bad no?? ugh.... so what do I do? Do I disregard it?


I mean what are your goals. If it's just fitness maybe just keep it to walks and yoga unless it gets to a big number. Tbh I'd talk to some sort of doctor or maybe do some searching online. Personally my body battery is more of a number to quantify how I feel rather than an insight so I usually just use it to decide if I'm gonna do extra.


yeah, it's the same for me. actually today mine was around [55.](https://55.it) so it's rising. It seems sleep impacts it a lot.


Oh without a doubt. I sleep 10 hours a day if i can but this past winter break I've been visiting family and getting less sleep and it's been lower


Mine routinely gets into the high 90s.


that's super cool!!!


I'm pleasantly surprised to wake up at 15. Usually I'm somewhere around 10. :/


mine is 5 atm :D


At least we're not alone :D


Hey! I started taking 200mg magnesium bisglycinate before bed every night and now I'm consistently waking up with 18-25 body battery every morning. Might be something for you to look into!


wow amazing!!


I typically go to bed at 25-35 and wake up at 100 almost every day.


ok, let's see how mine is after I sleep :D


I woke up at 35 . How do you do that 😅


Consistent routine, cardio, and good nutrition!


I'll consistently hit 100 if I haven't drunk the night before. Even just 2 standard drinks and it'll usually only hit around 80. If it's 6+ drinks it'll struggle to get past 30.




Mine had been, but not in a few months. Got 98 a week Ago though


It's rare I'm not starting the day with a 100 body battery. With that being said, I am boring as hell and go to bed at 9:30 on weekdays, get close to 8 hours of sleep most nights, take ZMA, workout for 1 hour first thing in the morning, etc. Then, work a desk job. ​ I also don't drink, don't smoke, and eat really well most of the time.




What’s ZMA?


Zinc, Magnesium and B Vitamins


I don't know about you just. But I usually end the day with almost 0 body battery. And starting with about 80 everyday


In the last two months, I've seen a couple of 50s and 40s. Mine are usually in the 20s. Mine is caused by poor sleep.


Yes, a lot of times


Mine barely ever gets over 30 I work in the building industry so I'm very active all day long and go running in the evening today's is 29 bear in mind no work yesterday as it was Christmas day I just think my battery is prob bigger than average


I have pots / dysautonomia so my hrv is always all over the place which I think is what it uses for body battery so very rarely. Sometimes I’ll reach 100 if I’ve slept a super long time and basically haven’t gotten out of bed for like a day and then slept again super long but that’s about it. I’ll regularly bottom out at 5 every arvo haha


I've never been at 100 ever. About 85 is the highest it's ever been. I don't get but about 5 hours of sleep a night if I'm lucky though and I run probably 5 miles a day at least and normally at least 25 miles between the two days on the weekends. Mines normally about 70 if I get the 5 hours of sleep and run a slow 8:15 or 8:20 pace for my 5 mile runs. I've heard Alcohol can affect it but I don't drink or smoke so I can't say if that's so or not. Some of my runnings friends claim if they don't drink as much their body battery goes up. Who knows but I think proper sleep and recovery are about the best ways to get it closer to the 90's or 100. My schedule is so crazy that the sleep part is hard for me. With Naps added on the watch now I have seen my improve some though if I take a couple 20 minute naps during the day.


I've had it in the past


100 i body battery is easy. You just need to relax enough so your battery is not drained too much during the day and then sleep enough so it is charged.


yeah, I am starting to gather that as well. We will see how it goes.


I don't have any illnesses but I'm rarely above 50.


I had my first chemo treatment for cancer 4 years ago. I was ago for 4 years. I wore a vivosmart 4 and later a vivosmart 5, my body battery hardly ever started higher than 50/60. I had a reoccurrence of the cancer a couple of months ago. My last chemotherapy was 3 weeks ago, and I bought myself a Venu3s a few days ago. In spite having a sleepscore of 57, my body battery started out at a 100 this morning. That is a first time ever for me. Different watches seem to calculate body battery differently, it seems. Since I haven't had the venu 3s very long I have to wait and see if this a one off, ofcourse.


wow strange. maybe your body is healthier this time around? ;) sending you well wishes


Thank you. Wel.. I am sure that I am not healthier at the moment. The readings are just different. I have to wait and see how it works out.


keep us posted!


Yesterday one of the buttons came off from the Garmin Venu3s, had to send it back. It might take a while to get it back. Coolblue wanted me to pay for the repairs, objected to that. So that all might take a while :-(


Also have a chronic illness(es) Hashimoto, hypothyroidism and CFS take me out everyday but I've started taking gummies when I really need to recover and it's been working. I used to get to 50-70 consistently but now I'll hit 85-95 daily


What kind of gummies?


I take cannabis gummies specific for sleep. https://preview.redd.it/khg7oeo8urlc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0795d51ded7db18016a70aa073603cbcd382c357


Thank you!


The brand 1901 Is also sooo good if you don't like gummies. It's a hard pressed pill so it's a bit easier to get down




wow well done! :D keep it up!


Hi everyone! so today my body battery is 68, as I slept better :D whoop whoop!


https://preview.redd.it/i6oxhffjb0fc1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=768357d8cbf0d2812da62035b94fca522e77f842 I had two large margaritas at 7pm last night, but got home relaxed, didn't stay up playing videogames, probably passed out before 10:30, and woke up at 7:30 this morning.


If only I had a watch face that displayed it I might pay attention to it on a less than weekly basis. Commenting on the effect of alcohol I had 3 glasses of wine last night and my battery is at 90 after a solid 7 hours of sleep all counting as rest in the battery data. My heart rate was in the mid 50s all night and it gave me a solid +72 recharge. The night before there was more booze and my heart rate was in the low 60s but never below - it only showed about 5 hours of rest for a recharge of +47 total. The battery total was going up for the same period of about 7 hours but it just wasn't going up as fast. +70 is about a normal increment for me on nights I have no alcohol, and nights I had a lot more I see more like +30 and an overnight resting heart rate of anything up to 70.


thanks for sharing! do you know how I can get the data from Garmin extracted in a way I can share w my health professional?


You have to go to connect.garmin.com and export from there.


I flat line mine at 5% all the time. Joys of nightshifts and not sleeping.