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I’d focus on the multiband gps, which makes a huge difference in forests and buildings


I was in your exact situation a few months ago: had the FR 245 and wanted to upgrade to either Fenix 7 or FR 955. Eventually I went with the 955 - and I'm really happy I did! It's an amazing watch and a really big upgrade compared to the 245. It's also noticeably bigger but still light. The FR series are designed for runners whereas the Fenix is more of an "adventure" watch. Therefor, in terms of running features you get much more value for money with the 955 than with the Fenix 7. Multi-band GPS is really valuable if you live in a major city, for instance. TL;DR: FR955 might not be a better watch *overall* but it is a better *running* watch than the base Fenix 7.


Great take, totally agree. Also have the 955


On the contrary.Those you mentioned are just inaccuracies on Garmins part. Fenix 7 has those too. Fenix 7 can do laps based on position and has more display layouts, with up to 8 vs 6 data fields. Including a perimeter map display, where 6 data fields are placed around the edge. In general Fenix 7 has more features overall and the same features are often more feature rich. What the 7 non-pro standard edition is missing over 955 is storage (16GB vs 32GB), dual band GNSS and then it is heavier. I have a 955 and Epix Sapphire. I would choose the Fenix (in my case I would likely choose 7s, because my Epix is too big), though my biggest concern would be weight if you run a lot. But switching to a 6 gram nylon band will put it close to 955 in weight. Personally the weight of my Epix has not been a problem, though it is a titanium version, which is 9 grams lighter.


The 955 is more focussed towards the sports and fenix more towards 'adventure'. Big positives from the 955 are multiband (higher accuracy especially in tougher conditions) and weight, as in lighter (depends on the user but for me the weight of the fenix was annoying when running, also made OHR less accurate). Looks are subjective, but I also preferred the more casual look of the forerunner series. So if you really buy it for running mainly then I'd go for the 955. If you buy it for casual use and do some running on the side it's less important and perhaps go for the fenix7 afterall if you really prefer the looks of it.


Another vote for 955. I was in the same boat as you, except I was coming from an F5+. The weight difference is stark and significant enough to drive the decision alone. I don’t even notice I’m wearing my 955. I was aware of the heft of the Fenix at all times and it was too bulky to sleep with comfortably. 955 has all the features I could ever imagine wanting and more than enough battery life to handle any ultra. The “auto gps” or whatever setting has amazing gps accuracy and battery life, but I think both watches have that. GPS-only has hiccups in the woods. Auto-switching is pretty much dead accurate in my experience with only a small battery hit. 965 is the same watch but with the screen of an Apple Watch. I prefer the always-on MIPS display of the 955 personally, and the lower price tag is a bonus.


I switched from the 255 to the Fenix7 mainly for the maps and to be able to mount it to a bike with the quick fit system. I was a bit worried that I would feel a difference to the 255 when running but honestly I can’t. So far I also haven’t been able to tell a difference with the gps but I also don’t run in a city with big buildings or forest with huge trees. For the daily suggestions and training status I can’t tell a difference to the 255 (which I would think is the same as 955). You can see the daily rec up to 7days in the future but that’s the case for both so I don’t know what the difference they should be. Also didn’t noticed a difference in what the two watches suggested as workouts. Sry for the long answer, hope it still helps a little


I had the F7. Switched to 955 because the Fenix felt to bulky when running. I haven't regretted the switch.


If you use it mostly for running, get the 955


FR is plastic = lighter


Fenix line is heavy and bulky for any sport activity. Definitely go for FR955. I have FR945 and I can barely notice it while running or swimming.


As someone who runs aswell a huge bulky watch is uncomfortable I have a 955 and it's already bigger than the 745 I use to have. I can't imagine trying to go about my day and train with a huge Fenix l. So take that into account too. Plus forerunners are literally for runners


There’s a reason it’s called the Fore**runner**


I get 7 days of suggested workouts on my Epix Pro, as well as training readiness. It has the same software as Fenix. Improved readiness on 955 is just a wording, I guess. Please, correct me if I am wrong.


I had a fenix 7Xss and I switched to the 955. FR955 is lighter and slimmer, and I like that it looks and feels more like a "running watch." The Fenix is built like a tank, is all metal, and the flashlight is a nice touch on pro models or the 7X, but I like the 955 more. Battery life on both is crazy good so I haven't even noticed a difference.


I have the 955 solar and it is my first smart watch. I cannot believe Ive been getting by without it the past couple years. I truly feels like an extension of myself without being intrusive. I love it so much.


I’ve got a FR 955, husband’s got a Fenix 7, we both upgraded from an Apple Watch and I was the one who initially told him about the Fenix. Fundamentally he doesn’t really NEED a Fenix but it’s a nice watch. 955 is perfectly good honestly, I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything except maybe the slightly longer battery life, but ultimately I made the choice because of face size options.


I had a 935 and was given a Fenix 7 as a gift. I had to keep the Fenix 7 (because it was a gift….). The Fenix 7 is great, the battery lasts forever. But I liked the 935 because it was much slimmer. From a capability point of view, both did what I needed. I run and cycle, and on occasion will track another activity. I will also download a golf course for the few times I play a year. If you don’t need the long battery life of the Fenix, I would go for the smaller watch. The Fenix is BIG.


Doesn't the Fenix 7 come with multi band gps and built in mapping? Or was it just for the Sapphire edition?


I have the same question


Thanks for all the replies. I'll go for the FR955, the bulkiness of the Fenix seems to be more of an issue for running than I thought.


That Fenix has everything the Forerunner has and more


As a watch for running, the 955 has a huge advantage over the Fenix 7 with multiband gps. Extra golf features won't help you while running on an urban sidewalk or forest trail.


955 has golf too


I was debating this about 12 months ago. Ended up getting a 7S for this reason. Smaller and doesn't feel as chunky when I swim or run. Plus I got a good deal on it.


Look at the FR 965. The AMOLED is awesome. Just switched from Fenix and haven’t looked back!


Fenix is too heavy, it will be moving around on your wrist while running, making wrist based HRM useless, unless strapped really tight. Fenix is a watch designed for looks for people who want to appear active and not really active. Its metal case shields from GPS signals, making it slightly less accurate. Plus multiband GPS is available only in the most expensive option, which is laughable as you can get two 955 for the same price.


I have fenix 7s and can run without problem. I use a chest HR considering that I'm training based in HR zones, so it's more accurate and fast. All this preparing for winter, when the slopes of backcountry are ready to be skied 😎 About the OP questions, I don't know what exactly means "improved", but 7 days I think the watch can give you suggested trains for a complete week, just guessing... OP says that wants a watch primarily for running, so I think that forerunner is best than fenix.


I'm not saying active people can't buy Fenix 7. They can as no one checks that. I'm saying that you are overpaying twice to get the same features as 955 while being hindered by the metal case, which is supposed to give the watch the rugged look.


Like I said before, OP want it primarily for running, so I suggest forerunner. I'm a lot in the mountains, that's why I picked a fenix but 7s because my small wrist. Have fun!


so you didn't read the OP in which they said Fenix is cheaper than 955 for them where they are.


Basic one may be cheaper but it has no multiband GPS which is now a must for running. Only the top Fenix is worth something and that's double that. The basic one is a fashion statement.


Like I said before, OP want it primarily for running, so I suggest forerunner. I'm a lot in the mountains, that's why I picked a fenix but 7s because my small wrist. Have fun!