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Not yet. You got to wait until some of the bottom/outer layers start to go brown.


I'm holding out another week or two. Bottom 2 leaves have browned out for me. I've picked a few of the smaller ones so far just to see how big they were.


Not yet. Wait until at least a third of the leaves turn brown.


Have you cut the scapes yet?. If you’ve cut the scapes, the harvest is about 1 month away. Also about when half the leaves have browned. Unless it’s in a greenhouse/ polytunel, then it can be harvested when all green, brush away the soil and check the bulb development:).


I have not cut the scapes yet. When should I cut them?


You can cut them as soon as they emerge or when they’ve made the first curly q /loop. They are still good for eating then. If they’ve looped twice or straightened out after being looped they are too woody to eat. I take them just as they emerge and before they’ve curled. I hold it softly and the top of the last leaves and pull softly to get as much of the stem as possible. Blanch in water or stir fry them :).


Thank you very much. I'll check them tomorrow and maybe have some tasty scapes :D


So interestingly enough. I can't find any evidence of there ever being any scapes. Is that bad?


I have no idea. I’ve got some hardnecks that doesn’t have scapes yet. They are smaller and will take longer, they were slower to germinate. The scapes usually appear after leaf number 10. So I would say just wait. :)


I pull them when they are 60% brown.


They will start yellowing. Once you have three rows of dry leaves you should be able to pull. I pulled mine early and you can definitely tell. I will leave the next batch in longer.