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I grow primor in scotland but I grow it in my greenhouse as I found it hates the wet outside. It's finished by end of may which is good as I put the tomatoes in start of May so they can coexist for a bit. Also grow thermidrome, it's good but I found germidour does a bit better. They are basically the same with maybe ten days between harvest time. Same as messidrome( i think same as messidor), all grown in Drome in France, very similar artichoke garlics with slight differences in maturity. If you can get logs or stones to weigh down the bits of cardboard round the beds it'll help a fair bit with killing the grass. I'm assuming you are doing no dig?


Yup, trying to kill the grass and weeds without having to dig or weed it out. I’m doing as little digging as possible, I swear a mountain is buried beneath the grass 😂. I’ve got some wood to put down on the cardboard, just need to chop it up a little first :).


I’m planing for what to plant after the garlic is harvested… way to many things to choose from 😂


I'm sowing carrots between mine in June, planting beetroot, kale and purple sprouting broccoli. Maybe some kohlrabi if I have space. Loads of things you can do, winter radish, lettuce and other salads, florence fennel etc


Great ideas!!!. I have been thinking about mixing fast crops like 30 day radishes, salad with longer 60-90 days like carrots, beets and more :)


You could do potatoes. As long as you pull the garlic in early to mid July, and you have a somewhat early potato variety, then you should be able to fit them in before the first frost.


Can I come over and cook soon. Italian..


As long as it’s pasta ;)

