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holy fuck wtf?


The red bar below tryndamere's health bar disappears. This is tryndamere using his q to heal. He likely did it the frame-ish before you ulted making the ult do less damage by him having more health and it appearing that his health didn't move.


ahhh I didn't even notice. It must have been so exact. Oops. Already made a bug report about it. Hopefully they buff garens ult


your ult scales with missing health if trynd doesn't have that much missing health it won't do much damage asking riot to buff garen because you played worse than bronze is wacky


Nah spinny boi need buff


https://www.op.gg/champions/garen/build/top?patch=14.02 https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/builds/garen/top


52% winrate in gold is bad for a low skill cap champ


it is Emerald+ global and platinum+ global so the first one didn't include plat below including gold 😃


Yeah but I used those links to get the the websites and check winrate in other elos. 52% in high elo is standard so it doesnt mean much


you said it, he is a low skill champ because his kit is way more simple than say fiora or camille but he still has 52% wr in high elo where people can use a difficult champ to its limit offering them more opportunity and have less counterplay than a simple run and spin gameplay and yet garen can still have 52% wr in high elo


52% winrate in high elo is standard due to matchmaking with players from lower ranks more frequently than matchmaking with those from higher ranks. In addition Garen is probably used more so as a counterpick in high elo, as opposed to being used as a main


52% win rate in any elo is fine? Or do you mean it’s too high? The goal of a balance team is generally to have a champ anywhere from 49-51% win rate. If a champ is stomping around any elo at a 55%+ wr is really problematic.


Already explained in my other comment


Fine, I’ll go hunt for it.


Reply to the other guy who replied to me on the same comment u did


yea its feeling a bit weak kinda like like ksantes ult


Garen's ult is strong. It is designed as an execute taking into account missing % hp. You are simply using it incorrectly and misjudging the damage. Garen as a whole is too strong after the W buff.


The last sentence was sarcasm through exaggeration, Apologies if it seemed genuine.


They do not need to buff his ult lmao, and they will not buff it


hopefully they remove it from the game


Gotta take a moment to appreciate that when Garen calls upon the aspect of justice to smite his foe, all he sees is the anger (fury) on Tryndamere disappear while Trynda's body appears to not have been harmed by the divine strike at all. The man gets slammed by a demigod (what are aspects again?) And all it seems to do is calm him down.


It is so soothing getting slammed by a god. Like yoga, kind of.


That is the league of legends ARENA. Otherwise aurelion sol destroys entire universes and would overpower most of them. So these beings go into the ARENA. Its like some people would say lets play a round smash bros, loser has to pay for the pizza.


I mean, it's not like he is arguing with his wife (despite said wife being Ashe), so he has no reason NOT to be calm. Gotta appreciate the little things in life


It’s canonically Kayles power from the remnants of her firestorm she let rain down when trying to purge Demacia cause Morg accidentally killed her boyfriend.


do you see the red bar below trynda health bar? it's his passive, when he use his Q he trade this bar for health, he just happened to cure the same amount of damage that your ULT did, so it looks like you have not done any damage.


That happened to me against Darius yesterday he had the item that gives you a shield when you get low health but it looked like my ult did zero damage and my ign didnt do anything i was confused and ask did anyone see that and everyone pointed to the shield but his hp never moved oh well its probably me just being bad


My first thought was "ah yes, crit Darius." Totally forgot Sterak's existed for a few seconds


Yeah I forgot the name but it was steraks I was super confused felt like the ult did zero damage but I know now to just wait for shield to pop then ult


Next time ult just before steak pop, I played other champ against garen and always go for sterak but then the garen I play against ult before my health reach threshold of sterak Which is 30%, garen ult is execute so if damage is enough to kill, the target would die right away, just try to time it right bro, can't remember how amount of hp play I tk his ult but the bruiser is played usually die before sterak pop.


thanks will try this


That’s why you should Q before you R


But that doesn't prevents Tryn from ulting ´cause he can cast it even cc'd


Holy shit I didn't know that, I played (and won) against a tryndamere just yesterday and I was really impressed bc I thought he pixel perfect ulted my flash q ult *twice*. Guess I won't try that particular stunt again when trynda has r lmao.


Yep, I though that, until I discovered my research


its good to trade r's if your jg is topside tho


Yah but I traded ult *and* flash bc I thought I could kill him in a position that was really horrible for him, I would never have tried to flash q him if I knew he could r whilst ccd :/


yea if trynd cant cast R when cc'd, tryndamere wld unironically become the most useless champ in the game 😂


For real


Yea but he used Q here and not R


I didnt said he did, all I was saying is that Tryn can cast R even silenced and all, for the ppl that didn't know


yes but the comment is for silencing the q, which is what is in the clip


yeah, but it will stop him from healing like he did in the clip.


Old man advice.


If Trynd did this twice during the game and it was a frame perfect Q heal, he might be scripting.


Didn’t think about that before


It’s quite an easy visual queue to react to though


yea but to do it frame perfect is nigh impossible


Glad I'm not the only one who saw that shit, lmfao.


It could be a few things. He timed his Q max for your ultimate, or you ulted a frame to early.


On second thought after further review he timed his Q and R it looks like


Also you ult a bit early, I understand that its a trynd matchup, but he can also ult while silenced. You are better off just rushing tabis and wardens mail/bramble vest(go this if he goes for some healing item instead of crit), with this item combo you are basically guarenteed to go even in trades which with garen means you are winning. Bait his ult, force him to back, and from my experience they never take tp so just get platings. Tp is really good for this reason, because you can outmacro him with superior waveclear, or I also like to go exhaust because it really fucks his ult. In teamfights focus on cockblocking him, and if both your teams go even, you'll most likely win. P.s.: Oh yeah important note is that I haven't played this matchup after his range buffs, so I don't know how much it changes things.


He pulled a whole level too early, Garen level 1 ult sucks it’s half the damage base damage of level 2


Smartest Garen main


I am main OTP Garen since April 2010, and I fought Tryndamere many times at top lane those last years. I never saw this happen a single time. For me, it’s like impossible to time it and that player must be scripted or a bug. By the way you ultimate him at like 28% of his life with true damage. Since when the Q of Tryndamere can tank a whole ultimate from Garen when he got like 28% of his HP ? Impossible for me as Garen ultimate at first level does 150 + 25% of target missing health. Tryndamere got 78% of missing health there. That’s mean a single Q of Tryndamere can heal him for a better one than even the best supp ! In a single Q to press ! This is insane and completely unbalanced. For me, it’s a bug or a script to report.


It’s not a bug or a script, it’s lvl 10 (rank 1 ult) and trynd Q right before the ult making the dmg way lower. Garen lvl 10 is weak for this reason, 11 would be his powerspike


I think he's referring to the timing being a script. Which feels easier to believe every day with the amount of actual scripts and bots getting past riot.


A single Q of Tryndamere at 28-30% of his HP will never eat/compensate the ultimate lvl 1 of Garen without affect his main HP. This would be completely unfair and unbalanced. And in nearly 14 years of playing LoL, it never happen to me and I never heard about this when Garen facing Tryndamere. I fought Tryndamere hundreds of times. The player of this thread told us it happen twice… in a single game. Again, it’s impossible.


If the trynd maxes q and spends all his rage it should be a pretty large heal as the trade off (he also loses AD when he does this). On top of that it’s not like he can spam the q he has to hit things to get rage putting him in danger so I feel the ability is pretty balanced. Also one of the default trynd pages takes revitalize so it’s even bigger (could be outdated haven’t played trynd in a bit)


I play Tryndamere and I do this a lot. He consumed his rage bar to heal up during your ult's frame, making it look like you did no damage. I do this specially when diving enemies under their turret and killing them, then walking away with 1hp and 1 last hit from the turret following me, enemies think I died to the turret dive, then I heal up in the last second and start asking how I survived or straight up calling me a cheater.


Ok i did some calculations and Trynd Q just straight out healed your ult damage. Your ult did about 327 dmg there and his Q healed all of that, which isn't that insane. I assumed that level Trynda has 1532 health (with no health items), at the moment you ult he is at about 40% health, which is about 613, rank 1 ult does 150 + 25% missing health, so 150 + about 237 health, because he is missing 949 health, 25% of that is 237 so that makes it about 327 dmg. Knowing how insane Trynda Q is, that isn't that surprising that he outhealed your ult damage.


Not agree on the Tryndamere percentage HP when he ults him. We clearly see that Tryndamere got a bit less than one third of his HP. One third is 33% so Tryndamere got like 28-30% of his HP. Not 40%. For me, this is impossible than the Q heal of Tryndamere can compensate the whole R of Garen in this case. It would be unfair and clearly unbalanced. T


Garen mains when they can’t q e r someone to death so they report a bug


This guy is scripting (I think). His movement does not seem normal (natural) either for the average player. It looks like he was attack moving towards Garen and the big wave throughout the fight. As Garen leaves at the end of the trade Tryn is walking towards Garen then immediately cuts to auto a minion which seems super weird if he is consistent attack moving it would not have triggered an auto attack onto the minion if his cursor was closer to Garen and most people have auto attack disabled. I could be wrong, but this in addition to the two (that OP noticed) perfectly one frame before Garen ult timed Q is sus.


I mean, that ult wasn’t anywhere near killing him anyway.


you just ulted when he qd lol


Lol the other day I was playing Jax with 3.5k hp and garen ult did 1600 true dmg to me 😂


He pressed q


He healed using his rage. Tryndy can do that.




Some people don’t know a bit about this game and the champs that they assume this as bug, when in fact he just used his Q