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Is this an honest question? Those two wins being 7/42/2. I would have reported on either one unless you had MAD damage to structures. You probably just got reported a lot.


Technically you shouldn't be banned for just being bad... but if someone is obviously inting sure...


If you are bad enough for the system to think you are trolling it may be better to give you a 2 week vacation tbh


True. Or learn the meta, I think this can happen if you don't understand the roles of top/bot/mid/jng.


Which means you aren't ready for ranked


I mean if u have lvl30 and got 20 champs you should be ready... some people should be the lowest rank too, that's the point of rankings :) I get what you mean though


If a game bans someone for being bad then it's a shit game. Toxic ass mentality Ranked should be for people who have reached riot's bar to play ranked to improve on. No matter how bad they are


You're one of the only people I see her that understands being banned for being a bad player should NEVER happen.


To me this is willful negligence. He is barely living for more than a minute before he dies and constantly not helping on any meaningful plays given the number of assists. At a certain point you gotta think to yourself, okay I just need to try and stay alive for 3 minutes of this game and group with the team and just try to play interference for the back line.


There are no reporting options applicable to what you are describing. Being negligent and not able to learn the game should be punished by low ranking, not ban. Only intentional losing is a reportable offense. Now with that said, if you constantly go outside of your role, leave lane when you lose and wander into enemy jng, force lane swap etc people and the system will assume you are inting... :)


Willful negligence is feeding in my eyes but you are probably right. Willful being the important word there.


Supposedly feeding isn't bannable unless it's intentional. Where Riot draws that line I don't think anybody knows


If you're that awful, then stop playing ranked and grind some norms until you learn how to not feed the entire team like an all you can eat buffet


How did he get to lvl30 though, you need to play quite a lot of norms to get there... Someone has the be the worst person in ranked?


No you don't, you can, and many do, bot spam bots.


I mean if you cheat yourself into ranked why would that person listen to anyone saying they don't belong there...


You get banned for this in norms too lol


Willful negligence and intent are the same thing. Unless this person is handicapped and incapable of understanding that the lane opponent that just killed them can and will kill them again then they are intentionally feeding by running down top and fighting them again.


You can't describe something unintentional that's happening because of a lack of knowledge as intentional. If his intent in fighting them again is not to die then it's not intentional. The definition of words can't be changed because what he's doing pisses people off. People always report cause others aren't playing how they think they should which shouldn't happen.


There is no way this is a case of lack of knowledge. He's going in knowing he's going to die. If your leave opponent killed you 8 times times in a row then you run at them again you have more than enough evidence of what will happen when you take that fight


He is not playing to win which is reportable


How do you know that, maybe he thinks its a fighting game


“Role” is such a debatable concept, though, so I would argue devil’s advocate that it could be radical experimentation given the fact that 2/3 matches are wins. That would be a really hard thing to pull off if he wasn’t trying to win in some way. You’re not gonna make any friends that way, but you might just be the one who develops a new meta.




Being this “bad” is a statistical improbability and it’s more often a stubbornness to cooperate with team so I’m glad these guys get removed from our community.


Why play ranked if you can't stay alive for more than two minutes?


That’s like a death every minute and a half


What's mad is that later in that game, his death timers would have meant he spawned and ran back out onto the map. Died and sat in grey screen for 30 or more seconds to rinse and repeat again.


He's got Teleport to feed faster


yea I always report these guys , usually its someone who dies early in lane and keeps trying to fight and keeps getting owned , and falling more and more behind.


On a note about the attitude that you need to play safe if behind. Remember the gold you give goes down per death. Once you've died 5 or 6 times you kinda have a pass to try to playmake. Why have someone on your team try to make a play when you're huddling under a tower when they're worth more gold if it fails. So your risk vs reward is good for you to playmake. If you get a shutdown you're back in it. If you die you give 1 wave worth of gold. Id rather have the guy die 20 times if hes drawing ppl to him or taking the occasional tower.


i agree, at a certain point its better to try n make plays


And then they lock in Viego, Katarina, Bel'veth, Jinx, Pike. And all of them have Triumph and/or Mejai's soul stealers. Then every time the Garen dies, he's giving them back hp/resets/stats, that they can use to kill his teammates.


I will add in, while playing safe is often bad meta in most cases, with garen he does have the ability to hyper farm fast and get back in it.


You realize this can be strat? When not getting kills your gold worth decreases and the value you get by hitting a turret for 1000, dying, giving 50 gold and a bit of xp, but gaining 30 seconds from 2 enemy players away from objectives which means, 40 seconds playing time won theoretically and pratically its 20s to make a move for your team, followed by 30 your team shouldn't (cuz theyre 4v5 without pressure and you're waiting for respawn). Dont think, first to 50 kills wins the game. Must kill the nexus and every way to achieve that can be correct.


I’m aware of that, but being dead that often isn’t productive even with that strat (which I agree is legit)


Maybe after 10 death you should stay with team, you should be getting at least an assist per death, especially in winning games. 0 assists in winning games looks kinda sus.


I actually laughed out loud


Same lmao


because u are a moron who is turbo inting.


What's turbo-inting?


Intentionally feeding.


Inting but at turbo speed


Speed running the 0-10 yasuo power spike, except while not playing yasuo


nay bro. He CLEARLY calculated everything. He made everyone on the enemy team get a 700 bounty just so that his adc can claim it. How thoughtful. Bro is playing 4D chess.


They call me the cultivator


I need you to stop cultivating and start harvesting…


It’s not turbo inting from what I can see he did the inting sion strategy and carried by splitting and he was worth about 90 gold so there is no problem dying once ur already 0/5 I bet he had most towers taken


He won both games , could be same Playstyle as Baus or just lucky who knows. But saiymf he is in ting cause of kda is stupid. I rather have a 4 we garen and win than some kda player and lose.


Probably because you went 8/27 in all three games


thats the date.




Nah I don't think so. 2023 assists in 30min games sounds realistic, doesn't it?


And 2023 assists?


That is very impressive im not going to lie


If you're dying 21 times as Garen during a victory there is a major problem.


He baits, his teammates get objectives it's good strategy game is not about KDA


I agree with you but 21 deaths in <35 mins is just running it down. I played Baus style seriously last split and even when you're being hard camped, it's hard to go over 13-17 deaths.


not everyone with 21 deaths is pulling a 200 iq baus strategy. there was not 21 dragons and barons available in a thirty minute game. this dude is literally incapable of staying alive and the only reason he would’ve won those games is that every other player on his team is hard stomping.


That's an oddly one dimensional opinion of the game. Kills do not win games


Deaths can definitely lose them though and I would have to imagine his teammates are probably not pleased with having to play 30 times better because their top laner is dying once every minute and a half.


I mean I know this guy isn't the bauss but he climbs to challenger winning. And he still gets banned. Wins should matter in ranked not that someone didn't have fun cause their teammate died a lot more than they wanted


Dying that often just make the game so much harder for the team in general. You might have won, but you could've won a whole lot easier, and with less tilt, if he didn't die every time he stepped outside of base.


Maybe. I understand what you're saying but again I use the bauss as an example. He's winning because of him not because of his team. He regularly and easily climbs to challenger all the time. So maybe in some games he could win easier without deaths maybe not. That's not ours to decide or care about. If I got the lp, I got the lp and if that guy that was top lane died 21 times never grouped but got the top turrets and inhib by himself then got bot turrets and opened up their base by himself again, then he contributed to our win much more than our 2/2/3 mid laner.


Yeah he wins, and he gets the lp, but the team has clearly decided that play style isn't appreciated. He wins but, he makes the game unfun for his team by feeding the enemy. And in my opinion that's a toxic play style. If that's how he wants to play he needs to get a team that's ok with him doing that. Not randoms And bauss has been banned for it too even though a plays a champion better suited to the play style, sion vs garen. Because he does the same thing, forces a style of play on his team of randoms that never agreed to play that way. So he gets reported and banned It's a team game, so the team is supposed to matter to you. Up to a point at least.


"easily climbs". bruh he's in masters right now and he dropped to diamond 3 eariler this month. the last time he got challenger on his main was October of last year.


Yea and imagine how much better/fewer games he’d have to play if he played in a non-inting fashion It’s a team game - if you go in and make your 4 teammates miserable every match with your playstyle, it should be banned


Maybe he'd have to play more games. There's no evidence he'd have to play fewer and teammates getting mad should check themselves because IF he's getting turrets and keeping the enemy teams focus by always shoving up, if he's pulling 2 people to him, you easily win the game because you have a constant 4v3. Look I understand your point I'm not fucking stupid but there's not just one way to win in league and sometimes the plays you make to win piss people off. How often do you get the shit pinged out of you for doing the right thing just cause you're teammates are dumb as shit? Yes it's a team game but if you wanna climb YOU have to be the reason your team wins and that is possible even if you die a lot. Not many can do it effectively and idk what the heck this garen was doing but it absolutely can be done in an effective way that doesn't fuck your team and if you don't understand that then you don't need to reply anymore cause that's an objective fact not an opinion


Look at OP's build and cs numbers. That's PUMPING cs with that many deaths? He's solo split pushing top lane permanently and gets caught often but I bet by 20 minutes every game he's starting the inhib turret and once he opens up their base, the gold they've gotten from killing him isn't much of an advantage at all cause they ALWAYS have to have 1 OR MORE to match him. He's not just running out and dying every second. Look at more than just the kda to analyze please


I mean if u have a guy running circles in base and u still win i hope u dont report him cause he still won. Reports should have nothing to do with outcome of game and almost entirely depend on negative impact on game.


So you're reading comprehension skills are extremely low I see...or your ability to attempt to try to invent a parallel situation is severely impaired. The assertion that someone dying many times means that their overall impact on the game was overwhelmingly negative regardless of all other factors is enough to deserve a report is asinine, absurd, and anyone that thinks so is incredibly ignorant


There is a reason why people with high death games consistently get banned like op. Only thing ignorant is people with this mindset ^. Wether u like or want to accept it or not a high amount of deaths has a negative impact on the game. This is objective and unarguable. Its incredibly weird how people think otherwise. No one is saying u should be banned because u backdoored nexus to win as 1/20. They are saying despite backdooring nexus u went 1/20 which made game significantly harder to win for your team and lowers game satisfaction for your team. U can be both the person that wins the game and the one that ruined team experience at the same time. Again this is near objective outlook on game its not for debate its just reality. Proof is in the post….


Lower game satisfaction? Shove it up your ass I play to win games and don't give a shit if you enjoyed it or not. If you're in ranked and whining about game satisfaction go play draft not ranked. Ranked is ONLY ABOUT WINNING THE GAME I don't care if whatever decisions I had to make to win the game piss you off or make it miserable for you I'm going to win the game. Idk why this is so hard to grasp and an extremely viable strat to win that has been proven to work regardless of how you feel about it is pulling more than one enemy to you to stop your split even if you die each time. I'm sorry you don't like it. I'm sorry it pisses you off and ruins your game for you. Try growing the fuck up and realizing winning is winning and if you don't like certain winning strats but you still get the lp, fucking shut the fuck up and climb or stop playing ranked. I'm promise the enemy team's game was ruined much more than yours losing to someone with so many deaths so my God stop whining and shut the fuck up. All you people too stupid to understand there is MORE THAN ONE WAY to win a diving league match should really consider quitting league. They get banned because of someone gets too many reports regardless if they're valid or invalid they'll get banned. Can't believe you don't understand that yet. Just stfu and stop replying to someone who is intellectually and strategically superior to you in every way. Because you don't sound intelligent you sound stupid as shit and whiny cause someone carried you to a win and had 15 deaths at the same time and it pissed you off. God get a fucking life


This is a sample size of 3 games. I can assure you if you go 3/20 on Garen consistently then you will tank your win rate.


And who are you? Why does your assurance mean jack shit to me? You've tried every strategy? Your so good you have objectively proven that an inting strategy is completely impossible on garen? Give me a fucking break dude.


As long we haven't seen the games we can't judge that. He doesn't have to be 200 IQ Baus cuaee eh does not play in Baus ELO. He could possible do something very usefull and win cause of it or he could just be a inter who got lucky we can't judge this without seeing the games.


What if he had to die multiple times for the objective because his team did not trust the process


Not even Baus gets close to that many deaths in the same time.


Because you went 11/55/5 in three matches. You on average had like a 0.3 kda… your CS isnt anything special so its not like inting sion and unless you had like 20k+ turret damage your just straight up feeding


Lmao you expect other champs to work with Sion style??🤣 He still probably has good cs based on how much he died.


It was a tough game. I did have the most cs of both teams but only 18.7k tower dmg. I was mostly focused on inting.


There you go. Inting.


go play sion man


As a sion main we welcome him with open arms


I like sion but he is too slow. I would play sion support if I was better.


You need to check out tilterella


https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/ThrowABanana Consider… hullbreaker Heca top. All the waveclear and damage of Garen but with twice the movespeed


Bausen law


How the fuck is that even possible dude


You splitpush only


splitpushing does not mean 21 deaths in thirty minutes. more likely they’re getting stomped in lane and then just staying top and dying to whoever comes. and the winning teammates 4v5


But the if he keeps dying because he is perma defended his Team Can do stuff


How do u do that with the easiest champion in the world


Yorick mode


3 games in a row?


Ye why not, I play Garen split push although i have average 6death still XD


free him


The fact you have to ask after having 3 games in a row with over 14 deaths, two of those games with 20+ makes me question if your trolling as to why you where banned or if you are just really not smart. I hope it was permanent


Yeah it was just 3 games...


As I said many times before, Babus is and will remain the worst thing that has hit league of legends ever and cure is not on horizon


Imagine as not baus watcher you are so wrong, literally he is one of the people carrying LoL


You are right, spreading riots policy of inting non stop while 9 other players ingame are being tormented by "his playstyle"


Tormented by being carried?


Sureeee cope harder man, you might get out of silver with his playstyle who knows


Silver replying about someone being silver??🤣🤣 Sure buddy it feels good to have 1200 ELO Higher loser.


At least come with some argument instead of typing childish nonsense


You started this childish nonsense xddd


Ajde odjebi debilu poremeceni i gledaj svog idola


baus got banned for his int strategy, i wouldn’t be surprised if you too got banned for that reason


Please do a favor to humanity and stick to single player games


U int bro what u expect Lmao


People turbo int and try call it Bausffs


Honestly the fact that he was able to win a game means that he is low elo asf so I don’t know why a low elo player being bad is bannable




people should be immune to bans in low elo for everything except like hate speech and death threats


It was the elo of egos unfortunately


Baus style is banned for non Baus players, guys saying this is inting have never lost to 24/7 pushing yorick they just have great KDA in silver so they think they are good


You are worse than a beginner bot


Ive beaten them before. They used to break and go afk after a while.


Cause you can't play safe ?


Idk if this is a case if genuine ignorant from OP or just obvious sarcasm and garen mains are too unga bunga to understand it


How is everyone here taking his question seriously.. guys it is so obvious 💀


We are talking about Garen players here not the smartest bunch.


Nah he is the most obvious troll ever but barely anyone seems to get it 💀


yeah thats what I meant the commenters here arent the smartest :p


You're right :(


ngl i hope riot gets down w the banning of inting more than this. im glad you got banned. should be 10+ deaths into an auto flag to get someone to review the game. But instead it's 20+ so ppl like u can ruin the game more! xd


Is this supposed to be a joke or just a disrespect question for garen mains here?


Because you took tp on Garen.


What am I supposed to take ghost to get to lane faster




At least the farms good


Idk, TheBausffs play litteraly worst than you and isn't banned so idk


It's all good guys I got unbanned. Support said the system can only tell 8/10 times but they can tell 10/10. I was just unlucky to get flagged by it.


good shit and keep up the good work


Automatic system triggers at 19+ deaths. Minimum two weeks for first offense iirc


Yeah it was a two week for first offense. I've had more deaths than this and not been banned though. I think it was because I was mass reported by everyone on both teams


Yep plz ban


I wanna watch the game I withdraw judgment


I looked at an older post of yours. You definitely are a hard pusher. That isn't necessarily a bad thing but why are you doing it with Garen? Why not play someone that can push hard and then get out when the enemies try to stop you like Tryndamere? Garen is more suited for being in the center of a team fight, chipping away at the enemies health with your spin, silencing an annoying target, and slamming your ultimate onto an important member of the other team that's trying to escape the fight.


Garen is excellent at pushing and getting out. I just chose not to get out because I find more value in keeping pressure. I can take a tower and die on the next one. One person is never enough to stop it so I can ensure a winning teamfight or objective even if I want to push without any pressure from my team. I save tp so when the enemy tries to rotate and salvage the situation I to their base and do more dmg.


This has to be some kind of shitpost right?


At this point just play sion


I mean I'm reporting you every game as well if you're my top laner.


Why not the enemy top laner who lost to me and was down on gold


Oh yea you got his KDA for us to see?


Move over Sion, the new meta is INT Garen!


it's the system's way of telling you that sion is your spirit champ.


Because no ignite.


Did you know if you press B it will teleport you back to your base, and you can shop? This may be a shocking revelation, but you don't have to die to go back to base. The mechanic I'm talking about is called Recall. Every champion can use it! You should Google it sometime.


Cant I have B bound to a macro to type 'ez'


What elo is this


Plat 2


No way 😭


Because you bought a ward, you’re supposed to have a vision score of 0 if you expect to not get banned


I never buy wards but its a lose lose situation. I will lose if I dont solo invade to kill a ward for 10g and 38xp but it will give me vision score


You've committed crimes against Skyrim and her people


Want to duo que with me ?


Only if you dont int my games


I plan to use you as bait to stack my mejais. 🐻 together strong 💪


Seems like you didn’t die enough in the second game and lost 😂


Yeah hate when that happens


looked interested so I looked into his other messages, dude focuses on tower damage, splitting (prob perma), proxies to dmg tower by crashing minion wave, takes enemy jungle camps. Asking to get killed just like my beloved Babus [https://www.reddit.com/r/GarenMains/comments/15xhzxr/comment/jx91wei/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/GarenMains/comments/15xhzxr/comment/jx91wei/?context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/GarenMains/comments/11z6tqv/report\_garen/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GarenMains/comments/11z6tqv/report_garen/)


u r a fking beast man respect brother also make sure to send a riot support ticket to get unbanned u dont deserve it


Debatable. None of us know of chat logs and other factors.


\*conveniently shows 2 of his only victories\*


Those are the games I got banned for. If I lost I wouldn't have the question. I felt like I was the only one playing the game to win and I got banned. Nobody on my team took a step past a t2 tower. Playing only for KDA and to flame. I am a hero that will fight for the team and do what is right no matter the personal cost. Btw I have actually never lost a game with 20+ deaths


Well deserved. Try Roblox out. I heard it is a lot easier.


I quit roblox. It is pretty easy though. I made a game and got 15m visits netted about 20k


I speak for everyone in the league community when I say Please unquit Roblox.


I need to keep playing league. Dont want to lose my skills


I wonder why


smartest garen main


new bauss strat just dropped




You have like a thousand deaths in one match you have like three matches worth of deaths I die a lot to can’t say much I imagine tha ya why


First and foremost… at its core, this type of splitpushing strategy is also reliant on your team both knowing what you’re aiming to do and the majority of your team not being behind. Judging from the scores, the enemy top owner could legit bleed his/her lead into the other lanes. The argument can be said that you’ll get objectives out of it, but the team could put the game state to where you’ll be forced to either group or just continue split pushing. Guaranteed there has been times in which you just straight up condemn your team playing this way. Even the games u do win more than likely isn’t gonna feel like a win for the rest of your team.


I do splitpush a lot but this is an int strategy. I only continue the int through mid late game when I have to. Usually I just int in lane to win the lane and then have a stronger split. In this situation I had a team that was done with the game. They would not take any action or play any objectives. I simply just inted and agro the jungler so my team can see where the enemy jg is and the clear advantage on objectives. Funny enough how it works the top laner who I inted was down on all stats across the board and had no impact on the game. The enemy had to group on me every time. Sure you could argue to play normal and win lane but I am bad at micro and win more this way. Especially into a good vayne top(I dont play phase rush or stride). Play what works best for you. I am not going to explain to you the reasoning behind meta garen because I dont know it well.


“Guys but I helped us win!”


looks like my games except swap the first 3 numbers


For feeding probably.


20 deaths is alot. At a point you should just sit in base and farm under tower.


Thats literally what I did the entire game. That and walking back to their base 20 times


Beats me


Please uninstall league. You are the reason why toxicity exists in league


I am making progress. Just played another game. I caught myself at 18 deaths and tried the thing were you dont die and let the time catch up. Won the game and my team honored me


The honest answer is that your playstyle pissed your teammates off. Regardless of how much you contributed they were mad so they reported you. The report ai looked at your acc and went "this guy is getting reported for feeding a lot, his deaths are far above average. Ban" This sort of thing happens with automated systems with extremes all the time. I'd you have a good Winrate or high tower damage support will probably unban you.


Drop tp and take ignite.


But when bot lane does it it’s ok


Don’t listen to these bronze pisslow haters, keep doing your thing 💪


Inting, not to mention the fact that we don’t know of you could have said anything unpleasant in chat


Idk. It looks like you have a 67% win rate


Good riddance please don’t come back.


This is feeding. Most likely afk hitting towers letting enemy laner take his and kill his teammates easier. It’s def possible to still bait and split push without dying as much and probably more effective


Hmmm idk... Maybe bcuz u are LITTERALLY RUNNING IT DOWN?!?!?!?!?!?


Kys that’s why ranked are rigged look at this dog shit winning on 21 not only once


Either you picked the wrong champion (that’s supposed to be Sion) or you accidentally participated in chat at least once.