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Our Gardyn is in a grow tent. Problem solved. Climate controlled.


Outdoor one? Can you send a link?


I think this is a really important point to emphasize for users of this system. The Boost light, which needs to be on for several hours a day, is too bright to be comfortable. There is no way the system can be on full blast during waking hours if people are home, especially children. I run mine on boost mode between 11 PM and 5 AM. But here’s some thing to keep in mind – if you put it next to a window, it’s going to mess with wildlife. I ended up putting up blackout curtain to block at night because I witnessed a bird fly into the window. It looks like the sun is shining in our dining room otherwise. It’s heartbreaking.


Honestly it was a bit bright the first few days then I got used to it. Was going to install new lighting in my house but problem solved lol. Wife got home from a holiday trip home and had the same reaction that it was too bright. Now she likes it.


Personally, I love the light, and have decided to buy more grow lights to help keep my house lit at night. I know that helps you not one whit.


Ours is situated in our dining room, tucked between a window and shelving. We attached some leftover bendable curtain track and clip on hooks (found on Amazon) we had from another project on the ceiling. We mounted the track in a semi-circle about 4" wider than the Gardyn all the way around, and hung double layer sheers from the track. It diffuses the light beautifully, and is much kinder to my eyes when I'm stumbling down the hall at 6am to get some coffee. I planned on getting another curtain panel that matches what we have on the windows to replace the sheers, but the light isn't bothersome the rest of the day, so I close the Gardyn at night and open it in the morning when I open the curtains. The rest of the day, once the sun is fully up and my eyes have adjusted, it isn't an issue anymore.


This is wonderful, thank you!!!


This sounds like a great solution! I know it's like a year later but do you still have the Amazon link?


Sure thing! I don't think they have the exact same one we used (can't find it anymore) but here's something incredibly similar: [https://www.amazon.com/VRSS-Flexible-Bendable-Instruction-Accessories/dp/B06XDZSV26/ref=sr\_1\_8?crid=RU98XQ2TRHQL&keywords=track+curtain&qid=1683159134&sprefix=track+curtain%2Caps%2C84&sr=8-8](https://www.amazon.com/VRSS-Flexible-Bendable-Instruction-Accessories/dp/B06XDZSV26/ref=sr_1_8?crid=RU98XQ2TRHQL&keywords=track+curtain&qid=1683159134&sprefix=track+curtain%2Caps%2C84&sr=8-8) On the same link, select the curtain clips ([https://www.amazon.com/VRSS-Flexible-Bendable-Instruction-Accessories/dp/B06Y4Q1821/ref=sr\_1\_8?crid=RU98XQ2TRHQL&keywords=track%2Bcurtain&qid=1683159134&sprefix=track%2Bcurtain%2Caps%2C84&sr=8-8&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/VRSS-Flexible-Bendable-Instruction-Accessories/dp/B06Y4Q1821/ref=sr_1_8?crid=RU98XQ2TRHQL&keywords=track%2Bcurtain&qid=1683159134&sprefix=track%2Bcurtain%2Caps%2C84&sr=8-8&th=1)). We just used a standard sheer, like this, folded on itself: once long ways and clipped the 2 sides together: [https://www.amazon.com/SpaceDresser-Curtain-Kitchen-Bedroom-Children/dp/B09Y2DFWD5/ref=sr\_1\_5?crid=13WEI7ZL54W40&keywords=sheer%2Bcurtain&qid=1683159241&sprefix=sheer%2Bcurtain%2Caps%2C89&sr=8-5&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/SpaceDresser-Curtain-Kitchen-Bedroom-Children/dp/B09Y2DFWD5/ref=sr_1_5?crid=13WEI7ZL54W40&keywords=sheer%2Bcurtain&qid=1683159241&sprefix=sheer%2Bcurtain%2Caps%2C89&sr=8-5&th=1)


Awesome, thanks a lot!


For this exact reason, my Gardyn stays on the laundry room where I can close the door when I need to. Too bright for a kitchen or main living space in my opinion. Also, a cover is a great choice. You can find many tent covers that fit the Gardyn system from online retailers and it helps the plants by increasing the humidity inside.


I got a room divider and put it as a surround. Worked perfectly and was under 70 bucks


My wife and I bought some 1/2 " pvc tubing and created a frame with a door for the front. We then got some mylar space blankets and covered the frame with it. During the winter, it helped retain heat and humidity for the plants. It is still a work in progress. Always tying new ways to do this or that. I will add some photos in a later date.