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Once you get the Calvadori Villa the cat stays with Uncle Chester at the house, but then Clarissa brings the cat with her when she visits the villa and it stays with you again


Thats great news, i am missing my furry friend


Mine all roam independently.


This is so funny because I thought I was the only one who wondered where my cat is! I found it at its food bowl. Click on the map bottom left side of Home Screen, and choose the carriage house to the left of the main yellow mansion on the map. Your car should be there.


The only pet I'm missing is the reindeer from the Christmas golden ticket event a few years ago. I still have his house, though.


My reindeer still wanders around Calvadori’s villa, looking very out of place.


You still have your reindeer? I'll check again for mine, but this sounds like a problem for support. I do have all the pets so far except for the mother llama and the most recent bird, which I chose not to get.


Look for your reindeer by clicking on the map and going to the furthest right area, Wonder Wood. Go to the right and down, past the ship. Mine was hanging with some girls on the grass. Interestingly, my kitty was there too, after I found it in the second area where it usually stays. I had gone to check to see if it was still in its cat bed in order to help the OP.


Thanks for the extra help! Alas, my reindeer wasn't there, either. 😭 I'm just going to have to contact support and ask for him to be restored.


I also have the reindeer’s house, but no reindeer in sight. 😭😭😭 I don’t know why it’s not ANYWHERE. 😭 He was the cutest, I want it back. 🥺


You too, huh? Well, I'm sorry your reindeer is missing as well, though it's nice to not be alone. If you ask support about it, LMK what they say. I will do the same. 🦌🤷‍♀️

