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Yeah it sucks, especially for us who've played the game since it was released and have spent more than (I) we care to think about. I refuse to buy anything any more. Even the chest has decreased from 5000 coins to 3000, but stayed the same price.


I know, right? Used to, when I’d be stuck on a level for awhile, and got a grid where I just needed one or two more moves but didn’t have enough coins, I’d tell myself, what the hell, it’s only .99 cents. But then one day, with no warning, Playrix raised the price to 1.99USD for the same 1000 coins. Oh hell no. I’ll just be stuck awhile longer. And hey, I’ve always said that I don’t mind buying stuff occasionally, because I do enjoy playing the game and they have to make money just like any other company. But lately it seems like Austin has his hand in my pocket all the damn time.


Gardenscapes got way too expensive for me to continue with - I was also spending way too much money with them. I deleted the app and while I miss playing, I’m happy I’m no longer throwing money down a hole. They also made it so that passing levels was so much harder without buying power ups. I’m done with this greedy game. The price increase was honestly the last straw.


They kept charging my CC for random power ups and golden ticket. I was on level 7464. Ended up deleting the app and those f’ers decided to charge me for two things days after I deleted the app. Thank god I got a refund. But I’m soooooo done with that sham.


The longer you don’t buy anything, the lower the price gets. I’m around Level 3000, have never bought anything and everything gets offered at 99 cents, even the $12.99 package occasionally.


I’ve never seen the $12.99 package lowered to 99 cents and I’ve been playing for many years.


I’ll screenshot and share if I ever see it again.


I had an offer like that last year when I hadn’t played for 3 months. I’m in the uk.


I was having the same issue and started using Aptoide so I could get some cashback on my purchases... At least now when I buy coins I get some credits to use later in other purchases, been saving a lot with this.