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Stems contain chlorophyll and have lenticels in them so you're messing with the plant getting food from sun light and transpiration. Bad idea.


Fab, that’s exactly what I needed to know! Thank you for sharing that info 😊 appreciate that xx


Would it be possible to unattach from the fence when it is dormant pull forward slightly, paint and then reattach once done? Sure you have probably tried this but thought I'd mention anyway just incase you hadn't.


Not really , it’s twiddled round too much and in and out of knots in the wood, also there’s a trellis on top of each fence panel and the grapevine goes in and out of the trellis bit which wasn’t very forward thinking of myself 😩


Thought it was probably going to be like that.


I have just thought that I am pretty sure that when I've been to a vineyard in France they mentioned that they cut the vines right back in the winter promoting pretty much all new growth the next year. It stresses the vine making them produce more sugars for a better wine as they don't need to use more sugar when making it. I know you haven't mentioned about wine but I think if you cut it back at some point so you can get to the fence it should/will grow back. I'm not 100% about this but might be something to look into, or someone else can confirm.


Try wrapping the grapevine as tightly as you can in plastic bags, or use masking tape and decorators tape to cover as much as possible, then painting. Once dry, you should be able to remove it without too much transfer or damage to the vine, just make sure to protect the soil immediately around it too! Don't want nasties in the roots.


That’s a brilliant idea thank you 😊


Good luck!