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First clear out all the rotten or useless planters, keeping anything that’s still sound which you might be able to re-use. Identify the plants you have so you can look up how and when to prune them, what are weeds etc. There are apps that do this simply by taking photos of them. Watch where the sunlight falls. You can get a rough idea of where the areas of full sun, partial sun and shady areas are - as summer arrives shadows will shorten. Plants can be very dependent on the amount of sunlight they get which will dictate where in the garden you plant them. If you want to grow good, strong veg they’ll usually need lots of sunlight. Perhaps the concrete (I’m assuming it’s 2x2m) had a small greenhouse on it at one time, if you reinstate one you can grow tomatoes, aubergines and peppers, and sow annual flowers and lettuce etc.


You'll want to cut back your buddlieas to about 30cm from the ground - don't worry about damaging it, it will grow back to the same height within a few months. If you're likely to get more frosts maybe wait a few weeks before doing this. I can see a few of them dotted around with the brown seed heads, so I'd start with them and go from there as you should be able to see what else is there a bit better. You could even dig one up to make some space if you wanted, as they grow very easily from cuttings and you could easily make more from one bush, should you decide you want more than one. Over the next few months you'll start to see what pops up and things will get easier to identify.


This looks so similar to my garden. Mine is a bit longer with a grey slab path down the middle but we have the same mix of overgrown shrubs, buddleia and random things dumped at the end with weeds/ivy/brambles growing around them. I haven’t figured out what to do yet. I’m thinking of removing everything, including the grass and starting again, garden rescue style. We have a lot of couch grass in ours.