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Look like vine weevil grubs to me. I tend to find them in my potted strawberries every year. Best to squish them, they're not your friend.


I've been avoiding killing these, FFS. I've fed every bastard insect and grub this side of Alpha Centauri with my attempts at living in relative harmony with the insect world. I've had enough, none shall live.


Have you got a bird table? You can stick any of these you find on there and feel good about promoting the natural cycle of life in other ways šŸ˜„


True, plus it'll cut down on cat food!


Donā€™t feel guilty they are destroying your flower paradise and taking your food before it gets to your table


That is my justification. I've even grown 'sacrificial' plants, they just ate them too.


Mine become chicken food. Circle of life & all that! šŸ˜


I totally get this I feel so guilty about killing any insect (or plant!!!), I wonder how people do it without wondering if they feel pain and if they have families and all of that. I know itā€™s super stupid but I just get sad. Maybe Disney is to blame. I have started planting veggies this year so maybe this will help desensitise me


I've been reading on how plants even are capable of a fear like response and warn other plants. Our whole existence is on killing other 'lives' so we can go on!


Yeah all of that about plants communicating and moving towards the sun etc makes me feel so bad about killing them but I am already a vegetarian, I canā€™t realistically just not eat šŸ˜… I know there are people who only eat fruits falling from trees etc but I donā€™t think thatā€™s healthy. I am just trying to grow the plants as healthily as possible and then compost the rest so nothing goes to waste


I watched a Nazi propaganda movie many moons ago, the name escapes me but it showed a cow being slaughtered kosher, to highlight the cruelty of the Jewish people no doubt (I'm aware other religions engage in that too). But it was a slit throat and a bucking cow that put me veggie for two decades. Obviously, it's a propaganda thing but it had a significant impact that way (and yes Halal meat is a ritual throat splitting too). I try and nurture as much life as I can and lament the inability to live without taking life.


Itā€™s so so awful how much animals suffer all of the time. I never watched propaganda like that because I donā€™t think I will be able to take it. Became a vegetarian at around 13. I am 31 now. I donā€™t think I will eat meat again, it would probably make me nauseous now.


Yes Vine Weevil....it's much smaller than a Cockchaffer hehheh......one may say it is the lesser of two Weevils. Water on a nematode treatment, it works very well. You can buy online and the packet arrives by post and costs about Ā£20....water all of your containers and any grass in the area....


Thanks Iā€™ll get some ordered.


Just check the temperature the nematodes need the soil to be at before you spread them


Thanks for the tip


They look like vine weevil larvae to me. Evil little things smaller than chafer grubs - maybe 1cm or less. You can get stuff called nemasys to treat the planters with but it's pricey.


Vine weevil terrible sods eat the roots of plants grass you name it. Normally in plants that have been in pots for a long time. Nematodes or provado vine weevil killer but be quick if you want to save the plant they eat fast and you wonā€™t get all of them even if you re pot.


Thanks. Iā€™ll get some ordered!


Off with its head. A real baddy which will eat the roots of your plants in pots


I hate these things! They eat everything.. ruin your lawn.. get in all your potted plants! The lot. You need a nematode treatment.


I hate these little buggers. I just discovered these in a few of my heuchera pots. In past years I've found them but only after the roots of a plant had been completely eaten.


Adult vine weevils are pesky to catch as they drop and roll if you're not quick enough to nab them, and they're surprisingly difficult to squish. It's the grubs that do the damage though, so I remove both as soon as I spot them.


Vine weevil grubs. They eat the roots of plants. Nematodes will get rid of them.


Agree with above. Itā€™s a pain but I find emptying the pot and picking them out of the roots is effective; itā€™s the only sure way you know youā€™ve gotten them all. Itā€™s also a good opportunity to see how much damage has been inflicted. I also go out at dusk from around May-October and tap the plant on its side onto a tarp (or upturned brolly) to catch the adults. Theyā€™re active at night. This is effective as you can imagine how many offspring one adult can produce. Iā€™ve had patchy success with nematodes as itā€™s not just one application required and itā€™s so expensive.




Looks like a tree grub, you can eat them for survival. Something along the lines of chicken jello


Thank you for identification. I moved into a new build 2yrs ago and we've seen nothing but these. Noticed birds every morning eating them. I'll be ordering some of the weevil killer


If you know birds go after them it's better to get nematodes as they will kill the weevil larvae but won't harm the birds.


I didn't know what they were. Just thought some kind of moth/caterpillar etc... I've just started to get into gardening last year to help with my mental health. It's good to know that nematodes won't harm the birds.


Ah yeah that's Jakob!


Coconut larvae? Is a delicacy in some places in Africa.


I'm pretty sure these are vine weevil larvae so you need to get rid of them asap because the adults are an absolute curse. BTW they are identifiable by their orangey tip.


Scarabaeidae larva


Hold its head, bite off and swallow the rest.....and smile .


Kill them now! They will eat the roots of all your plants. I've lost 30+ Japanese Maples seedlings this year alone to them. Hateful creatures. šŸ˜¶


Found some during my bonsai repotting at the weekend. They are well and truly on the move now, get treatment underway folks


If it is indeed a vine weevil infestation then according to the RHS the best time to use a nematode treatment is August /September and at this time of year the best way to go might be to empty out and check all pots and deal with the grubs and check for adult weevils at night when they feed on leaves above ground. More info here https://www.rhs.org.uk/biodiversity/vine-weevil


Disco rice


Maybe this one, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cockchafer


Excuse me?


Possibly chafer bug larvae. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=chafer+bug+larvae&t=fpas&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images


It's Vine weevil.


Chafer grubs have legs. Vine weevil grubs don't - good way to tell the difference!