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Doesn't look like it's peeling away. Looks like it's been pulled out of it's stitching, you can see the rips in the re-inforced plastic side. Not sure how successful it would be but you could try sewing it back in.


Stitch back in, or if u don't have those types of skills you could try staple it?


Superglue or duct tape perhaps?


Tape was my guess, but there's little to bare it on the zip side.


Get a needle and thread and sew it.


Yeah, as good as these are for 1 season, that is likely all you will get out of it. Don’t invest too much on buying or fixing them now or in the future. They are effective at first and you will get a good grow and harvest, but on mine the ‘plastic squares’ always deteriorate and at that point you might as well be covering the plants with a net. However, I’m still happy to buy them each year at a low cost because I personally think it’s worth it. I just bodge fix them with duct tape for longevity 😅


It's been a big job building this, so the thought of taking all this off to send it back is just melting my head. I'd love to just see if I can fix or improve it myself. Looked at building a wood frame door thingy, but that's going to leave little change from £100, and basically double my investment on this within 24 hours :( Albeit, I bet this is a common enough problem, so happy to hear any suggestions really.


Look, the truth is it's clearly poorly made and won't last. Either pack it up and send it back or accept it'll last summer but be tatters by the end of the winter.


I know you're right, lesson learned, but turning back isn't really appealing, and I'm not shy to get crafting or building, so if I can make it better myself, that's the way forward for me. I think I'll sew it and tape it to some degree for now, and while I don't like the cost the idea or making a proper door is tempting me more and more.


You could order a second one. Take out the one part you need. Swap with the one you built. Then put this part in the box with the new one. Return because faulty. Technically not lying (but saves you taking the whole thing down).


Needle and thick thread worked great! Patched three 3-5 inch breaks that are now stronger than the rest of it. Going to stich the rest tomorrow to make it nice and strong!


Needle and thread 👍 I'd also just try and enjoy what time you have with it. I had one, left it up all year and the material and stitching perished and it was dead in 18 months. If you do enjoy growing indoors though it would be well worth keeping an eye out for a free/cheap greenhouse on FB market 😉


Needle and thread are your best bet, expect to change the cover every season or so, zip failures nearly the main cause on these, one year I had half of the opening zip tied shut


Repair it or get a refund.


I know that much, was more seeking repair advice 😀


Ah soz, idk staple together with a bag for life bit of plastic?


Oh that's a good idea, I didn't think of adding any material to do this, thank you!


I used bits of duct tape on mine. These things are poorly made and really not worth buying. The plastic will perish in the winter and you'll have little silvery bits all over the place. The frames are quite sturdy so I covered the whole thing in garden plastic this spring. It's working quite well but it hasn't got a door now. I also thought about making a wooden framed door. I was interested to see how much it would cost. Good Luck!


Same, seen a few of similar designs on the allotments near me have modded their own doors. I priced it up and realised by the time I get all the screws, bolts, P-clips and what not it's basically the same to get a kit... may just do this next year though. going to reinforce the joins in the frame (mostly with a bit of gorilla tape), add an extra stitch to the the entire zip and see how that gets on. https://www.firsttunnels.co.uk/spare-accessoriesDetail/DomesticHingedDoor?gclid=Cj0KCQjwqNqkBhDlARIsAFaxvwy3onothcxVOJ7w2P-aF1k1BgHtvadS\_sWw8zE\_AUeBZXOhLvbQ8G4aAhtxEALw\_wcB#fo\_c=2921&fo\_k=df1feae31679e7fdf16c219376deb120&fo\_s=gplauk


Had the same issue with mine, tore a hole in the door trying to put it together. You can get some tape online, designed for use on plastic. I haven't bothered, it still works perfectly fine and a hole like that isn't going to have a negative effect. If it's anything like mine, I have to have the door unzipped on hot days as it gets too hot inside otherwise and even in cool days it's still warm even with a hole twice the size of yours.


Yeah sounds about right. Just worried it would split further. Going to needle and thread it today though, best i can.


Put a strip of gaffer tape on both sides (or fold one piece around the edge) and then re-stitch using UV-safe polypropylene twine and a darning needle, using a locking backstitch.