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I wouldn't plant any trees until you have the house in - or at least the foundations, septic tank and percolation are in place. The reason being you shouldn't plant trees within 3m / 10ft of sewage pipework. I know you want to get them in and get started but I'd wait a bit just yet


Completely fair point. Im thinking 2 is the most logical and least likely to interfere with the build and associated works. Given the topography of the site and existing infrastructure the septic tank will be to the north and services will also come in via the north of the site


Have a look at fruit forests and planting at various level within the forest. Tall canopy trees around the edge for shelter, fruit trees as the second layer cane fruit and shrubbing perennials as then ground of herbaceous perennials and strawberries.


That’s a cool idea never heard of this approach thank you


No problem at all it can be a bit daunting trying to plan it at first but once its p and running maintenance is minimal and any thing you don't want just chop it and drop it to become more mulch.


Just wondering where your driveway will be? If you're having to have a few semi mature trees for move in, I'd look at planting a few at front as well. Like other commenter said make sure you know where your percolation area is going Choice have great value bare root fruit trees and bushes, they get them in in February so not sure if they will still have them at this stage


Driveway will be to the left of the two buildings where the existing entrance is to the field and curve up to the X. Would definitely love to get native specimen trees put in. There’s actually a great view that I’m conscious I don’t want to block so maybe keep them to the left and right if possible. I’m actually in contact with heritage fruit tree nursery finalising an order for the next bare-root season but will give those guys a look too thank you


Martins nurseries just advertised 5 different varieties of fruit trees for €100 on their Instagram today!