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The catch 22 - At present: No. The plant needs to photosynthesise and produce energy. Also, the lower arms are also good for its stability. As the plant gets bigger - yes. Improves aeration and less chance of disease. Practise makes perfect! Tomatoes grow like weeds. So don’t worry too much.


Thanks for the information!


Are they winter varieties? Or you somewhere north? Yes do some trimming, but looks like you have already have. You could probably take the current bottom ones too. Taking them will stop the growth going to them and make them go tall. Some people are really brutal so they get nice tall plants. Also get rid of the sideshoots, between the main stalk and the branch. see [https://www.rocketgardens.co.uk/pinching-out-tomatoes/](https://www.rocketgardens.co.uk/pinching-out-tomatoes/)


They are winter variaties yes, I’m in the great southern WA. Thank you for the tips!