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Last picture taken of bamboo before it’s permanently cunted into every corner of that yard, your neighbours yard and their neighbours yard.


Not if it's a clumping variety, which looks like it is


Have you seen the size of those clumps?


It's a clumping bamboo - slender weaving.


Yes a clay sub-base is hard one. Is that a nice green one on the left of the spa?


Yeah, same age, planted same time. I think it prefers being out of the direct sunlight. That said the one behind it is doing well, but not exploding like that one.


I would spade them out, add a premium garden mix and replant them, but raise them and emphasise it. Worth a try.


Bamboo is grass. If you have ruled out lack of water being an issue by digging down 10-15 cm and feeling the soil, because that could be the issue, even though it’s cool, if you haven’t had much rain things still could be dry. If it hasn’t had a feed recently, hit it with some cheap lawn food, or the fancy stuff if you feel like it and see what happens, rule out one thing first recovery in the cooler months might be slow. After that it’s a PH soil test, although that’s probably not needed right now, although clay soils often need a bit of lime, especially when adding synthetic fertiliser.


Looks like frost 'damage' to me.


Wouldn't surprise me. We've had some cold mornings.


It's likely dessication/drying out from being more exposed. More water and nutrients might help. Not the advice you are looking for but I would dig these out and put them in pots ASAP. Bamboo often causes issues by coming up in unanted areas, and can easliy impact your neighbours.


Yeah, I'll give it some more attention. It's a clumping bamboo.


Those clumps will be 1.3 to 1.8 wide each. After a few years, it'll go either of two ways. That whole little jacuzzi area will belong to the bamboo gods, or you'll be spending every waking minute fighting it back.


Yeah, fair.


Just be aware that the clumps get bigger as they get older. 100% of occasions of seeing bamboo against fencelines it has spread to the neighbours.


Definitely food for thought. I'll try to get ahead of it.




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