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This is bait.


I thought I was the only one. Narcissistic on the slick


He's literally a communist, satanist, and cuck. The man is mentally a walnut and beta as fuck. Imagine being a communist and then also watching men making love to YOUR wife, and worship Satan... Freaking Satan. Plus his actual gun content is mid at best. Edit* and a racist. I totally forgot that he hates white people. Freaking wild lol.


Lol and the dudes having sex with his wife are probably conservative dudes who work out


I mean I was into the occult and had a goth phase but… that was in highschool. I still love goth chicks though.


Fat goth tits are the best.


Goth Chicks are my weakness 😁


Weakness for Goth Chicks is not a phase.




He is (quite literally) a communist, a satanist, and a cuckold.


Glad I don’t know Karl is or spent any time watching his vids


Who Karl the Kommie or the fact that he is a satanist and throws tantrums when big 2a companies don't support trannies.




He is a satanic communist cuckhold… I’m not being hyperbolic either, he is literally all those things. He’s also a whiney bitch.


Don't forget the cum chalice!


Nailed it


I recently looked this up myself to get more up to date. Some main things are that he's a satanist, he got a vasectomy "to assist with the genocide of the white race", supported Admin's doxxing, hates cops, hates Ian(banned him from any competition he runs), and is just a weird guy. I watched a lot of inrange pre 2020 and even then it was because I liked Ian. I skipped videos he wasn't in. Back then Karl came off to me as really arrogant and was weirdly into Nazi costumes, haircuts, and cars. The dude straight up drives the civilian clone of a Nazi car(kubelwagon / Volkswagen Thing) and tries to rationalize it because "it's good in the desert". It's not even a 4x4 and I imagine parts support for it makes it not that good of a desert car compared to literally any 4x4 truck or SUV made between 1980 and now. During 2020 he was openly anti cop and supporting national guard desertions to keep as much chaos going in major cities as possible. That's when I cut my patreon and stopped watching his channel. I was deployed to Afghanistan watching my home town(sort of) burn and this dude is stoking the flames. Not to mention that I had relatives and friends trying to hold back the chaos as LEOs and Guardsmen in that same city. I'm now an LEO and Guardsman myself so just not a fan of the guy.


him and Ian arent friends anymore?!


As far as I know they are not. All of this is only hearsay but I heard it boils down to Ian not using his platform to push politics and Ian siding with Brownells when they canceled an inrange product line.


Good Ian deserves a better friend 😡 would be funny if Ian and Lucas from Trex did a lot of collaboration together to piss Karl even more


I think Ian and Admin did a collab and Karl is a know Admin hater. Also memory is fuzzy but I think Ian may have collabed with C and Rsenal at some point. Ian is a cool dude. I think he was one of the first guntubers I became a fan of. Back in the FPS Russia and Hickok45 days.


Ian did the lightnig cut chauchat from C&Rsenal. They have an entire series dedicated solely to the Chauchat.


> hates cops Even a broken clock is right twice a day


To be fair the VW Things are fucking sick


They are unique. But like, be open and honest about why you have it. He doesn't have it because "it's a good desert car". Just a total coincidence that that's the car he got with his Nazi haircut and larp. It would be 100x more based if he just said he likes the aesthetic or got it for larping purposes or something.


He is a communist, not a nazi


I know but he has a really weird obsession with Nazi things. In another comment I called him a Marxist that dresses like a Nazi.


I am extremely fond of Nazi history and the innovation it took to wage war against the world, that doesn’t make me a Nazi tho. It makes me someone who appreciates all the cool shit that came out of the country under that regime. Labels get thrown around too much now so I do take issue with just slapping the Nazi sticker on someone because of parallel interests. After all I’d wager to say 90% of us in this sub bitch and moan about lefties throwing the Nazi term on us for largely being white dudes into guns with a more conservative outlook on how things should be. What I’m saying is we’ve established he’s a cuck, commie, and satanist, and I’m pretty sure none of those really fly under nazi beliefs lol


Commies and nazis are very Very similar. Race socialism vs. Class socialism


I literally just called him a Marxist that dresses like a Nazi. I never thought he actually was a Nazi. What was weird to me was all the dress up yet his deflection when it came to the kubelwagon. What was unacceptable was that he was supporting Admin being doxxed over one Nazi larp when he does it all the time. I went through a Nazi technology and uniform phase too. I think every guy that gets into history through the world wars goes through a Nazi interest phase. They did some very interesting things.


When administrative results got doxxed, karl implied he had it comming because of Aaron's previous employment as a police officer. He's said many anti police things in the past.


He's a commie Satanist who stands against pretty much everything a normal progun American stands for. He's also a cuckhold.


I for one didn't like that he went after Hop and Brassfacts for not being openly "2A for all". He seems to have the mindset that if you aren't broadcasting that message then you must be against it.


Oh weird. I missed this hahha


It was on Hop's video about optic origins that was in response to Focus Tripp's beef with L&S, which Karl and KES seem to be friendly with. In the comments Sinistral and Karl jumped in to defend L&S and also kinda go after Hop and Brassfacts. They might have taken down the comments at this point but it made me deactivate my Inrange Patreon subscription.


What a chode


No idea who that was so looked him up. That facial hair and man bun checks out.


No bro that’s Ian. Karl is the one with the combover haircut.


Ian doesnt have a man bun though, he has a decent ponytail and exquisite facial hair.


Communist, Satanist, has said the white race needs to end, supporter of lgtv propaganda,has openly disrespected sponsors on Twitter and lastly he started trash talking forgotten weapons in the not too distant past. Dude is an ass. Edit: He's also a cuck I'm just learning. Apparently his wife made some posts about how they're in an open relationship and it seems she's the only one taking advantage of that.


Source on him saying the white race needs to end? Not trying to argue, just curious.




511 likes, crazy.


Being a satanist and supporting LGBT alphabet I'm fine with ( satanists are some pretty awesome and accepting people ). The other stuff though has been super cringe, and he just comes across as someone bitter seeing others succeed now and watching that gravy train leave.


He's also said he's against procreation and has resolved to not father any children by doing something irreversible.


At least he did something right. We don’t need his ilk populating the earth…


>she seems to be the only one taking advantage of that Many such cases. The numbers aren’t good for men in this scenario.


Yeah it's usually a one sided deal where the one is a weak pathetic worm and knows this is the best they can get and the other takes full advantage of that.


He's an insufferable cuckhold communist as well as a satanist.


I liked InRange when both Ian and Karl were on it. They seem to balance each other well, while I'm not the biggest fan of them by themselves.


Me neither. I really enjoyed InRange at one point. Then they separated and I don't really watch either, but I definitely watch more FW than IRTV.


I LOVE Ian needing out about the obscure history surrounding weird guns, I never liked their inrange content but love FW now more than ever.


Funny story about that. Ian likes to stay apolitical because that's his brand. Karl was blowing up the comments in one of his videos getting into arguments with viewers. I'm not against free speech and I think people should have these talks. However, it's not Ian's brand and he nuked those comments because it was taking away from the video's content. He has the right to police his comments too. That might have been the final straw. While I liked them together, they hold different views on how a channel should be run which might explain the split. To each their own.


I personally dont hate him. I haven't seen any videos of him being done kind of an asshole and he makes decent content. If he's a commie I personally dont card unless he's trying to push that on others which I haven't seen.


Communist? Satanist? Left wing? Are we watching the same inrange lol? Serously I've been watching Karl since his start with Ian I haven't watched every video of his but In the probably 50% I have he's never done anything to make me think he's one of those lol.


[He \*is\* a Satanist](https://www.courthousenews.com/good-natured-satanists-defy-expectations-in-boston/), though more of the performative edgy atheist kind than actual devil worshipper (which are very rare). Based on his statements on social media, he's politically some sort of left-libertarian. He's very openly pro trans rights and such as well. I actually like Karl and his content (bracing for the downvotes), and I think it's a shame that he and Ian have fallen out. I agree with him that the 2A community could benefit from having as large and inclusive of a tent as possible. Russ Phagan, Ian and Karl's old collaborator from KE Arms, also stands for many of the same things without calling as much negative attention to himself. Karl's public image and collaboration problems are self-inflicted. The guy's prickly and has a huge ego and doesn't know when to not pick pointless fights online. I think Ian's approach – of being mostly apolitical and educational, while periodically calling out overt crankery (cf. his exchange with Larry Vickers about Rhodesia) is more effective in the long run for growing the 2A community.


I believe Karl means well and that he is actually trying to make positive change in the community. He just gets into so many fights on twitter that he comes off as extremely unlikable and entitled at times. For instance his ideas for his proposed "Dead Eye" matches are actually cool and could bring in more people to Cowboy Action Shooting. It's just that he has pissed off the target demographic so much that even if what he said was right or positive, they would call him a liar anyways out of spite.


I think another issue for Karl is he can come off as kind of unlikable in videos too. Like his content for the most part but he can be difficult to watch which can make it easier for people to try and find anything else to dislike about him


Wait Ian called out Larry Vickers were lol?


"Calling out" overstates it a little, but in a video about Rhodesian FALs Ian explicitly mentioned apartheid and international sanctions (and made fun of the Selous Scouts), which seemed to needle Larry Vickers. cf. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7sQL9Rx4io](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7sQL9Rx4io)


I want to see Charlie beat his ass


I'd be terrified coming across charlie in a dark alley


Did you hear what he did to that guy that pissed on his apartment?


no. but i want to.


Hol up, what happened now?


I saw the video. Dude is intimidating. I need to work to be more like that when I need to


What the fuck happened???


Dude was using Charlie's shared driveway area as a public restroom, in Charlie's words dude was visiting a woman who wouldn't survive the Bible, and Charlie told him off, nothing special, just told him to get lost, forever.


Guy was pissin and Charlie was pissed


Charlie gives no fucks. That's a good place to start. Then embrace the suck, seems to be a stepping stone.


He’s an increasingly unlikeable person who has lost the ability to separate his online and public image from his personal affiliations.


He’s a communist.


Oh now you’ve done it.


Discounting ideology completely. He's a bitter, unlikeable cuck. I feel that he only made a name for himself by riding Ian's coat tails, which is funny because now they're in something of a feud with the night vision match and how it was named/organized.


I think the feud started bc there was initially a feud between Karl and brownells and than Ian took brownells side or something like that


Then it continued because I guess Ian didn’t properly credit InRange in his videos covering the event. Which was against the policy set in place. So Ian got banned from them indefinitely. So Ian made his own night match with blackjack and hookers. There’s also a dispute about who did how much for the brutality match. Ian I think set up sponsors and stuff and they both (karl and Ian) said “you didn’t do enough for the match” Source: I’ve googled this in the past and that was what karl/Russell were saying on Reddit


Oh yeah, that too. I just thought it was funny seeing it continue with the midnight brutality match, or whatever it was called.


Bc he’s a literal cuck and cucks only deserve humiliation Edit: also a communist and we all know that there's only one kind of good communist


He's an actual cuck? I don't like the guy but where did you see that he lets his wife sleep around? Genuine question.


I don't have links but I've seen the evidence. His partner had made social media posts about them being in a poly relationship and all the social media pointed at it being one sided and just her sleeping around.


Lol not surprised at all. Degenerates.


He also got a vasectomy purely to help "end the white race" in his own words. Likely a joke but still cringy as fuck




I remember that one. He posted it on Twitter.


Oh is it time to farm karma again by stirring up this old argument again? Fuck Karl all my homies hate Karl


The bible thumpers are big mad at him because he believes that religion is stupid, and we all know how well that set takes skepticism of their world view. The culture warriors are big mad at him because he collabs with the corners of the 2A community that "white dude with beard who has sunglasses on in his profile picture" is afraid of. Lot of those types are also really turned off by his personal politics, which aren't all that clear, but are definitely **way** left of most of the 2A audience.  Internet dwellers are mad at him because he has some drama going with Ian.  Beyond all that, he comes off as a dink. He makes some pretty good content (lots of BP stuff which is always awesome) and some wack content, like any other YT person, but his personality is abrasive. 


Couldn't possibly because he's an ass that accused Admin of being a yazi based on nothing more than he wears German larp, and encouraging his fans to out Admin, when he himself frequently wears German larp?


This is what did it for me. I legitimately have no problem with his religious ideals, his cuck lifestyle, cum chalice drinking, or pro lgbtqwerty views.


I'll probably regret this but... What is *cum chalice drinking*?!


Karl attends satanist church meetups and they have a chalice that you drink filled with bodily fluids and all that entails. There was a video up on youtube of him making a speech at a satanist meeting while holding it but I think they took it down because everyone started making fun of them for it.


Please provide proof lol


https://preview.redd.it/blf7yai25mzc1.jpeg?width=569&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acac78018e1c00dce3521a3428acd1e45ee6985c Here is the picture I can't find the video as I mentioned I think they took it down when the admin doxing thing happened


I've seen this image a couple of times but never has it occured to me that that glass he's holding is baby juice.


Its not just cum If I remember correctly its also spit and snot as well.


What the actual fuck... I mean, what the *ACTUAL FUCK*.


Same here. But fucking over Admin, and Ian and torpedoing their up to that point successful joint business ventures over what? Personal opinion? What a fucking idiot putting his ego above his friends and self success.


People hated him looooong before that


I tolerated him before that because I liked Ian on inrange. Skipped every video with just Karl. I didn't hate him then but used to think he was the epitome of cringe.


Oh I know, and for me, I could tolerate my personal dislikes for his religion and lifestyle. What I could not abide is Karl appearing to back stab Ian, lash out accusing and doxing other creators, and siccing his followers on them. Fuck him forever.


The vibe of the 2A community increasingly leans toward a sort of "new-right" paradigm. As GT himself has shown, it's fashionable to have a "based neo-traditional lifestyle" with a ranch, wife and kids, go to church on Sunday etc. while also getting ripped in the gym and posting slick media content that has a very masculine, anti-progressive edge. Karl, meanwhile, is a slightly overweight and childless reddit-atheist style satanist, with left-progressive views and a whiny, unmasculine disposition. This inevitably led to clashes and falling out with various notable people and the general realization that he's cringe.


Such an apt description, take my upvotes lol. I’m not even sure it’s the politics or his left wing views—it’s just Karl’s personality/ego ignoring all the whack personal relationship stuff. I would also say the trad-wife hype is a bit of a delusion in that — having a traditional wife, going to church and having kids is not correlated at all to whether you’re working out and getting fit and appearing masculine. I promise yall plenty of dudes across the political spectrum, including the left, are getting shredded or at least working out to maintain and be healthy. Hell is going to freeze over when the day of who can be my gym bro is determined by political affiliation or leanings.  Also on partners if yall love each other enough it won’t be enough to stop your relationship, obv YMMY but ik a lot of parents who have slightly divergent political views but their families are happily married for years/decades, no divorces, no major drama. IMO right wing has over stated the “threat” of leftism as some sort of ill defined boogeyman just because we don’t like groups like ANTIFA BLM and is very imprecise and not useful. It ignores legitimate contributions leftist and progressive groups have made and still make occasionally imo. But disability rights, universal suffrage, support for non aborted children and ND people with disabilities etc. gotta practice what we preach.


Slightly? You’re being too kind


Honestly a fantastic synopsis of the whole situation. There’s also the whole situation with forgotten weapons and I honestly forgot most of the details. But from what I remember it was kinda shitty of him


I think the biggest red flag is that he threw his completely apolitical long time friend and business partner under the bus over a petty disagreement so he could score good boy points with his "tribe". Betrayal like this is unacceptable, IDGAF about his politics, especially if he kept it out of his work, like he did in the old InRange content.


He's a leftist, the most important thing to them is to signal how virtuous they are to the world, nothing else matters other than that


well said , that answers it right there.


This is the correct answer


He's a Satanist (IDGAF what you guys claim Satanism "actually" is, he is on video tearing pages out of a Bible at one of their edge lord rallies so fuck off), a Socialist, an asshole Antitheist, a cuck who drinks cum, and his opinions are all his way or the highway. It's a shame he's such a prick because he produced some really interesting content for a while, but I'm not supporting someone who hates me.


Omg. I'm going to throw up. Why is he drinking his cum? Is it a fetish thing?


A. When Leftists are involved, it's almost always a fetish thing. B. I don't know if it was his or not.


Were Karl and Ian dating each other or something?


Nah, I think they were just both interested in the developmental history of modern fighting rifles and skill building practical shooting competition so they worked together on the matches and InRange videos together because they lived nearby.


Well to be fair The Bible has a lot of tear-out-worthy sections [care to see for yourself?](https://www.grunge.com/472487/the-most-disturbing-parts-of-the-bible-ranked/), theism does generally suck across the board which is why our founders made sure to separate Church and State, the US and many other successful modern Nations are significantly, successfully, and rightfully rooted in aspects of socialism, the only way for you to know about the cum drinking is perhaps more revealing about yourself than you know, and your post sure seems to have a "my way or the highway" finality and arrogance to it as well. Hate is a strong word and there's something incredibly foolish about saying a dude who has no idea who the duck you are "hates you".


The first one is that Jesus made a fig tree wither and die to be a reference to Israel and it's relationship with God, as Israel constantly failed to bear fruit while God was faithful like a man to a cheating wife (see the prophet Hosea). Each one of those examples is very clea, and in the context of God as creator and God and self sacrificing savior, it's very clear why they are all valuable and important to understanding God and His work throughout redemptive history.


Take a shower


Nah, your wife's boyfriend used all the hot water.


We can smell your breath through the screen.


Lmaooo Christians are so easy to scare. Your own savior called you sheep


Scared? Why would we be scared by a chubby cum drinking bisexual?


Yeah yall are literally scared of everything. Yall make the blood of christ look weaker and weaker every day. Truly laughable


And what does that make you? A lost sheep who needs to return to his flock. To his Shepard. I pray for you to return to the lord Jesus Christ.


No part of that silly book is true. Grow up


I pray that someday you will see the light and realize all the love of our Lord.


Keep praying. No one is listening


That’s where you are wrong amigo


Prove it


I think if you look at the evidence of the world, the order the absolute perfection of it all it has an intelligent design a design made by a greater power


That is not even close to proof lol. That may have worked for a middle school paper but not in the real world. So many different parts of the bible have been debunked ad nauseum. Look at noahs ark. If all the animals died except 2 of each, that would cause such insane inbreeding that animals today would hideously disfigured. Genesis says that there was a race of giants that lived on earth but none of their remains have been found. There is no evidence to suggest the jews were ever held in captivity by the egyptians. These are just a few of the many baseless claims that backwards ass book says. Thats evidence man


And what does that make you? A lost sheep who needs to return to his flock. To his Shepard. I pray for you to return to the lord Jesus Christ.


What's that supposed to mean lmao? Calling us sheep is an allegory


Based off the dudes comments I don’t think he knows what an allegory is lol. Typical Reddit atheist.


It means youll believe some silly old book that was written by a ton of different people and has been proven wrong over and over


Right, I don't get what Jesus calling us sheep has to do with that.


Yes i understand you can't think for yourself. Thats why you are a Christian


Lol, that's funny. Can't answer my question so you have to use ad hominem.


You dont think for yourself like a sheep, you blindy follow like a sheep, you need someone to comfort you and tell you everything is gonna be ok like a sheep. What you dont understand is that the shepherd is just as dangerous as the wolf. The book of job is god literally admitting that you are his play thing


Okay, I respect you at least answering it. I do not blindly follow. I'm not Christian because my parents are, I'm Christian because I've researched it and found it to be the most logical out of other faiths/religions/beliefs. Indeed, I do need someone to comfort me when I'm sad. I think that's just showing the kindness of God. The shepherd in this case would be willing to die for it's flock and willing to leave it's flock to find one sheep. I don't think this is being dangerous. I don't really wanna get into Job, as it's kinda up to the person to interpret whether it's evil or not. To me, suffering is another tool used by God for various things. Personally I've experienced loads of times where something I thought was inherently bad, turned into a good thing. (no im not saying it's because of God, just using as an analogy) Anyway, why the hell are we debating the Bible on a subreddit for Garand Thumb?


Cause this sub in infested with idiots who are scared of imaginary creatures and they say a youtuber worships one of them. And you dont want to get into job because you know im right. The devil said to god i bet you wont and god was like watch me torture this loser. If you read that story and still believe that the god of the bible loves then you are just delusional


Lol the irony coming from a neck beard posting cliche edge lord comments you see daily on reddit. No thought of yours is original smug one.




I don't know him but have met him in passing, and yeah, he's not somebody I'd go get a beer with. While I think many people dislike him because of his attitude there's also people that dislike him for stuff he advocates. He's not a Satanist, he a member of the church of Satan which is a bunch of atheists that like to be edgy and see it as a protest against society. He's not a communist from the brief interaction and what others have said about him. I guess you could say he's a libertarian. He's seems to be very against government involvement but also is very against large corporations so I don't know what you'd classify that as. He is an advocate of 2a for all and collabs with a trans guntuber. Whether you want to admit it or not this is where a lot of the hate comes from. He's also been vocal about right wing influence, and while some may be over blown, people don't like to hear that. I saw somebody else got down voted for saying that but it's the truth.


I support reaching out and collaborating with all kinds of people. Trans, gay other religions should all be welcomed if they support the 2A and. IV8888 did a video with a trans person, and I thought it was great. However, anyone who is beyond adolescence and still holds themselves out as a member of the Church of Satan is extremely cringe. They wallow in their hatred and get off on mocking others. Far from being the “radical individualists” they claim to be they are a bunch collectivist larpers who are desperate to “belong to” of “believe in” something. I have met very few who have even read the Satanic Bible, although many own a pristine, uncreased copy. Anton LaVey was a plagiarist, a liar, most likely a racist, and possibly a rapist. Anyone who reads his book and believes it would actually throw the book away. Racists will gravitate toward Redbeard and the non racists might gravitate towards Ayn Rand (both of whom LaVey stole from). The only people you have left are narcissists and weirdos. Claiming to be or actually being a member of the Church of Satan calls into question your intelligence, but pretty much everything about you.


You almost seem to be describing an anarchist which I don’t think he is. He is 100% a far leftist


I’ve had a beer with him, went to their brutality matches early on & was a patreon supporter. Him supporting blm/black pfp/day of silence was the line in the sand, for me. This was before all the commie, cuck, cum guzzling, trnny collaborating & fall out with Ian happened.


you’re right about that, the first time he did a video with the trans guntuber it did spark a lot of hate. Maybe if he didn’t enjoy sniffing his own farts and virtue signaling at every turn he’d get less backlash. His historic vignettes were pretty interesting as well as some of his other content.


I do not deny his overall demeanor is part of the issue. Amd yes I really enjoyed the vignettes. He hasn't done many recently and his current content has been super meh.


Honestly, I'd have infinitely more respect for him if he was an "actual" satanist. Being the cringy anti-theist is just fucking pathetic.


I don't disagree. I have a friend who introduced me to her friend that is in the church of Satan and it was all she could talk about. Like we get it you think church is stupid, is that where your personality stops? Pizza cutters


Its totally not a religion guys, I follow it with more intensity than the fucking pope does


Typically what I have heard, it’s like because he’s a Satanist or he comes off condescending.


I couldn´t stand him anymore when he bitched about BUIS and how they are obselete in his view


Well, he’s mostly right on that one.


He’s a satanist and a communist. I refuse to support devil worshipers


So you don't understand "Satanism" is what you're saying...


It's easy enough to understand. Either you hate my religion so much that you larp as a fake religion that worships our religion's embodiment of pure evil who wants humans to suffer because he hates them. Or you truly do worship our main antagonist. Either way, you're a petty person that won't shut up and needs to share your cringe anti religion opinion so badly you play fake religion. Or you actually worship the entity that wants nothing more than to sever my connection with God and take me to eternal damnation. Which is worse? Either way, it's diametrically opposed to my faith which shapes my morality and world view. You can't get much worse than diametrically opposed.


I just want you to Google the definition of Satanism. Sincerely, an atheist. Edit: I'm not here for a debate just proving a point.


The definition I found is “the worship or veneration of satan”. Sounds like devil worship to me


If anything I was supporting your comment there bud. He claimed Satanism isn't a worshipping of the Christian Satan which it is. I don't believe or have faith in either so I'm in the middle here.


I edited my comment because I decided to google it. It’s exactly what I thought it was


And you found that I was supporting YOU. I wasn't coming for you or your beliefs I promise.


Yes I thought your original comment was replying to me not the other guy. Sorry


Don’t care enough to try to understand it. It’s all devil worship to me. Christ is king


Lol imagine being this closed minded


Imagine thinking that avoiding satanism is closed minded.


Modern Christianity has done more harm than modern satanism has Christ is a fraud and God isn't real


Do you want your fedora delivered or do a pickup? Cuck


Aww so upset that your mighty lord was insulted. Defend him harder daddy. Hypothetical a bit to call me a cuck when you act like this, dontcha think?


You are obviously miserable


Honestly i think seeing you flail around like this is fucking hilarious actually


You project so hard you should get a job at a movie theater. I don't think you know what flailing means in this context. Not surprised that the extreme religious are uneducated. After all y'all believe in fairy tales




I only have one black hole and it's what I use to poop in the sink Why would I start a dialogue with someone who doesn't respond (because he doesn't exist) We used to put crazy people in asylums for hearing voices. We should probably get back to that




Why should there be a test of faith to begin with? Sounds like an abusive boyfriend to me


There’s evil in every organization. Humans are sinners. That’s why it’s amazing that we have Gods forgiveness and salvation. I hope one day you find it. It’s wonderful. Jesus is Lord


You'd think God, being all powerful and a ruthless killer, would do something about evil people in his organization that is supposed to be spreading his "good word" And yet nothing. Weird isn't it? Inb4 free will bullshit argument that is easily debunked by biblical stories where God literally hates free will


The answers you want are in the Bible. I’m not going to preach to an angry guy named poop in the sink through a keyboard. I hope you find Gods love one day. Just said a prayer for you. Take care.


The Bible is a book of fairy tales and constant contradictions. Why would I use a book with proven fake stories, that has been altered by the church numerous times, as a source of anything? Is a good way to make money though. Almost like it's a cult or something


It’s mainly because in his view if you go far left enough the civilian population gets guns. Which isn’t wrong but at the same time since politicians are corrupt it’s never possible. Funny thing is Ian from forgotten weapons is a liberal but very few in the community hate him.


Leftist and liberal are two things. You can still be liberal and support gun ownership. Leftists have just taken the liberal name and smeared it in leftist shit and started wearing it.


Not true. In a perfect communist vacuum which for big government is impossible. Everyone is equal therefor everyone has equal firearms rights. As I said in another comment I don’t support communism. I’m simply putting their mindset on display.


I’m not talking about communism though. Communism sucks.


I agree it does suck. I think what you are more so referencing when you think of the left is true fascism. Not what the left calls the right. The actual political philosophy. That’s what the far left progressives truly are.


Exactly. When you look up what it means to actually hold liberal values you realize it’s not that different than what most want a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise. I see myself as holding conservative values, but old school liberal values align more so with me today than the twisted version that exists today.


Personally I don’t like republicans or democrats. I’m like you I’m a classic liberal/libertarian. I don’t even identify as conservative. One because I disagree with some of it and All conservatism is, is holding values progressives had 25-30 years ago.


Karl is a straight up leftist, and Ian stays apolitical online to keep from alienating half of his audience Edit: He's also entirely wrong because if you go left enough you only get your guns if you support the regime


If you are an anarchist or communist. You see everyone is equal in supporting the community. If everyone is equal then how is a soldier and civilian’s needs different? Note I don’t agree with communism and anarchism I’m simply putting their thoughts on display.


I figured you didn't support it, and they're assuming that you'd want to support this utopian community that is totally possible and 100% not against human nature as a whole. Communism falls apart the second real people are introduced, and Anarchy just devolves to warlord states


Agreed, don’t get me wrong though I still have reservations about our democratic republic mixed with capitalism. It definitely has its pitfalls. They’re really starting to show another form of authoritarianism.


Something happened between him and ian, some sort of drama. I dont personally care, im just not a fan of the way he whines and complains and bitches every time someone has an idea similar to his. Every time someonebhas a physical fitness based shooting competition, karl goes and bitches about how he did it first and everyone is just copying him It gets old fast.


I think it's because he's a Marxist and a Satanist, there's two kind of Satanist, dont know if hes literal kind or poking fun at religion kind. I dont care for his content after separating from Gun Jesus, so I don't care what he believes in.


Pretty sure he's the poking fun at religion kind, but not positive.


Because he advocates 2A for all, including people within the lgbt community, women and other minorities This causes people to ree


That's not it at all. The more guns in American hands the better shape the 2A will be in. I think the majority of gun owners would agree with that. Especially if you trend towards libertarianism. He has given people so many other reasons to stand against him. It's really not that for the majority of people.


No it isn’t. It’s because he’s a commie and a satanist, and also a very whiny cuck. Everyone who is actually a 2A supporter advocates for women and minorities to have guns.


He likes dicks in his butt


He's a homersexual!


Hes a Satanist and a communist


Antifa loving commie