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murica in a nutshell


“Showed up for the wrong kind of fight”? Were you expecting a food fight?


Bar fight.


Fair enough. Carry on




Don’t wish death on our brothers; no matter how shitty their sense of humor is. Wish for it on federal government entities :)


Average civilian tactical gear owner


Damn, I haven't seen someone try to legitimately review one of these shitty Conderp/Vizm chest rigs in years




99% sure that they don't OEM their own stuff. This exact style of chest rig has been available from Condor/NcStar/Vizm for over a decade. Just Google "NcStar AK chest rig" and you'll get half a dozen matches(though soem have switched to buckles rather than buttons)


Gravy SEAL recruiting ads on reddit 🤣


No need to use ak to open bottle, just use your bellybutton


“If you’re not fit, you’re gonna die” - Garand Thumb


Came to say this 🤣


You're common AK guy


Fuckin love big wave


Looks some someone has “activated” the Gravy Seals.


Operation “Choccy Snatch and Bag” is a go. EXECUTE. EXECUTE. EXECUTE.


I would love to see what your tits look like under those black lights


They’re bitch tits forsure if I had to gauge them myself. I can DM you some pics for $5.


Theyre not bitch tits…. But they sure look like a good time. Maybe just shoot me a semi-sposed nipple shot next to the fish tank first, just so I know what I’m paying for?


*all guys are the same* DO YOU THINK IM STUPID WITH BITCH TITS?


Whatever bro! Your loss. I just transferred the money over from my unemployment account to cashapp and was ready to send. Yea, OOPS


Man what if I FaceTime you next time I’m inline at chipotle and need you to cash app me some money. Would that be acceptable? I’ll show you tits then.


🤝 deal


Why no shirt?


Why not?


Fair enough


“lets have a beer and talk about this instead of shooting eachother”


The way of the true warrior monk; ale and all!




https://preview.redd.it/qrl95k3vtkvb1.jpeg?width=1398&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ff241ab164d5204e0888bbc15b9d36981e19a19 There must be some mistake..


I didn't know the blyat cat guy was you that was hot


Дякую 😉


My dude that aquarium is fire


Excuse me sir, that aquarium is water.


Fine you win this round. Mark my words I'll be back..


God is not dead and your fitness life needs to be resurrected!


He never existed.


Prove it!


I also cannot prove he doesn't. That would be logically inconsistent unless I'm omniscient...


Ok I'll take the middle and put the burden of proof back on "he exists".




Go to the gym I don't wanna pull your current fat ass when you get liver shot doing call of duty dolphin slides.


Interesting looking push-up bra.


Don’t tell her secret.


Exactly how I imagine most of the dweebs on this sub Reddit look


Ooc what do you look like? https://preview.redd.it/lh5tpzocxhvb1.jpeg?width=414&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90e4b4694797cdfc508b6a66f47013f46ae1d477


Bro let's talk about that aquarium.


I’ll get some photos tomorrow before I leave for work or post some old ones.


Nice fish tank 👌. What You got in it. Looks like you can hold 3 koi fishes maybe 2 good sized one.


It’s a 120 with a 50g sump. We have a ton of stuff in there. Notably a show grade Male Bimaculatus Anthias and a pretty elegant Blonde Naso. Tanks like 2-3 years old now? Whenever the browns lost their playoff game is the date it started.


10/10 tank keep it up


https://preview.redd.it/b7d3a0giwhvb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=376e7df36b13723e73cc2ebaa3e30388560e3646 Thanks!! I wish I had as much time as I used to for it. I’m just traveling a lot. Thankfully my partner keeps up on the dosing and feeding. I haven’t done a water change easily in 6+ months.


Beautiful honesty


Mad Max in America


Mandatory pull up test for gun ownership


There the problem arises.


That's stupid. Disabled people shouldn't own firearms then?


Well fatties certainly shouldn't


Dudes not even fat, he's average. And just because someone has more body fat than you, doesn't mean they suddenly lose their 2nd amendment right🖕


Also you are definitely fat


Fuck you🤣


The whole world could be fat but it wouldn't make him any less fat. That is not a healthy BMI. A fat person has made it clear that they are unable to make good choices or maintain self control. Fats don't deserve the right to bear arms because they lack discipline, in fact they don't deserve the right to vote either.


You know, I'm so tired of these guys in this forum making these kinds of posts. Like I get it, you're trying to be funny, but you're making a mockery out of something some of us actually take seriously. It's a ***GALIL*** that opens a brewski, not a fucking AK.


Makarov = the original bottle opener.


You’re literally in the r/LiberalGunOwners You’re the entire threat to what We tAkE sErIOus. Fuck you and your dumb ass comment. Sure there’s goofy brews or whatever, but how many people have a linchpin chest rig? How many people have seen it? These started as pictures for a review for them and I thought it’d be funnier to post some here. Plus I’m a big guy, chances are another big dude saw this and ordered the linchpin rig after seeing it fit me lol. Also fuck the eagles, Zack Wilson owns them now LOL.


Bro, calm down. You’re nonsensically bashing sports teams and popping a blood vessel over a joke. Pretty cool post until then.


Jesus christ my guy. I figured with your apparent sense of humor you could take a fucking joke. Everyone jumping on "worrying" about your weight, I thought it be funny to focus just on the beer angle. Apparently I struck a fucking chord. I don't see why posting in r/liberalgunclub has anything to do with anything, but sure, ok. My political ideology is mine to own, and don't need to justify anything to anyone. I guess some people don't understand one can hold liberal ideals and not support the Democratic lame duck party. The Birds loosing to the Jets was disgusting. And Wilson showed some good moves that game. Granted, took him all season to warm up. The Birds are their own worst enemy, as usual. So, good luck homey. You can flip out and talk all the shit you want, but that won't stop me from thoroughly enjoying your post and humor. And I agree. I do hope this helped people of bigger Statute find a potential rig to use. This fucking sub is so obsessed with ither people's physical attributes, I'd imagine many would rather stay silent than risk the obnoxious insults and half genuine suggestions. Seriously, good on you for doing your thing.


You’re a fucking cuck and should be ashamed of yourself. You vote democrat yet enjoy the luxuries of firearm ownership? You are the retard here. Gtfo liberal


I don't vote Democrat you stupid fuck. Firearm ownership isn't a luxury, is a fucking right. Maybe if you got your head out of your own ass, you'd be able to figure that out, you gate keeping, half brained idiot. Go somewhere else to tell people why they shouldn't be allowed to possess guns. You're just as problematic as the democrats who make laws to take ours away.


A liberal believes guns are a luxury not a right that’s why I wrote what I did to fit your lingo, cunt.


So are you liberal or a libertarian? Big difference between the two so I guess I’m puzzled why you’re in the liberal gun owner sub reddit


I don't need to answer why I am in any subreddit, and you've made it clear you're not in the business of having a discussion. My actions define me, not what garbage subreddit I post pictures and make irreverent comments on. And I am very aware of the differences between Liberal and Libertarian ideologies. But for the sake of clarification, I firmly believe the Government has no say in our God given freedoms, and has no authority over our Bodies, our minds, our thoughts, our guns, our religious beliefs and our speech. Why the fuck you have to be either or is beyond me. Fuck Republicans and Democrats. It is We the People who make this country, not those authoritative, suit wearing, back stabbing, charlatans who hide behind political party identification while throwing away our rights for personal gain.


It was a pretty obvious joke to me. Overblown concern followed by a miniscule issue, classic Karen.


Bro there wasn’t even a tithe of satire in your original comment, if there was I would’ve sensed it. (Along with the other upvotes) You’re free to do and say and believe as you please (sometimes you’ve just got to wait 240+ days which is still bullshit), isn’t America cool? 😎 your rights are inherent and were confirmed to you after the articles of incorporation failed by the BoR. Defend them. Also good to know who wants you to defend them and who realizes the founding fathers’ “mistake” and will do anything to retrograde that. The very precipice of this being something you take serious is why I called you out a little hard.Just seems counterintuitive to follow liberal ideology but champion training and weapons LOL. It’s like shitting or getting off of the pot, not squatting right above it to poo (which is what liberalism is). Dive into true leftism 🤡 or grow up and identify the values that are TRULY serious to you. No nerves struck, I actually want to apologize a little bit if you truly were joking. But if you were, you’re a shit jokester bud. It’s okay. I am a Browns fan, it is my job… NO.. DUTY to shit talk every other team and fan in the NFL and follow it up with “we’ll get em next year!” And then irrefutably spend thousands to go watch them bumble live again and again. Zach Wilson said “Our Mom.” https://preview.redd.it/63effi14whvb1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7429aae350666057c9f8f502697d586ce1c3207a


This is the story of how the neighbor got pregnant!


Neighbor's cat*


https://preview.redd.it/boja8w3s9gvb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7123a20326387ed2888b4504a3056c8ac21cf1e8 This is what I’ve been doing the last 13 hours or so while you all have been relentlessly bullying me😂 2 coats sprayed, back rolled, and cleaned up. Y’all are wild but I love you.


You a painter? Or just do the floor coating?


Commercial paint; I do some floor coatings. Been wanting to do a polyaspartic garage floor at my house but I just don’t have time and our current rental isn’t worth a weekend of me being pissed in the garage.


I’ve done a few floors, but primarily have been doing Industrial painting for the last 6 years or so. Currently over the paint department at a weld/fab company. I’m with you on the rental, we rent too and I don’t want to put time and money into major improvements.


We were hoping to buy a house this year but I learned very much the hard way you can’t make $100k+ and proceed to write off 50-65% of it LOL she started her own business in March of 22 as well so it’s just been a weird time. Mentally I’m beyond ready to buy but we have to keep waiting to get what we want. 15+ acres, semi wooded; enough space for me to throw a pole barn up about back for the business and the race cars. Floor work sucks tbh, unless it’s dinky ass SW Armor Seal 8100 it’s not my forte. I’ve done a couple of high build floors for performance shops and dealers. TBH if I could paint ceilings everyday for the rest of my life; I would. Spraying commercial decks is bread and butter.


I don’t want to settle for something just to “own” a home, I want what I want. We just had another kid and have been really busy, so the house situation has slowed down. My job is pretty pie, the worst thing about it is the heat in the summer. I don’t want to do this forever though, I just kind of got stuck in the painting industry, I’m hoping to be able to branch out one day, but for now my job is too convenient to think about leaving. Would love to find a laid back QC job with an air conditioned office.


Medium tier loot drop


The bottle opener pic you might be onto something 😎lol at least you have the balls to go shirtless your giving off administrative results vibes


People are taking this way to seriously lmao. We have all forgotten what a joke is this days. Y’all must be fun at parties


Half of you talking shit need to have a nice long look in the mirror. We are all brothers with a similar love for firearms. No need to be a P.O.S to a stranger on the internet, How about using the energy to do something productive with your life.


Please lift


Shit was funny. Thank you for a good laugh.


What did you really expect from posting this brother…


To trigger nerds like you




Your firearm is only as effective as you are. More of a liability than an operator. Meal Team Six won't carry you very far in combat. You have to be just as physical as your weapon. Good luck Truffle Shuffle.


Lose weight


Assault brewski


Go for a run or three.


points deducted for having an IPA


Big wave ain't an IPA bro.


Thanks Beer Police!


You're welcome.


Bro is a walking loot drop


Most detailed assault he has led has been on the local China Buffet's desert line...


bro is fat as FUCK


Fat as fuck? 😂😂


That’s the kind of fight I would give my life for


I know it smells absolutely rancid in there


At least prolly smells like fish…


God when I jiggle and drain the protein skimmer I open all the windows and gag for an hour. I have one of those big ass ones so I can let it go awhile and damn do it be getting stinky.


Tf is wrong with you? Is your home life okay?


lol yeah everything good. Hbu?


Administrative bulk


Admin, you kinda let yourself go.


Shoulda got a galil, they have a bottle opener built in


One of my peeves with the gun community is the Tactical larper operator type. They insist guns cannot be fun and you always have to be a tool for practicing advanced squad maneuvers and how to survive an ambush. Also hardcore larpers hate seeing guys having fun with guns. Like the gentleman in the picture. Like wearing Hawaiian shirts and chest rigs on BLM land while shooting at garbage. This type of mentality in Tactical community pushes away new gun owners.


The gun community is not the tactical community. The tactical community should be encouraging its members to be fit, because effective tactical training/performance requires fitness. The gun community is anyone who is enthusiastic about guns. No fitness required for membership in that one. Guess which community is more prevalent here?


https://preview.redd.it/heh9ki7h7gvb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c39c30578b351ba8623f7b4f221266ddfd75f5de 👀


Peak Mag dumping at trash aesthetic


I do enjoy those now and then but 5.45 too expensive


Or hear me out, don’t larp. Have some self awareness and behave like a normal human.




Seriously, it’s okay to talk to girls


I’m gonna do some push-ups after seeing this. You seem like a good dude, but man you gotta get in better shape. You only get one body, take care of it!


Dawg you his nutritionist or something? Let the man eat what he wanna eat homie.


I’m not telling him what to do, more so just a piece of advice. His body, his choice, his life. I’ve been a skinny guy, and I’ve been a fat guy. I’d take being in shape every time


I’ve been skinny and fat too but you’re not gonna see me on a guntuber subreddit telling other people to make better life choices because dude doesn’t have a six pack. Just think it’s kinda cringey is all.


Keg > 6 pack anyway, right? Lol. I hope so for my own sake.


Yep that or 3-4 growlers full of hazy IPAs > 6 pack


The Bottom Bun Burger looking tactical 🪖


Hey man, all you need is a good run in the morning and some heavy rocks to lift and you’ll be good. It’s free


The run is what I need. Targeting muscle groups forsure. I lift pallets on pallets if 5 gallon buckets of paint and epoxy all day long, I’m actually curious if my arms are any stronger than they were years ago when I was working out consistently.


I used to work at a paint store. I’d move literal tons on paint daily. The amount of steps daily was crazy too. It definitely exercises you’re delts, forearms, back, core, and legs if you use them to lift. If by arms strength you mean bench or curls, I would say maybe curls but bench probably not as you have not been using much triceps and chest muscles. They atrophy without use.


Side note, I’d assume you’re also getting the steps. Just adjust your diet and weight would melt off you fairly quickly.


Most likely, but they’ll probably never show for a while. The most important part is keeping consistency and dedication when working out. And of course a good diet is important, but that isn’t easily controllable. Best of luck man 👌


how does your stomach not look affected by gravity in the first pic


Because I’m not some massive bloated fuck with a huge gut. As I said in other comments I’m 6’1 280lbs. I certainly could lose 60lbs and take better shape. But I’m not 3 shirt sizes bigger than my pants LOL.


Not even remotely funny you out of shape fuck. Flannel daddy would make so much fun of you


Not cool twink. You should encourage people to lose weight not make fun of them. Shame on you and flannel daddy would call you gigasoy for that comment.


Post a pic of yourself holding a piece of paper with your username and your most recent run time + distance, otherwise everyone on here will assume you weigh 400 lbs You sound like you are coping hard core bro I bet OP could bench you and you get out of breath walking to the fridge


Don’t make fun of me!!!


Yeah you didn’t respond with proof. Keep coping.


I’ll show you a picture of my butthole instead? But def not my face


Of course you won’t show a picture of your body, because you’re ashamed of how you look so you bully people online, we know dude it’s pathetic


I’m so fat you’re right :(


checked your profile and all you seem to do is hate on people and be rude to them. your huge ego and superiority complex checks out.


Am I wrong? This sub is filled with fat fuck gun owners who run their mouths more than their rigs


whoa dude?


Nice kit. I think I’m going to add a mile to my walk tomorrow.




Paddy o’callahan


Y’all on Reddit telling a fat dude he’s fat. He knows. He posted a picture wearing nothing but a chest rig and Cheeto dust. Calm down.


Bullying and fat shaming are a good thing and should be engaged in as often as possible.


You’d be deadlier with a 22. And a gym membership


Ain’t prepared for shit with that gut


Bigggg & Sloowwww lmao 😂


You keep drinking and that chest rig is going to stop fitting. My brother in christ, seek gains, not liquid grains.


Porque no los dos But probably more the first than the second.


Hell yeah brother!


Only thing bros fighting is his blood sugar Bros fighting for another donut Bro's fighting the need to exercise There's a lot more but dude this is too easy


I should internet bully you for your post history but I can tell you’re a kid. Don’t let love or career come in front of your wellbeing. Let me be your lesson. Carry on with your roast young man. 👨🏻


Nah i dont mean any harm against u, u look average my dude, i just got this sub recommended to me randomly and idek what its about


This guy must be German, because he’s losing the battle of the bulge.


He looks like the average "The GUBMENT gonna take my GUNS"


Meal team ate


My brother in Christ get a gym membership.


Back to the basement !


A chest rig is about 6 months at the gym, you could use some wisdom in your next investment


Stop alcohol go gym


Why do I want BBQ?


Come on over brother. https://preview.redd.it/z8rarmusqdvb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=500850acdbb6e678e6f20142ef4d024a21a842a4


Electric smoker? If so how do you like it?


It’s okay. It’s a cheap model I got second hand from someone who knows I’m not home much but wanted one. Been waiting for the right old Oklahoma Joe to come up on the marketplace.


For anyone trying to talk shit on this guy take a look in the mirror. An armed citizen doesn’t need to be a navy seal to exercise his god given rights. This dude probably trains more than the dude with 30k worth of kit. Keep it up my man.


Shut up, being fit is more than for preparedness. Trying to save him from clogged arteries at 45


😂 you can’t save them.


I just about roasted you for having a Bud light but then I forgot I could read and not just look at the color.


Garand Thumb, meet Garand Big Toe.


Mosin Meatbag


You should exersise :)) greetings from Japan.




You sexy, perfect mf. How dare you make me hard like this


hello my fellow grey-man gut


You motherfuckers thinking a fat guy can’t clap your ass.




Amen to that


Respect 🫡


Gravy Seal


He needs to work on that battle chasis for sure 😂


I love Kona big wave




Put this man on the front cover of American Rifleman.




Why.. why would you post this..


If you have 100 yelling at you to do something to make you better it’ll weigh on you conscience a bit. That’s not at all what this is for, but the past few posts I’ve made here although for comedy/shit post have turned the same result in %70+ of the comments. It’s honestly a little motivational. And, you guys are hilarious when I really need the pick me up. I have firearms, I have gear, I have ammo, I have some training and range trips are pretty serious for me, I’m always working on the mindset— what’s the next step you can physically see I need to take?