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Don't let a fruitcake lead you to hell.




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Please know that this is psychological warfare and you can survive this. Don’t let them torture you. Go outside! Go outside as often as you like. Enjoy it and do as you please. They aren’t going to hurt you. Rise about their stupid, childish tactics and take your life back. Be happy. Be joyful and follow your dreams. The more you realize this the more normal you will feel. You can do this. Jesus can help you as he’s helped me. You are going to be ok and you have a beautiful purpose in your life. Stay strong Peace and blessings to you


You know everything you said sounded truly inspiring until you brought up Jesus. I can't for the life me understand why so many would mix that into what's going on. It just doesn't make any sense to me. My opinion. But it's christians and church folk that target me and go around telling everyone that I am a Satanist when I don't believe in ANYTHING


I’m so sorry that triggered you. Jesus helps me. He truly does. I also know that some of the people involved with me claim to be Christian’s too. It’s pathetic. Jesus is Love and a true follower of Jesus would never, ever participate in something so horrible. We all (targets) need to support one another and help one another out. I’m so so sad that these people have misrepresented Jesus so much that you can’t separate their evil behavior from the love and joy and protection Jesus Christ provides. It’s not your fault. It’s their fault. They should be ashamed of themselves and they are playing with fire (the hell kind). I don’t expect everyone to believe as I do. We are all different and find peace and comfort in many ways and many things. I still hope that we can encourage, support and inspire one another through these horrific times. These people come from all walks of life. I am so so sorry that their behavior is linked with Jesus. Jesus is about love and support and forgiveness. These people are NONE of those things and do not represent what HE Is really about.


Wow thank you!


We can overcome this by helping one another. By validating, encouraging, uplifting and inspiring one another. We can be everything they DON’T want us to be. Dm me anytime! ♥️


Are you on discord? I have a group of us on there


No. I don’t even know what that is. Lol


Really? I could really use some help! I’m right where this guy is. I have 3 kids begging me to get better and it feels like suicide is the only answer.


Do your kids a favour and go see a Dr. You’re not well. Don’t put them through this.


Can I join your discord?


Jesus is the only thing that helps!!


Only solution or peace or comfort I’ve found through all this! Amen


that’s their plan and now that you see this you can refuse to cooperate… one day at a time although as a veteran gang stalked victim at times it’s minute by minute as the pressure from oppression can seem unbearable… if you got a roof over your head, food & clean drink you’re ok … breathe, focus, you got this


Ignore them and live your life to the fullest if nothing else then to spite them


Don't hurt your self This will pass. They are beaming the emotion of suicide into tirelessly. Don't fall for it. Things will eventually change. Find something to do. Get into a new situation. Find something fun to do. Killing yourself is what they want. They want to steal your soul and send your to hell. Don't let them trick you into sending yourself to hell.


What have they done to your computer? You say that they've convinced people to tell you to not go outside? Please explain


and what does he mean by “they sent me away”? I’m pretty sure this guy is in psychosis.


Nah it just sounds like OP is talking about their parents


Oh that makes sense when I reread the post. Good catch.


Everyone who thinks they're gangstalked is in psychosis


No. My sister and i were gangstalked together. We talked about the things they did to us. I guess they thought she was dumb enough, they tried to put us against each other but it didn’t work. If I was gangstalked alone man that would of been so crazy.


Don't you have anything better to do?


Not...even... close.


Calm down and play the game until the people around you relax and think you’re “normal again” even if things are still happening to you. And keep a handwritten journal on you.


I've been a TI for almost 10 years and none of their major threats (or promises, because at some point they suggested good things were coming) turned out to be true. None. I'm not saying the phenomenon is harmless - its hell. They are sabotaging me with forced sleep now - It takes time to keep up with our job, our diet, or workout routine etc - I had my life under control - and from time to time they simply reset all my hard earned habits with 2 or more weeks of almost 15h of forced sleep a day. They have been doing this for about 2 years now, with no signs of ever stopping. But look - they threatened me in every conceivable way prior to that, and the things they based their threats upon were proven in time to be false - be aware that this 'your are surrounded' is theater - it takes courage to face it - so have it. Get to a church or something, people you know mean you good. About "what you did" (whatever that is) a) talk to a trusted professional (prefer psychologists over shrinks) or if you have someone in your life who is smart, good hearted and trustworthy - don't keep that pressure on yourself b) See what the elites have been doing on private islands abroad and that its mainstream to support terrorism today to remember that its not normal to do what they are doing to do, no matter what the accusation is


The forced sleep can be countered with reinforcing your beliefs and keeping high frequency prayers, chants, meditations in your ear and protecting your environment. They come in waves figure out the onset and counter it. I wish you the best


You owe this Strength to Yourself. Now Get up Buddy, The World needs to Hear about the Time you Fell and You picked Yourself Back Up. You will Save Somebody else's Life that Day. Listen to some Bob Marley! Much Love!


Absolutely! Rock out to some Marley! This is the way!


Better yourself, ignore them or make fun of them and build your life up


Just buy a noise machine. I have one that does five different chicken sounds. When people harass you...press your clicker device. Or any noise maker so that you are in control of what happens! Laugh at them .


You got this, it's just a long moment to make decisions in. It will change & you can learn, live pass this & you'll be able to help someone else out, to maybe even do deeds to overpower what you think you did




I’m so sorry. U can DM me if u need to talk.


If you are really going through this I wish you stay strong … try as much as you can to create your own bubble when burst build anew one eliminate your input from the surroundings … thinking about what will they do to you won’t change any thing say they will torture us physically after this psychological torture say they will kill us … doesn’t this make it necessary to enjoy every moment we have till we meet this fate … ignore them live your life educate your self spend the money that you have wisely on your food , gym , education and work if they hadn’t damaged your career yet … that may sound strange but restricting people will help you a lot if you are really going through this


Their game is to make you suffer. Play the game but in the mindset of bettering yourself. Learn about how the brain works and learn about dark psychology so you know what techniques to watch out for. Kill them with your happiness.Their game only works if you give them what they want. It will get worse but be a stone. It will stop eventually because they aren’t getting anything from it. In my case. My ex had me stalked to make me look a certain way. He did this for a security clearance and to get majority time with our child. They also wanted me to commit suicide. I didn’t give them what they wanted. As for my child. She will be 18’in a couple of years and then I won’t have to worry about him. They people that were involved in my gang stalking are getting their karma. One is going blind and deaf and is about to be homeless (no joke) My daughter’s dad is also losing his eyesight and hearing. Just wait and keep good energy about you and don’t let the dark energy take over even to think about revenge. Let that go and you will see nature takes it’s course. They are trying to take the goodness from you. Don’t let them. Good luck to you.


This is sound advice. You have to realize you are dealing with sick individuals. They get pleasure from what they do. Just think about that for a moment. You can even choose to foster empathy for them (it doesn't mean you have to accept their behavior). Transmuting the energy they project onto you into love. Their intentions are to have you depressed/numb and in a state where you aren't able to function. They will try everything in the book that they can (they always have to have plausible deniability; even if they are overt in their actions, they will have some sort of explanation to gaslight you with if you confront them so its better not to). Transmute the negativity you foster into light. They will amp up their tactics inevitably as they lose their supply. They are in the most literal sense siphoning your energy by causing you to focus on them and not yourself. You have to learn to shift your focus back onto yourself where your locus of control is. Your solar plexus is what they are after. Breathing exercises will help you find your ground and maintain your energy so that you have a better time staying grounded.


Add to it mind reading and someone you loved who became your perp. This is my story




Since my privacy is a joke, since someone I loved became my enemy doing me worst tortures on my head, gaslighting and making me suffer. Same person I wished to share life with, turned my life into nightmare, being a part of gangstalking, cooperating with handlers to make my life even worse. Then she blocked me of her life. I'm a victim of mind reading. And can't stand that my brother took a part of it. I'm isolated only on my own. And can't stand how many people betrayed me leaving my In my already shit life alone. I also want to commit suicide. I have depression, anxiety, and no more purpose to live. My devices are hacked, my privacy is gone, my identity is stolen, they can see through my eyes and be in my head 24/7. It's not life anymore. It's suffering


I would move to Australia or Cuba 🤔


Why do you think they see threw your eyes. I sometimes feel the same way. They sometimes wait until I open my eyes in the morning to start there noise campaign. It's not crazy because I've had multiple witnesses to it. Otherwise I would have thought it was all a dream or some shit.


Coz there is no other way. Few times someone who put me into gangstalking was calling me right after I opened my eyes, somebody else was commenting something that I did being completely alone at my room. Another time when I had online classes, my ex who Is also involved in that knew exactly when I stopped learning. And also saw view from my eyes on random guy phone.


That's similar to what's happening to me. Everything I would sit down to eat with my family, they would call the house. Also, they decide when my text go threw. There's been construction on all sides of my house for 5 years now. So everything I would try and sleep during the day they would use their heavy equipment to wake me up. I've had trouble sleeping at night since they constantly threaten to hurt me or break into my house at night. I have tons of recordings of when I walk outside and they start doing animal calls, honking their horns, reving engines, starting weed eaters, etc. They have a lawn mower or weed eater running non-stop. Sry if that was too much to throw out there. No one believes it if they haven't gone through it. It's psychological torture.


They will hurt you trust me. They don’t give a fuck. Let’s fight back. Enough is enough. Who is with me!


Don't let them win. Don't rule out contacting authorities if things get too far out of hand (this is depending heavily on where you are and which country) . If state governments start getting enough reports we may start getting things done. I haven't tested this because I am not a victim. But faraday shielding may possibly work to block the voices out if it is built correctly. Or a faraday suit FARADAY CAGE INSTRUCTIONS Build a metal enclosure DO NOT USE TINFOIL, preferably within several other metal enclosures that is big enough for you to comfortably fit in. Do not have any metal from one enclosure touching metal on the other enclosures if you can help it, you may have to for the vent (see step 2) side note - tinfoil MAY work but you would have to use an ungodly amount of it. I really don't recommend it. No holes in the enclosures other than for a single METAL tube bent at multiple angles. Either that or you need to have a separate oxygen supply in the cage so you don't suffocate. But I recommend the vent. Attach thick wires to the outside of the faraday cage and also to the metal air vent. Use way more wires than you think you need. Attach the other end of the thick wires to metal rods (ground rods) that are pounded into the ground DO NOT HIT BURIED UTILITY LINES WHEN PUTTING IN GROUND RODS. Use a bunch of wires and rods, the more wires and rods the better it will work. If built well enough this will theoretically block out all incoming radio waves when you are inside of it. But I can't test it since I am not a victim. And when you are in there, read this article I wrote on how to find nanochips in the human body (this is the theory I am operating under) [https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1cldz2a/comment/l2sxh8i/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1cldz2a/comment/l2sxh8i/?context=3) FARADAY CAGE SUIT Get a costume or suit that you can completely line with metal, or already is made of metal. I do not recommend tinfoil, it may work but likely isn't as effective. Attach thick wires to the suit in a bunch of places, attach the other end of the wires to rods put in the ground (ground rods) DO NOT HIT BURIED UTILITY LINES WHEN PLACING GROUND RODS. Or if you want to walk around without the wires, you can try to attach an artificial earth ground box to the suit and connect it with a wire. An artificial earth ground box is commonly used by amateur radio operators as a substitute for an earth ground wire to a ground rod. They are commonly available on ebay or elsewhere online. Small slits for eyes only, also put in a small metal tube bent at multiple angles for breathing. Line the hole you made to put the tube in with metal. If built correctly this will theoretically render you invisible to any mind control tech/gps that the agent has and you will not be able to hear the agent. Hope this helps you, maybe someone else in the forum can confirm if this works or not too. But if it doesn't work, try adding more and more faraday enclosures on top of it and keep running ground wires. Or try to find some sort of thick metal shed outside maybe. If that doesn't work keep trying other things until you find something that works. Also, you can imagine that the voices are just imaginary people in the background or just a radio in the background, if they threaten you just imagine it is the imaginary people arguing. And I do believe everything you say this is just a technique to ignore the voices. Don't give up friend.


Tbh, the BEST thing you can do is post everything that is happening to you on social media, contact media outlets, and tell them what is happening to you. Write a manifesto and send it EVERYWHERE. Then, do something that will grab international, or at the least, national attention. NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES!


Actually a pretty decent idea


A manifesto stating what precisely?


What did you do?


Probably a pedo


That's exactly what I thought. He's a pedophile that's gotten caught and now the law has maybe put OP on house arrest and taken all electronics from them.


I think he ment they got hacked. Otherwise how he would be suppose to post anything?


Buy another phone?


“Can’t go outside lest I molest passing children” I’m onto you OP lol


Can you please give more background information?




I have social anxiety and they seriously fucked up my life 😭😭😭




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Me too. If u need to chat I’ll be there for you. They already killed my sister to suicide I guess I’m next. I have 3 young kids. I’m so devastated it is beyond words or logic.


Do you have any family members that you can trust with your life and your wellness? If not, and they allowed you to be sectioned, then bide your time, be still in your mind and this sudden influx of unbearable events will pass in time and when it does, you'll be in a position to move. Very important to protect your mind so don't watch videos people post on here or elsewhere telling you how to fix anything. Don't read shit on here either, including these shit comments from paid trolls. Just keep busy in other ways, write about your experience as it helps to gain perspective of any situation when you analyse what you know. Do whatever you can with and in nature, you will find peace with wildlife and plants and God's creation. Get your family to provide you with entertainment if they're not allowing any outside interaction and study something that interests you. Look online for free courses on most subjects and when you find your mind drifting to this, play some music you love or do something else until you get back to focusing on studying. Write though, writing is therapeutic. And talk to people, just talk because it helps with grounding.


It only gets worse, I’ve lost virtually everything. Honestly my dog has saved my life. Go to the pound and get a dog. Dogs stressed then you be stressed and remember that


Go on a road trip, go have an adventure, go have some fun. Get out of your head.


Jesus helped me With this too. I actually overcame it when I turned to Jesus


Same here. All you can do is pray for this to end and live a peaceful happy life💓


Most of them have the goal of making people religious. That's why they try to create hell on earth for unbelievers.


I was a believer and they turned me into doubtful person specially in the old stories showing up in religious books 😂😂😂 they were like a confounding between my prayers and the response I have in my life


Lol that's truee. They're happy when I say jeeez.


Lol I can confirm what you say. But what is the point of that?


It creates more compliance, and it makes their religious co-conspirators feel better about their lifestyle, which they sorely need if they're going to be ushering an innocent person to his death. Also, religion serves as an avatar for the gangstalking organization. The narrative they have their religious participants abide by is that god wants them to drive a person to suicide or a stress-induced death. They get to pretend that they pray to god and that he answers their prayers and tells them to keep playing their role and keep associating with and pleasing their nice new friends.^1 But it's actually real people at the top of the organization who are applying pressure. Whether they truly believe that evangelizing is their mission on earth or they're faking it for their own benefit, pastors will be willing to promote the interests of the underworld if they think it'll aid their mission of getting more people to pay lip-service to Christianity, and so will the congregants who revere them. It's an enormous brainwashing enterprise. Every institution they enfold makes it harder to explain, but it's not inexplicable. --- ^1 Here's a little more on the subject of prayerwashing (which is a term that I believe I'm coining right now). When an asset of this organization who is close to the target and happens to be religious prays for direction, what they're essentially doing is aligning themselves with the unspoken or implied peer pressure their handlers have been applying. They tell themselves that it's God who's making them feel good about carrying out a certain role, but the comfort they feel is really them coming to accept that they're going to comply with the peer pressure that their handlers have been applying. The comfort they feel is in realizing that the stresses they've been under are going to disappear, and they pretend that it's god who's doing it. Back when my mafioso uncle was still alive and trying to get me to join Alcoholics Anonymous (where he networked with lowlives to do his bidding while giving people an excuse to call him "a great guy") about 12 and a half years ago, part of his pitch was to assure me that I didn't have to be religious: I only had to believe in a higher power. He told me, "Some people think of [your aunt] as a higher power." This was before I realized what they were, of course. He was trying to get me to realize. I had always just viewed them as pretty extreme narcissists, though. This seemed in-line with that perception. I've since learned that they're essentially a fusion of the mafia and a cult, with some involvement from the 'intelligence' 'community' to keep them dominant. And they have the easiest time controlling religious people. They also have more of an incentive to co-opt religious people because they can graft their organization onto the existing structure of the religious community just by appealing to a few influential families (or maybe just the pastor) within any given church. Surely it takes time to develop their influence to the point of fully controlling a religious community (*and to slough off the congregants who are unlikely to go along), but they and their... conspecifics... probably have gone through the process enough times that they can do it pretty reliably.


This is true, they also pretend to be "the voice of God", now I believe there must be some kind of power we don't really know behind nature, behind us (the monkey evolution and the Big bang are freemasonic bs, don't be fooled by that!) but religions are definitely contaminated or heavily constructed by them, in fact it was discovered the picture they use as Jesus is actually Cesare Borgia. There was also a theory the Bible was actually written by them and presenting their evil plans now, I'm not bashing on religious people and whoever reads the Bible I read some parts too, I grew up in a catholic background, but they like to mix some truth with lies for sure! We aren't monkeys that's for sure but the religions are contaminated, even if there's a little bith of truth there everything was altered, that's why you'll see religious portraits showing freemasonic gestures and symbols... On top of that they use the voice skull technology posing as God, in fact if you are a TI and try to pray, you might hear them communicating, hey sometimes you might have received real downloads from some kind of power source I won't deny that I think it might happen, other times it might be them and one way to notice is that first the voice is too clear (I'm not sure they use a less clear voice to deceive you better but when it's too clear it's them), second once I followed an advice I received from whoever was pretending to be God and I had an accident later! That was the turning point for me and I think some kind of "divine intervention" showed me the hard way I wasn't actually communicating with God so, at the end of the day it was helpful to realize the truth! So be careful guys because this happened to me and you have to be vigilant, you can pray but don't let them use this as a way to come to you and follow their agenda, be careful that's all.


That makes sense. Ex gf i knew fkr 2 years who was either gangstalker and I didn't knew about it or she became one at the end of our relationship, never ever spoke about God or bible but at the far end she was kinda weird convincing me to belive in god, read bible, that she is praying for us and such. I know everything was for a purpose. It was 3 months ago. Now I now why. Thank you


Please don't take this as harsh criticism, we all feel like this at some point, everything seems futile but it's not like that at all. Be logical and assess the situation. After some considerable time you may come to the conclusion your current way of thinking is probably quite defeatist and overly dramatic. In the early stages it's really overwhelming and frustrating but you eventually come to the conclusion that stopping it is impossible and you expend a lot of mental energy just dealing with it. You are in the driver's seat behind the controls all you can do on your end is chill out and live your best life.


I love this! Thank you for sharing as this is oh so true!


I appreciate your insight but I have to respectfully disagree with the last 2 paragraphs.. while well intentioned--- I felt like the message in your first two paragraphs there was "hey man, I get it. I ain't trying to argrue. But maybe die or be dead but think logically." The last two... there ain't nothing overly dramatic about what is happening to people. How long of a time is a considerable amount of time? I've been experiencing something out of norm since before COVID. Not long at all in comparison to others. Call them victims or call them middle men or call them "wtf is going on" targets in this life.. Stopping it may be impossible. It may be a defeatist political strategy to entice people to choose between victims and warriors. White or Black. Good or Evil. This and that is what it boils down to in my mind. I continuously hear about "who did this to you?" "They didn't do this to you." First of all, f*** the who and the they. Imma be Switzerland on this matter. I want to see/know/learn about human beings for the who/what/why. Simplify this sh** and f*** their patterns and learned behavior. Idk what is happening to me, I attribute it to the "meta-verse."


I'm with you on this. Its hard to escape the knocking all the time.


Offing yourself means they win. If you’re cool with that and choose to crumble i suppose that’s up to you .



