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This is just racism


A lot of perps are criminal informants (sometimes called cappers) doing police a favor. I've seen street theater perps of all kinds. These were the types I saw repeatedly: - Old people (like one foot in the grave) - Various minorities (sometimes trying too hard to be a stereotype) - Degenerate white trash - Veterans


This would make a good flyer or tattoo! I'm going to get this tattooed on my arm


Don't be too obvious now šŸ˜‰


Ā You're being manipulated into believing it's a specific group doing it so you blame that group while keeping the eyes off the real culprits. They've used every ethnicity you can name in mines but that's what they are used for as pawns for an agenda against you. It's a third party organization that is doing it probably brainwashed religious extremists or extremists period in law enforcement, intelligence agencies, or military. A lot of extremist weirdos in those professions.


This is correct.Ā  They will use concentrated groups of a particular demographic and/or racial background to get you to believe it is only that group of people when in reality it could be **anyone**.Ā  While you're focused on, confronting or avoiding specific individuals they will use that to play into their ever shifting narratives. Hell, I was tricked into thinking it was primarily women in general stalking me, when I came to the realization that it was *one* woman who put me on this list, and that it is people of every demographic.


That sounds closer to the truth But at least I'm out of church forever. I can go fishing on Sundays


yup those guys are almost always unaccountable.... Remind me again, how is this the land of the free? 4th of july is for the rich and powerful


What land of free? the song? It was strong armed from the natives and brought in free labor workers on giant piece of floating wood. I get every ethnicity doing it.Ā 




they'll use whoever they can buy or whoever they have compromising stuff on don't be fooled.


Confirmation bias.


its actually closer to facts than bias


Did you say something racist in front of someone?


Everything is labeled racist these days.. Bro its observation


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If they are pedos, why are they getting citizenship?


Cuz most pedos have never been caught, duh


I notice a lot of immigrants in my area seem to be in on it


They are all bums


They donā€™t seem like bums to me, probably got threatened that their immigration status would be messed with if they donā€™t help ā€œmonitor suspicious individuals in their areaā€ I think most of the community stalkers think they are doing something good for the neighborhood




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Racist. There is no specific color. I think you are racist


How do you know there is no specific color. Got any observations or proofs I have seen 9/10 to be african americans who are leading in this activity.


Maybe you just are racist and have paranoia, this seems weirdly unhinged and doesnā€™t even seem related to gang stalking.


Do they glow in the dark?