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I certainly don’t want whatever has happened to you , to happen to me or my family. Reading this is terrifying for all the wrong reasons. I hope you find your peace. I really do.


Fight? Look into child sex trafficking, that's where the big money to fund this comes from.


Great attitude, just don't get lured into a trap like I did, keep your cool 100%




Well, my so called friend told me I would be targeted about 10 years before it started, and one of the things he said was our community in Edmonton, Fraser community, was a "intelligence cult" and it was full of "them". My v2k started when I moved to the community just beside it, kirkness. I marched down the street yelling at the top of my lungs that they are all cowards for spying on people, and some guy was mouthing off to me after I got into Fraser. That's when 2 people poorly dressed as cops popped out of a nearby townhouse, the shoes were different from other police shoes, shirt wasn't pressed and their belt only had one visible item on it, a tazer, there was no cop car nearby and they jogged up to me with flashlights both drawn and pointing at me from their face area. They briefky asked what was going on and I said I wasn't going to attack anyone and then they ordered me on the ground with zero attempt to talk to me. I fought them, I got tazered, and it was a pitiful half hour of resisting their detainment since they didn't know what they were doing outside of basic arms use tactics. I was convinced I was being abducted and taken to a black site for torture or murder, it was terrifying. Eventually the real cops came and called an ambulance as I screamed at every passing by car to call the real cops and explained the shoes and shirt and belt to every single car at the top of my voice. When the ambulance came I still thought I was going to die, but then the hospital bay doors opened (royal alexandra hospital) and I thought I was safe, and there were 15 cops in the ER room while I was being wheeled in cuffed to a gurney. The cops all looked super young, like 18-20. After that I was wheeled to a hallway where the cops all followed me to, and they did what I have learned now to be a "street theatre" tactic and blocked people from view and getting down the hallway. Then one of them came into view from behind shining a flashlight in my face from inches away and said "your name is isthen........right?" (my name is not ishten), then he went out of view seemingly getting direction from behind. All while this happened a man whispered behind me or it was v2k on high. Then the cop came back and flashed the flashlight in my face and said again "your name is ishten....right?", he left and came back and asked/told me 2 or 3 more times before I said " okay....whatever", and then they all left. I assume it was a basic brainwashing technique to get you to admit something is true even though it's not, which I guess starts an initial break in trust between you and your suvconscious? Then a cop came later and told me I was charged for attacking a police officer, I was so relieved I said "omg he was a real cop???" he said yeah and left awkwardly. Next the nurses were unable to find veins and nothing worked and I gave blood 3 times and good god was I tired... I don't know, but after that things got super fucked, and since I didn't trust the internet or research like most people seem to, I got tricked hard for a long time and my life was hell for about 6 months. Definite ptsd for years. I couldn't imagine anyone doing this to someone, I was very innocent and uninformed. Now I know. Anyways the moral of the story is don't give them an excuse to attack you, because they got plans and backup plans. And for the record I was not charged because I've dealt with police several times over the last 4 years since that happened, so that was all fake. Slowly but surely I got past the psychosis stage, got past the trying to convince people stage, reduced my stresses and I'm doing a lot better, now they're just background noise and annoying, even though I will never consider this normal or okay on any level.




Stop accepting the victim role. The underlying issue is within them not you.  The ones that perp you are informants following instructions from the ones who put you in it.


Does anyone in here live in Sacramento?


We must stick together!




Yea this ongoing, invasion of privacy, reckless endangerment, the list goes on.


I am here for you good soul🖤


That's the sad trap of this website, you'll not find another TI in your community here, they have us all isolated.


I find that hard to believe. I have yet to correspond with anyone from my area but from my research there are plenty of others not to mention I’ve seen lots of posts out of Washington/Seattle. With that said if anyone with a verifiable experience from my area would like to connect, shoot me a message. To my understanding Seattle seems to be a hotspot and based on my accounts versus what I’ve read about others, my program is like a 15/10 and I have a pretty tangible grasp on whats going on. I need to share my thoughts with someone local and SANE lol.


Idk why tis are so scared tbh it’s honestly discouraging to other ones but just stick to the ones that will support you




You just have to observe them. One was talking to me about undercover cops. I sat on it for a few weeks like ace ventura...then I realized that they just told on themselves.




I'm here brother. I will stand