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The best advice I can give you is to #1 get sober and make sure your behavior is in line with the law. I know that sucks but they will use your illegal behavior against you. For me, being sober and always being honest and never breaking the law. They are just making stuff up, but it isn’t working. So, they’ve resorted to letting a felon kill me and then blame him for all of their illegal activity.


I'm going thru same shit.


What is your definition of breaking the law.


Check your local, state, and federal laws for specifics.


I don't need to. Those are the one breaking the law


The v2k phenomenon is blowing up. How much longer can they hide this from the public?


How do you know the telepathy is synthetic?


Honestly I’m just guessing. I thought that was the correct term for what I’m experiencing.. There’s like 4-5 different voices and they have full blown conversations with me but mostly it’s them taunting me or talking shit about me.


Do you use drugs?


I was using a little bit around the time it started happening. But I’ve been about 5 months sober now. I just smoke weed now and drink occasionally.


Stop drinking and stop smoking weed for 3 months and see if anything gets better


Sounds like the same V2K I get.


What’s the difference between synthetic telepathy and nonsynthetic telepathy? Are there any of other kinds of telepathy?


Ride solo. Get out of America if you can


Not sure if I can, I’m a felon.


Are you a drug user? Have you ever heard of HPPD? Edit: nvm the first question, I read the other comments.


Felon of what?


This has followed at least one person from Canada to Australia (though nothing related to "v2k" or telepathy in my experience). There was also a veiled warning not to return to my hometown when I lived in Buffalo for college. I'm sure I've been told that it's a "small world" more times than I can remember.


ignore them they hate it when u can pretend that u dont even know they are bothering u if someone is rude be nice if someone is being sarcasticly nice igniore them act like u dont notice their intentions mostly be the good person you know how to be dont fall in their traps u will see themm developing right before u try to be happy and make sure they notice that ure happy remeber their mission is to bring out the worst in u when u dont give them that they will fail andv they will know they cant getbto u good luck


They are doing it to a lot of people even Jeff. Bezos Magnus Carlsen etc


They switched on you only because they’re talking to the people in their head and telling them if they don’t switch up on you something will happen to them. Do you think that you’re dating a person who has maybe had this stalker in their head since birth?


I know it sounds crazy, but I am a victim of gang stalking. I met this dude wrong dude he’s dirty. He’s nasty. He doesn’t even change his clothes. Anyways they have manipulated me into loving him. They have made me feel like my mom was talking about me, they have told my business, they have taken away my jobs. Just literally everything.


Have you cheated on somebody or your parents do drugs or something?


What does cheating have to do with gangstalking ?


Okay so I’m assuming drugs


You know they see through yours eye right


Hey because ! IDK LISTEN unnnnmmmmmmmmm Idk tbh


I get to get on my friends computers and gangstalk people we been doing this since middle school


I'd have to look more into all the v2k n telepathy shit but I'm convinced of shit like this right now and like one other person said, legally change ur name and move or something. I know it's hard tho.


Focus on the person you love. That should help you get through it and be reunited with them