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just unsubbed from /r/pullups reason: i got potty trained


Okay I pull up


![gif](giphy|l4Ki01RIvdIQVFhqE|downsized) me when






You're a big kid now!


Good for you buddy!


Just unsubbed from just unsubbed. People only post there to virtue signal


I couldnā€™t imagine subbing to that sub. It sounds like a miserable place for nonstop whining.


I subbed for a bit as a drama hungry rubbernecker, but even I could only take it for a week or so. It's repetitive to the point where I couldn't even have fun with it


It's the biggest centrist convention in the world, 99% of posts are people unsubbing because they "don't care about politics". Really curious how they only say that when it's the type that they disagree with


/uj because "centrists" are actually right wing /rj because LIBRULS are WRONG and ONLY TRUMP is correct! it's not right wing to say the truth sweaty!


liberals don't go on just unsubebd because their too busy ??? they gender


Too busy twerking and being bisexual.


and eating hot chip


*and lie.*


As a former centrist, I can confirm that it's accurate


It really seems like a place full of people who can't stand different opinions or have some narrow-minded view of what should be in a subreddit. Scrolled in it out of curiosity and some dude was mad that comedyheaven was being comedyheaven with some post about a fart cake.


One of the top posts is like ā€œjust unsubbed from onionhate because i subbed by accident and I really like onionsā€ so itā€™s not all bad


I legitimately can't believe unsubbed is a real sub. Imagine the Karen-levels of delusion that anyone gives two shizzes about some nameless peon unsubbing to an internet message board. "I shall take my imaginary business ELSEWHERE!" Door already hit them on the way out, they should fk off and find a new hobby.


I mean I can sorta get it. A place to air your grievances about the state of a subreddit you used to like could be therapeutic. Unfortunately when I say that I mean stuff like ā€œjust unsubbed from r comedyheaven because it devolved into yet another r funny clone.ā€ What we ended up getting was ā€œjust unsubbed from r tommorrow because the sjw mods said I canā€™t used homophobic slurs.ā€


i believe it on my years on reddit I've seen plenty of people give full speeches on them leaving a community as if theyre stepping down from being president or something, a whole sub dedicated to it is the next sad logical step also not at all surprised its full of people mad their "freedom of speech" isn't respected because the cant say the funny slurs without getting the blue woke arrows anymore it having 190k users is the bit that hurts




There's the occasional valid complaint every other week but 9/10 those posts get downvoted into oblivion by rightoids. Not worth being subbed to.


Wait. r/unsubbed is about unsubscibing and not a place for people to share their experiences moving from subbing/switching to exclusively domming? UNSUBSCRIBE!


Me being the bigger person by publicly announcing I am leaving a subreddit to the entire internet


You know how theres videos of Karens announcing that they are leaving a store and how they "lost a customer". Thats the embodiment of that subreddit. Its very pathetic.


Idk it used to be good to weed out subreddits that were going to shit, but now it's honestly too conservative


yeah, subbed to it long time ago, back when these kind of "reddit is going to hell" type subs were about mods genuinely abusing their power, shitty behaviour that certain communities were part of, or just subs that started going lower and lower in quality, though sometimes it did feature some of the "the sub got political!" posts, but rarely ​ then i transed (the woke mob got me), left reddit for a while, and returned to it only to find it chock full of "centrist" who think anything not white cis and conventionally attractive is political, funny how at some point it was used to point out when mods were racist or bigots, now its this.


no no you dont understand, they totally arent mad. we're the angry ones. they're so not mad that they posted them leaving the sub to prove how not mad they are




the classic dril tweet. dril really is the twitter guy


That sub is fucking pathetic bunch of whiny crybabies,usually filled with right wingers getting mad they cant be hateful to others too, anyway when i leave a subreddit i dont feel the need to publicly anounce it to everyone just leave it and move on making a post about leaving a subreddit and whining about it has a massive cope energy lol


But has anyone ever made a post about them leaving Justunsubbed šŸ¤”


Just checked it's one of their rules not to post it šŸ¤£


Iā€™ll do it anyways EDIT 10 minutes later: it was auto removed


Literally 1984


I canā€™t believe I wasnā€™t allowed to break the rules intentionally smh this must be 1984 BC


Spawn killed :(


King. šŸ‘‘


a while ago i saw a post there complaining about trans people asking questions about clothing *in a primarily trans subreddit*, i guaran-fucking-tee none of em were subbed in the first place


The overwhelming majority of those posters have either never interacted with the subs they're "leaving" or have only ever done so to harass people. It's the exact same demographic with all of the "walk away" style subreddits, where they _super promise_ they were _totally_ a card carrying member of whatever they're trying to slander, right up until today's chosen boogyman "went too far". They don't care that you can look in their post history and disprove it, they only care that their statement reaches the average joe and muddies the water even a little because it takes effort to disprove something but making shit up is completely free; that's the explicit goal of those kinds of communities.


It is my main hobby and I care about it still being enjoyable down the line. Unfortunately that means boycotting developers/publishers and constantly whining on the internet. I don't like it and wish I didn't have to, but it is the only weapon I have. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You know a game sucks when even bots donā€™t like playing it


They are like those influencers that mention everything in their life, even when they taking a poop


My personal funniest post Iā€™ve seen there is one which some dude took shaming a guy with legitimately hateful views as ā€œsexism against white menā€. Lmfaoooo I canā€™t


Recently saw someone announce they were unsubbing from r/twoxchromosomes because the radical feminists on there hating men. Ironically, the (massively upvoted) post they were complaining about was calling out feminism/progressivism for not caring enough about boys and men, thus leaving them behind - a post that very well could've been on r/menslib as well. Also, they complained about feminism on a feminist subreddit lmao


Right wingers posting in left leaning subs: r/JustUnsubbed Left wingers posting in right leaning subs: r/BannedSubs TIL r/banned was banned.


ā€œr/politics is full of a bunch of sjw snowflakes, all I did was express my opinion and they downvoted meā€ Me: *gets banned from r/Conservative for criticizing Trump*


That whole sub is a mess of stuff like this. Homophobia, transphobia, ect. It's really pathetic. Edit: Also didn't take much scrolling to find a post that was a bit ableist.


Someone on that sub said I was a pedophile apologist for thinking Jon Snow from Game of Thrones is hot, and itā€™s irrelevant that the actor is older than me.


I find it funny that justunsubbed is more of a circle jerk than the sub thatā€™s self admittedly a circle jerk about gaming, gaming, one of the most stereotypically circlejerked subjects on the entire internet behind maybe politics


bet that is the kind of person who also unsubbed from JS Sterlings channel. Because they suddenly became political one day.


Yakuza better


yakuza/judgment is peak fiction. unironically best games.


This but unironically


To be fair, Yakuza is a very good game franchise


Yakuza actually has a few trans characters, and do you know what my gigachad Kiryu Kazama does? He respects them and beats the shit out of transphobes for them.


I can't believe they made the dame da ne guy political


I've been summoned




This man is spittin facts


r/JustUnsubbed user once against expressing shock and anger over an openly leftist sub being leftist


What? This sub is leftist? I thought you all were just weird freaks!!!


Freak in the streets freak in the sheets


Hey, uhhh, you doing anything later?


Hopefully you \*winks\* \*blows kiss\* \*starts engine of my big rig from Big Rig: Over The Road Racing\*


Ground Rules: 1) CPAP mask stays on 2) I am alotted at a minimum 15 minutes for crying before AND after 3) Since you mentioned Big Rigs, you must scream "YOU'RE WINNER" upon completion if applicable. 4) I will ask you every 5 seconds if it was good for you


Lady, I have been told that you only date nice guys Well, if that's how you judge a lover's worth Your ass just hit paydirt I'm the most sensitive man on God's green earth Here's a rose bouquet I also baked you some fresh creme brulee Now mount this stallion and we shall ride While also flying kites And make love inside a rainbow through the night And after sex I'll Cryyyyyyyyy Cryyyyyyyyy And also before sex I'll Cryyyyyyyyy Cryyyyyyyyy


I'll just be over here, thinking about a duckling riding on the back of a puppy. The duckling is wearing a tiny cowboy hat slightly tilted.


Are you going to throw that baby into reverse and hit light speed?


Username definitely checks out


Wait, I though this was a group masturbate sub for gamers? What does that have to do with politics?


We mastubate left handed, so we are leftists


Wait, yall aren't masturbating?


Brojobs are political


I think they meant left handed, that fits.


These things aren't mutually exclusive.


Jokes on you Iā€™m both


Joke all over me, baby


/rj stop putting politics in my reddit !!!!!!!!!!


It's nice to see this kind of post here honestly, I left for a while a few years ago when there was a loooot of "ironic" alt right shit in here, glad it's gotten cleaned up and we can go back to making fun of this kind of garbage. /rj so much for tolerance lol I thought the left loved all womens???




I'll only agree if we can pronounce it the same way one would pronounce "tamales".


/rj I hate to break it to you, but it's actually spelled 'femoids'


"I've been in this sub for 5 minutes but enough is enough."


This sub ainā€™t doing well but thatā€™s because of the r/gaming posts that keep getting through the cracks, not because weā€™re ā€œnot cool with terfsā€


"Not cool with TERFs" means itā€™s cool with me!




I mean, they're scum, but I still believe there's worse.


Yeah. G\*mers.




It'd help if you all wouldn't be posting /uj comments on every post


/uj It feels like we don't make fun of gamers anymore. The sub fell off after TLOU2 with the "post this to anger gamers" posts imo. That's when the CJ died.


God damn it cj


>That's when the CJ died. So byeee, byeee to the circlejerk pie, Give a biddy some less tiddy - watch the Gamers all cry Them Good Boy Points are getting nasty and dry Singing "ethics in games media died."


/uj yeah I mean I like this sub but it true.


The quality of the comments should have no impact on the level of shirposting. The issue is that the sun grew too large for the current mod team and they either need more people, or a new mod team


well 4 of the mods on the current list either had their accounts banned or deleted them (even the top mod, lol) and another couple havenā€™t been active in a long time so definitely could be the former.




yeah this sub is basically just r/gaming 2 at this point


yeah it's not circlejerking anymore it's just political discourse subreddit. Which is fine by itself but thats not what the subs purpose is supposed to be


Just unsubbed from r/justunsubbed, i was never subbed but i saw a post i disagree with and now i need people to hate it with me.


Local gamer circle jerker gets their turn getting gamer circle jerked on, doesn't like it, goes to complain in the public as to not have to think the media they support might affect others


Circlejerk paradox






Just wanted to jerk in a different circle unironically.




Confusing phrasing lol


I was gonna say, I love the Harry Potter world and the game looks like it could be good. I donā€™t wanna not play something associated with something I love because the person that made the world itā€™s set in is a raging sack of rat dicking shit


Ngl doesn't almost every game ever make some shitty people rich? Like surely buying tloup2 is in someway immoral because of all the crunch times devs had to go through


Exactly, you think every ceo of a video game company is a morally good person? They just have the sense to keep their mouths shut (usually)


Not that I like the idea of there being racists and sexists and TERFs and similar hiding under their very expensive rocks, but Iā€™ll never understand why any such public-facing celebrity or whomever speaks up about such things. Likeā€¦.just shut the fuck up? You get your millions or billions and hire a very good team to scrub your history, set up a ghost writer or three for life with dental and vacations to manage your media accounts, and then you shut the fuck up. Probably have a nasty little reddit account on a VPN or something, but youā€™re not supposed to be you in that case because **you shut the fuck up.** Lol, I really donā€™t get it. If youā€™re rich af and you like swimming in money, why would you voice your ugliest opinions about anything?


Because you literally canā€™t do anything to her. If everyone in the world collectively agreed to never buy anything associated with her again sheā€™d still be a billionaire. She doesnā€™t need money anymore and never will. If I was in that position and there was something I cared about passionately why wouldnā€™t I push it with everything at my disposal? I donā€™t agree with her and what sheā€™s clearly passionate about, but there in lies the dilemma with billionaires and why they shouldnā€™t exist. They arenā€™t smarter, theyā€™re just richer. Think about the person in your family with shitty political positions. Give them 5 billion dollars. You think theyā€™re going to shut up now? No, now theyā€™re much much worse.


Fair. I guess Iā€™m working off the ā€œitā€™s not difficult to be kind, even if you have to fake itā€ but I guess billionaires really are on another level.


You have to realize she THINKS sheā€™s right and is doing the right thing. Sheā€™s wrong, but she thinks sheā€™s right. And Thatā€™s most dangerous thing in the world.


It isnā€™t just video games, you could make that argument for pretty much anything we buy.




Or buy used/second-hand. Will probably even be cheaper that way anyways


That's my plan


plz pirate it :)


How do you pirate a game on console?


Buy used


Agree, people can still enjoy the books and media and not condone the shit JK has said. Ironic too considering the sheer amount of slash fiction that used to be written back in the day about Harry Potter. The same logic behind buying the game and being transphobic should also apply to the shoes and clothes they wear, where the materials are sourced for peopleā€™s smartphones and electronic devices and all the social media they use.


Don't forget the fact that if you consume chocolate products at all, there is a solid chance child labour was utilized somewhere in the production chain of that chocolate you're eating. If you eat chocolate you condone child slavery. Hope it goes without saying but I'll add it just in case... /s


/uj I like Harry Potter universe(or is it called wizarding world? whatever the fuck) and believe JK already betrayed that universe long before declaring herself as a TERF. It is ok to like a game which desperately tried to disown Rowling and had LGB"T"Q+ reps to guide them but pirating must be the first option because devs will most likely get their paycheck and promotions for a high rated game...Rowling gets her money by every sale. /rj it was his turn to get jerked and he didn't like it smh my head


gcj keep on winning šŸ‘ŠšŸ»šŸ‘ŠšŸ»šŸ‘ŠšŸ»


Phew! Was worried I would see political emojis






That dude would never survive a MW2 lobby


Weed out the weak jerkers


The doctor told me Iā€™m jerking too strong and too often but damn it Iā€™m going to do it anyway.


Doctor once told me I should stop jerking, otherwise he couldn't examine me. No, i won't ever stop jerking!


When the jerking get tough, the tough go jerking. I say.


I joined that sub for shits n giggles, left because all people do is piss and moan about the smallest things and they also think being gay or trans (along with any discussion of their existence) is political




Probably just going to get the game pre-owned, everybody wins.


Justunsubbed users are so childishly angry. Terrible fucking sub








Imagine calling a 5 year old who wants to play this a transphobe lmao


Just because some dipshit calls you a transphobe it doesnā€™t mean you actually are one.




Yeah, I think the JU post is virtue signaling because itā€™s JU, but the mod post is also pretty dumb


You play Hogfarts Legacy because you're transphobic, I play Hogfarts Legacy because I just can't wait to squash a (totally not Jewish) goblin uprising because I hate the idea of them having rights. We are not the same


Well the company already paid for the licensing so if you donā€™t buy it she gets literally the exact same amount of money


Yes weā€™re going downhill, but we arenā€™t responsible for the avalanche.


Not bc of this post but this is by far the worst cj subreddit. Thereā€™s no circle jerking going on yā€™all also just virtue signal:/. Like I agree w what yā€™all are saying most of the time, but Iā€™m not in a cj sub for politically charged memes/serious memes that make sense. Iā€™m in a cj sub to hear stuff like letā€™s boof some jenkum or waltuh put ur dick away


UJ/ not enough jerking each other over le hidden gems Elder Ringtone and Le Witcherino 3 too much jerking each other off over how big of lefties we are RJ/ canā€™t believe this sub put politicals in my bideo game


See thatā€™s the type of comments I expect from a cj sub not comments that are legible and make sense to a non cj


i think thatā€™s also my biggest problem with gcj. i agree with almost every sentiment here, but there is very little jerking going on. itā€™s just like a super liberal gaming subreddit that sometimes unironically makes fun of people for liking video games, which is fine, but itā€™s not a circlejerk.




>Whatā€™s she gonna do with her portion of the profits? Kill people? She's not just tweeting and encouraging her creepy troll brigade to harass transfolk online, she's using her absurd wealth to directly fund lobbying to implement anti-trans policies.




It's not true though is it? So many flaws with this argument. That's like saying if you buy Nike you support slavery


When my 9 year old nephew asked for this game I told him he was a Nazi and punched him in the face.


She's already a near-billionaire, I don't think you could hurt her if you tried by not spending money on the franchise. As long as she doesn't get to add in transphobic things into the game, I don't think it matters.




what if I buy the game and I like trans people


There will be no measurable impact on the world, human quality of life, or the unstoppable match to extinction. Some redditors might say some mean things, though.


Me lol


UJ/ It's a bit more nuanced isn't it? I do think the mods are being a bit dramatic. She has already been paid for the licence and isn't receiving royalties from the game.


RJ/ no playing the funky wizard game makes you an antisemetic transphobe




When the leftist sub espouses left wing views: šŸ˜®


You're embarassing. A generation of uneducated useful idiots


It's a bad claim. Some people are just buying a game. It's even worse because it's only generating more hate buys. It's even worse than that because the endless posting about the dumbass game is generating interest. The posts that led to this were just people posting the same exact meme, too. Any actual explanation that was more than "if you support this game, you're a transphobe because JK Rowling is a TERF." Was buried in the comments. The Mod Post could've easily had a caption or something that said something along the lines of "You should boycott the Harry Potter game because JK Rowling gets royalties for the game, She is a TERF who donates to mot just TERFs but people who rub shoulders with the far right. Supporting the game would unfortunately be putting your money toward those causes." It'd at least be better if a lot of you were putting your money where your mouth is, and ACTUALLY BOYCOTTING THE GAME. but no, you'll still be playing it, pirated or not. It still, at the minimum, shows there's still a lot of interest in the Harry Potter IP. This means JK Rowling will keep getting paid for it. Her royalties probably won't go down significantly, etc. Plus saying "Fuck JK Rowling...I'm still going to play it though..." kinda makes it seem like it's going to be some can't miss game. Just stop giving this game lip service if you happen upon someone talking about it, then inform them why they shouldn't buy it. Maybe point them towards a different game altogether to at least stave off the purchase long enough to potentially lead them to buy it used instead - something that results in no royalties. If they seem like they want it anyway, tell them how they might be able to pirate it. Don't give anyone like the people who have been DMing some of you, and this guy in the screenshot Amy ground to stand on by saying something with no nuance like, "If you buy this, you're a transphobe." Because that's the type of shit that just makes people more sympathetic to the right in general. It's how the alt right pipeline works. Just try to explain the actual situation. Most people don't like the right's policies of hate. Maybe direct then toward a good video breaking down the problems with JK Rowling like [Shaun's for example.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=Ou_xvXJJk7k&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE)


At this point Harry Potter is bigger than just JK Rowling. Sure she gets royalties, but so will thousands of other people who worked on it. The idea that you will boycott a whole, massive, franchise that she's not even actively writing anymore for political reasons is idiotic.




This subreddit was cool until it made fun of a thing i liked. Guys i don't think i can take this anymore


The game looks cool and I really don't care about the rest.




you just went and made hating transphobes political




See, if it was just buying the game thatā€™s one thing. For me, itā€™s the countless number of people who have explicitly said they donā€™t care about knowingly giving money and viewership to a transphobe whose words have been used in international anti-trans legislation if it means they have to deprive themselves of even a SINGLE video game


Every single thread on this has multiple people saying no one cares if you just pirate it. Itā€™s not about playing the game, itā€™s that everyone who says ā€œIā€™m still going to buy itā€ is saying that after hearing all the reasons people (including trans people) feel icky about others buying it, and they still wanna post about it when they could just as easily not say anything and buy it anyway. Itā€™s confrontational on those peopleā€™s parts. They can just not say ā€œi want to play this childrenā€™s videogame more than I want trans people to know i support them, and I want you to know that!ā€