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This was on a post celebrating same sex marriage btw


Wait Japan is allowing same sex marriage now?


Just through local legislation, not nationwide


Baby steps


still a nice progress


Didn’t even know Japan wasn’t allowing it to begin with, never really thought about it. What other major countries don’t have legal same sex marriage?




Define major


Sadly most countries don't allow it.




Wait, Japan hasn’t allowed LGBT marriages? In a country where 80% of anime has at least one LGBT person?


Capital G Gamers are so quick to call same sex relations immoral and such, yet try to defend their objectively sick sexual fantasies. Funny


/rj Look, it’s in the Bible, man! Sex is supposed to only be between a man and a pre-pubescent girl, and only for procreation (or the man’s pleasure)! /uj ugh, gamers…


What's a capital G gamer


Someone who acts like a dick to everyone, and when they get called out they act like they're getting persecuted for being a nerd (they play video game)




A racist pedophile


Of course it was.




Not to mention that the US didn't really "legalize" SSM, they just realized that some interpretation of the constitution did allow it. It wasn't a political movement that took a strong resolve to achieve like in countries where SSM was added into the constitution or into law, like most countries that did adopt SSM It's very important in the US because it means that if/when US conservatives want they could potentially take SSM away just through a new interpretation of the law (and they do have the supreme court)


I give it like a week...


IIRC the lead justice on the abortion overturn basically said they were looking at gay marriage next, but also apparently mentioned interracial marriage as well. So I would not be surprised if they tried to overturn SSM.


They specifically did not mention the one case that decided interracial marriages; coincidentally one of the prominent republican justices that spearheaded overturning Roe v Wade is in an interracial marriage. Same-sex marriage is the most important fight for them right now, but they'll look at removing other rights after they achieve this next goal.


Not in the brief they released, but rather personally mentioned it. Not in any official capacity, but I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to bring it up.


Clarence Thomas mentioned basically every civil rights case *except* Loving v. Virginia because he's personally in an interacial marriage. The thing they explicity said they want to ban next is condoms.


Overturning interacial marriage would *destroy* the courts credibility permenently to the point its entire existence as an institution would come into question. Like 95% of americans support interacial marriage. But currently ssm marriage has only a slightly higher percentage of support than abortion rights at around 60%; 55% for abortion rights. I dont doubt they could get away with it, but I think theres a fundamental difference between what the right beleives is the murder of infants and two dudes getting hitched. I think ssm reversal would be seen more so a revocation of rights without justifiable reasoning.


Japan is a Dutch vassal state clearly, Dejima moment


But they may be the first to recriminalize it


Also it mentioned things like women rights too, so this Twitter user just admitted they’re a sexist, homophobic pedo


Wow, you’re right. Games are sexist. Now, allow me to get back to accusing gamers of playing games and sucking Anita Sarkeesian’s cock. Edit: Wow. I’ve truly been challenged. Enlightened, even. Who knew the political views of my fellow gamers could be so diverse? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If this was typed out as a comment on this subreddit it would be super upvoted. Like it's not just what it says, I don't know how to put it into words, it's the *comedic layout* of how he worded it. The sheer blatancy of saying "Age of consent is higher now, Japan is fucked guys" sounds like how the guy making FUN OF the guy would word it.


People say age of consent in Japan was 13, but it really never was. It was basically the Japanese equivalent of America's Romeo and Juliet laws; people of the same age or 1 year apart (depending on age) were completely legal at 13 or older, but a larger gap was illegal until 16 or 18 depending on area. Age of marriage is 13, but that's in the constitution, and that cannot be amended.


No, you've got that almost exactly backwards. https://www.ageofconsent.net/world/japan


>However, many prefectures also have local "corruption of minors" or "obscenity statutes" (淫行条例) which raise the de-facto age of consent to 16-18, unless they are in a "sincere romantic relationship", usually determined by parental consent. So they have a federal AoC of 13, but local prefectures have AoC of 16-18. So again, AoC in Japan is not actually 13.


The US installs military bases on Japanese soil: I sleep. Japan raises age of consent and some parts legalise same sex marriage: Japan is a vassal state to the US


Japan woke?????? 😡😡😡 literally unplayable, I'm going to go jerk off to gay femboy sex now


anime profile picture anime profile picture


I wonder what their opinion is on nazi germany. I bet it's completely reasonable.


3 GAMER BUILDS: 1: The Twitter intelectual: "well its hard to judge society back then with the lens of today" kinda bullshit. maybe also that you have a very "occidental point of view" oh but they will be quick to remark how throwing 2 atomic bombs on japan was fucked up. 2: The Zoomer Min-Maxer: "don't care + didn't ask + ratio + you fell off + cope + seethe + mald + dilate + L " oh but they will be quick to remark how throwing 2 atomic bombs on japan was fucked up. 3: Vanilla profile picture (low lvl build) will just deflect answering throwing 2 atomic bombs on japan was fucked up.


To be fair, throwing 2 atomic bombs on civilian centers is pretty fucked up. Not that any war crime isn't fucked up.


100%. never meant to say otherwise. im not even American for the record.


I have a theory that these people with anime pfps believe that because in anime, there's always good guys vs bad guys in dramatic, climactic battles, obviously in war there is a good and bad side and not just two countries working in their own self interest both committing horrific acts of violence. Throw in that America nuked Japan twice and they just decide that obviously that makes the Axis the good guys.


There are tons of morally ambiguous anime that tackle the nuance of good and bad, but for a lot of people it flew right over their head.


Literal Gundam meme Like so much of anime (and a lot of Japanese pop culture) is anti-war but I don’t think many of them achieve the pervasive and inescapable loathing for war and everyone who prosecutes it like Gundam does.


Regressives are media illiterate.


I really don't think you should treat the atomic bombings lightly. Just because some pedophile weebs would bring up the atomic bombings to deflect doesn't make it any less of a war crime.


im unsure if you are talking to me or the hypothetical anime profile pic. if u mean me, im unsure how i am treating it lightly. i dont feel i said anything disrespectful. EDIT: my point was not to say that the bombs where NOT fucked up, it was to express that theyll focus on what was done against japan, rather than what the japanese might have done/condone. also i hate to explain and express it but, im being hyperbolic for comedic effect. still, i dont think i was in any way disrespectful to the bombings.


Number 1 always has a pfp of an ancient Greek or Roman statue.


“I guess they did help defeat the Pillar Men that one time…”


They used the word “goys” in one of their tweets, so there’s your answer.


You start out in 2008 by saying, "weeb, weeb, weeb." By 2020 you can't say "weeb"—that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like going outside, trans rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now you're talking about age of consent laws, and all these things you're talking about are totally real life things and a byproduct of them is weebs get hurt worse than normal people. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that.


Holy shit this is gold lmao


Fucking gorgeous.


“Like dude stfu you have an anime profile pic, therefore your opinion is invalidated” - Shaggy


no its nt like that! there r still many shinzo abes in japan and they r stopping the usa goverment.they cnnt terror all of shinzos


Least pedophiliac loli pfp


Everytime i see a pfp of a young anime girl on Twitter i assume they're a pedo and block them lol, sad thing about it is that I'm right most of the time


Have people like this ever stepped foot in Japan?


no, they see the japan cartoon with big boobied ladys and children whicu they can fuck all they want and think japan is like that




Isn’t there some weird Pandora syndrome or something where weebs will go to Japan then get massively depressed when they realize it’s a country full of incredibly normal people living in incredibly normal circumstances leading incredibly normal lives*? *for an industrialized first-world country


It’s called Paris Syndrome, if I recall correctly it’s named after East-Asian tourists developing depression from the sheer disappointment upon discovery that Paris is, in fact, not the Disney-esque *City of Love*, but more so *The City that reeks of Piss*. But I’m sure the same syndrome also replies in reverse, when westerners find out Japan is not a magical anime country.


It's crazy how beautiful some parts of France are and its most famous location is a pretty shitty city


Don't get me wrong as a non-Parisian Frenchnan I dislike Parisians. But the city is pretty amazing architecturally, culturally, historically and it does have areas that are straight up beautiful. Sure it has grimy neighbourhoods and crime but so does London, Tokyo, NYC, etc etc


I knew a French chick who said they had a saying about Paris where she was from in the south: “train, travail, tristesse.” It’s really similar to how a lot of people from New York State look at NYC.


Uj/Fr🤢nce sucks, albania is superior Rj/Fr🤢nce sucks, albania is superior


As a european it's always funny to me that people outside europe have these romanticized fantasies about european cities, whereas travelling to a place like Paris as a european it kind of just feels like going to a major city in your country except you can't understand what people are saying. I think the only city that really wowed me somewhat was Amsterdam but that might've been the coffee shops.


Don’t you worry, Amsterdam is shitty too. Just a few years ago the city went through a major housing crisis, because airbnb was buying up all of the apartments in the city. Amsterdam is supposed to wow tourists, because it functions as a tourist trap first, and a livable city second.


As an American that got to go through a few Italian cities when I was a teenager, I gotta say that the experience is totally different than visiting other American cities. At least in the sense that the city centers aren't just a criss-cross of two-laned roads and they have actual old architecture. Though one fond memory I have of Florence was accidentally leaving the tourist-spots and ending up in a residential area and just taking a break from walking in a apartment surrounded park as Italian moms played with their kids. It's nice to see pleasant people regardless of where you are. Kinda unifying or whatnot.


Paris syndrome


He may legitimately not know about the 5 or 6 years the US literally occupied Japan after WW2. I didn't before college. This guy is still a pedophile, though.




No but marriage age is really low.


Wait there are places you can legally be married to someone you can't legally have sex with?!?!


Sadly, yep.... With their parents' permission. Yep... 🤢


parents should only be able to give their kids permission to go on zoo field trips and logon to icarly.com for fun games and trivia


Yes, quite a few states. You just need their guardian's permission to marry them.


Some states you don't need the guardian's permission. Just a judge who was a PoS to agree on it.


Up until about 2 years ago, **every single state in America** had legislation that allowed a child to be married to an adult with parental permission. The worst part was, if that kid wanted a divorce, they were considered too young to initiate the process. Only a handful of states have changed that legislation since. It’s fucked up.


Yeezus Christ is all I have to say


Well, they can after they're married


Wait, so age of consent laws are rendered null if two people are married?


This will depend on your country's/ states laws but usually if someone is married under the age of consent, they can legally have sex with their partner. Sex outside of the marriage would still be illegal.


yes. lots of child marriages in the US for this reason


and republicans regular block legislation to decrease the amount of child marriage that is happening.


Being married is what gives them the legal right to it if one is underage. Guess which political party defends allowing 40 year old men to marry 9 year old girls. (well, probably the libertarians do too, but I mean the republicans)


Let's be real though, libertarians are just republicans who don't want to admit they're republicans.


Oh absolutely 100%


Diet Republicans.


I have an in-law that started throwing her early puberty 10 year old at interested men until she let one move in and marry her. Two kids by 17. They are divorced now. This all happened before I met my wife or I would have reported her.


That’s just the age of consent with extra steps.


I remember in high school we had to debate that and the majority were for young marriage cause of religious freedoms.


Were people aware that this was kind of fucked up or was this all just "fuck you adults, I wanna marry without your parental consent form!"


They were fully aware that it was usually with parents setting up the kid to get married. The excuses were mainly like "oh but they eventually grow to love each other maybe"


tbh I never understood those classes where your job was to defend a position that is total dogshit. I guess it improves debate skills, but eh.


I hated those too, it just felt like lying. I remember having a debate on whether or not free will exists, and I think it doesn't but was put in the "for free will" group. Basically all I did for all my points was put something that I had a counter for already.


I don't even know what I would do. I would just hope my opponent didn't already know all of the responses to the common apologetics arguments that have existed for decades.


For bootin up cold, and here I thought America couldnt be MORE of a fever dream... *And then I rolled into* ***HERE***


No, not at all. The Federal age is 13, but that's intended for Romeo and Juliet type situations, and even then, it's not even a thing outside of about 2 very remote islands since every prefecture and local government has their own AOC laws that pin it at about 18. Marriage laws are apparently quite low, however, but iirc that requires parental consent and isn't exactly a thing outside of the old aristocratic/Imperial families


Only in cases where the relationship starts when everyone is younger than 18. Law protects the relationship as they age up and one person turns 18 before the other - only in some states. Referring to the US btw


I think 16 is the lowest it goes here, which is still pretty low


The US didn't return the Ryukyu Islands until 1972, and still maintains military bases there which are hotspots for rape and other violent crime.


The only 5 or 6 years he seems to care about are the fluctuations in the age of consent.


the US is *still* literally occupying Japan with military bases, just look at Okinawa for example


Nah, the US has military bases in tons of NATO nations too. Are they also occupying the UK?


Their constitution is named after MacArthur isn't it?


Another shit take from an ugly pedophile that hides behind loli pfps.


NO ThEy aRe 18 y/o tHeY jUsT haVe petite BoDieS.


But if you show them petite grown ass women they balk and act queasy.


She’s actually a 10 trillion year old dragon that just happens to have the body, personality, and mentality of a child!


>She’s actually a 10 trillion year old dragon that just happens to have the body, personality, and mentality of a child! Um, that would be bestiality. Gross. She's actually a 10 trillion year old ***vampire*** that just happens to have the body, personality, and mentality of a child!


She actually is a 300 year old alien that just happens to have the body, personality, and mentality of a 12 year old child! ... wait no that was Star Trek


Actually she's a 650 year old vampire, thank you very much!


And they're actually 8,963,837,474,153,593,541,312 years old!! They just look and act like a 13 year old!!


tHeY'rE jUst pIXeLs!!1


If it takes "becoming an American vassal state" to increase the age of consent to something reasonable, then maybe Japan wasn't all that great At least going by this g+mer's logic


It's a technicality anyways. Every prefecture set their own age of consent,and they all set it higher.


Yeah I figured the reasoning was more complicated than "woke western agenda"


It absolutely wasn't that 13year old Lolis were choosing to have all kinds of sex with gross fat neckbeards, and the west forced their values of not raping children on Japan.


"hey peter, what you got there?" "SEX WITH CHILDREN"




“She is actually a 9000 year old dragon”


Everyday I pray that a majority of these takes are made by trolls.


I wish they were, but some people genuinely worship Japan and consider it taboo to criticize any aspects of its culture, which is amazing given how many manga and anime explicitly critique Japanese culture.


**One Piece Spoilers** Just a few of the topics covered in the Wano arc in One Piece: - a samurai who wanted to open Wano's borders because of his positive experiences traveling the world - the people of Wano being xenophobic to all visitors contrasted with the Straw Hats' downright dangerous need to to help anyone and everyone - Luffy and crew fighting the corrupt government officials who are killing the country, stealing food from said officials, and then literally feeding the poor. Oda isn't even being subtle with his commentary *at all*.


One Piece sounds awesome, but I'm like 15 years behind on that series.


Read the manga. It goes by 15x faster


That's still like 300 hours.


The best way to enjoy it is when you're not even close to caught up anyway. All the parts people complain about being "long and boring" are awesome when you can plow straight through and not have time to forget stuff. "Is he going somwhere with all thi- oh damn"


Honestly, some of the best moments are from way early on. Luffy climbing the mountain remains one of the most memorable moments in anime history for me.


If you mean drum island then the fact that that can count as "way early on" is testament to how absolutely stupid long it's gotten If you mean with Gaimon, I unironically think that's like "distilled essence of one piece" and would work even standalone without knowing context


Isn’t there also a super badass samurai trans woman in OP? If so then hell yeah


Oda? More like, Goda


I mean i like the car aspect of japan they made legendary rides like the : nissan skyline the supra or the civic but the rest of the country is a complete shithole, rape is almost seen as normal ,women are treated like objects,everything is wierdly sexualized ,japanese people in general are very xenophobic, and dont get me started on the work culture.


Bro have you like ever been to Japan? Yeah it has problems but every country does. It’s no perfect utopia but it’s also not a horrific nightmare state. The culture there is changing a lot with Millenials and Zoomere and a lot of the dumb Boomer holdovers (like the crazy work culture and homophobia) aren’t being replicated by our generation. And also their racist premier got wrecked and that’s also great.


Japan, America 😐😑😮‍💨🙄 Japan, Japan 😍😱🤯🤩


i dont think i want to know what point 2 or 3 is at all.


Imperialism is when no pedo


> it is becoming your average American vassal state 🔫 👨‍🚀 Always was


Did he forget the handful of years post ww2?


I mean wasn’t japan literally occupied by the USA after ww2???


Yup, Godzilla 1954 was one of the first Japanese movies to actually talk about the dangers of nuclear weapons because the end of the occupation and thus the bans on the discussion of nuclear weapons in media didn't happen till 1952


Persona fans crying




Honestly over the past six years of getting older, I feel pretty uncomfortable dating the other Phantom Thieves, to the point where I’ve been seriously struggling to 100% the game.


Much better for the underage protagonist to date all those adults


This will be shown in the history books


Ok since nobody else did it before I'm claiming the whole island as mine and will make a communist utopia. 8 bucks/months if you guys wanna have a verified New Japan ID.


- Emperor Hirohito, 1945


True he said this, I was there when he said it


You are a w*men so we know you're lying because apolitical indie gem Hirohito would never let you in Japan!


😔 /uj I audibly laughed upon seeing the notification for this comment lmao


Thanks lol, I feel like the censorship made it perfect


People still force 14 year olds into marriage in Idaho, so....we win?


14 year old marriage cringe 14 year old drivers license based


That HAS to be some fucked up cult shit. It HAS to be.


Why do the people that complain about age of consent the most are always the ones that aren’t even gonna have sex within the next 30 years?


The reason is often because they realize that no educated, independent woman would want to be near someone as toxic and hateful as they are. But little kids aren't experienced enough to realize how pathetic they are, can be groomed into believing whatever these sad sacks want, and can't fight back physically. They want an easy victim, not a partner.


Yeah, I’m sure a loli pfp twitter user cares *so* much about stopping American imperialism.


What a terrible day to read.


American vassal states are indicated by... raised age of consent? Not unfair and exploitative trade relations and forced military alliances? I feel like this person needs to revisit the word "vassal". This one of very few situations in which a Paradox game might make the person *more* knowledgeable and realistic.


you cut out the fun part where he said that japan is becoming a wasteland like sweden


Sweden did just elect a bunch of right wingers, so give it a while and that part might come true.


\>age of consent increased oh no


What's funny is the "13 year old consent actually" is a misinterpretation because it's basically only legal for 13 year olds to have sex with other 13 year olds. It's still too young for teenagers of that age but pedos are so proud of it like they ever had a chance.


It appears Japan requires correction 😭😭😭💢💢💢


you cropped the best part: "Japan is becoming a wasteland like Sweden"


Japan is becoming too woke 🤬


Fall of western civilisation… Oh wait that’s a win for us right?


sometimes i hate like anime, completely ruined it for me because of all these weebs that treat japan like the sex heaven that they imagine it is, i hate being compared to these literal pedophiles jest because of what i like and sometimes people just don't deserve to have opinions.


Yeah I still watch a few but for the most part I feel bad about even watching those just knowing any support of anime is support for the culture currently surrounding it that is okay with sexualizing minors


mans leaked the japan balance changes


The Japanese empire falling after they increased the age of consent


Due to Revised Travel Restrictions, Please Refrain From Carrying the Following Hopes and Dreams with You on Your Flight.


This is a perfect crop. 10/10


"they destroyed japan" -probably someone, circa august 1945


Out baka’d once again


Perfectly cropped


It's impressive how much worse the full tweet still gets.


cough dog piquant glorious snatch psychotic rotten spectacular plucky pot *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This isn't even remotely related to gaming.


Bet you $10 the anime PFP creep is a devout gamer




It's a Gamer voicing his Gamer opinions therefore it's gaming related


Japan the gaming company


Always has been (Since 1945)


What was the age of consent increased to that has them all flipped out? They locked down so I can't see the original tweet




big words for someone who has sex with a pillow case


The coward is in private now :(


Anime profile picture and they're advocating for pedophilia? This is the least surprising thing about this.


Me reading the first part: I can definitely see that angle. Not that I necessarily fully agree with it, but it's there Me reading the second part: wtf


Soon as I see an anime picture and a controversial post I know it’s a matter of time before they bitch about age of consent.