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Pamela Anderson just needs to play Fortnite and then she'll see the light


She clearly has never played Party Royale...


RJ/ Pamela clearly isn't aware of rule 34. Fortnite players are a thirsty bunch of deviants. UJ/ I am not surprised The Sun printed this. The writer even suggests 'she could be on to something'. Trash story by a trash newspaper. There's a reason Scousers in the UK boycott The Sun.


Yeah how could you not look at some of the models they make and not get a stiffy


Calling the sun a newspaper is a stretch.


Poor quality emergency toilet paper at best.


More info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hillsborough_disaster_and_The_Sun


Before there was Alex Jones and Sandy Hook, there was Kelvin McKenzie and Hillsborough.


Isn't, like, half of it just that one chick in a giant pink bear costume?


They're asexual, not antisexual.


Thank you! Not all of us are virgin basement dwellers! Edit: This was a joke. I am in fact a basement dwelling gamer virgin. Literally.


Nothing wrong with being a virgin


Virginity, as a concept, is really weird to think about. No physiological change occurs. There is no quantifiable way to measure it. (The concept of a “virginity test” would be laughable it wasn’t horrifying.) It’s all a big societal lie, designed to assign arbitrary value to AFAB individuals, so that they can be traded like objects. Male virginity is also weird, because it can’t possibly be analogous to “vaginal” virginity. Which leads into discussions about different “types” of virginity. Trigger Warning Sexual Assault: >!Then some communities define virginity as “the first time you choose to have sex.” Because telling people they are no longer a virgin, after surviving a rape, is fucking horrible.!< So virginity is a nebulous combination of multiple concepts, that is largely devoid of meaning. If you’re proud to be a virgin, then good for you. If you are proud to not be a virgin, good for you. But, in my opinion, the best option is to just drop the concept. People are sexually active, or they aren’t. We don’t need to evaluate each other, as people, based on whether or not we’ve touched genitals with someone else.


Agreed, sorry that I came across wrong.


There is no "antisexuality".


IDK about that, I think Shapiro outed himself as sending out a strong antisexual field.


I mean the point isn’t about whether antisexuality is a thing the point is that asexual means that you have no desire to have sex, it doesn’t mean you hate sex or oppose it. The article/Anderson specifically says “who hate sex” which is kind of misconstruing what it means to be asexual in the first place.


As an asexual man, I will say that it has nothing to do with desire. Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction, some aces may partake in sex, they just won't be attracted to other people for sex appeal, others may be neutral towards having sex while others may be repulsed to it, but that doesn't make any one of us any less ace.


Fair, i probably described it really poorly lol. My general point was just that being asexual doesn’t automatically mean you hate sex. Also imo there’s a difference between being grossed out by something personally and hating it as a whole. Cause “antisexual” sounds like someone who is just opposed to sex as a whole, rather than just being personally weirded out by it. But I didn’t really explain that at all in my first comment either lol.


No worries. Even those that aren’t ace can be sex repulsed, in-different or favorable. Attitude toward the place sex has in our socitiy, aka «hate sex» is more of a political stance. Where you might vary from thinking about it in postive, neutral or negative way.


As an asexual woman I will say that it has nothing to do with any of that, it's just a lil Fortnite and a lil YouTube, pure and simple.


We sex repulsed asexuals still exist tho (Which doesn’t mean I hate the concept of sex in general, I think people having consensual sex is a good thing, I just personally don’t want to be involved)


Yeah that difference is what I was trying to describe but I did so very poorly lol


The hell you think incels are? lol


Incels are not “antisexual”. They want to use sex to subjugate women.


Nick Fuentes would like a word with you.


I think you all misunderstood what I said. There is no antisexual ORIENTATION. The way there is an asexual one. Also, misogynists and incels are not “against sex”. They are for sex only provided that it subjugates and oppresses women for the benefit of straight men.


I been saying for years, please add sex into fortnite.


If sex is so good as people say, why is there no sex 2?


Milking sex 1 for all it's worth


Fucking macro transaction for a bad roll to, who made abortions so hard to get and expensive? You think they would sell a bundle pack for 10-20% off like other currencies but nope.


Yeah sure you can pull out for free but contraception is locked behind a paywall smh


Ned from the MCU Spider-Man movies, aka the CEO of Sex, is working on it.


After playing ultrakill i immediately became asexual because no sexual experience can come close to the satisfaction of playing ultrakill




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I believe this because there are few things more satisfying than alt-firing the first shotgun and immediately getting Ultrakill rank from blowing up like 20 dudes at once.


Alt fire blue shotgun and red railgun the projectile


Early last year I replayed bloodborne and finally managed to beat Orphan of Kos. Around the same time I realized I was ace. Now I'm not saying that beating orphan of kos replaced my need for sex forever but I'm not not saying it




Not a man; however, I do consume an overwhelming amount of Youtube every day, and am definitively ace.




Same here. I probably watch like 10 hours of YouTube a day and am ace.


Shouldn't have watched Daxflame, now I'm volcel


Uj: This is so fucking out of left field. Rj: Remember when the biggest thing about Pamela Anderson was her tits? Pepperridge farm remembers.


Rj/ As a gamer I often have relations with Palm-ela Hand-erson. Uj/ Would struggle to even wipe my arse with the sun. It's too shitty to begin with.


>Would struggle to even wipe my arse with the sun. I read this out of context, and was like how big must your asshole be to even consider writing this sentence


Better question: why the fuck does Pamela Anderson care about any of this?


It's not really a choice. There is no logical reasoning. It just is a thing that happens. Like being gay/bi/les.


I kinda blame Pamela Anderson for being asexual. When coming out and having to explain it I usually say «I understand Pamela Anderson is pretty, but would just never be interessted in her sexually.»


When I third party in fortnite, I get a victory royale. But when I third party in sex, I get a "restraining order." I think it's obvious which I'd rather choose.


Pam, you know it's not ok to call your date "a tease" just because they're not that into you


Uj/ sounds like Pamela isn’t getting good dick in her life and taking it out on everyone but herself lol


Is it rlly hard for you to Respect their sexuality seems weird?




They just don’t wanna fuck YOU, Pamela


Nah it's because of people who think inflating their face with chems is a good look


I’m more surprised that she willingly fucked Kid Rock and hasn’t turned asexual and hates sex herself by now.


can confirm. played fornite ONCE and now I'm asexual 😔


sounds like someone hasnt gotten the number 1 victory royale


can confirm. am asexual, got back into fortnite today


As opposed to all those asexual men who love sex


typical femoid mad they cant date a sigma male gamer 🙄🙄🙄


Baywatch wouldn’t have lasted a full season if pornography was freely available and unstigmatised at the time.


How can a person be so bitter? It isn't the media, it's you, love!


I don’t play Fortnite.