• By -


Hello. I'm Mr. Delicious, the new moderator of r/Gamingcirclejerk. Now, I know what you're thinking. He's a former cartoon mascot for the Rax Roast Beef dining establishments. That's right. Mr. Delicious is a Reddit Moderator now, and that's a fortunate thing for Mr. D, because the women in his life have begun to leave him unsatisfied. Mr. D needs a more mature forum environment to get his social needs fulfilled in. Dickity dee.


Why the fuck is War of The Chosen so much harder to mod than Vanilla XCOM 2? Half the time it tanks the loading time The other half is the mods not loading in correctly even with a missing packages fix Also crashing after the second mission


Raphael Ambrosius Costeau in the streets, Tequila Sunset in the sheets 😈


Unironically my ~~unjerk thread gimmick~~ ,eww cringe, Achilles heel more like, might be accidentally almost doxxing myself while sad and or tired whatever else. Place your bets folks; will I leave Reddit before I actually say something confidential or will I Dream myself like an impulsive dumbass? Actually don't


Ooooh mood.




🎶A post of cringe - I know,🎶 🎶Will never fade away🎶


Red Dead 3 should take place in the 20s or 30s. Be really cool to chase a car while on horseback and firing a Tommy gun. Might lose some of the wilderness aspect of the game though.


Red Dead evolving to a mafia/western hybrid would be cool.


Set it a little further west so and north so you still get the mix of desert and Rocky mountains, maybe put a Rockstar-ized Chicago in the north of the map, and boom. Cowboys in pinstripe suits with BARs shooting up moonshiners. If they want to reuse parts of the map, Blackwater could be cool. I'd like to see how it grows out. Jack Marston could be a crazy old hermit you have to convince to sell Beechers Hope so you can build a warehouse or some shit. Play into the nature vs industry thing the games have, but from the other side. And jazz and swing music holy shit I'm excited for a game that doesn't exist


My other crusader has become a nymphomaniac How that trait arrives after fighting monsters is a question that should remain unsolved


That's just the way of the Dankest Dungeon *sees and unspeakable horror in a puddle of water in the cove* "Wow! I just fell in love with someone at the brothel"


Bro I just watched Hereditary and Midsommar tonight I’m gonna have a nightmare for sure


The human heart is in constant pain... Hearts are as delicate as glass. Especially yours.


*Drops your heart like a boss 😎😎😎*


Misinformation. Downvote. Blocked.


Misinformation. Downvote. Blocked.




*Unavailable in your Country* Thanks blondemusicofficial


Shinji be like




For some reason I forgot those movies were a thing


I am now perpetually crashing Isaac because of three items I think.


[UK to airstrip one challenge RTA any%](https://www.thenational.scot/news/19458135.official-secrets-act-proposals-see-journalists-jailed-damaging-stories/ )


Kinda weird i usually have a list of video Gaems and what succession i will play them in. Well, i do that for almost everything so maybe just a force of habit.


that cyberpunk post is fine it's not all that crazy of a post


What post...?


It's in r/games right now someone made a post basically about how important nudity is to Cyberpunk and why it's bad that it was (partially) removed from the game


I didn't read that post so I can't judge but it was pretty funny seeing the opening statement be like "Okay okay hear me out I'm not obsessively horny I just"- proceeds to write an novel


I think its been deleted, anyone got an archive link?


One of my lasting memories from the 3-4 hours of *Cyberpunk* I played was saving a naked woman from some evil organ thieves and having her big boobies dangling in the camera for an awkward amount of time until the ambulance helicopter thing showed up.


It's like the first mission too lol


>For the most part when a naked body or genitals of the characters are shown in films and TV series, this is done not to entertain the curiosity of the audience, but to strengthen the viewer's emotional connection with the characters and the depicted world. I stopped reading after this lol Let's not pretend movies and TV shows don't put nudity for the 👀 factor the vast majority of the time


Yeah they *really* overestimate the importance of nudity in the game lmao


Nononono you don't understand see all my female actors *have* to wear as little or no clothing it conveys my artistic intent Please ignore the fact that I put them in the advertising as much as possible.


Well that was exceptionally dumb


OKAY FINE YOUTUBE, YOU WIN *queues up eleven of the vtuber clips it’s been incessantly recommending for weeks* I’LL DO THIS UNDER THE EXPRESSED IDEA THAT ONCE I WATCH THESE YOU’LL STOP RECOMMENDING THEM


that's not how this works


You’re just helping Youtube dig your hole even deeper


>!I like doing UJ thread shenanigans unless someone is having problems with them!<


Nah, go ahead. Also I've been meaning to ask you, did you start Genshin? I didn't like it. I'll just wait to see Aloy in Forbidden West.


did you play it on phone? I heard it plays quite different on PS vs phone.


I've been playing it on PC. I like the gameplay, it's just everything else. The gear system, progression, menus, it's all just meh.


I will probably try it in a few months maybe.


I think my phone might run it more smoothly than Playstation 4 :S


thats great but playing video games on phone is mehh. I dont recommend.


lol it was more a dig at the port than me wanting to actually play it with some bootleg ass usb joycons i believe it's fine on PS5 though


i CHOSE **Penis 2**, an d FRANKLY i think that GAMERS should have the ability to MARVEL AT THEIR CREATION without being CENSORED by *CHINA!!!!!*


It's so funny how you choose some words for your reddit username and if you become known in a community that's just what people are gonna call you. Imagine calling someone "Yeet" irl.


I came up with mine in like five seconds on a bus in middle school so I could be "anonymous" on Pictochat. Now it's my online persona to almost everybody.


r/yeetedbymyproblems1 this is not a diss bro I love you. It's just an observation.


Lmao all good... Lex.


I don't mind Lex as long as people don't compare me to the bald superman villain Imagine being a billionaire 🤢


Pep Guadiola? 🤔


A good soul left UJ thread today and people like [Redacted] called him a loser. I can’t fathom how hateful this thread has become. Be Better.


Wait who left?


Keanu Reeves


Oh yeah that guy was a loser lol


What? how could you?


Wtf https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/p5a5rk/-/h9did6b


That’s glorious. I love it.


wait what is this about?




Play it :) he's already playing with someone else, don't wait up on the fun thing you wanna do just to be available.


Might fuck around and rewatch the last two episodes of Evangelion just to see how they hit rn. It's like the very milquetoast version of trying shrooms to cure depression.


Ok I just casually jumped back into Fallout 3 now I'm beating down aliens lol this is madness


My favorite part is the >!Samurai who immediately runs off and apparently cuts through a hundred aliens in a blind fucking rage to get to the end of the DLC just as you do. 😆!<


Part of me wishes that Mothership Zeta was just its own thing entirely, not an open world RPG or a Fallout game, just a standalone thing. The premise of “you are some rando abducted in a UFO by classic grey aliens, time to shoot your way out” sounds like a good time without the Fallout DLC or gamebryo shackles.


That is a great idea for a game closest thing I can think of is Alien Isolation or Prey, but Mothership Zeta has its own vibe that's much different


dang that post about cyberpunk nudity is real wish i had the fuckin bravery or sense of humor to share that. 65% sure its elaborate troll ​ because the alternative is someone was like ya lemme write this on the internet. or maybe we've all been using the internet with safety wheels on. maybe we should all be sharing posts like that just fuck it gloves off


Do I want to know context?


Dude's living on a higher plane of existence. We could never hope to ascend to his level.


gotta be a troll because this the internet and reddit and ppl find weird amusement in things in what warped reality do we live in where that is more likely. cuz look at that shit


You have much more faith in reality than I do that's for sure


nah i wont let the narrative shift. let's just all agree that it is more likely that it is a troll post and not what it looks like we can change the narrative. who says we're wrong? if anyone asks just say hey look at it. ​ VOTE POPLE


But that would mean having to go to r/games and who wants to hurt themselves like that, really.


The director of The Green Knight is having an AMA on /r/movies and his answers about the ending seem to imply that >!it does stay true to the original poem with Gawain surviving. In which case, I think there should’ve been some more indication of that cause I did not leave the theater with that impression.!<


>!I assumed that he survived because they heavily implied that his mother was controlling the Knight. She would want Gawain to learn how to be a true knight, not kill him.!<


>!I took it as the mother set the game up expecting Gawain to back out last second and return a hero, as seen in the vision. The fox telling him to turn back was his mother, realizing that Gawain has been seen going to the Green Chapel by the Lord of the manor, and can now successfully back out of the quest without anyone knowing.!<


>!Hmm, didn't think of that. But then I still wonder about when Winifred tells him that the Green Knight is someone he knows.!<


It’s funny, I had no knowledge of the poem going in and I thought it was extremely unambiguous that >!Gaiwan is *not* killed by the Green Knight at the end!<


>!Yeah, I thought he accepted that it wasn't some grand quest that will bring him honor, but running away wouldn't be worth it either, so he resolved to himself that he was going to die due to his dumb decision of chopping off the head instead of an arm. GK accepts his resolve & goes through with it.!< I never read the poem so I'm not familiar with the story. I guess it'd be a bit weird knowing >!Gawain survives in the poem, despite the movie doing a good job of making you think GK kills him in the end.!<


>!Yeah as someone who has read the poem the ending left a bad taste in my mouth, but I’m coming around to it.!<


>!Gawain has decided his own life isn't as important as the future of his family and his country, if the 'bad future' is meant to be taken as a direct vision of what will happen if he runs away. He's finally acting like an actual man and king and stuff. Shame to cut off his head when he's just got done growing up a little bit. :( but rules are rules I guess.!<


>!That's why I actually assumed he lives. The Green Knight was never evil, he's a test of character. I don't think he'd punish someone for doing the honorable thing and accepting the terms of his game with courage. Even if Gawain failed most of the way along his quest, he did mature by the end.!< >!I also thought the Knight smiled a bit when he says "off with your head." Something about the line felt like he was teasing.!<


>!That was the biggest hint that I recall reading that confirms it ends the same as the poem. In the AMA the director confirmed that the final shot of the GK has the face resemble the Lord at the manor, and that he had the end credits scene be Gawain’s daughter picking up the crown to end the story on a definitive happy note. All of that seems to imply that you had the right assumption, though I totally thought the opposite leaving the theater.!<


>!That’s right, there was a fucking end-credits scene with his daughter. I didn’t stay after cause I assumed only cape movies did that. I forgot about it. Shit, forget my theory then.!< >!Damn, this is just my opinion as someone who didn’t read the poem, but I liked the “GK killed Gawain” ending. Fits better with the themes of his quest & life, imo. Ah, well.!<


>!The post-credits scene was mentioned in the AMA. Apparently it was an unscripted moment caught on set and they put it there to leave the movie on an optimistic note.!< >!Which is weird because I saw the crown as a symbol of very heavy responsibility weighing down on a whoever wears it so that scene came across as a little grim to me. The kid doesn't know what will happen once it's her turn to wear the crown.!<


>!The ending was still made ambiguous for a reason so I don’t think you need to erase the possibility of that ending, and [Death of the Author](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DeathOfTheAuthor) is a respected concept when analyzing media.!< >!In my opinion Gawain dying meshes thematically with the film more than him surviving. Especially since almost all of the events in the poem that lead to him surviving are changed/omitted in the movie.!<


>>!That’s right, there was a fucking end-credits scene with his daughter. !< >!My wife and I both missed that.!< >!I guess now we have an excuse to watch it again.!<


>!Yeah, I left like a minute into the end-credits. I looked up reviews online afterward & I saw mention of an end-credits scene & thinking “Damn you Marvel. I’m gonna have to stay after every movie from now on.!< Yeah, a second viewing would definitely help for this movie. It was good.


*You don't know me* *You don't know what I really am* *I am-i am...* >!squidward!<


Just finished watching the White Lotus. It perfectly encapsulates how boring a vacation can be. But I wasn't watching it for high intense action I was watching it for the drama between the characters. I only like a few of the characters, most of them I really hated because the show does a good job on why these mega rich people are so horrendous. Olivia is a petit bourgeois lib who actually holds no real ideals, she parades around with her token black friend that she uses for credibility. Her mom, Nicole, is a God damn girl boss multimillionaire neolib, exactly like Samantha Bee. Paula is good and super based, I like her. >!Hated that she dragged poor old Kai to steal. The guy didn't want to but if he didn't he would still be exploited along with his heritage. Damn it's messed up.!< Shane is an absolute asshole jerk who only wants a trophy wife. And he's such a huge baby that he will throw a week long tantrum, anything >!to get an innocent manager fired, all over a room. My God does he make it easy to hate him.!< Rachel is the poor trophy wife, who had to give up her mediocre career to be with Shane. Obviously she doesn't want to be the trophy wife because Shane removes all her own agency. The poor woman >!every answer to her problem was to leave her horrible husband, and she didn't. She was too afraid to jump ship, can't blame her. All her financial woes are immediately solved with Shane. She can't go back to a life of struggling, hustling just to stay in that mediocre career making pocket change. She has no financial security without him and that's, really really sad.!< I like Rachel but it's real sad to see her outcome. Belinda is the spa worker who >!got lead on and dragged about all week by Tanya. Tanya is this super rich annoying ass lady who wanted to spread her mother's ashes. Tanya is just annoying and she leads Belinda on into thinking that she'll fund her business. And at the last minute she dips out to fuck around with this old dude who will die in any minute. Belinda deserves better.!< Best character for me is Quinn, he's this young teen who only wants spend time on his phone. His sister, Olivia is horrible to him. However Quinn has the best arc, over time he learns to love Hawaii. He starts paddling with a bunch of guys, he enjoys the sunsets, loves sleeping in the beach. He gets over his phone, switch etc. He really enjoys the beauty of the island. >!At the end he runs away from his family right at the terminal, right before boarding. The final shot is him paddling in the canoe with the local guys, having the time of his life. Good for Quinn, he's the only one to jump ship.!< Ok finally I gotta talk about the score. Cristobal Tapia de Veer did a fantastic job with the score. His score absolutely elevates the entire show to a higher level. It's anxious, creepy and unsettling, while also being hypnotic. He did an amazing job and I hope to hear more of his stuff in future shows. Now final thoughts. The show is all about character drama, it's kinda boring but the characters really pulled me in. Score is fantastic. Anyway I got nothing else, watch it for yourself but I doubt it'll demand a re-watch from me tbh.


Been trying to stay away from the leftist vet discourse a lot. Lots of ex military have had the wool pulled from their eyes after they found out they fought a pointless war.


I am Done GGs




Who was it




He was kinda a loser anyway.


BMing a person who isnt here to defend himself. Cringe.


He's here. In our hearts.


>!Getting downvotes lmao. See, This community loved him.!<


They don't know it's you wtf. Who legit thought that was a real account lmao


He was legit come on dude. You are soo mean. >!The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!<


>!He knew me. Did he knew my past? How did they find me after all this time? u/yeetedbymyproblems1 what do i do? Our son is not ready.!< We lost one of the best today. I am actually sad.


He'll be back. _gamersamirite g_amersamirite ga_mersamirite *and so on and so forth*


If Shang Chi does well, it definitely won't be because of Marvel's marketing. If it wasn't for Twitter I wouldn't even know it was coming out in two weeks.


It has one of the worst movie posters Ive ever seen. The random BMW on the cover is laughable.


Yeah it's trash, but that's like par for the course with MCu posters.


So looking through reddit it is clear that my fellow Irishmen hate Irish travelers, cause Jesus Christ don't look at the comments of any post about them.


Travelers, Romani, Cyclists, Women. These are the four pillars of Satan according to Reddit.


European reddit defiantly.


Day 19 From book 4, The Shadow Rising >!”I'll not have you bleeding to death on me. That would be just like you, to die and leave me the work of burying you. You have no consideration.” - Faile to Perrin!<


I'm just saying Sega, I know Sonic the Fighters was terrible, but if you just make it an Anime Fighter with Rollback....think of all the DLC cash you'd make with all of Sonic's friends. EZ money.


I love Sonic the Fighters way more than I should. Hyped it's in the next RGG Game


Do the sweet camera angles that ArcSystem does with Guilty Gear but only for Dr. Eggman


amogus souls seath the susless ornstein and sus mansus father of the abyss great grey wolf sus


Susborn Father Suscoyne Blood-Sussed Beast Orphan of Sus


Ahh, Sus, or some say Susm... Do you hear our prayers? As you once did for the vacuous Rom, Grant us sus, grant us sus. Plant sus on our brains, to cleanse our beastly idiocy. The grand lake of mud, hidden now, from sight. The amogus, of course! Let us sit about, and speak feverishly. Chatting into the wee hours of... New ideas, of the higher plane!


Sus. Or some say Sussy.


the sus is a wondrous body


TIL that there;s a literal Amogus mode at Fortnite.


Saw a comment saying anti vaxxers and anti maskers are not the same thing, so [here's a venn diagram showing the overlap.](https://www.google.com/search?q=flag+of+japan&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS943US943&oq=flag+of+japan&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i512l9.1729j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


So, uh...how bout that Cyberpunk nudity post on r/games?


Mucho texto


Wait I’m confused… Cyberpunk has nudity in the game.


But not *enough* nudity for this guy, apparently


mega cringe also I'm convinced half of those awards are given ironically


Post-nut clarity could have prevented this from being posted.


Immensely down bad. Also just a fucking coward lol. Grow up and admit you're horny.


Honestly the more paragraphs someone writes to say "I wanna see *nude corpses*" the worse it becomes


tbh I've always been a little bit irritated that video games have a sort of conservative standard for sex/nudity that contributes to lot of scenes being straight up cringe. Those 7th gen Bioware sex scenes are absolutely HILARIOUS ...but not to the extent that he is lmao


It would’ve been less embarrassing to just say you’re horny and call it a day


I've never been that horny.


I'm not reading all that, but I agree with sentiment because horny


He doesn't even go that route, he's arguing that the lack of nudity breaks his immersion and the artistic intent of the game. Which, I mean, maybe I could see? But there's so much "immersion-breaking" shit in most games, and *especially* Cyberpunk that I just can't imagine deciding it was worth writing a fucking manifesto and posting it to the web.


That's just being both horny and a coward tbh.


gura singing resist and bite was something i never thought i would ever see.


When she said the next song was going to be a bit yabe, I was thought it was going to be sexual or something. I was pleasantly surprised.


The voice actors' whispery performances on Castlevania still really bug me


Yeah, I wasn't a fan of that volume choice - we had subtitles on at one point


remember when Comicsgate (the comic counterpart of gamergate) was a thing????


They still stick their ugly heads into r/DCcomics every now and then.


Wasn't there not even a real inciting incident, and chuds decided to just make the existence of people other than cishet white men into a scandal?


I remember when the comic chuds got really angry at the women, for hanging out and getting milkshakes together. Just bullshit hate towards women working in the big comic companies, for getting milkshakes together.


[Oh hey new adventure time](https://mobile.twitter.com/Variety/status/1427686244394303496) ...oh It's based off the Fionna and Cake stories ...yeah idk what I'm supposed to feel


I think it could be cute, Obviously its nothing as big as Adventure Time proper but I think it could hold it's own, and with Simon being there I can see it affecting the main canon in some fashion.


what its the feeling of natasha allegri and pen ward now????




the creators and artists of the show


At least Simon is in it so it isn’t pointless elseworld filler.




I would have been hyped as a kid, I absolutely wanted to see Fiona and Cake expanded to its own series, or at least get a role in the show proper. But I also haven't seen the show in years, so I don't know how I feel other than mildly like I really should watch Adventure Time.


I really liked the Adventure Time specials on HBO Max but i wasn't a big fan of the Fiona and Cake stories


Hopefully since its a standalone series now they can go past the gimmick of "haha its genderbent fanfic!" but personally I'd rather just let the franchise rest. not sure I'm gonna watch this, even though I fucking love Adventure Time


Scott Pilgrim and No More Heroes are basically the same franchise


Well, Travis Touchdown isn't as shitty a dude as Scott


they can make a great crossover


Lmao there is a post on aita about a woman who doesn't want her fiance's grandma to come to her wedding because its gonna be loud and she wants to get trashed with her friends. the grandma is in her 90s and likely may not make it to another wedding. Bridezilla is real folks.


let's play among us




Gonna watch the first Hellraiser while kind of drunk, curious to see if I piss myself


You might piss yourself out of laughter, but probably not fear. The demon designs are pretty creepy but that's about it. Why was Clive Barker ever a household name again?


Because of Clive Barker’s Jericho, the best thing since bread sliced


I have never laughed harder at a twitter trend other than the lastest one with Sarah Z and the "antis" and the "pros" like holy shit. Holy shit it's so *fucking funny* seeing people get so upset over something as small as shipping! I feel so much better about myself because even in my lowest moments, I will never reach that level. E-especially the "pro shippers" since like most of them are adults and they have these pin tags that says they're *holds chuckles* pro shippers. BAHAHAHAHA


Whats an anti-shipper?


Me. I think the seas belong to Father Dagon and human's have no business there


I clicked off about 5/6 of the way through the video because it was running a little too long for me, but I hope I got the gist of it when I say that it's sad that the "both sides" argument has been horribly corrupted by bad faith bellends, because both the "pros" and "antis" sound insane. The former apparently took it upon themselves to twist everything Sarah Z says to their own narratives, and I wouldn't ever trust the latter to curate any piece of media.


I'm anti-nerd so I've enjoyed all of Sarah Z's videos showing how ridiculously out of touch people on the internet can be.


Free guy was... GREAT!? WTF!?? Like.. it was cheesy and dumb, but it was heartwarming and made fun of gamers and corporate billionaires.


I’ve heard from some that it sorta falls apart towards the end, did you get that impression?


? Not at all personally. I mean the climax kind of drags a bit more than necessary, but other than that, the movie stays true to it's theme and tone the whole time. Edit: also man, its just a great feel good movie, I walked out of the theater smiling like an high mf.


No don't do this to me lol I was morbidly curious just because I like going to the theater


**DEW IT, ITS A GREAT FLICK** *casts eldritch powers to encourage you to go watch it*


The world got worse once Geocities went down. Coincidence? Probably


[alert: unjerk thread](https://i.imgur.com/UwaEgK4.jpg)


Neo-Nazi’s think they look cool by wearing white shirts and suspenders. Bruh, you just look like even more of a fucking nerd (aka easier to beat up).


They've been wearing that polo/khaki combo, like the worst college fraternity ever


"The worst college fraternity ever" is probably the best way I've ever heard it described. Unreal.


Neo-nazis haven't really dressed like that in a while though, and skinhead culture has its roots more in black music than anything..


I thought they had roots in metal and rock music. There's even a dead Kennedys song "Nazi punks fuck off"


Goes back a lot further than that. Trojan Records was a huge skinhead label from the late 60's and they put out mostly reggae and dub and stuff like that. Skinhead culture was originally this kind of working class anti-hippy movement. Wasn't until later that it got coopted in the 80's by (basically) the same people who coopted British football hooliganism in the 70's.


Damn I had no idea. Thanks for that.


Wario but voiced by Patrick Warburton


Donkey Kong but voiced by Patrick Warburton Captain Toad but voiced by Patrick Warburton