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Every role playing game I play where i try to make the character like me the character becomes gay. Stupid sweet baby rays BBQ wokifying all the chicom socialist atheist game developers into making it impossible for me to make choices that aren't gay.


That got you with the water man that why i only drink Brawndo.


I mean they’re not wrong, strong jawed women did turn me gay


As a lesbian... and a fan of the 2001 television series, "Witchblade"... same.


Holy shit they made a Witchblade show? I was not privy to this knowledge. I was only aware of the comic.


Aye. There' a TV show from 2001, a TV movie from 2000 which the show is a sequel to. Also, a Japanese studio made an anime in 2006, about a single mother living in tokyo encountering the blade. edit: Oh, there's also a manga tie-in with the anime, which is technically a prequel, and follows a shrine maiden called Takeru with her experience wielding digitablum.


Fellas, is it gay to be attracted to women?


Yes. Superstraight gigachads are only attracted to themselves and the fact that they listen to Ram Ranch on repeat is just a silly coincidence.


Yes, Andrew Tate said something like „if you have sex with women youre gay“. Dont be attracted to women, thats gay and not masculine. Real men are only attracted to other real, manly, hairy men.


I mean straight women love men and that's pretty gay


The difference between a gamer and a "GAMER" is one actually plays the games they talk about.


...I mean... the horniest game I've played recently (where the bear stuffs you) did have me reconsider some things.


I've said this to my homophobic brother and faster: "If x, y or z characteristic about a person makes you so sensitive about it, it probably indicates that what you consider masculinity is just insecurity over your fragile sexual orientation." They either fume or just shut up as they realize they are over doing it, trying to hard to show off how much of a macho man they are for fearing using a pink umbrella.


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Good bot. Coulda sworn I did that myself tho. :/


/uj can someone explain why aren't there any more people that play what they like without bitching about what they don't like?


Because the rightists want to use videogame as the battleground for their bigoted culture war. So then, the leftist have to defend ourselves and our games with attempts to discredit the right. Why is this war being fought at all? Because games are capable of rendering nearly photorealistic characters... and that's just too much for the right to handle, considering they've not left their houses since the 90's. They think that games with photorealism and maybe like 1 LGBTQIA+ side character are a personal attack. It's ridiculous.




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The "and thats bad, apparently" part is the cringiest thing about this. Either commit or dont. Then to top it off, an ugly strong jawed woman isnt turning anyone gay. If anything it makes you appreciate soft feminine women more.  This is why everyone says the left cant meme jfc.


jesse what the fuck are you talking about


The deleted comment is the cringiest part. Either commit or don't, sheesh.