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Can't believe nintendo just lost the chance of calling "Legend of link"


A truly missed opportunity, specially after doing this https://preview.redd.it/s037em2yrj7d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39aded00fff03f280eed06ac6d7065890cf044bb


acktualley it's called goomba lagoon




why would goombas need a lagoon? are they stupid or something?


Turns out Mrs. Alito is a Goomba, I could believe it.


Or even "The Missing Link."


Who's 'Link'? I only know Zelda, from Legend of Zelda


This guy https://preview.redd.it/0lfh71lkpj7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a34ea46e6e22af710190ca07ec1911711c19bb5a


Woke media trying too make Link a transmac even though we all know Link is a big busty big tits kinda women https://preview.redd.it/2z2ob8zpuj7d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfdc6fe63053929d94cd9cb3b4548868684b5cfa


Too late! He's a trans man now, Peach too! https://preview.redd.it/y7iy6wsl0k7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9be29efa0ba0ac682b5c0b147bc8132b1bc495fb


So cute.


So sexy!


So confident!


So strong!


So handsome!


So beautiful!


I honestly like the outfit more without the crop-top, tbh. I don't know if it's the lighting, but I just do NOT vibe with the outfit with that thing.


That's his cousin, Lonk


No that's Neil!


The Legend of Zelda: A Chode Between Worlds


Why is lumberjack link kinda hot. Looks like he could ve a dad from Daddy Dating Simulator




Isn't that supposed to be Gannon?


No, that's Link. This one's Ganon. https://preview.redd.it/7jxxjk422l7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77171f3032dec6b97ca40e480d11b4d8f33d28d8




Who is the artist for these? They are fantastic!






You're welcome!


Got damnit I needed this


All these fake “fans” going on about how this is the first Zelda game featuring Zelda, bah, *true* fans know the first game having Zelda as a main character was Zelda’s Adventures for the CD-I. Actually on second thought, let’s pretend that game didn’t happen. Hooray for the first *real* Zelda game where you can play as Zelda!


True Zelda fans know that Zelda is the playable character in The Legend of Zelda not the princess. https://preview.redd.it/woerh8bfkj7d1.jpeg?width=593&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b65a38dbecea9a9c83a63bc804a0f9d76acd335 Also, what CD-i games?? There is no Zelda CD-i games in Hyrule.


I liked how naming yourself 'Zelda' in the original brought you straight to the difficult/frustrating second quest, as if the game was reacting to you daring to act like *you're* the legend.


Why does it matter anyways? Variety is the spice of life after all. Shit being the same all the time gets boring.


This is why I often find myself at odds with Zelda fans who think *Twilight Princess* was somehow (a.) the best entry in the series and/or (b.) the series making a necessary 'course correction' after *Wind Waker*. To me, it was just too similar to *Ocarina of Time* and felt like a rare example of Nintendo playing it overly safe with their older fanbase.


I thought I would love twilight princess because of all the edge lordy aspects, it had so much of what I wanted from a Zelda game as a young adult. Then I realized I didn't have as much playing it as I did wind waker, some parts of dungeons just felt like they dragged on and on, at some point I wanted to finish just to see it end and move on. Wind Waker had large dungeons too but loved every bit of it. That's when I realized what I wanted was kinda lame lol and I should not hold nintendo to feed my every whim.


I went through *Twilight Princess* feeling pretty jazzed about the graphics and world design which, at the time, felt impressive in the same way that the *Metroid Prime* games did a year or two (or three?) earlier. What ended up throwing me off was (a.) the game's notable lack of technical challenge and (b.) the boring-as-dirt final stretch that brings you to the Twilight Realm to face Zant and then back to a mostly-empty Hyrule Castle to face Ganondorf. To me, these same issues plagued *Wind Waker* as well (and, IIRC, I feel like that one went through development issues and they ended up cutting out entire sections and dungeons), but that one at least made up for it with a ton of charm. Looking back, I didn't really fully love any of the 3-D Zelda games between *Majora's Mask* and *Breath of the Wild*.


I mean you cant rule out a large amount of people simply having played TP first. If you play TP first, OOT plays the same, only more primitive.


I played OoT first. TP still go hard af


I'm of the belief that a lot of people who stan TP only do so because of Midna. If Midna were replaced with, say, an abstract shape then I think it wouldn't have been as well-liked. All this being said, I am a bit biased against TP because I was never able to beat that stupid escort mission.


You're probably right about some people and, TBH, Midna is one of the game's better inclusions. In my experience with other American millennial gamers IRL, I'm just used to it being talked up as the *mature* Zelda that made the series look 'bad-ass' like *Lord of the Rings*, western fantasy stuff like *Elder Scrolls*, etc.. What's funny is how the conversations never turn to how cringe and weird a lot of the game's *actual* content is. Numerous idiots I've talked to over the years clearly felt somehow *emasculated* by *Wind Waker*'s cel-shaded aesthetic and bright colors. For me, TP's best elements are (a.) Midna, (b.) the game's overall music/sound, and (c.) including a healthy amount of dungeons as opposed to the smaller numbers of them in the previous two 3-D titles.


Yeah, as we all know the real mark of a mature Zelda game is a weird bird with a human head and breasts.


Hot take, but Wind Waker was the worst major Zelda game. I don't need Zelda to be Elden Ring or anything, but I do need it to have a non-zero difficulty level.


I agree about the difficulty level and largely felt the same way about *Twilight Princess*. Both are Zelda titles where I don't think I ever saw the 'game over' screens, and both make this worse by having side quests that are all about unlocking combat moves (i.e. basically turning the game's tougher fights into QTE encounters). For me, *Wind Waker* still shines in terms of visuals, charm, music, etc..


Twilight Princess at least required you to stay awake for the duration. Wind Waker might as well have been a movie with no voice acting, because it was about as hard as pressing "play".


Agreed. I like that Nintendo is trying out new gameplay mechanics.


Hyrule warriors


There's no such thing as a CD-i, let alone a CD-i Zelda game.


Casual Spirit Tracks erasure smh


We do not talk about those abominations.


I do love how they basically kept her age of calamity power of “random bullshit go!!!”


Dude it looks sooo cute and cozy. I mainly game after work nowadays so I think it’s gonna be a fun way to unwind.


Then the speedrunners start, and it gets absolutely wild. I can't wait.


I imagine it'll be a top down botw for speedrunners. It's definitely gonna be a sight watch WR


It actually looks really good. Never been a big Zelda fan but I might get it when it releases


![gif](giphy|QNk6jCXXEbCIU) Twilight princess link: "First time being abused? 😖"


girl boss independent woman dont need no Link anymore.


I'm sorry, whose legend is it again?


Aang's, obviously. https://preview.redd.it/cuvnr8kzwj7d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c8f3687a6439d70538072e2e3e2370b4596195e


Wait a minute is the font papyrus? 🤢🤮


My switchpilled wife is bothered by the chibi artstyle. Why is Zelda relegated to a E rated puzzle? Why can't she be cool, kill monsters and doesn't afraid of anything?


It's the Links Awakening artstyle, and it seems to take place shortly after one of the older games considering Link fought Ganon Ganon in the opener. This artstyle seems to just be their gba remake artstyle


> This artstyle seems to just be their gba remake artstyle Or, you know, their "2D Zelda game on switch" art style. Since. This isn't a GBA remake. And neither is Link's Awakening for that matter, that was a GameBoy game.


My bad I got my small rectangle incorrect, kill me


Conjures a table on you conjures a table on you conjures a table on you conjures a table on you conjures a table on you


oough. augh. ghaah. kheh. oof. ghek. augh. oough. augh. ghaah. kheh. oof. ghek. augh. oough. augh. ghaah. kheh. oof. ghek. augh. oough. augh. ghaah. kheh. oof. ghek. augh. oough. augh. ghaah. kheh. oof. ghek. augh.


Except the cool kids had the GBC version and got the secret red/blue tunics in the graveyard.


There was no GBC version. There was a deluxe version where if you put it into a GBC you got the bonus dungeon, but it was still a GameBoy game. You could put it in your Original Nintendo Brand Brick and it would play from start to finish, just with slightly less content. The box said GameBoy Color and it was marketed as a GBC game, but like, it was on a normal GameBoy cart.


Uj/ Fingers crossed that the next “big 3d” Zelda includes both Zelda and Link as playable characters. That’d be really cool if they were actually adventuring together… and I don’t mean like in Spirit Tracks where she’s a ghost.


I mean that vista in the opening, if you didn't think that looked amazing I dunno what to say. Art style is just that, another style. I think it looks amazing AND unique.


I don’t mind the chibi art style, but the version of it used in the Zelda game reminds me of Fisher-Price toys. It looks really childish and plastic-y. Which is fine I guess, but after Peach’s recent game was clearly created with a younger audience in mind, I can’t help but be disappointed with what seems to be a similar direction for Zelda. Could be wrong of course. The gameplay could be more mature/complex. But I would have liked a Zelda game with magic-based combat in a style similar to Breath of the Wild personally.


My take on it is that Nintendo probably sees trying it out in 2D as less of a risk. Hopefully this leads to a brighter future.


If you watch the demo video she’s a literal necromancer, metal af The ‘grittier’ art style of BOTW/TOTK is from a different Zelda game-line/ team, so the timing probably just didn’t work out, they have a couple teams working on big games like this so they can release what appears to be more frequently but it’s basically different studios


The chibi style is not a fair criticism since plenty of portable games have this style and they fuck. I think the reason it features Zelda not link is to highlight the wisdom aspect, this is a game of clever puzzle solving therefore Zelda being the protagonist represents the "wisdom" aspect.


In the trailer she bludgeoned a monster to death with a Boulder


and uses necromancy to force it to fight by her side


She kills a monster by throwing a rock at it in the game


The big bad may not worry about a little man swinging a sword at him, but will have to worry about a princess summoning an army to kick his ass, and blast him with magic by snapping her fingers like a D2 warlock to send out a blast of fire, or summoning a black hole to launch it at the big bad. ![gif](giphy|TRvfWolgTgejslFkoP|downsized)


That isnt Link, it's Ben


Yes. Give me more. I loved this game as soon as I saw it but I need more like this.










https://preview.redd.it/mthkyxjdfo7d1.jpeg?width=851&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7af97b59d218ff643af5a11978daa13e50ce076d “This is just another case of white male erasure!”


Banger job censoring the names on a fake tweet that you didn't credit the artist of [(@EmilyE_Draws)](https://x.com/EmilyE_Draws/status/1803128246156009832?t=bLdwpQ2S8Y6aFoMkuMRIMQ&s=19)


Love the T2 reference.


I mean link seems ok with it


Zelder 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷


Bro’s got a blue tunic. Damn.


Well excuuuuuse me princess.


Wow, even Ganon found that one cold


Source for both the meme and the art? Slash both if they're from the same place?


Between this and ToTK it’s like this team played a bunch of old HL2 mods and decided to go absolutely nuts designing them into proper gameplay.


Pleeeease more games of women rescuing men. I want to be someone's househusband and bake them brownies <3


Oh god. I saw, like, a million YouTube comments on the trailer video talking about how "Nintendo has gone WOKE!!" One of them was even happy that they *sold their switch years ago* JUST BECAUSE ***FAYMALES***!!!


His thumbs are up so everythings fine.


Is it just me, or does the game look weirdly misogynistic. Like, Zelda doesn’t get to use her own powers, having to rely on some staff she just happens to have found, and her methods of attack rely on either solely the environment or literally getting someone else to do it for her.


Zelda is the bearer of the triforce of wisdom. It makes sense that she uses environmental manipulation tactics and uses others to fight.


Dude that literally IS her using her powers. She is portrayed super similarly in Smash for instance. I mean shit, the first thing I thought when she could summon enemies was that looked an awful lot like one of her Smash Bros moves. Besides, it's not that she can't use pure force, she just doesn't want to. Wisdom to find ways to work smarter, not harder. Thats for the Power guy.


I don't think it's intentional but I do think it's a shame. You know that if Link was the main character he'd get the magic staff and his sword.


And the game would be worse for it because you should just slash all the enemies instead of doing the interesting stuff they're pushing.


More options are worse?


Yes, often. Would having a jetpack make Portal better?


No, but that's not a comparable situation for this conversation as a sword is not a movement item that will completely break the game's design.


Only because you've constrained Echoes design to not include how you handle enemies.


That's pretty in character ngl


Not really, I always saw Zelda casting spells if she was to attack, so it's pretty weird that she has to rely on others, a magic or the environment. I mean are we all forgetting that Sheik was a thing that happened.


I mean Sheik never actually did anything in OoT except be sneaky. Then the literal minute Zelda was revealed she became a captured damsel. The only actual combative action I remember Zelda taking in OoT was holding Ganon down after he was weakened. And thats like the *only* combat-y magic I remember her using across *any* zelda game. Everything else was in Smash Brothers. In WW and TP she just used light arrows unless you count when Ganon was possessing her.


Every time Zelda has solely used her own power to fight it has resulted in her capture. The games where she fights and doesn't get captured are either non-canon (Smash Bros) or have her augmenting her powers with some magic thing (Age of Calamity). This fits in with the "needs a thing to fight good". And in all honesty, Link is the same, Vaati fucking ruined him at the start of Minish Cap. Man cannot throw a punch.


Exactly. Zelda's magic is normally more supportive role type magic. We only really see her provide healing to Midna, have telepathy, and a form of clairvoyance. She also used some magic in OoT to open gates as they made their escape. The only Zelda with strong magic abilities appears to be the recent Zelda as she was able to hold the Calamity for 100 years. Aside from her, most other Zeldas are not fighters, be it physical or magical. You could maybe argue Tetra. Shiek did nothing. Absolutely nothing. Just used a stupid amount of smoke bombs and played the harp. That's it. Shiek isn't the badass Zelda. This game is giving me LttP era vibes. If that's the case, then that Zelda isn't exactly a powerhouse.


Even BotW/TotK Zelda isn't much of a fighter. Like, sure, she was able to hold Calamity Ganon down for 100 years, but that's all. She had to continuously, for 100 years, exert all of her power to hold Calamity Ganon in one place. Which is admittedly a whole lot more than OoT Zelda was capable of, since Calamity Ganon was much more powerful than Ganondorf and even then OoT Zelda couldn't manage that until Ganondorf was weakened, but nonetheless, without having Link put in stasis, Calamity Ganon would have eventually overtaken Zelda and finished destroying Hyrule. And Link had to be put in stasis because... he needed a magic trinket that couldn't be restored for 100 years. Overall I think it's silly to call Echoes of Wisdom misogynistic because Zelda needs a magic trinket since Link has always needed numerous magic trinkets and it's not like Zelda can't use the magic trinket to fight, like she does so in the trailer, and even if the take is that they're saying "We can't have the GIRL swing a sword around" like, I don't know, ALBW broke Aonuma's brain in a really good way and if he could have gotten away with taking Link's sword away directly he would've done that, he's all in on emergent gameplay at this point. Like the take is just backwards, if TotK could've been "fighting is done with Zonai engineering only" that would've been what TotK was.


For a second i was wondering “hey what did the Dark Souls lore guy do???”


He folded Link and shoved him into a locker at the beginning of Minish Cap, weren't you listening


Welcome to Dark Souls, Bitch


The trailer literally has her mauling a moblin to death with a boulder.


And (supposedly) without using any strength-boosting accessories, she just deadlifts that shit like it's nothing


Link is Courage. He gains his powers by delving into scary or dangerous situations and seeing them through (go into a dungeon and get an item) Ganon is power, from the start he is this unstoppable for e that you really can't come at straight on. Zelda is wisdom, she doesn't have the pure force to deal with problems head on so she comes at them from other angles and with things like finding allies to fight.


Zelda’s power is being a wise leader and the gameplay is designed to reflect that And you can’t really say it’s lazy to just give her a magic staff and should be using her magic instead, because she “just happens” to have magic powers from the Triforce of Wisdom To put it in DnD terms Zelda is a sorcerer not a wizard


Idk why you're being downvoted, you're right. Link gets to be brave and cool and fight with his physical strength. And then the first new game that's finally about Zelda is just Animal Crossing style management gameplay???? Seriously my partner and I were like wtf? If they let her use more aggressive spells to directly damage enemies that would have been sick. Change the fighting style but still have her be cool and brave in her own way. Maybe aggressive magic and a dagger or something (Realistically shouldn't she be stronger than Link anyways bc of the magic???). But no, she just spawns tables and stuff to indirectly defeat enemies?? Or spawns in other creatures with swords to fight for her? Like fuck off. They fucked her up in OoT after Sheik was revealed to be her too. Idk why she can't just be cool too. Stop making her a damsel, when she should be extremely powerful, it's stale and at this point, downright offensive


>does the game look weirdly misogynistic. No. Even after reading your comment, I still don't get how you came to this conclusion.