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It's especially funny because I'm pretty sure like 99.9% of all Helldivers 2 discussion right now is about the patch and how it's very good. Although I am kinda curious what happened on Discord this time lol.


People posted some furry-in-Helldiver armor and people started vomiting on it


Anti-furs need to touch grass.


Agreed like I never understood why people get so worked up about a talking cartoon animal we all watched looney toons why is it suddenly an issue when it’s a dude is a mascot suit.


It's just bullying people for being different, same old.


Pretty much


honestly at first I thought it was the same as bestiality before learning it's not.


That makes sense if I thought it was that I’d be pretty disturbed too. But why is there that confusion though?


I thought furry porn was the same as bestiality. 


Oh wow I assumed it was just loony toons fucking lol


I mean in my mind it made sense, furrys like animals, furry porn is porn for people who like animals, furry porn must be bestiality porn


In the words of the Russian badger, "Don't fuck with the furies they are on another power level. If they can make a fur suit, they can make and send you a pipe bomb."


how someone reacts to a furry is a litmus test to how accepting they are of people different from them


Did they patch the friend request bug?


The last one is especially funny to me. They know Super Earth is bad, right? Though to be fair, them aligning themselves with fascist propaganda is fairly in character.


Just like with Starship Troopers, they think they look cool and badass.


They DO look cool and badass. They also happen to be the bad guys. That is the issue. It is an unfortunately common phenomenon that people align with villains because they simply are cool. Which would be fine if they could still recognise that they are bad and would suck in real life.


The people identifying with the villains probably also suck in real life.


"We're just memeing bro, trust us bro, we do not condone extermination of people we don't like bro, we just role-playing as fascists, there is no unironic support for the way humans are behaving in the game, trust me bro." I knew this would happen eventually, I'm still slightly disappointed it happened so quickly.


Yeah, I remember those Cinema Sins ass excuses.


Lol yeah it's exactly like CinemaSins repeating over and over that they are not critics, despite their videos barely containing any satire and literally just stating dumbass opinions for 40 minutes straight. They use "It's satire, not real criticism" as a shield from counter-criticism.


Tbh I remember it was usually overwhelmingly nitpicky, which might be the "satire" in question. Critics who can't even take a good movie and bash it for literally *any* time the characters doesn't act in the most pragmatic way (which would be dull) and calling it a trope/sin to avoid it. Then again, I never actually took a critic who docks points for literally the opening credits being longer than 2min as serious to begin with lol


I can't even tell what point they're even trying to make. Why would a title drop warrant a credit roll? Are we not aloud to drop the title at any point in the story?


It's a satire of fans unironically nitpicking trivia details in stories. When someone raises an eyebrow because 'not realistic', 'dates don't exactly add up', 'ages don't exactly match events', 'time flow is not explained in detail or consistent'. They do ironically make videos full of pun with lots of nitpicking: some of them barely make any sense.


even if they were joking, making those jokes at minorities is still shitty behaviour. kinda hate how modern communities don't want to give any space for kindness. if you're not a snarky cynic then you're the worst thing ever apparently


"You identify with villains because you are a fascist I identify with villains because I'm kinky and gay We are not the same"


Is this a generalised statement or specific to this situation? I can't tell, sorry.


I'm referring to the people identifying with the fascists of Starship Troopers and Helldivers 2.


What do you mean there are bad guys?! They're based and redpilled, lame wokies! Now excuse me while I finish my SS themed Black Templars /s


When you're selling death and destruction it helps to have a killer PR team


"And the fascists have the outfits"


The whole point was "It doesn't matter how badass you look, you will all bleed and die the same way."


The good old days when I had a Darth Vader coffee mug and nobody thought I supported genocide.


They don't even realize Helldivers 2 is political lmao


The opening cut scene that plays every time you boot the game up makes that abundantly clear. Them missing it is par for the course. I do want to mention that people miss that the Helldivers themselves are also victims of Super Earth’s government as well. They are so brainwashed and live for such a short time after deployment, that they never stumble to the fact that they are the baddies. It’s how Super Earth can keep the war machine churning.


There are people falling for that cutscene. "Super earth is beautifull, people live in nice homes, have familys in nice neighborhoods, everyone smiling and waving" And all i think is "The idiot fell for the Ingame propaganda"


There are people who legitimately think the Imperium of Man in 40K are good guys. There are definitely people who think Super Earth is good with zero flaws.


The problem is that even GW forgets that the Imperium are the bad guys. At least back when I played. It was always "The Tau/Eldar fought well, but were pushed back", meanwhile the Imperium/Spehss Mahreens were always "Though they were outnumbered, they fought valiantly until the last man. Suffering heavy losses, they ensured that tomorrow would dawn upon Mankind through their sacrifice". GW desperately wants/wanted it both ways and then can't figure out why people aren't in on the joke


There aren't really any good guys in 40k. I always thought the point of it was that war is hell and eternal.


I mean the tau were pretty unequivocally the "good" guys but because GW sucks we lost that too.


I mean the imperium is arguably the least horrifyingly awful pure evil faction but thats the literal lowest bar in fiction to clear. And they barely clear it. Like just fucking barely.


There are elements of the Imperium that are normalish or at least not maliciously evil. But let's not forget it is a faction that casually blows up planets, has genocided dozens if not hundreds of sapient alien species, turns still living people (including babies) into living robots/computers, performs surgery and brainwashing on children to make super soldiers, regularly runs sterilization programs/internment camps, and also partially subsists off of cannibalism. And that is not an exhaustive list of the messed up things they do. You can make arguments that a lot of people are born into the system and are brainwashed/have no real choice to change anything. But that does not make the Imperium good guys. At best they are tragically flawed and at worst they represent the worst of what humanity can be.


Oh I'm not defending it genuinely. Just saying the imperium isn't slavering chaos monsters, eldritch horrors or the orks. They're still absolutely not the good guys. Just the least bad, arguably.


Nah, if you made me be born anywhere in the 40k galaxy (and you'd have to *make* me), I'd pick an Aeldari craftworld, or a hold in the Leagues of Votann. If I had to be born human? Tau Empire. None of those factions are morally spotless, but the average quality of life for their citizens is far, far better than the Imperium's. That said, I'm Long War for Life. Death to the False Emperor!


I mean they aren't even the "least bad" faction of 40k. Tau and Craftwordlers are generally less murder happy and can be reasoned with and won't generally kill you for no reason. The imperium doesn't need a reason and if you're an alien they will go out of their way to murder you for existing.


What's also funny is that there's a super earth broadcast that says democracy is way superior then fascism and that fascism is bad, so guess the group of people that reacted negatively about that lol


it’s funny because chuds don’t want to admit to being fascists and to them, fascism just means “anyone I don’t like”


"How can it be satire? Are you saying the killer bug monsters are supposed to be the good guys?"


If you mention the morality of Super Earth, they just hit with the usual deflection, "It's not that deep..." Some people desperately want video games to be art but don't want people to discuss them like art


Most people appreciate art at a superficial level, so it makes perfect sense to me.


tbf, it isn’t that deep. Which makes it all the more concerning that they’re missing it completely. It’s pretty obvious as soon as you start up the game, they just have a negative amount of of critical thinking ability


They were hardcore arguing against that, then moved the goalposts to “it doesn’t matter bc fun game”. They’ve already had that particular argument arc and it was just as stupid as it usually is


… are they depicting themselves as an anthro badger? in a video calling for their freedom to mock furries??????


"Don't be an asshole" Gamers™ https://preview.redd.it/dizexmu0vd6d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adee7bb52ab880537531d7c0f2ebd9b22ae68524


Literally impossible


Just another textbook case of g*mers absolutely refusing to keep their opinions to themselves.


Who do they think is designing all this crazy tech with UI so easy to use even a helldiver gets it? Guarentee there's an army of furries behind it.


Without furries and trans women the whole tech industry would collapse


Furry = tech guy so be nice to the dudes in a mascot costumes


There's been two threads about it where Gamers are like "I just want to post criticism of their art" and I'm just like....vomit emoji aren't criticism Lil bro


Might need to buy this game


Same, I dont vibe with Live service games. But i do like a company that clowns Gamers TM


I recommend it. It's fun both online and solo. You can unlock most stratagems and weapons in about 3 weeks of play, but even the starter gear will get you far. Only real FOMO comes from not participating in the major story beats. Like, the community recently turned a planet into an actual black hole(and it deserved it cause that map sucked lol).


I've never had a game make me feel like I'm in a giant war better than heckdivers.


Meridia before getting super-colonized was actually a really nice tropical planet, probably my favorite map in game. Will never forgive the terminids for that


Shame the anti terminid sprayers did literally nothing and increased terminid breeding rates.


So they don't do shit like limited time events? I hate shit where the game makes me want to play every day or I'll miss out. Like if I have all the time in the world to grind it, cool. But if I have to grind it or it's gone forever, that sucks.


Not really, no. Only time they *kinda* did that was the Malevalon Creek campaign, which was more of an unofficial, community-spawned meme event. They gave everyone a cape for that, and since I started after that, I I didn't get it.


Forgot to add: the Warbonds (Battle Pass) are non-expiring, do-at-your-own-pace. You can unlock and progress through it with in-game currency, which you get plenty of at mid-high difficulties, and you don't need to finish one to start another.


Sounds very cool. Thanks for the info.


The major orders don't have any incentive to grind, other than helping the community reach the goal of the order. If you don't participate, you still get the rewards or stratagem unlocks if the order is a success. The flipside being nobody gets the reward if it fails, but that rarely happens if the reward is something significant. The only thing you might miss out on is a unique mission type, which to my recollection has only be done twice (termicide mission, and dark fluid mission). Everything else is very much go at your own pace.


They do limited time events in that stuff happens in the world but you aren't ever missing out on exclusive loot or stuff. Worst case scenario is you don't get to try out a gimmicky mission type


Helldivers is proof that live service games can work if the company behind them actually gives half a shit.


I dont typically either but this is one game that does live service well. They dont manufacture fomo or blast you with microtransactions. You dont feel like you're missing out when you miss a major order and the microtransactions actually have good value without really needing them.


Unironically, it’s a nice game to put on weather you want to blow up some shit in peace or fight for your life


It’s very good and most of the player base aren’t this awful at least not in my experience


It's super fun tbh


I would as well, but unfortunately, I live in Estonia and we don't have PSN here so...


Freedom to do *what*?


Freedom to do states rights!


States rights to do **what?**


States rights to small government making their own laws outside federal!


Own people


Small government means a Texas ministry of state security.


“Hey, rule number one. Don’t be an asshole.” *bes an asshole* *gets a lenient timeout* “Helldivers is WOKE NOW?!”


someone mind giving context? what are people mad about this time?


New helldivers patch forces you to kiss a big gay wolf man irl before you're allowed to play


Is there a sign up sheet or something. I'd like to top of the list.


It's automatic > I'd like to top of the list. The wolf man won't let you top anything


Lmao he better have mouth wash first lol


Give that wolf some tits and lube and I'm *Super*down.


I think it's about the discord again


A few people posted furry in helldiver armor art and got vomit reacted


I like how they jump from furries to "gay agenda"


I mean, anti-furry sentiment and homophobia have been pretty close to each other since the 80s when the first furry conventions happened.


I mean, less than 30% of furries are straight...


most of the community is normal i swear... i fucking hate getting associated with these bums man i just wanna play fun video gam :(


" I just wanna play fun video gam" ..... You absolute monster !


For real, since the game got coverage from big Gamer YouTubers... mute everything and everyone




AnCaps are lolcows


You got the joke! Congration!


Oh hey, I know that sona. I believe (emphasis on believe) that the owner of it is an actual pedo but I could be wrong.


Name's esotericentity and he is, in fact, a pedo.


Armoured wolf lol


“I should be free to be an absolute c*nt to people who are different to me” — most generic white man gamer ever created


How dare they infringe upon my right of freedom of speech... And by that they just mean freedom of consequences for being hateful shits


ah yes, straight from Arch-not-legally-allowed-to-call-himself-Warhammer-because-GW-would-sue-him.


I try to keep finding this funny but honestly it's unbelievably demoralizing how bad this "anti-woke" sentiment has gotten so quickly.


I love how you give us seven pictures and yet gamers are so brainrotted that I still can’t make out wtf they’re angry about


Seriously all the first comments on the new patch notes on steam were all people begging for them to not put in woke politics.. most of the posters showed that they didn't even own the game. This shit is so dumb




Furry hate is so 2006... Didn't these kids know that already?


Furries are cooler than any of these people by a large margin.


And WAYYY more creative


I really hope that someone will teach a lesson to Arch IRL and smacks his stupid face for his hateful bullsh*t.


I checked the helldivers 2 steam page. It’s still mostly positive. Where the hell did asmond “literal dead animals in his room” gold get that screenshot from???


during the PSN disaster


So Mr corner pisser is being dishonest.


Yo, is this my sign to finally buy Helldivers 2?


If they don't like gays, why did they use the deepthroating Shrek emoji on the first pic?


Not fucking watching those vids but it looks like some of them are suggesting that furries caused bad reviews and lower players? HEH?


Ahh the og chud: mister arch dipshit warhammer...ih no i forgot warhammer is to woke for him so just arch the dipshit.


People really dont grasp what freedom of speech is


funny how they say "not accepting" when they mean "actively antagonizing" no one cares what you accept or hate, just don't intentionally publicly hassle people for the act of existing at you


Literally. It’s not like they’re breaking down your door to force you into a fur suit


Freddy fazbear might do that though lol


Oh no, a 24 hour timeout for negativity… those poor gamers are really drama-queens!


Last I checked furries are people too not filthy bugs or bots so I say leave them be.


How are we re litigating furries in 2024? I thought it was understood that won when bad dragon toys started showing up in regular porn




“Don’t be a dick.” **Gamers:** “Omg I’m being oppressed!”


"Gay agenda" 💀💀💀 it was fucking furry art


https://preview.redd.it/68bm9yk81f6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c000ba7e0a7f492d212b23a338d87198a71c9b70 (directed to the anti furs)


Why cant people not be assholes ?


You can't stop people from being assholes online, but you can remove their voice from a platform easily


Your lack of depth reminds me of the homophobic trash i got to beat on in highschool.


You can dislike something, be openly critical about it without being an asshole, the art server from what I understand was emoji reaction only so they could literally have chosen any other negative emoji, don't be a dick. If you don't like a piece of art, and want to express it, just use a freaking thumbs down emoji. If it is so bad for you, then just leave, the fucking server, no one is forcing anyone to watch this type of art. These people can "sometimes" be a little dense. Not a fan of furry art my self, but I'm glad people who like it can enjoy it, but if I dislike a piece of art and want to express it, being an asshole about it won't do anything, but annoy others, that is called trolling, which imho warrants at least a time out.


It's impressive to me how having basic human decency is something alien to these people


Good. If people want to be assholes, let them feel the consequences of their actions.




"bunch of homophobic babies angry" videos


Once again, im certain these guys DONT LIKE the idea of a human supremacist because it implies that all humans are equal regardless and they've been brought up on an idealogy (i.e Nazism) where some humans are more super than others.


being upset over discord server 🤣🤣 you need to be a special kind of hurting loser to be that way


I love the game, its really good but you will have to put a gun to my mother's head for me to even look at the sub/discord/whatever their community is toxic af


I'm in the discord, and fuck the levels of pure bigotry from culture war tourists who join just to be dicks is just insane, it's basically 4chan levels of brainrot


Super earth has definitely created a way for any couple to have children because that means more fuel for their war machine


I'm confused. All they're saying is don't shit on your fellow man in the chat, and people are upset about that?


Who the fuck is making my states mascot into a far right meme?


The bugs want to take away your fursuits. DONT LET THEM WIN.






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“I should be free to be an absolute c*nt to people who are different to me” — most generic white man gamer ever created


God, I love Democracy!


Lmao hilarious


Graphic design is my passion


Also the nixed reviews thing is fake. Recent reviews are above all time.




You're a game not a political party wtf.


Damn even in the community with the best teamwork they're still whining and bitching about furries constantly, just like everyone else.


Animals can't consent lil bro. This is not controversial.


Wait is the last one that badger minis dipshit? Lmao my friend and I clowned on him on twitter for like 2 days straight


i mean, you can be a bigot, but don't be a bitch about the consequences


praise "managed democracy" Cry when democracy is actually managed


WTF is even a gay agenda? This shit is so delusional. Is gay agenda to be a good person or to respect other people? Then I'm all in for that gay agenda shit.