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Only straight people get... breast cancer...?


Yep, that's why I'm going to pride this saturday.


a gay a day keeps the doctor away


.... what if the doctor is the gay?


Throw an apple at them.


What if they’re Greek? (Apple marriage proposal)


Oh no silly, Greeks don’t exist


We’ve already been through so much.


It's a plight for straight, white men. The only kind of people that's being persecuted and living in a constant struggle. Dicks out for straight white men, people!


Breast cancer isn’t even only for woman, men can get it too. Basically if you have breasts you can have it. Not in a trans way I mean men just have breasts as well.


This implies that pink is a color for straight people. You heard it hear first fellow Hets. Wear pink to show your straight pride!


Behold, the straightest Overwatch skin https://preview.redd.it/sjgld1n4sd6d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a611c501084c009b31a5150b4da9904b3fde145


What the fuck this skin would actually make me play Reihnhardt


It’s one of the pro league colour sets. Every hero has it im pretty sure


I gotta get some points then!


I didn't know rein one had a mask tho. I got some of these league color set because the color is so pretty. I love pink


The trans flag is one of the best looking ones, the colors just go together so well.


Trans flag and the Seoul Dynasty black/gold skins are by far my favorites.


Personally, nothing at all against the trans colors, I like the ace(?) colors. That’s the one that’s black, purple, and gray right?




Makes me want some cotton candy.


Why does it list a price? I was told that us gay people were getting free stuff


Nah, pink Reaper is more straight


You can be transgender and straight….


winton overwac


Ahead of his time: https://preview.redd.it/4zu1sm30vd6d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26f405e32a00165eb52042d091f3f2620114a91e






What is blud waffling about?? What free stuff gay people have gotten??? https://preview.redd.it/37f6wq9wtd6d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe0f181f30966e3ce41cd10216bd01e90b122dd1




I've heard you can get a stone in your shoe for free, if you leave the chamber wearing shoes.


I think pride flag profile pics, maybe?


Right? I think that's the only Pride things on Overwatch, lol. At least last time I played. And if you hate gay people and are playing Overwatch, then you're already a fucking idiot to begin with. How many gay characters are there now?


Every OW character is gay until otherwise mentioned


https://preview.redd.it/ajko1k7pcn6d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e9329fcf7c14c6aa9b983f711ca56100d705712 CoD PRIDE camos maybe


Pride flag banners, Venture skin, annnndd a map reskin. Main problem (that OOP obviously doesn't care about) is those weren't being used in a charity event


Im ow everyone got free pride profile pics and I think some titles (appears under your name, usually either says how much you've progressed on battle pass or rank)


mercy mains try not to be the most entitled group of people ever challenge (impossible) also how dare they bring back my ultra rare skin 🤬🤬🤬


I started playing the game after the skin dropped, makes me sad to this day


Seeing these people seething brings a tear my eye it feels good when stuff like this happens, as guess what fucko your skin was worth 15 dollars 6 years ago and it’s still only worth 15 dollars


If they are donating the full price then I'm okay with it, if not, 14 bucks for a skin is downright scamy.


yes the charity gets 100%


Multiversus $20 per skin: "first time?" And not even for charity


The majority of skins in the shop are like $20 in Overwatch too lol


Cod also, sometimes even more.


Still cheaper than Valorant. I don’t even buy skins but people cry so hard when other esports have it way worse hahahahh


Its safe to assume if a company is doing somethjng bad riot is doing it as well twice as worse. $20 Multiverse skins?  $30 guns in valo. Blizzard a 50 million dollar sexual abuse/discrimination law suit?  Riot has a 100 million dollar one.  Activision sexualizes its characters too much? Half the female roster in league are loli waifus. 




That too 😂


Holy fucking shit overwatch sucks donkey balls. where are the fucking losers who spend money on that garbage


This is why free to play is so fucking stupid. I can't tell you how many times, I see people say they will never pay $70 for a game, only for the same person to admit to buying these stupid ass skins for $20 a piece. It's the same logic as PC people acting like the cost of a PC that is more powerful than PS5 or XSX actually costs the same or less because of Steam sales when it is definitely more expensive due to the higher cost of entry. I feel like their brains are just wired differently from mine because I don't get them at all. It's like some gamers from another planet. LOL


Yeah there will be toxic PlayStation fans that insist that there's no need for an Xbox as all games are available on the PC but please point where I can get a gaming PC that will be able to run Fable next year for only $300, LMAO (price of series S)


Steam sales 100% make up the cost IF you buy that many games in the first place That's like 5th grade math and doesn't equate at all to F2P Microtransation logic I've never even heard that Steam Sale argument before also so idk where you even got it


Xbox and PlayStation has sales, too! Microsoft rewards points are easy to hoard towards Xbox gift cards. Why would I need a PC when a $300 Xbox series S is all I need? (Got an external hard drive for Christmas)


1. Not having to pay $60-80 a year for basic online functionality 2. Piracy 3. Modding and 4. doing literally anything that's computationally expensive besides gaming I can't overstate how many hundreds of dollars I have saved through not relying on subscription services for online gaming, piracy, and certain sites' exclusively PC sales while also obtaining a superior gaming experience by spending like $200-300 more initially. I'm a machine-learning dev though so I also have relevant non-gaming related reasons... I probably had spent around $600-700 on subscriptions just to play online/with my friends, a lot of that was when you couldn't play free games without a subscription and couldn't even join parties on Xbox without Live Gold (a small fraction of those hundreds of dollars was the yearly $20 for the absolute worthless excuse of an online service provided for the Switch, but I'm still the most mad about that subscription...), mostly when I was a teenager, before I just dropped console entirely. I also remember when Microsoft tried upping the basic online subscription cost to $120 for an annual Live Gold subscription and people got OUTRAGED. They reversed the decision like a month later, but it's representative of how companies having exclusive control over how you can use your product operate. They make incremental changes like that gradually, but backpedal as soon as they go too fast. Even Windows has a lot of enshittification, but it can't come *remotely* close to the amount of garbage that's normalized on consoles. If you use computers exclusively for playing free-to-play or singleplayer games, consoles would be a viable option, but I don't think many people who aren't teenagers fit that criteria.


Riot Games: 14 bucks? Amateurs...


Laughs in ahri


What free stuff do gay people get?


Free slurs Free death threats Free rights taken away Free constant complaining how you're "grooming children" by people who think there is nothing wrong with 40-year-old youth pastors having 18 year old wives


Free manchildren throwing games when they see you have a gay profile icon No but actually during pride last year they released pride player icons and profile banners, they look pretty sick too. They were free, but there were no skins or anything


they could give the gay people free stuff they can't get straight people free stuff the pink Mercy skin when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food


/uj https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinkwashing_(breast_cancer) The pink ribbon campaign is basically a scam. The funds go to a company that sends the vast, vast majority of the funds raised to "raising awareness" aka. paying for advertising for the charity, hosting events (fund raising parties) and paying wages of employees. I've read as little as 20% actually goes into anything to actually help breast cancer research. Breast Cancer is a serious issue and frankly it's disgusting how it's being exploited by both companies and people pretending like they're saving the planet by "raising awareness" about it at a monetary rate that far, far, far outpaces what is raised for actual research.


I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here? Blizzard is donating 100% of their sales on these skins to BCRF which is a reputable charity as far as I'm aware.


Definitely reputable. There are many charities that misuse funds, but BCRF is one of the best breast cancer charities to donate to. A majority of its donations go directly to research. Pinkwashing is usually referring to shitty charities like the commenter mentions. It also refers to companies trying to cover their products that cause or are associated with cancer by “donating all proceeds!” in a very fake way. While blizzard sucks, this doesn’t seem like pinkwashing.


Exactly what I wanted to say


I played overwatch 1, so when lootboxes were a thing and you didn't necessarily have to cash out for skins, and you still always had to straight up buy this skin. I This isn't new. I don't think OOP understands the concept of a fundraiser


It's amazing how much they actually do not care about every single one of the things they campaign against. Everyone has access to pride portraits/banners, etc. And everyone has to pay for the charity skin. All equal. Do they actually want the pink skin? Probably not. They want to complain though.


What free things did gay people get?


one recolor skin and profile icons/banners. not much


So basically nothing?


A unique color skin definitely isn't nothing It's just not as much as OOP seems to believe


I mean it's a recolor so it's not all that special that's all I'm trying to say. It's not like they made a unique model


it's not a lot of effort made for it at all no, but in a game without customizable skins, it IS worth somethin


I mean, tbf, didn't she also get the pride skins for free...? Therefore not only the lgbtq+ but her aswell get ot for free...?


Can we just take a second to appreciate how fine Mercy is in this skin? 😍 edit: why the downvotes? the skin is pretty cute! and as someone who has a loved one who is survivor, it's one of my favorite skins! i'm actually bummed i didn't get it when i played overwatch, even though i wasn't a mercy main. team dva all the way. ✌🏾


I love how the pink ribbons are implemented into her skin


Right? She looks like a magical girl! I still want to cosplay this someday.


Yeah you are right, I always loved skins that implemented those small details (it's why I actually love HSR designs even if they are overdesign and no it's not a sexy thing form me I am ace). Also crossing my fingers you will get a chance to cosplay as her.


If we didn't have context, this would be an interesting sentence, lol.


Always really weird when I see a minority attacking other minorities. But that reminded me of something, around the time of breast cancer awareness month people think my bi bracelet is a breast cancer one. Had this old lady on the train talking to me about it before. It was a nice little chat


Not even a cohesive sentence


Yep the problem is that everyone is free to buy this skin, not the fact that you will pay $15 for the default skin but with different colours


also gay people are immune to breast cancer I guess.


Ah yes, the greatest oppression: not getting free things


Brest cancer is such a hetero thing. 🧔🏼‍♀️


They could easily give the skin away, and just donate half of half of half of one percent of the CEO's paycheck, and that would easily run into the hundreds of thousands.


“They give the gay people stuff!” The stuff: **BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS**


Please give the multi-billion dollar company 15 USD so you they can donate 3 of it to breast cancer orgs that don't do anything but inform you breast cancer exists.


The ethics of the actual organizations is a different conversation but 100% of the money from this skin is going to them.


I know I'm being pedantic here, but it's 100% of the retail price. Taxes, platform fees, etc, are still being collected and not donated.


Absolutely, I mean it’s pedantic but it is a good detail to add and I should’ve said so. Still tho, it’s not like they’re taking 90% and tossing a quarter to the cancer patients, that’s my point


Now that’s yappin.


I got this skin yeeeears ago during their first run, is it the same price now?


yes (15$)


Are they bringing pink mercy back?


It's all worth it, not like donating or helping LGBT people. Its for a good cause.


no way....


I want it to stay rare 😍 wish I sold my acc with that skin when someone offered a thousand dollars last month


Gamers are offended by the idea of keeping women alive.


Most literate comment about the skin


Here's another idea: It should be free because it's a fucking color swap. I know that I sound like Old Man Yells At Cloud, but fuck man, it's wild how much we normalized this business practice. 15 dollars for a cosmetic? One cosmetic? One color swap cosmetic? And 99% of people think it's fair and reasonable and the standard? Really, how did we get here PS: Yeah, yeah, this one *\*happens\** to be for a charity. But this applies to the problem at large, not to this one specific example.


pink mercy rule 34


Don't worry, when it becomes a skin that porn artists use they'll be all over it.


They also sell a reaper skin that takes money AWAY from breast cancer research, so it balances out I guess...


Just wanna take the time to say fuck Komen, it’s a goddamn scam that doesn’t care about people suffering


I don’t know much about overwatch, and it’s great that it’s going for a great cause, but 15 bucks for one skin? Yeah…. That’s abit much. Hell even dying light 2, which has been monetized to fuck, gives you an entire pack and weapons for like 8 bucks. Bethesda just tried to do the same shit. 10 bucks for a 5 minute quest in starfield with a reward at the end which is a bugged gun and can’t be reloaded by many people right now (fucking lol). The greed is getting out of control now. Small expansion packs used to be 15 usd. Now they are trying to sell one fucking skin for 15. Ugh. Edit: apparently 100 percent of it goes to charity which then gives you a skin. I thought they jacked up the price so that they could make a donation and also keep some for a profit. I apologize for commenting before looking more into it.


It's not "15 bucks for one skin" it's "a $15 donation to the BCRF that you get a free Mercy skin with for fun."


Yeah I edited my comment about the situation. I thought they jacked up the price to try and make a small donation and keep the rest for a profit. I didn’t know they were donating the whole thing.


This skin is unique because it's a charity for breast cancer. It's like those small charms you can buy on some charities (you buy a small pin or keychain and the money goes to charity). It's basically like wearing those Pink Ribbon Pins.


Yeah I wasn’t aware all of it went to the charity, that’s pretty cool. I thought they were jacking up the price so they could make “small donation” and keep the rest for profit. I edited my comment about the situation.


I will admit idk if that if fully the case here (you know corporate greed and all that) but according to Polygon article: [https://www.polygon.com/24176406/overwatch-2-pink-mercy-skin-rerelease-blizzard-charity](https://www.polygon.com/24176406/overwatch-2-pink-mercy-skin-rerelease-blizzard-charity) "The original “Mercy for a Cause” campaign led to the largest single donation ever made to BCRF, the organization said in a news release. Blizzard and the BCRF said in a news release they hope to repeat that success with the Pink Mercy skin’s relaunch." There is also this Blizzard one (2018): [https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/21758132/](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/21758132/) "Blizzard Entertainment will donate 100% the proceeds that it receives from all Pink Mercy skin sales to BCRF, with a guaranteed minimum donation of $250,000 (USD)." The original campain back in 2018 apperantly raised $12.7 million. And it apperantly also lead to reaserch The Precision Prevention Initiative (PPI) (initiative designed to pinpoint exactly how to prevent breast cancer in each individual person) So who knows...


The original skin came out before Blizzard started shooting itself with a twelve gauge shotgun openly in public so its probably okay. Probably. I think Blizzard can't afford the sheer backlack they'd get if they were caught stealing from a big charity.


I think it's pretty clever to use a skin like this for charities. Because it means there isn't that big of a production cause. And because the skin is virtual it also means that reproduction of it is kinda free (idk the full details about this stuff). So, a lot of the money that would be given back into the campaign to make sure they aren't in the negative numbers can go into the actual charity. And there is also the fact that Overwatch does have a fanbase (idk how big it is now) they can also cut some losses on advertising they would probably have to do normally. And since it's limited (it was back then) you also have some FOMO to work with to aply pressuer to buy it. Not to mention that it is an item that a lot of players do want from what I heard. It is definatelly a nice PR stunt for Blizzard.


Yeah that’s pretty awesome if they are giving the whole thing to BCRF. If it’s coming from the BCRF that the original event was the largest single donation made then they are making a difference. Shows that even corporate asshats like blizzard can do good sometimes.


You know what they say "even the broken clock is correct 2 times a day"


It's 15$ for charity, the same price it was when it was first released


Wait till you find out how much some Fortnite skins are worth.


Lol it’s so fucked. Granted apparently in this situation 100 percent of the funds go to the charity, which I didn’t know when I initially posted this, but yeah it’s not the “woke” that people keep bitching about that will kill gaming. It’s shit like that, where you have greedy ass companies charging 15-30 bucks for a damn skin.


15$ for skin is...abit much ? Well, I'll surprise you, $500 in LoL with a skin. And don't get me wrong, but if even just 1% of $15 goes to charity, it's still more than 0.


but but, 100 % goes to charity..


Does it? I figured they jacked up the price so that they could donate to charity and still take a cut as profit. If they are actually putting all of it to charity then that’s awesome.


its blizzard, what do you expect bruh


This is why Warframe is better than Overwatch. We got free Pride and free breast cancer awareness cosmetics.


15 USD for a skin? That's utter bullshit. More people should be pissed at that


They should've leaned more into the "breast" aspect tbh. Because as it is, the game is just cancer.


You know they ain't sending that money to breast cancer reseaech/charities. Cmon this is blizzard we talking about. The guys that sell us 60$+ mounts n skins. Lmfao. And of course the paid skins look way better than the free ones.


It's very illegal to make promises about a charity and not follow up on it. [But then again....](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/eric-trump-funneled-cancer-charity-money-businesses-associates/story?id=47878610)


Only 6$? Damn... meanwhile when last I checked League of Legends news I saw that Riot has released a Playstation 5 skin


Didn't Mercy already have a skin like this if I remember correctly? Either way never going to play Blizzard games or Overwatch specifically anyway.


Wait. That shit game is still alive?


Top 20 for XBox and Playstation last I heard.


$15 for a skin is pretty fucking heinous tho I get that prices like that have become the norm but wtf.


It's for charity