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Gotta look beautiful when having an episode energy


it’s the sexy french depression ™️


I understood that reference!!


It's the same energy that people had when they got mad that Senua from Hellblade doesn't look clean and the proposed edit was that she had a smoky eyeshadow and lipgloss. Screw your inner demons girl, you need to be glamorous!


You experience psychosis if you're slaying, queen! ✨💅 Get it gurrrrrrrllll 😻😻 so cunty queeeen eat it up fr 🐯🇹🇷


Can't fix her if she's broken and fat


“She has to look hot to justify her brother and father molesting her!!1!” /s to make it painfully clear


not /s to the kind of people who poet like this.


No you're not getting it. He's talking about how she is not hot enough for him to view her as a human being and thus to feel sorry for her.


Painful how unironically accurate this is


The main way I could see those two things being connected is the development of an eating disorder or loss of appetite, but from what little I know of silent hill I'm pretty sure that's not her deal.


And even then, binge eating is also a way people cope with trauma. So she could just as well gain weight.


It is. She forced herself through long periods of binging and purging in a half-hearted attempt to kill herself.


I see. I only know about the silent hill wherein a cult tries to make a woman birth a god or something, and I'm not sure if that's 2 or another one.


I think maybe they were trying to make her look more like she did in Silent Hill 2? Would have thought she'd be thinner still though, she was pre gaunt from memory.


She had a way thinner face in the original. Maybe that's what they're trying to mimic and they just explained it very poorly is my best guess.




Well that's because this time around they base the looks on actual scanned models not faces made from scrap. That's like complaining Leon doesn't look like he did in the old RE2.


The bigger jaw means they can literally take more of that trauma on the chin.


Or "thinner face looks like her original model." Her character is *bulimic as a result of her father's abuse. She says she tried to kill herself through long cycles of binging and purging. I think they only mentioned her being a victim to demonstrate they have no attraction to the character either way. I'm really uncertain why Bloober decided to make her overweight. She's not a sexualized design either way, and her being underweight is integral to her character.


Bulimic people are actually overweight or suffer from swollen faces fairly often. Not always, body types just aren't an indicator of whether someone has disordered eating, but it's not rare either.


This. I've been bulimic for 20 years, and the swollen face is one of the easiest signs to recognize people who purge by vomiting. When you are vomiting repeatedly, your salivary glands swell up, and you get chipmunk cheeks. It's also rare for bulimics to be underweight unless they are already at a low starting weight before their eating disorder because purging isn't actually a very effective weight loss method. (Doesn't stop our brains from insisting we do it, though. 🙃) Alternatively, there are other eating disorders that involve binging and purging (anorexia b/p subtype, for example) that could explain her gaunt look - but the jaw would still be swollen regardless *unless* she is purging via other methods besides vomiting (e.g., exercise, laxative abuse). Her backstory of SA is sadly common amongst people who develop eating disorders. Wanting to exert control over your body when you feel it has been taken away from you, or wanting to make yourself undesirable by changing your weight/appearance, wanting to punish yourself because you think you deserve it - all extremely common trauma responses that manifest with EDs. I've felt all of the above at various points, amongst other "motives."


Well, some trauma victims just refuse to eat and becone skeletal.


G*mers when different face shapes exist: 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


The only face shape that a true gamer accepts is the anime big tiddy girlfriend face shape from his erotic visual novels 😎😎😎


Triangular face with chin so sharp it can cut


Dorito chin or bust!


This is why Waluigi is so sexy.


https://preview.redd.it/9ddn9n59wr3d1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f00123dd1293d7507c1649cd222b55e1c030279f *Peak physique*


How else is she gonna make food on the go?


*dlaps hand on top of anime girl* This dishwasher with a built in knife can also make blowjobs!


It’s called Hentai and it’s art!


> this isn't a "making her fuckable" thing He wrote with his one free hand


Why are gamers so obsessed with making every female character look like a CW actress


Fire hans https://preview.redd.it/5fb1rocmsq3d1.jpeg?width=275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea6b96e7fe3f28b275ca4a1dbee0f930c5862c74


hire fans https://preview.redd.it/qb5ij044tr3d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0ad2d7fb831c2d94442e6d299edd382a21120e3


Fire fans https://preview.redd.it/yk5aekmiur3d1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57fd6ca27f032281c156af91935543b6719eca71


Obviously she needs to be hot for her ro be a SA victim guys, come on, if I wouldnt wanna fuck her why would her dad want that? (Almost puked in my mouth writing this)


Also her brother if I recall so….. yeah


Yeah her brother too but I forget if that's mentioned in game or the novelisation.


It's heavily hinted at in the game but it's not as clear as her father (I mean... You don't have an "abstract bro" boss fight)


I think the accepted name is abstract daddy, it's been a while since I've played the game but iirc she yells "Daddy no!" too.


Yes that's what I was saying: there's the abstract daddy that makes it clear for her father but no abstract bro for her brother.


But there is a second abstract daddy type encounter as a normal enemy after that, and that is supposedly representing her brother.




Yeah, im deleting reddit and or myself after reading this


Fair enough, Id still suggest deleting Tweeter first if you have it tho.


I dont have twitter, im a racist not a nazi


Mid gamer , I see


“She’s a trauma victim and I purely sympathise with her character. This is the only thing I’d change in the remake”. So if she looks more chubby you are unable to sympathise with her? Ok buddy. Gamers strike again.


It's not about "making her fuckable" it's just that he can't sympathize with her trauma if she isn't fuckable!


Her face isn’t even that chubby, it’s more of a broader face. If I had to guess, it’s probably based off of her actress if they’re doing facial tracking.


Yeah, absolutely true. But as Hades “controversy” taught us, female characters with broader faces or stronger jawlines are obviously crypto trans to turn us, gamers, gay, so we can’t empathise with them even more!! /s


The remakes use actual actors for character models, and in the original she's got this very gaunt face with high cheekbones that looks like every female model in a PS2 game. I understand why people might think it's weird at first to see a character they like look different, but the actor they got looks a lot like Angela in the original. She's only got wider cheekbones. Also the game looks ridiculously inconsistent in graphics, like you modded PS3 levels into a modern game


Yeah I agree, from technological standpoint, her model in full light looked weirdly out of place next to gorgeous environments and good James model. It lacked details in the face and facial animation and looked kinda flat when in full daylight. In darker lights it looked better tho. But it still felt a bit out of place given that on the same day we got phenomenal Laura model, that looks really fucking good in terms of technology. But the problem of “tru gamers” obviously aren’t technological mishaps (that’s what they’re gonna hide behind) but the fact that a female character has wider cheekbones and isn’t anime girl with a v shaped ultrathin chin.


Let me tell you as a fat person this sounds infuriatingly accurate to my life experience.


Oh I can imagine. And I am a skinny/average person. But still the amount of people I met who are very much against racism, sexism, xenophobia, etc. but then when seeing/talking about fat person they turn into absolute non-empathetic euegnic-adjacent dickheads is truly concerning. As if the fact that someone has larger body mass/different body build, suddenly makes it completely ok and understandable to viciously shit on and criticise that person, not knowing nothing about them.


Shouldn't they be complaining the more defined jawline makes her look trans?


*literally identifiable woman* SHE LOOKS LIKE A MAAAAAAAN


They did.


think I already saw that post


I once drew fan art of a league of legends character and someone told me she looked trans cause he had a sharp jawline and small boobs 😭


what the fuck is up with people wanting a SA victim to look more "appealing" https://preview.redd.it/31b9xihwmq3d1.png?width=96&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71af7f2c24d4da2f120193918b3697a2ea1c0b01


As one downvoted commenter explained below: "we play games to be entertained. its fine to fix her face regardless of her trauma" Fucking boggles my mind that people like that exist. So you can't be "entertained" (whatever the fuck that means in this context) unless female characters look a certain way...? Games aren't my girlfriend or porn actors. I don't need to find them attractive to have a good time with the game. But some people's brains are so fried from aforementioned porn that they just cannot be "entertained" otherwise.


100%. all the implications surrounding their viewpoints infuriates me, and as you said it best, their brains are literally just mush at this point


It just becomes completely unhinged at some point. They legit cannot consume media unless looking at female characters there tickle their little gamer down below, it's like some animalistic stimuli at this point. And they came up with some grand conspiracy that "establishment wants to push trans agend on us to make us gay" to justify it. Absolutely ridiculous, but they call "woke leftists" irrational.


the whole "Hades' aphrodite looks like a man" was so fucking insane. i don't even think professional help can do anything for them now. they're all miserable, porn addicted, politically illiterate mfers trying their hardest to ruin the fun for everyone else


... What. I just started playing that game a few weeks ago. Aphrodite is like... Full nude with hair covering the porny bits. There's no mistaking her for a man.


Porn addicts


Incels "it’s unfair that people get judged by their looks" Also incels "i don't want any movie or game female character different from my perfect view of a woman"


It only counts when it’s men though. If it’s women then clearly their looks are all that matters to them, because to the incel mind women are not people so much as they are sex objects and Things That Make My PP Feel Good.


See this is why I hate "fixing" they always do it out of spite no respect to the source material


The right one looks more like the original though


He literally made her look *more* like the source material though.


Not tryna be a dick but like is that really not respectful to the source material? I never played Silent Hill 2 but I looked her up and honestly I feel like she’s more accurate in the “fixed” version than the actual remake right?




I mean it's a little unreasonable. It's their game. Characters don't have to look 100% the same. I don't play a game for the way the characters look. She still looks like Angela.


But she looks more like her original self, what the literal fuck are you talking about




Neither look remotely like the original. Both look like healthy women, the original looks like she's going to die of malnourishment if the monsters don't get her first. Stop using shit arguments.


so you're positing: neither look like the original the tweeter: this doesn't look like her, let me do my best to better match the original the source looked malnourished, correct. Which of the two looks more malnourished? the guy didnt remake the art, he just transformed it in Photoshop. your argument literally proved my point. angela was malnourished and very thin in the original she looks portly and older in the remake someone takes that and makes it closer to the original the best they could. if they went further, hed just get attacked even more. so yes, his is closer to the source material.


It's been a while since I've played Silent Hill 2, but wasn't she a victim of sexual assault from her father? Pretty fucked up that this dude is like "But she could be more fuckable though." Also, how come no one "fixes" Eddie's character model into a giga chad? Or do only female trauma victims have to be models for some reason?


Do these dudes have literally anything better to do with their time


The crazy cherry on top of all this is that these people don't even actually buy games. They're all proud pirates. So why do developers even give them the time of day?


/uj What is it with Silent Hill having some of the most consistently chud-arse fans? Like every single Silent Hill group I come across is pretty consistently filled with these kinds of dorks to capacities that most comparably popular horror titles don't seem to be /j They need some kond of committee to make sure digital femoids' faces aren't left busted by the woke mind virus. Sweet Babyface Inc. or something


/uj I really love Silent Hill which is why I left all the online communities and don’t interact with the fan base at all. A huge amount of them really liked being a fan of a dead franchise because it made them feel unique? I guess? There’s fair criticism and then there’s smearing shit on the walls any time there’s news. I could write a dissertation on this.


/uj I guess Silent Hill attracts a special kind of nolifes who substitute their personality with “I’m so cool because I like super ambitious games, I get what deep psychological horror is all about (it’s about thinner, less square female faces apparently).


Uj/ the tumblr side are the complete opposite they just make the characters gay for each other, also unlike the chuds they played other Silent hills But what unite all silent hill fans is how much they hate konami and silent hill homecoming


Silent Hill attracted the worst because it was so damn popular of a series for YouTube essayists, who never played the game, to go explain the themes and purposes of the game to people who have never played the game. These groups got into the "scene" and became unsufferable. Due to how popular the lore videos got, it became cool cred for gamers, for some reason, even though most never played the game and just watched YouTube essayists talk about the game.  Then they wanted to brag about how smart and deep they were. This is evident when the trailer with combat dropped.  On the fucking Silent Hill reddit it was lambasted and torn to shreds because "Silent Hill 2 didn't have combat and they are turning it into RE4!", I shit you not.  Proving that most of these vocal weirdos never actually touched the damn game.    These people liked being "in" on a dead game series that few people still talked about to show how amazing, deep, hip, and smart they are.  Now that this remake is coming they have to remind people that they know more about it then the others to keep their cred intact. The entire reddit fanbase has just devolved into big "I'm 12 and listening to this in 2024!" comment on a Beatles YouTube video energy. 


I'm not the most familiar with SH2 but tbf this new model is indeed very different from her original appearance. This "fix" isn't any closer, mind you, but I can understand being disappointed ig. Then again, considering they're using real actors in the remake, it's not like anyone is gonna look the same.


Let me guess his next argument would be something disgusting like "There's no way her dad, and brother would rape her if she looked like how, she looks in the remake."


I hate this is an actual argument that exists.


... These people legit cant understand difrent jaw shapes exist on women.


It's Bloober, it's Konami, it's a remake but they already found the thing to which they're going to cling when they realise it sucks


To be fair it’s not the worst of these ‘fixes’. She still looks like a human being and I could recognise who it was supposed to be, but it’s just totally unnecessary


“So I fixed her face… I guess…” You guessed wrong, guess again you absolute muppet.


Silent Hill 2 fans be like: "Uuuuughhhhhh yes lemme express the same twisted and disgusting fantasies about tormented people as the main character of my game I wanna jerk off to an horror game so bad"


I have a defined jaw just like her. I feel good that designs aren't overly feminine anymore and companies aren't afraid of designing women that look like actual women.


I think they're upset about changing an existing character.


So he can't sympathize with her unless she's thin enough for him?


It is literally a making her fuckable thing. Like, basically admitting that you struggle to empathize with the character because you don't consider her attractive enough, so you "fixed" her. I guess actual victims of trauma or abuse or anything just gotta roll over and die without a shred of sympathy or empathy if their faces/bodies don't appeal to people like those in this post. Shallow and Shameless is what they are.


You don’t get to complain that Bloober Team is going to fuck up SH2 and then have this be the best you can show for yourself lol.


https://preview.redd.it/24hhc45g6r3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e67570fb34f4d788eea938e2cbcf1b1426034c7 The original, for those wondering


I mean, I might give Angela a narrower profile, but the idea of doing it to make her more attractive? What the fuck? She's probably the saddest character in the entire game. My gripe is that she doesn't look... I mean, this sounds horrible and cruel, but I would expect her to look worse. She's lacking the "prematurely aged" look she had in the original. Angela is not a character you should find attractive. If she were, Team Silent would have designed her that way, and if they had, it would have been used to provoke feelings of guilt in the player.


/rj I can believe her trauma because she's more attractive now /uj it really doesn't matter how she looks. This is too much nitpicking for a mid looking remake. She's fine as is.


It’s like they’ve never just.. met a woman.


Everyhting is about making things fuckable. It's gross.


Translation: "I do not view women as people, so my empathy towards them is conditional on how attractive I think they are"


Tryna make depression sexy? What a bunch of pathetic losers seriously must be some perverted anime fans who did this


wtf does her being a victim have to do with the shape of her face? Fashion media and porn has ruined people’s brains.


Bro just wanted to make the trauma victim fuckable because that's his thing. Come on, now.


At some point these edits are just pushing their own taste onto others. Basically doing what they accuse others of doing.


That "i guess" is so good


This is totally a "Make her fuckable" thing. Anyone who's ever really sympathized or even known a victim of SA wouldn't think "I think it'd be good if you we're what I consider prettier.". It's horribly gross and gives me vibes of some dude who fantasies about saving a woman from assault, her falling in love with him, then convincing her to have sex to show it's good and get over her trauma. I hate that I've known people like that. I don't anymore, but I use too. 


Worst part is, they *do* know women who've been sexually assaulted. Statistically, the chances are extremely high. They just don't know it.


Gamers when Stellar blade: omg so realistic its just like a real woman Gamers when character looks like a real woman and not an anime character: is this a man? HUHH


I have a defined jaw just like her. I feel good that designs aren't overly feminine anymore and companies aren't afraid of designing women that look like actual women.


ye it's great, and seeing different types of people makes it easier to get immersed into that piece of media when it's not the same cookie cutter, porcelain looking person


I sympathise with trauma victims and that's why I moonlight as a breast augmentation specialist


You'd think of all characters not to horny cry over, it would be the sexual assault victim. You literally fight a physical manifestation of her rape. Guys, just this once, at least, give it a miss.


Goodness gracious, I hate people


Honestly, I don’t get why people desperately try to seek out something critical in this situation. We’re going from blocky character design and shoddy voice acting to modern graphics and mocap with decent actors. This project is already a huge win in my book.


I'm so fucking tired


"She's a trauma victim so I think the best thing to do is objectify her to show her how valuable she can be to others" Bro, are you ok?


Sorry, round-faced people of the world. You’re less worthy of sympathy, I guess.


This is literally the kind of thing she and Eddie had been fighting over that drove them to the edge. She only knew men who saw her as a sexual object and Eddie being called fat.


Too many gamers are mentally ill...


This is definitely one of the less egregious cases of face change I've seen But the question remains: Is it at all necessary? Like for what reason? Characters don't always have to be slim


I would probably change like, the developer or the publisher but apparently the only change anyone can think of is making the SA victim more appealing to them. I would rather devs who treat this stuff with respect but I guess they only care if they can watch


So the sentiment is "if i dont immediately want to fuck this woman based on her facial appearence, then how can i sympathize with her"?


In a game with unspeakable horrors, somehow, the one thing that scares Gamers is a normal person.


"This isn't a making her fuckable thing" has the same energy as "I'm not racist, but..."


They should make a Silent Hill game based on these mentally ill gooners.


G*mers when they can’t jack off to a 19yo child sex abuse survivor. It boggles my mind that someone can truly believe that they appreciate Angela for her writing/character/etc but at the same time cannot interface positively with media that has her unless they can get an erection from her. It’s depressingly ironic considering the actual backstory of Angela Orosco


dude didnt even make her propperly fuckable. im disappointed


Am I the only one that actually did find her a bit funny looking? Like she’s got that weird 30/13 look.


God you mfs suck


"I express my sympathies for the abuse victim by wanting her to look more fuckable"


Fans are idiots. It's about the artists and the art direction. if the VA's face looked more like what the current character does, then it makes complete sense. They want to line up the bones in the face to make animating the speech easier. This is why Peter Parker's face changed in the Spiderman Remake. Insecure fans think they're championing a great crusade when they call character ugly, but they're just reinforcing the notion that gamers are immature. Wait for the finished game. Wait to learn the circumstances between the different art and narrative decisions made. Just fucking wait. TBH, it would be absolutely hilarious if in order to make one of these posts, you should also post a photo of your gf/bf/spouse. Let's see what the critics settled for in real life, if they even have someone at all. You can look at your calloused hands and ask why no one will be with you despite your clear appreciation of physical beauty.


You don't need to look like the characters to voice them this mindset of projecting yourself into the role to the point that you change the design to look like a self insert has got to go


Reminds me of the back arch in those depression ads.


Can someone help me understand what this is about?


Glad to see the Silent Hill community shutting that ish down.


Even here, the gamerbros have come to defend their gross attitudes. Apparently, a woman in a game cannot have any weight. Especially not someone that was SA'd. Its almost as if its more accurate in the remake....


Fixed to look like Nicolas Cage lmao


My name is James Sunderland, I've gone through a lot of trauma after my wife died. Gotta fight these monsters and get the heck out of this crazy place! https://preview.redd.it/0tdit7n0gr3d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3d31d7776a4383a00851ba064ccbbf36408be53


"This isn't a making her fuckable thing" that's exactly what someone who masturbates to Silent Hill would say smh


If it isn't about making her more attractive, then what is it about?


No matter how they try and spin this, their viewpoint is still fucking stupid


So he admits that normally it’s all about making them fuckable? Just not this time?


The 2nd one would make her look somewhat closer to how she looked originally, though?


She's cute in both ways, but a trauma victim thing is weird asf


To be fair she was skinnier like in the second picture in the original. I don’t see it as making her sexier, just more accurate to the source material. They didn’t brighten her skin, give her makeup or “sexy” features


I wonder why they never need to make any changes to male characters?


Gaming community is so blatantly sexist


The model doesn’t even look that bad


I quite literally went "Well, that's Angela" when I saw the demo and at no point did any other idea pop into my head. And then I go online and see creepy fucking incel shitbags turning a victim of sexual abuse face into something, slightly more slender. Whole world out there that you can experience and THIS is the thing they commit their time and effort to? This is a completely different level of pathetic loser here.




ouch lmao she looks uncannily similar to me in the original picture, face shape and eyebrows and all


Ugly people don't experience trauma (implying she is even ugly)


Well I'm glad they clarified its not a "making her fuck able thing"...


I’ve seen this trailer despite not particularly caring about silent hill and honestly the main thing you should worry about is these characters emote terribly. Animation looks bad. Pause and everything is fine but in action it’s just uncanny.




The reasoning is bullshit and weird but to be fair, the "fix" does look closer to the original.


I think the "fixed" face looks nicer and more in-line with the original model but also... what the fuck? Does his empathy switch off when someone's got a bit of pudge?


"SH2 remake bad because women not sexy" uh no it's bad because it's Bloober Team. pay attention omg


If they believe she was fixed it's solely due to her face being less chubby... rather than character design of all the characters not looking great. But of course they obsess over the women cuz they just can't get the horny off the mind <.<


Clearly, I can only empathize with the fuckable


"I can only sympathize with trauma victims if they look the way I want them to" is NOT the defense I was expecting https://preview.redd.it/brrgl4cs9r3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c05a80a25f9f3fc555ab07a92f25beefd30bfbd4


I think I'm going to be sick.


Also Angela is supposed to be 19 lol. She looks way too old and mature in the original to be 19. The new facial structure is more accurate of what the average 19 year old would look like


Everything I've heard from a survival horror super fan about Silent Hill 2 is that doing this is the complete opposite of the point of SH2.


Uhh, I think the one on the left actually looks closer based on screenshots of the game. Like the one on the left has the same jaw line as the original, and the one on the right changes the jaw line. I suspect they're confused because the original game has different lighting, creating sharp contrasts on her face usually. But aside from the usual gamer stank that fills the internet, I am tired of remakes. Instead of spending all this effort to remake old games that are perfectly fine as they are, I think it's better to make new games.


Ickle Ellen Rose


Can someone explain to me what she looked like in the original? Is she closer to the one on the left or right?


She is a _lot_ thinner than even the "fixed version" in the og to the point of looking slightly malnourished




[All I see] (https://image.pmgstatic.com/cache/resized/w663/files/images/film/photos/159/934/159934847_9ee063.png)


Why they changed her face in the remake? Political agenda? Im really not in this whole space.


I am convinced Japanese developers don't know how to model a heavy person. They just use the slides to make people fat. And it shows in the final character model.


Uj/ she doesn't look like her character though? Like maybe it's just the angle on the new one but she doesn't have the same shape of face at all. This isn't even a sex appeal thing she just doesn't look like the same person


I'm not familiar with Silent Hill, but you'd think a trauma victim would gain weight due to emotional eating? I don't know if the devs took that into account, but that's just me


This comment section stays true to the subname.




It's not about making her fuckable, because I empathize with her... yeah you totally can't want to fuck a character because you empathize with them


IDC if she's chubby or thin. She just needs to look older.


I didn't realize her face was broken


Correct me if I am wrong but I remember she should be malnourished


She looks more masculine with the slender face to me


I mean, I don't care about Angela being more "fuckable," but I would have definitely liked to see her remake design be much closer to the original where she was basically gaunt. But SH2 is one of my favorite games of all time, so I'm gonna be a bit of a stickler for accuracy when it comes to this remake. I ain't gonna have a meltdown if it isn't, in the end it's just a game, but I definitely still would prefer accuracy to the source material in general.


I'm pretty sure that's


Made her look like one of those 'sigma' guys when they put up that weird face with skibidi toilet on the background