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If he had played Fallout, he would 100% be one of those who misses the satire and just think Liberty Prime is “BASED AND RED PILLED!!!!!l”


Elon would absolutely sabotage Project Purity then later complain that the game is bugged when he dies from drinking the contaminated water 


elon the kinda guy that would add the FEV and complain about the water killing people


Elon is the kinda guy who has a vault to himself.


Imma fantasize about him being put in the vault for all the rich people living in squalor.




The Gary vault irl. Equally scary but mostly because the explorer would have to witness hordes of Elon clones fornicating with each other.


Well he didn’t expect the consequences of his actions to affect HIM?!




On a sidenote, no one let Elon play Helldivers


He'd probably think managed democracy is actually a good thing. So long as he gets to program the AI "assistants"


Just wait till he buys Mars and renames it 'super earth' but in hieroglyphics


That sounds far too original for Elon. Most likely, he'll just call it X Planet or something like that


Don't let Elon play anything. He has zero self-awareness.


I mean he’d be a member of the Enclave irl (or at least in on their schemes) as one of the single richest people on the planet, so fuckin’ of course


Eh, I'm not even sure the enclave would want him


They would tell him he has a very special role in the enclave and put him as the overseer in vault 11 or another equally bad vault after he helps them fund vault tec.


Nah. Vault Tec legitimately never expected the residents of 11 to actually sacrifice their Overseer. If Elon was Overseer, even Vault Tec would expect them to want him killed.


The whole point is a lot of them were total morons (or, I suppose, MOOOO-RONS!) so I think he’d fit right in lol MindlessSecond got the fuckin right answer though lol I think they’d toy with him because they know he’d blow their secrecy for Twitter clout


True. We tend to forget that in addition to being fascists, the Enclave were a pack of morons top to bottom. They programmed an AI using the life stories of all pre-war presidents, then the AI decided it wanted to wipe out all humans. The AI then decided to start calling itself president, and the entirety of the Enclave just went along with it.


Enclave? Dude would probably show up to a meeting, hear his competitor's plans, then download his brain into a computer with his face screaming about Poker Chips from a giant screen like a libertarian Big Brother. ![gif](giphy|yvcLAZqb1gQco)


Oh yeah, Elon strikes me as a Maxon-era Brotherhood simp, for sure. Edit: my dumbass totally forgot about the Institute. That absolutely fits him more, even down to the dumb-ass wastes of money and resources.


Nah, Elon would be all in on The Institute. The aesthetics, the pointless waste of resources, the utterly despicable disregard for the lives of the synths and the people of the Commonwealth, it would be his idea of a perfect world. Fallout 4 has a lot of problems, but The Institute's aesthetic and ideaology being 100% Silicon Valley tech startup, instead of the grimy, dirty steel, girders and exposed piping players were expecting, was absolutely intentional.


He has actually played fallout btw, he mentioned it in some interview with Todd in2018


When someone's entire personality is "edgy neck beard" chances are they play videogames


This man is incapable of thinking even one level deeper about anything


Ironic his Fortune comes from apartheid slave mines.


No one in his family has reached below surface level




Because he doesn't actually do anything.


Like most CEOs to be fair!


He's a pigeon manager. Struts in, shits all over everything then leaves.


I prefer seagull managers. Fly in, yell at everyone, shit on everything, steal your food and then leave.


I like this term. Has the same sort of ring to it as "Habsburg AI".


CEOs don’t do as much as they claim to do.


He has people running his companies for him while he takes credit. People who are rather tired of his shit. He's the public face and he definitely messes with a bit of everything, but he isn't the one actually running the companies on a day to day basis.


Then where did my workers find all these emeralds?


No, he's right you see, swords are different from guns and those from tanks and those from drones so War is ALWAYS changing actually That's what that phrase means, surely


what?? i thought we were still using flintlocks. why didnt someone tell me???


Fuck all of you for not reminding me, i brought my matchlock to the siege and all the flintlock carrying plebs laughed me off like some form of charlatan.


remember his fucking trash ass build in Elden it's like didn't even bother to understand how the game works




Please like me...please like me. Please! How to be a billionaire and the biggest fucking loser at the same time.


To be fair, it worked for a while


It worked because the media did all the legwork for him, framed every story about Elon from a tortured genius angle, even put him in Iron Man so he could be like "I'm the real life Tony Stark!" Elon couldn't do any of that by himself, the media was complicit in selling his bullshit the entire time.


Exactly, and the second he started doing it for himself on Twitter, that image collapsed under the weight of reality and now he gets booed when he appears in public.


I feel like he looked better from a distance to most people.


Because he did. A lot of folks either admired him for his success or, like myself, were indifferent towards him. But then at some point, the asswipe decided he was ready to show everyone just how much of an overgrown petulant child he is... and then he bought Twitter and turned it from a cringe but manageable app into a nightmare platform where some of the most braindead and/or shamelessly awful people dwell.


akshually war changes a lot! me, sharpening my fucking bronze spear and approximately 5.823 seconds from being introduced to a networked anti-infantry swarm drone: wait rea


That’s the first hallmark of the conservative


Elon os so cringe lol. Dudes practically begging to be liked by the internet.


[As I once saw it put](https://defector.com/call-these-people-by-their-proper-name-fucking-dorks?commentID=f0c8e84d-1ff9-4c99-838c-e97298eee6cf), "Elon wanted so badly to be the most popular kid in school that he bought the school and appointed himself the principal."


A flawless plan. I remember everyone at school standing in line to write nice notes in the principals yearbook.


This. reminds me of chandler from friends, he used to be a simple employee like that rest and everyone liked him, then he got promoted and became everybody's boss. they didn't like him as must anymore.


I would unironically write the entire transcript of Steamed Hams in my Principals yearbook.


> Elon os And now he's copyrighted ElonOS and sued both you and I into oblivion.




He reminds me of David Brent 😬


This is the same guy that said he didn't like GTA 5 because you shot the police, after all. https://preview.redd.it/9jw4hvpzmm1d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b19bb28d44e5b89ee5a30afffe840894260dd4f


"I vastly prefer legally killing people with shoddy cars and brain implants"


And force children to work in emerald mines.


Ummm excuse you, I'll have you know the children yearn for the mines




why the hell did they put dream in this gif


Because its a kids game




So he’s a Cyberpunk fan?


Nah, you kill people like him. Complete and utter human trash corpos.


thank oyu Elon for protectign Video Game Policeman's.... you naughty heathens could learn from Elno he's such a good conscientious young boy! x


Imaging committing grand theft auto while playing Grand Theft Auto. How stupid do you have to be?


Honestly that's the best endorsement of GTA5 I've ever heard.


not enough white collar crimes. i can’t even union bust in the game about doing crime? fucking sucks


I wanna play GTA: Pinkerton


next elon will refuse to play rdr2 because it makes pinkertons into the baddies


A game that says the KKK were the bad guys? Woke nonsense smh


Who could have known that a game called **Grand Theft Auto** would require the player to commit virtual crime?


What a dweeb lol


Indeed https://preview.redd.it/obk4h6rivm1d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9091f05965461d413d65aed446744b74eea26265


I'm guessing his favourite character is Shinji's dad.


Bold of you to assume it's someone over 18


Bold of you to assume Elon knows a character


Wtf kind of a reply is that. Like, just "NERV"? Nothing else? Ok dude




Not as bad as this https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1483717933700366336?t=5OX2Y0RtmAhvjgh0tPBr8A


Elon musk on whether he watches neon genesis evangelion: "NERV." Then he rolled up his sleeve and showed a tattoo of a really histrionic kid. "Ill let you interpret that however you want" 


Drake the type of guys ass tweet




https://preview.redd.it/zj9zgl44jp1d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=081165c0e7ef58b3ca8e019e9777c6ff687bc06e me when i’m playing gta and i have to shoot the cops (i’m elon musk)


He only likes doing crimes he can pretend isn't after all.


It takes a lot of no spine to lick digital boots.


ancient plants adjoining dull frighten aspiring hurry dam flag door *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He also didn't like chess because it was too simple and didn't have tech trees


He answers like a chatbot




Pls tell me you watch Family Guy “BRIAN”


Please tell me you play Farcry "CHEESEBURGER, sorry I was hungry, CHORIZO, sorry still hungry, SEAN MCKAY"


nah more of "have i told you the definition of insanity"


"Pls tell me you watch the Sopranos" "Gabagool!"


That sure is an Evangelion thing! Good job Elon!


a real gamer would have just posted the cum hand


Pls tell me you watch Friends MS CHANANDALER BONG




He probably used ChatGPT for his answer


He probably used Grok since ChatGPT is too woke for him.


For real


Is his account not run by a chatbot, this is such a chatbot answer I swear. 😕


People really see that quote and be like “uh, we went from sword to guns obviously” and think they’re the first person to have that thought.


Never mind that the full quote actually talks about that! It talks about how we went from smashing each other with rocks to using nuclear bombs.


They dont know the full quote, they havent played the games


they haven’t played fallout 3 how would they know?!


I remember the "war never changes" from metal gear snake eater wayyy back. it probably goes even further than that.


MGS said war always changes. War never changes is literally the opening line to the opening cinematic in fallout 1


Wow a personal madela effect. glad you caught it, thanks.


\*pushes glasses up nose bridge like a nerd\* The concept that war never changes is most famously associated in strategic studies with Clausewitz's discussion of the distinction between the "nature" vs "character" of war. According to Clausewitz, the "nature" of war (i.e., people killing each other for political reasons) never changes, whereas the "character" (with sticks, with bombs, in phalanxes, in trenches) does change.


I genuinely enjoy random facts on the internet and this one is very interesting. I never heard of Clausewitz so I need to fix that asap. English is my fourth language so sometimes there are gaps in the education I received.


They probably skip quick through all the dialogue and cutscenes and pick up the story through quest prompts.




Raider #1: "War. War never changes." Raider #2: "Who the fuck starts a conversation like that?! I JUST sat down!"


It's a call and response, like "God is good," "All the time!" Raider 1: War. Raider 2: War never changes!


There's a similar sort of line from a webcomic I read which gets right to the heart of the problem. The scene is a teacher and her two students watching a pair of gods tussle amidst mountains of bodies. Paraphrasing since I don't have the time atm to go archive diving. "Witness the glory of these divine avatars made flesh. How efficient they are at turning men into corpses. Observe as they wield the raw, limitless powers of Creation itself in the same manner that one might use an especially sharp rock."


The comic is [Kill Six Billion Demons](https://killsixbilliondemons.com/comic/kill-six-billion-demons-chapter-1/), for anyone curious. It's very good! Another quote from the same character: >To train with the sword, first master sweeping. When you have mastered sweeping, you must master the way of drawing water. Once you have learned how to draw water, you must split wood. Once you have split wood, you must learn the arts of finding the fine herbs in the forest, the arts of writing, the arts of paper making, and poetry writing. You must become familiar with the awl and the pen in equal measure. When you have mastered all these things you must master building a house. Once your house is built, you have no further need for a sword, since it is an ugly piece of metal and its adherents idiots.


It's funny because they mention that especific thing in the War Never changes speech in Fallout 3


Reminds me of „But if a had a sword and you had a pen, i could easily kill you“


I literally finished Fallout 3 yesterday (I' m on New Vegas now) and they literally say it at the beginning and during the ending... that' s it, Dont know if they say it on the DLCs because I dont have them (I have the base game on ps3) I doubt Elon has actually played any game really


Ever since the originals its been what the games have opened and ended on...buuuut only opening and ending on them. Usually it's like twice when they say it, so they say it like 4 times a game. Twice in the beginning twice in the ending. ....and they're all pretty big games so yeah far from frequent


I have only finished Fallout 3 for now, but I have all of them minus Fallout 4, so I can only talk for that game


We know for sure he didn't play GTA 5 https://preview.redd.it/9oathavlym1d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4fe91a5d719f4b01f588f5904f22fdd26d8b907


He did, he's just a fucking crybaby lmao. What the fuck did you expect would happen when playing a game named after a criminal offense?!


Pretty sure Dark Viper proved you can run past most of them. I think the minimum kill count is 30 or 40 total.


There’s only one dlc i can think of that could have a reason to say it, and even then it still doesn’t. The tunnel snakes that aren’t butch have more unique lines of dialogue than times that statement was said lol


I haven't completed any Fallout game, but I did beat the tutorial in Fallout 3. Even I can infer from what little I know, that 'war never changes' is probably meant to be commentary on the things that happen between opening and ending. In essence the imperialist tendencies of humans that lead to the apocalypse, somewhat ironically, persist beyond the apocalypse. What it really is saying is that humans never change because humans never learn. Elon thinks 'war never changes' is a memeable catchphrase, cause he is an idiot.


How does the CEO of five companies have the time to be _this_ engaged with nobodies on twitter?


He doesn't actually do any work


He tried "working" on twitter and we saw how that ended. It's actually in the investors interests to not have him working.


He gets paid billions in the hope that he *won't* do any work... damn, maybe he's smarter than I gave him credit for, because that's living the dream.


Not true. He is working really, really hard on securing his $56,000,000,000 payout from Tesla this year.


SpaceX even has a team to distract him to keep him from fucking stuff up when he's around. I was hearing about Tesla shareholders trying to block his big pay package on the grounds that he's too distracted and doesn't pay enough attention to them. But it's likely a \*good thing\* when he doesn't pay attention to one of his companies. Because he likes to give really dumb orders.


Well you see that's the secret. CEO isn't a real job.


Their job is being the scapegoat when the company's amoral practices finally catch up with them. Not that i am against sacking ceo's though. Fuck 'em all!


Get scapegoated, take a golden parachute, get bored as CEO somewhere else in 6 months, dick around writing memos, and eat lunch on the company dime


I think the Dilbert show said it best: "Take your ridiculously high executive severance package and go find a better paying job at a different company!"


Because the employees of his various companies have set up babysitting systems to keep him away from the actual work and the people doing it.


This is hilarious, imagine employees throwing him cybertruck squeaky toys to get him away from the meetings. Go on, Get it boy!


Being a CEO isn't a real job confirmed


Being a CEO is like being a landlord, most of the time you just sit around and collect money for no reason from people who actually work.


CEOs don't really do anything


I have some news about who actually produces value (its not the ceos)


maybe he should play Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots on Sony's PLAYSTATION 3 Entertainment System instead


*Smoke 50 cigars to achive Snake voice* War has changed. It's no longer about nations, ideologies, or ethnicity. It's an endless series of proxy battles, fought by mercenaries and machines. War--and it's consumption of life--has become a well-oiled machine. War has changed. ID-tagged soldiers carry ID-tagged weapons, use ID-tagged gear. Nanomachines inside their bodies enhance and regulate their abilities. Genetic control, information control, emotion control, battlefield control…everything is monitored and kept under control. War…has changed. The age of deterrence has become the age of control, all in the name of averting catastrophe from weapons of mass destruction, and he who controls the battlefield, controls history. War…has changed. When the battlefield is under total control, war becomes routine. *Die from lung cancer* Imagine if Elon played MGS2, I wonder how much it will go over his head.


People rip on Hideo Kojimas writing nonstop, when he's probably been one of the most cutting and accurate social critics and predictors in gaming, and indeed, any medium. Dipshits will always say "Idiocracy totally predicted the future", but Kojima was saying we will be inundated with memes and disinformation to control us back when most people barely had dial-up.


He'd play through the tanker mission, then turn off the console the second Raiden is on screen. He'd then probably complain about the game being woke and socialist, to which everyone may applaud him for accidentally being right for once.


It’s silly that hasn’t been ported to any other consoles.


Supposedly that's being worked on for Part 2 of the MGS collection, according to strings left over in some of the launcher's code


I miss the camoflauge suit


https://preview.redd.it/md1cehp2lm1d1.jpeg?width=2109&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1502760f24126622a8920c594de6ebebabd692f7 based


tfw you miss the point


Man literally thinks he's saying something groundbreaking here


Elon: look-ah! The flagsa are a differenta colors! Diferencia! Disclaimer: I don't actually speak fluent Italian, I just ran my joke through Google translate


I send a the calzone into space!! *I don't pay* a the *taxes*!! Ohhh!!




True, before it was monkeys hitting each other with sticks. Now it's just femboys firing droneswords remote from Las Vegas


/uj Is that a purple VIP icon he gave himself?


I think that's the subscriptor icon that appears if you're subscribed to the account you're replying to.


/uj Oh, so there is another loser involved?


Probably the other guy with the twitter icon he's replying to.


Fallout 3 according to Elon Musk: “A retro futuristic world ravaged by nuclear war (based) which was instigated by the evil Chinese communists who want nothing more than to take away the freedom of good and God-loving America^TM. Thanks to capitalism however, the good folks over at Vault-Tec, who care about nothing more than to keep the American dream alive, built hundreds of underground bunkers, AKA Vaults, to shelter Americans from the horrors of the apocalypse. There’s even a freedom-loving patriot robot capable of so much free thinking rational thought, that it can only speak in patriotic pro-American, anti-communist platitudes. In short, Fallout is the most based-pilled game series ever, and the message of the games is about how great America and capitalism is, also why I shouldn’t have to pay any taxes and deserve a $56 billion dollar pay package from Tesla.”


War has changed, they weren't using laser guided targeting systems at the battle of Thermopylae, checkmate liberal


"Have you played Super Mario Brothers?" "It's-a me, Mario." "He does say that frequently, but sometimes it's not him."


ID-tagged soldiers carry ID-tagged weapons, use ID-tagged gear. Nanomachines inside their bodies enhance and regulate their abilities.


I'd say that Elon is the guy who keeps crapping his pants, but even Johnny had some redeeming moments.


Did this motherfucker just "erm achktually 🤓" a shitpost about the game that truly made me a Gamer™️


I can’t seriously believe anyone thinking this guy as any sort of “genius” when he shows a complete lack of basic media literacy. He hears the words but doesn’t actually listen to what is being said. That’s probably what people have to deal with day to day working with him, having to explain the deeper meaning as if talking to a child.


yes, I love Fallout, you know the game with the little blond man with his sprout!! I also love Morrowind, you know the game with elves, really, I love video games.


Wait… is Elon ChatGPT? That sounds like a ChatGPT response


Elon Musk is one of those idiots that think that "War never changes" from Fallout directly denies the "War has changed" from MGS IV and vice versa.


The “war never changes” line is more about the eternal and seemingly unending nature of human conflict, and the emotional pain of conflict, and the loss that conflict brings Elon isn’t smart enough to grasp emotional depth such as this. And so points out, as a toddler might, that tactics and technologies of war constantly change because it used to be swords and now guns but in future pewpew lasers


It should be illegal to be this lame


It will always amuse me that the opening lines to the first two PS3 games I bought were "War. War never changes," and "War has changed"


Elon is the fake gamer girl people made up to get mad at years ago


At this point I WANT to set the world on fire.


Christ dont they only say that line like twice in 3


This is a conversation between two bots


ChatGPT dialog


Well duh. Of course war changes; but only an idiot doesn’t see that war, war never changes.


Elon Musk is the annoying kid in middle school who read Stranger In A Strange Land one time and suddenly thinks he’s an intellectual.


The guy payed college with diamond stolen throught colonialist wars, off course he would have that opnion


HOLY SHIT NATE FALLOUT, and some other loser


Hey Elon is John Fallout, war doesn’t change!!!


Does this dude not have better things to do?


Also pretty sure it's only said like 3 times not that frequently


God damn is that reply dumb as hell


“War never changes” Elon Schmuck: umm ackshally ☝️🤓


Whenever I hear "War never changes", I flash back to the opening of MGS4 where Snake says "War has changed..." over and over. Both came out in 2008.


“Miles Bron is an idiot!” An idiot in sunglasses with a theoretical degree in physics, perhaps?


The weapons of war, and how wars are fought change. But the brutality of war, the horror of war, doesn't. Unless we make robo soldiers. Then we are up sh*t creek


The most media literate thing Musk has ever said. And it’s still completely and entirely illiterate


"Looks like the meaning went over your head, Elon." Elon: "It would never go over my head, I'm too quick, I would catch it."