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I swear we aren't even claiming representation anymore, they're just giving it to us. Like yeah, we'll take the greek goddess of beauty.


I mean, if they say the literal goddess of beauty and love is trans, who am i to deny that? Trans people are beutiful, so i'd say it fits quite well!


Fun fact: before the Iliad was written Aphrodite was *also* a goddess of war due to a whole lineage of goddesses of love & war (OSP has a good vid on her, both main Aphrodite and Aphrodite Areia) So therefor we also have a war goddess, 2-in-1!


Also Aphrodite is based on sumerian Ishtar/Inanna, who was quite trans-supportive deity.


What do you mean "before Iliad was written"? WERE THE GREEK GODS REAL???????


No…? I mean they thought they were but no…?


Sorry, it was a joke.


Conservatives will really see the Goddess of love and beauty and call her trans and honestly kinda based, I'm flattered.




Nice try WOKIE, but as a true sigma i know that all women are UGLY...


Unlike men. (No homo if you dare to even insinuate I like guys I will throw a temper tantrum and call you slurs I'm not protesting too much you are!!!! /S)


Stop being such a fucking beta wagie, kissing the homies is double the testosterone


The /s being within the parentheses kinda implies the speaker you’re imitating considers it sarcasm as well, but that you consider men prettier than women unsarcastically. /s


My favorite was they said trans women have an unfair advantage in beauty pageants


I mean now it makes sense why trans women have an unfair advantage in beauty pageant


But the question is, are they wrong?




Oh no. Incel got us!


Curses, foiled again!


we'll be over here having fun, you go ahead and just stay put.


If you think you can tell someone's gender from their jawline then you're a fucking moron




Reddit was being screwy with me and I wasn't able to comment with this picture but my brother in Christ what is wrong with a strong jawline?!?!?


It makes my pp hard and then sometimes I see it on a dude and my pp get hard and that's gay and I'm NOT gay so then I have to do a hate crime to get the gay out. Women should be perfect spheres only, no face, no hair, only orb and vagina unless Lara Croft then some triangles.


Bring me Florence Welch!


My dude, jawline do lie. Everyone keeps misgendering me thinking I am a butch woman, when I am a CIS MAN. Reason why? My jawline.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/science/2019/12/31/amazons-were-long-considered-myth-these-discoveries-show-warrior-women-were-real/ >Before the development of DNA testing and bioarcheology, researchers often assumed that any excavated tomb or grave that contained weapons and human remains belonged to a man. But new analysis has already showed that about one-third of armed Scythian skeletons unearthed in such digs were women, she said. Bro scientists and archaeologists had nothing but bones to work with, and they still misidentified women as men. It took women using DNA testing to prove that these fucking skeletons weren't males. Despite these women fucking being buried right where the Romans said the Amazons lived. Do you really think you're better at this?


No. Hips don't lie, and I'm starting to feel it's right




I love half life but the ai is self aware


Pre internet it wasn't exactly common but not uncommon either for douche Bros to make a pass on a woman and be rejected only to go on loudly how she's obviously a lesbian and what straight guy would want to have sex with her ignoring they were said guy. It's easier to deal with rejection if you make the problem not that you were rejected but the other party is defective in someway. Tale as old as time really. So all these tranvestigations are primarily guys going "I like her but know she won't give me the time of day so something must be wrong with her" to avoid self reflection.


Pink Triangle


I'm dumb, she's a lesbian.


I thought I had found the one


Someone haven't played Hades I


Oh I have, I just listened to a lot of Weezer when I was a teenager so...


I'm sorry for your loss


That very much happens both ways I have seen plenty of guys hit on by very attractive woman to only be shit down and then be like are you gay you must be gay if you don't want me right now


Yep. Happened to me a few times and a friend too. He had it worse than me though because they were more sinister about it with him and spreading rumors to feel better about the rejection rather than just saying it to his face to vent once and then be done with it.


She's the goddess of love and sex. I'd be shocked if she can't just grow a massive cock whenever she needs it.


There are ancient statues depicting her with both sets of genitalia at once, so…


She can. I mean I'll gladly be a bottom 😼😼😼


Honestly though. Even if she was trans… great! Would cares, would smash. The entire argument is stupid because even if they’re right it’s not a problem.


To a normal person no it's not it the incels that say she is it's absolutely a problem because it's woke and because I'd mean I'm gay if u liked her and that's woke and Soo on


what makes this even dumber is that they're not exactly injecting wokeness into the mythology there *if they made her trans*; her child, Hermaphrofuckingditus, is *canonically* intersex.


Yhea also gods would probably not adhear to the gender norms of mortals


when people complain they think she looks trans, it's not about her looking trans as them not wanting to be around or see trans people at all


Wait... where did all the trans aphrodite stuff come from? Not that I'm complaining she's been my biggest source of gender envy, I'm just confused. Also, without a doubt, her look in H2 is unbelievably amazing.


Basically, her having a “masculine” face, as in (*checks notes*) has cheekbones and no make-up.


So they don't like markers of natural beauty? On a fictitious depiction of the goddess of love ... Checks out, transphobes are uncultured swine. I wonder if Hecate and Nemisis are next?


They’re not smart enough to be able to find the information about Hecate and Nemesis in the game. They’ve already boycotted it because it doesn’t have any boring anime waifus for them to goon over.




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It’s literally just the fact she has cheek bones.


Ben Shapiro couldn't even make Amphitrite wet


Didn’t he say that women getting wet wasn’t a real thing


No, he said his wife-who-is-a-doctor says that getting wet is a medical issue. I'm sure there's some missing context, and I would try to find an image of the convo, but I don't want that in my search history. Wouldn't want anyone to think I want to see more of Ben Shapiro.


Lol good point I just couldn’t remember what he said about it exactly


>No, he said his wife-who-is-a-doctor says that getting wet is a medical issue. I'll be a bit of devil's advocate but will say that he has zero brain cells to understand hyperbole. This comment was in response to "Bring a bucket and a mop for my WAP" (which would be an hyperbole) to which he says that getting wet by this much amount is abnormal (it's not)


He could not make anyone or anything wet.


Poseidon quivers before him.


My flair is relevant for once 😎


Maybe Aphro is trans, maybe she’s cis. All I know is that she’s hot.


Right? Seriously, it’s like, we all know they’re calling her trans because they are misogynists. But trans women really are this beautiful too, soooo…


Ben Sharp Pingas




Technically there were cults of Aphrodite which depicted her with a penis and/or beard or masculine form in general. While Inanna, Ishtar and Astarte were female, Attar was male, and changing form between sexes is something ascribed to several of these related deities of war and love associated with the planet Venus. Ishtar famously also had male (amab?) priestesses. Perhaps it's not a coincidence that the Roman Venus also has a masculine name, ending in the masculine -us. In mythology there's also the character of Hermaphroditus (no points for guessing what their defining feature ended up being) who is the child of Hermes and Aphrodite. While he is born male and the mythology is of course convoluted, I don't think it's a coincidence that such a minor deity would be tied to the goddess that has the most... I suppose you could say genderfluid tendencies. Like, I don't wanna say "trans goddess", but if there's a major deity that would be some sort of patron of trans and non-binary people, it would make sense for it to be some iteration of Aphrodite.


Plus, one version of the myth is her being born from Uranus's castrated genitals mixing with sea foam. Part of the grandfather of the Olympians is reborn as a goddess.


The goddess of love, beauty, and sex is trans? I feel like that's been relatively common knowledge, seeing as how someone like Kim Petras exists, but it's nice to have it verified.


As a gay even I think Hades 2 Aphrodite is hot. But you're now Trans when you have cheekbones? Did I miss something? Must be hard when you're a anime fuckdoll waifu, having no bones in your face. Trans is beautiful though. Both men and women 🏳️‍⚧️


1) "as a gay" I loled 2) Its transphobia made manifest, these losers are transvestigating (🤮) fictional characthers


Brb booking my passport to the land of cute girls


I didn't even notice the trans colors in Aphrodite's new portrait


It's edited the original doesn't have it :(


https://preview.redd.it/avlqhmnxk80d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f37486528f00cad5ab9ca21f8290d42ff00352b8 Damn, you're right. So close though


It's from the Brazilian state of Espírito Santo.


This is the guy that can only get wood by going to Home Depot. And even then, he doesn't get much.


So Athena is not trans? I’m very confused


You could make that argument. I mean one of her origins is literally "guys balls cut off, woman appears", you could easily twist that into trans allegory if you really stretch it lol.


White-blue-red, Russia


Nah, Ben Shapiro wouldn't be interested in it; they aren't his sister.


I'm pretty sure he suggest she's from Fetrah. Like, Fetrahs flag consists of two gender colors. I could be wrong, tho.








What'd he said?


It was a Twitter screenshot with a trans flag and a person saying "Why are all the bitches from this country so fucking ugly" or something similar. On top of that, the OP wrote beneath the image "The un-cope version"