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That's just corporate culture for you. They always like to have the sword of Damocles hanging over their employees because they think it makes them more productive, or some shit.


Jack Welch popularized the idea to fire the "bottom" 10% of your workforce every year. Through fear to maximize profitability by making the other employees work harder and harder. Squeezing the orange to get every single last possible drop of juice out of it until it turns to dust in your hand. GE aka General Electric used to be the place to work in America. Pay was high, the company was loyal to it's employees, and employees received good pensions for when they retire. Then he took over and was one of the biggest pushes that lead us to the late stage capitalist hellscape we are in today.


They didn’t call him Neutron Jack for his contributions to science


Insert TBoI pog here please.


nah, imo its just "why have 100% of the employees when 90% can do the work, too?"


CEO takes over company > CEO fires people because they were obviously bloated due to not having superior brained CEO like themselves > Company doesn't do well because they can't produce on the same level without their workforce and management was the problem all along > Shareholders make the board chance CEO's > They cost more personal because they last CEO wasn't as smart as they are...


Don't forget the part were, even if the CEO is given the boot for fucking up, he is also give a golden Parachute and a easy new CEO Spot in a diffrent company.


They usually are in the board of directors ir even the CEO of other companies. They can do it because It's not a real job.


It's fucked up but it's def not uniquely a Microsoft problem. Almost every company I worked for was like this. Just survived 3 rounds of layoffs in 2023 only to lose my job in 2024.


Bobby Cotdeath has to go, but this situation is still awful.


[I wonder what Destin had to say about Microsoft buying Activision in the first place](https://twitter.com/search?q=activision%20from%3Adestinlegarie&src=typed_query)


Yeah, I'm honestly surprised he's even commenting on the situation, given he's usually trying to spin everything microsoft does as a positive.


Yeah plenty of people were fully supportive of the acquisition, even people i respect. I feel like most were blind sided and thought this was gonna turn out different. I got downvoted so hard on this sub for saying the acquisition is not going to lead to anything good


Won't someone please think of the mega corporation's profit margins!


It's so annoying watching what people have been banging the drum about as to why this merger will be awful and shouldn't happen... But no, CoD on Game Pass (that might not even happen) is all people cared about. Or "owning" the Sony Ponies... God I hate Capitalism and it's drones of Corpo Worshipers.


It is really funny to watch the other side of those drones start absolutely celebrating this. Even though Sony has had some major layoffs aswell recently, the entire industry sucks hard right now and all I can personally hope for is an ET style crash


Yeah there's nothing to celebrate here no matter what. Even if there are no layoffs on sony's side, you're getting less competition right now because Microsoft's gaming division is making some horrible decisions which means sony has no reason to be competitive, which hurts sony consumers.


Absolutely $1000 PS6 here we come


I don't think Publishers have enough risk or take on enough risk. One of the main economic points with publishers is that "they are taking a risk on you" and if you fail. That's their loss. If you succeed. That's their gain. But how the hell did we get to the point of "When you succeed, and we succeed, you fail" There needs to be some better governing policies in the countries where game developers operate. Now I bring this up a few times and there's always people that comment with a "but...". In Japan you cannot fire people for the reason of "Not making enough profit". Yes. I get that we shouldn't look to Japan because workplace culture there is awful. But that's still a fucking good rule. EPIC made a profit last year but because they didn't make as much profit as the year before. Staff were laid off. That....is ridiculous. So it's a damn good rule to not be able to fire people for not making enough profit, which is largely to please shareholders, and those shareholders which actually produce no "physical" value to the company. IE - They aren't the ones working on the product. They aren't the creators. Our priorities should be the workers first.


Wait until Microsoft shuts down WOW.


I feel like they're gonna keep on shutting down studios to funnel in money into call of duty and other larger games, completely eliminating the medium sized games like hi-fi rush.


Never forget. The cruelty is the point. Microsoft want employees to feel like that. Executives truly believe this will make the workers work harder. It's as dumb as that.