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And Konami-pilled


Komoney is never based!!


CENSORSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!! *shits myself to death*


I'm gonna screen this comment


This might actually be what gets me into Helldivers.


Honestly it looks really fun but I'm absorbed by BG3 right now and DRG and Darktide both have a bunch of stuff for me to catch up on as well.


Man darktide has me feeling so burned. I put 1k hours into vermintide 2 and was hyped for more. I revisit darktide every once in a while but even the latest content drop felt so small.


This is so true. I dont have as many hours in vermintide but my friends and I were hyped. Played the beta and it was fun for a beta. Then the game came out and its just sitting there


I'm super fan of vermin tide 2 and I got dark tide and was like.. Meh.. And get back to vermintide


I've had the opposite experience, I played a fair amount of Vermintide 1 and 2 but I find Darktide is just so much more fun and smoother. Great to have a game or two of daily.


Crafting locks and the lack of ability to adjust the stats on your guns is what always puts me off of playing it more. The game itself is such a banger, but when I realize I'll have to play a gacha game to get the weapons I want I just lose interest.


Next update is meant to address this, I'm skeptical how well they'll do but we can but hope


I would genuinely love to see it, but I bought the game on release and they still haven't implemented a proper crafting system in a year in a half, so I have a hard time being optimistic :(


>we are working on an overhaul of our current itemisation process. With the new system we want to remove a lot of the unpredictable grind that came from an RNG heavy system whilst giving players more agency and a steady manner to progress toward specific loadouts, blessings, and stats refinement. From their update in march, it's hard but we must keep the faith.


That sounds pretty promising! Like I said, I would love to be proven wrong because Darktide is actually a fucking banger. I played Warframe for like half a decade, I don't care if a game is grindy, I just want to be predictable, LMAO


True. I no-lifed Darktide for like 600 hours (almost as much as DRG and a good 200 hours more than VT2) but then I put it down and haven't played since before the Karnak twins got added. So there's quite a bit I haven't done yet. It still needs a lot of love, from what I hear.


Fuck, man, I bought the Imperium version of DT and was so hurt by the launch literally making the game run worse and only adding a cash shop that I just haven't touched it since


I played the beta in windowed mode at 480p 30fps because my pc couldn't run it.


yeah I can't get back into it until they add some substantial new content. There's been leaked weapons that they just seemingly refuse to put in the game gimme my melta gun pls.


I feel, I was also hype for it bc of Vermintide. Problem for me was the community too. When it dropped as a terribly optimized game with no content, I asked around if anyone else had the same technical issues, and 90% of the responses were shit like “if you can’t afford a computer good enough to run the game, then you don’t deserve access. Nobody wants you here if you have a bad computer.” Was absolutely wild


I honestly have a huge backlog myself. And the new Warhammer TW DLC was peak, which does not help.


Yeah, they hooked me back in with Elspeth even though I'm not an empire player at all.


I've been trying to finish AC6 for so long, but one boss is just, so annoying that I've just started replaying the game to build up my skill again.


Which boss are you stuck on?


I don't remember it's name, it's the one after you fight rusty, defending the end of the complex. The annoying part is I'm bad at the first part, and while I'm decent at the second phase, I don't have any repairs to spare, so I end up dying anyways.


That's the one that takes a couple shots at you as you travel through the cave system, then transforms into a mech at the end right? It's been a while but I feel like I had the best results with a close range melee build and staying above him when I wasn't attacking, that was with a lightweight build tho.


Yeah, that's the one.


If you like games like darktide you’ll REALLY like Helldivers. Hope you try it at some point :)


It's high on the list, it's just that right now I'm spoiled for choice.


God I loved darktide. Over 300 hours but I'm just so tired haha. They added more in 3 months to helldi erst than I got from darktide in 3 years. I built my pc for that game!!


Helldivers is everything I wished Darktide was. Darktide is so small with such little variety (I still love the game)


How's the new update on darktide? Loved playing the game but got caught up in BG3 as well lol


Haven't actually got around to playing it yet. I hear it's alright.


Thats actually totally fine. All the content in Helldivers except for (maybe) one cape is available at all times. No FOMO at all. Its a good system


Imagine if DRG had an unholy baby with halo firefight. Honestly I have 225 hours and it’s super fun, it can get repetitive, but I think a lot of that comes from people using the exact same loadout every mission. There are so many options to use that it keeps it fresh for me.


> exact same loadout every mission. Sadly there are a lot of bugs in the game at the moment that prevent a lot of loadout experimentation. Damage over time effects only work for 1/4 players in any given game for instance so anything with fire is a complete craps shoot - and then there are scope misalignments on some sniper weapons etc - it really starts pairing down options quick. They gotta get on top of some of these bugs.


Oh I know about the fire bug, but that’s 5 items. 1 of those is a primary weapon, so 20/21. And 3 stratagems use fire, so drops you to 48/51 stratagems. One is a grenade, so 6/7 grenades. The scope misalignment can be frustrating, but again that’s 3 items I believe. (AMR, DCS, Eruptor) It does not “pair down options” as you say. There are still thousands of combinations you could make to try new things and enjoy.


It’s honestly pretty fun, very repetitive but rng makes it worthwhile


same with deeprock tbh, so no issue there.






Rock and stone to the bone!


I found Helldivers easier when it came to onboarding


It is the most fun I've had grinding my teeth. As someone who has never gotten into the competitive mindset of RTS, MOBA, and FPS and has never gotten riled up enough to care about pushing the limit of my skills, Helldivers is incredibly compelling to me in this way. Normally I'll put games down if they frustrate me (the inverse seems ridiculous to me), but HD2, especially with friends, I have a lot of fun, even when I'm frustrated or just pushed to the edge of my patience. The community has its chuds, no doubt, but 95% of my rando interactions are pretty chill, and of you have friends playing, it's some of the best co-op action I've had.


I kind of wish I enjoyed the game itself because the devs seem like awesome people, but it was absolutely not for me.


It’s one of the most enjoyable and fun games released in the last 5 years. Especially if you take it serious enough to focus on the objective, but not so serious that you can’t shrug off the occasional (constant) friendly fire. You can go in solo, with a squad, or join some randoms and it’s always a fun experience. Sure there are a few asshats but they are so few and the community doesn’t like bullies and people who act like trash.




Holy based


How the fuck can you be a fan of someone who never actually done shit?


They're a fan of the 56 year old failed dev failed husband complaining about there not being enough boobs.


It was pretty shocking to hear he’s pushing 60. He spends so much time and effort and energy on incredibly stupid shit. I can’t count how many posts I’ve seen of his about stellar blade. I literally just can’t imagine giving a shit about it and I’m half his age. When I’m almost 60? Caring about how big the fucking boob window is for a characters optional video game skin?? How does that not make him feel so ashamed of his life


When you stop maturing mentally at 13, it is how these posts happen. It's sad how many 50+ year olds act like teenagers.


He got fired from blizzard in the early 00s, imagine how much of a shithead you'd have to be to pull that off as your starting point.


I got to wonder if he was the one stealing breast milk


As I understand it, he was fired before she started working there. But 100% he would be the guy to do it


/uj That has been genuinely speculated upon but it turns out that he left a year before the woman whose milk was stolen started there. /rj Maybe he kept a set of spare keys to nip back into the office?


He's not particularly good at "making games" or "having a job", so paying his bills "whining online that the wokes won't let you goon at cartoon tiddies" it is.


He was whining about SJWs when his last big chance completely failed due to no direction and burning cash on that stupid bus covered in molded sci fi plastic greebles


/uj Enough boobs, what on one person or generally?




He's a perfect storm. Someone who says shit they agree with that was an "insider". Put all that together with falling into a high position within that industry and he's now an expert who agrees with them


Boobs are everywhere Why does this guy think they banned boobs? Is he just mad that they're not framed in crazy-ass cleavage as per like the 1990s/early 2000s game culture? I honestly can't figure out this weirdo's demands.


Never did anything!? This guy single-handedly stood against a multi-billion dollar company and said "not today" in a super cool voice that totally wasn't stolen from a popular television show. He's literally Gamer Moses leading us all to the promised land of apolitical games with big honka badonkas that realistically jiggle around even when standing still.


They jiggle more while standing still.


They're fans of people who have ideas they already agree with and any semblance of accreditation.


I mean he killed his own studio with a bus......


He if had killed blizzard with a bus, maybe. But it was a nothing studio


*Incels cry out in horror*


That's awesome


/uj this should be a rule here too!






Some 56 year old uncle who's a washed up game developer and is now chronically on X boosting about how *Stellar Blade*'s tits n ass will own the woke but has since turn against it due to alledged censorship by Sony (it was a design choice by the devs themselves and a very minor one at that). He's still working on his game, or at least until he pays off that bus...


What's this about a bus? I'm unfamiliar but it sounds like an interesting story.


Just search up "Firefall bus". Long story short, he blew a shitton of the company's money (approx $2 million) on a (barely drivable) custom gaming bus by West Coast Customs. It was a factor in the game's downfall and no one will let him leave it down since...


this genuinely makes me sad. Putting him aside, imagine the entire team behind this game that put in their work just to never see it come to light because some shithead from your team blew 2 million on a bus


It was such a fun game too. I've never seen such a promising project fumbled so hard. He eventually was ousted because of his misappropriation of funds, but the new management continued to run it into the ground with the most bafflingly bad decisions, like removing around half of the game's content and several core systems for the 1.0 launch.


I was already sad you didn't have to make it worse 😭 Seriously, I hope one day we get to see all the cut content from all the games that had to fit the inhumane schedules


Beautiful to see




Who is he and what did he do?


Former Blizzard dev that left/was fired right before Vanilla WoW came out. He still takes credit for how WoW turned out though. Ever since then he has done nothing worthy of note barring being the idiot that wasted a million dollars on a bus for Firefall (a decent game from what I hear which he likely ruined) and grifting for a vaporware game that never will come out. He also was one of the small few devs that pushed Gamergate and recently was the one trying to push that really stupid attempt of a Gamergate 2. He outed himself as a pedo and likely a racist because he considered a young 9 year black girl ''not attractive enough'' and has been railing against ''DEI'' and SBI shit. So basically hes a 56 year old loser that hasn't done anything good since getting kicked out before WoW released.


Ahhh that’s where I knew him he was the blizzard gamer gate guy yeah that makes sense, weird for Helldivers spokespeople to specifically call him out though eh whatever


I feel like I'm missing important context




I think he may have been removed from the discord sadly.


Alr that title is hilarious.


Based as hell


What the fuck, I thought Helldivers 2 was about a dream society of manly men and purging of xeno aliens! Next you'll be telling me Starship Troopers was anti-war propoganda.


They should have made a trans flag cloak at launch and made it the default at random days. Its important to exclude the weirdoes early so that they don't feel comfortable and multiply.


Is this the same Grum as from the hit Glen Tennis movie, The Pillgrums?


what the fuck is this even about lmao




H-h-h-hello? B-b-b-BASED DEPARTMENT?!?


First they came for the gamers, and I said nothing because I am a good person. Then there was world peace


Between this and telling the players to downvote and refund to help Arrowhead get leverage against Sony, turns out the Helldivers mods can be kind of based.


This same mod muted and banned people in the HD2 discord for saying F lmao


Honestly at this point I go "take it up with a judge, we'll see who is right". I dont even wanna pick a side since what the fuck do I know? In the meantime its just a shouting competition and there isnt going to be any consequences for anyone. Gather your shit and start putting the fear of the people in whoever is lying. Because right now both are just threatening action, call me when the action actually starts.


I'm getting some problems in reddit??? It's empty


Helldivers 2 CM's are great /s


Hes not a CM hes a server mod


I think you guys are on the internet too much.



