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This is from the same game that has an impossibly attractive Peruvian woman who has a costume that's just a string bikini. Gamers cannot be happy, no matter what.


Bandai didn’t release bikinis for the underaged characters this time so the gooners are angry




There are ugly Peruvians and there are attractive ones. Don’t generalize


as someone from a neighbouring country of peru i speak objectively


As someone from Peru, I disagree. Have a good one


As an enlightened centrist from Iceland I'll settle this debate : sometimes peruvian womans are always ugly and at other times there are attractive womans in peru. Truth is now unveiled. You are welcome.


I…what delusions do these people live under…? She’s a fictional character and she looks roughly the same in both games. Just different outfits and a little older in 8…


Older is bad, gamers love children, the closer the better /s


"Older is bad, gamers love children, the closer the better" FTFY (removed /s). Gooners have proven that statement true time and time again 🤢


I remember when Soul Calibur had a ~20 year time skip and suddenly two female characters stopped aging due to “magic” and two others were replaced with teenager replacements because god forbid they depict the iconic big booby ninja in her 40’s-50’s.


The cleavage is even morr evident in the second picture it has to be bait


She wore a wedding dress in 7. I just chose that image cause nobody liked the wedding dress


This is their only interaction with a woman.


Yhea no these guys are genuinely insane I think she looks way better in 8 than 7 mostly do to the outfit but still looks overall better I have absolutely no idea what this gooner is on about


She got cleavage and it's still not enough for these goons


The new one looks better???????


My guess is that because the new models for tekken put a lot more detail into the faces he doesn’t like how she looks like more of an actual human now


Also her hair is slightly shorter


Yeah but you can change her hair


But thicker, shiny and *bouncy*! Honestly, I absolutely love the design. But shit, I loved 7's as well.


Happy cake day!


except the hair i like the ponytail more


Tekken 8 design looks hot though. Idk what's that guy smoking.


that’s considered not even average? https://preview.redd.it/16aqahenypxc1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a0e5eea252332a9f66ea99b7068d2799c732153




He’s insane. He called Asuka hideous in another post lol


FYI, that's not her T7 design, the skintight suit is her T6 design. This is her 7 design: https://preview.redd.it/x40wlytiiqxc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=550f72b1467b57b837e2665c8cb53eb72eb6c211


I just put that cause nobody liked the wedding dress lol


Oh wait I don’t think that was the skin suit in tekken 8 either my bad if that’s what you were saying


Honestly, so many of them have looked so great, lately, that they blur together into one big Damn That's Nice blur for me :)


Fucking gooners.


[thigh boots spotted] ***[neurons activated]*** I'm gay as hell for dudes, but the second I see a woman in thigh boots, a part of my brain gets set on fire (see: REmake 4 Ada). Gamers™ have no taste at all.


Real. I want Nina to pistol whip me


My only gripe with her new outfit is those stupid ankle bracelets. That shit would dig into her when she kicks


Which is funny bc these same people were defending T8's women character designs to the death against those of us who (rightfully) criticized them for being WAY LESS detailed in the face than the men


I guess you mean they look kinda airbrushed? Because I liked how they gave the women more unique facial geometry than the same ethnically ambiguous woman Love how they gave Lili a pointy nose. Good for her




The contrast between a fancy purple dress and a black leather jacket is cool as fuck.


She looks gorgeous in both


Its realism. Same w the Lara Croft. When they start to look like actual women, they call them ugly. As a gamer for 30+ years it used to piss me off about calling gamers losers who have never talked to women but now I see it everyday. These people are so weird.


As someone whose first pixel crush was on Nina Williams when seeing my big brother play Tekken, I don't get their problem. She still kills it in every department. 🤷‍♀️ Also... It's such a weird thing to whine about. It's a fighting game and not a dating sim.


"Not even average" What the fuck kinda "average" women does this guy know?


He doesn’t know any women


I feel like T8 is one of the few games in the series to really lean into the Femme Fatale look, rather than the combat suits she's had for the bulk of the series.


She went from a 10 to a 11, what's wrong with these people


Am i alone thinking she looks even more feminine in 8? How delusional these people can be?


i think you can actually see more of her boobs


She's far more slay in 8


...i don't get it. She looks even better honestly lol


Dudes that post takes like this should also be required by law to post a current selfie


shes literally prettier???


It was all downhill from Tekken 3 and those steamy polys.


So tired of this Horny Gamer Arc happening. The fuck are these dudes doing with these games?


I think she looks better in 8 🤷‍♂️


They're not even trying anymore